Saturda y, August 16
Thank you for choosing Mi A1
Long pre ss the power button to turn on the dev ice.
Follow th e on-screen ins tructions to con figure the device.
For more information
Visit our official website: www.mi.com
Android One
With sof tware designe d by Google, And roid One phones h ave
acces s to Google’s premie re security features, appl ications and
innovations on your phone, such as free unlimited
high quality storag e with Google Pho tos.
SIM Card Tray:
Tray 1 suppor ts Nano-SIM ca rd;
Tray 2 suppor ts Nano-SIM ca rd/Micro SD card .
Mi A1
Home Button
USB Type- C Port
About Dual SIM:
When 2 SIM c ards are in use, one S IM will offer 4G/3 G/2G
while the o ther will offer o nly 3G/2G.
Important Safety Information
Model: MDG2
SAR 10g li mit:2.0 W/Kg, SA R Value:Head:1.75 W/Kg,
Body: 0.76 W/Kg (MAX, 5 mm distance).
SAR 1g limit:1.6 W/Kg, SAR Value:He ad: 1.00 W/Kg,
Body-worn: 0.29 W/Kg (MA X, 10 mm distanc e).
Hotspo t: 0.29 W/Kg (MAX, 10 m m distance).
Temperature: 0℃—40℃
Install t he adapter near th e device in an easily
accessible position.
Correc tly dispose of thi s product. This ma rking indicate s that
this product should not be disposed with other household
wastes thr oughout the EU.
To prevent p ossible harm to th e environment or h uman health
from unc ontrolled waste d isposal, recyc le responsibl y to promote
the susta inable reuse of ma terial resource s.
To safely recy cle your device, p lease use return a nd collectio n systems
or conta ct the retailer whe re the device was ori ginally purcha sed.
To prevent pos sible hearing da mage,
do not liste n at high volume leve ls for long peri ods.
EU regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
We, Xiaomi Commu nications Co., Lt d.
Hereby, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. dec lares that this
GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/LTE Digital Mobile P hone with Blueto oth
and WiFi MD G2 is in complian ce with the essen tial requiremen ts
and other r elevant provisio ns of the RE Directi ve 2014/53/EU .
The dec laration of confo rmity could be c onsulted at
Body-w orn SAR testing ha s been carried o ut at a separatio n
distance of 5 mm ( MDG2 ). To meet RF ex posure guidelin es during
body-worn operation, the device should be positioned at least
this dista nce away from the bo dy.
If you are not u sing an approved a ccessory e nsure that whateve r
products used is free of any metal and tha t it positions the phone
with the ind icated distanc e away from the body.
Receiver Category 2
Legal Information
This devi ce may be operate d in all member state s of the EU.
Obser ve national and l ocal regulatio ns where the devic e is used.
This devi ce may be restricte d for use, depen ding on the local n etwork.
Ensure the p ower adapter use d meets the requi rements of Claus e 2.5
in IEC60 950-1/EN60950 -1 and has been teste d and approved
according to national or local standards.
Manufacturer :
The Rainb ow City of China Re sources, NO.6 8, Qinghe Middl e
Street, Ha idian District, B eijing, China 100 085
Frequency Bands and Power
This mobile phone offers the follow ing frequency ba nds and
maximum radio-frequency power:
GSM1800:32dB m
UMTS ban d 1/8:25 dBm
LTE band 1/3/5/7/8/20/38/40:25.7 dBm
Bluetooth:<20 d Bm
80 2.11 b/g/ n: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz ban d <20 dBm; Wi-Fi 5 GHz band<23 dBm
FCC Regulations
This mob ile phone comp lies with part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Ope ration is
subjec t to the following tw o conditions: (1) Thi s device may not ca use
harmful interference, and (2) this devi ce must accept an y interference
received, including anterference that may cause undesired operation.
This mob ile phone has be en tested and foun d to comply with the
limits fo r a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rul es.
These li mits are designe d to provide reason able protection again st
harmfu l interference i n a residential ins tallation. This e quipment
genera tes, uses and can r adiated radio fre quency energy a nd, if not
install ed and used in acc ordance with the i nstructions , may cause
harmfu l interference to r adio communic ations. However, th ere is no
guarante e that interfere nce will not occu r in a particular i nstallation If
this equi pment does cau se harmful inter ference to radio o r television
recepti on, which can be de termined by turnin g the equipment o ff and
on, the us er is encourage d to try to correct t he interferenc e by one or
more of the f ollowing measu res:
-Reori ent or relocate th e receiving anten na.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Conn ect the equipme nt into an outlet on a ci rcuit different f rom that
to which the r eceiver is conn ected.
-Cons ult the dealer or a n experience d radio/TV tec hnician for help .
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This devi ce meets the gover nment’s requirem ents for exposu re to
radio wave s. This device is de signed and manu factured not to exc eed
the emis sion limits for exp osure to radio freq uency (RF) energ y. The
exposu re standard for wire less device emp loys a unit of measurement
known as th e Specific Abs orption Rate, or S AR.
The SAR li mit set by the FCC is 1.6W/K g. For body worn op eration, this
device ha s been tested and m eets the FCC RF exp osure guidelin es for
use with an a ccessory t hat contains no me tal and be positi oned a
minimum of 1. 5 cm from the body. Use o f other access ories may not
ensure co mpliance with F CC RF exposure gui delines. If you do n ot use
a body-w orn accesso ry and are not hol ding the device at th e ear,
positio n the handset a mini mum of 1.5 cm f rom your body whe n the
device is s witched on.
FCC Note:
Change s or modificatio ns not expressl y approved by the par ty
respon sible for compl iance could voi d the user's autho rity to operate
the equipment.
This devi ce has an electro nic label for cer tification info rmation,
to acces s it , please sele ct Settings >My device>Verific ation
Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
Model: MDG2
All rights reserved by Xiaomi Inc.
单页 70x150mm
Pantone Cool 1505C