旿誑䯤931311111B7X 穼梪䯤B
During SAR t esting, t his device wa s set to transm it at its high est certi fied
power le vel in all teste d frequenc y bands, and pl aced in posit ions that
simulate R F exposure in us age agains t the head wit h no separati on, and
near the b ody with th e separation o f 5 mm.
SAR compli ance for bod y operation is b ased on a separ ation dist ance of 5
mm betw een the unit and t he human bod y.Carry this d evice at leas t 5 mm
away from y our body to ens ure RF exposur e level compli ant or lower to t he
repor ted level. To supp ort body op eration, ch oose the bel t clips or
holste rs,which do no tcontain me tallic compo nents, to ma intain a
separa tion of 5 mmbet ween this dev iceand yourbod y. RFexposure
complia nce with any b ody access ory, which co ntains meta l, was not
tested a nd certifi ed, and use suc h body-wor n accessor y should be
Legal Information
This dev ice may be opera ted in all membe r states of th e EU.
Obser ve national a nd local regu lations whe re the device i s used.
This dev ice is restr icted to indo or use only whe n operating in 51 50 to
5350Mh z frequenc y range in follo wing countr ies :
Receiver Category 2
Ensure th e power adapt er used meet s the requirem ents of Claus e 2.5 in
IEC609 50-1/EN609 50-1 and has be en tested and a pproved acc ording to
national or local standards.
Frequency Bands and Power
This mobi le phone offer s the follow ing frequenc y bands in EU area s only
and maximum radio-frequency power :
GSM 900: 33.5dBm
GSM 1800: 30.5 dBm
UMTS band 1/8: 24.5 dBm
LTE band 1/3/7/8/20/28/38/40: 24dBm
Bluetooth: 12dBm
Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz band: 19dBm
Wi-Fi 5 GHz: 5150~5350 MHz: 22.4dBm, 5470~5725 MHz: 17.9dBm,
5725~5825 MHz: 12.7dBm
NFC: 13.56 Mhz < -11.25 dBuA/m at 10 m
FCC Regulations
This mobi le phone compl ies with par t 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operat ion is
subject t o the follow ing two condi tions: (1) this device may no t cause
harmful interference, and (2) this dev ice must acce pt any inter ference
receiv ed, includin g interfer ence that may ca use undesire d operation .
This mobi le phone has be en tested and f ound to compl y with the limi ts for
a Class B di gital devi ce, pursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmfu l interfer ence in a resid ential inst allation.
This equi pment genera tes, uses an d can radiate ra dio frequen cy energy
and, if no t installed a nd used in acco rdance wit h the instruc tions, may
cause har mful inter ference to r adio communic ations.
However, t here is no guara ntee that int erferenc e will not occu r in a
parti cular insta llationi. If t his equipmen t does cause ha rmful inter ference
to radio or t elevision r eception, w hich can be det ermined by tur ning the
equipme nt off and on, the u ser is encour aged to try t o correct th e
inter ference by one o r more of the fo llowing meas ures:
Reorien t or relocate t he receivi ng antenna.
Increas e the separat ion betwe en the equipme nt and receiv er.
Connec t the equipmen t into an outle t on a circuit diff erent from t hat to
which th e receiver is c onnected.
Consult t he dealer or an e xperience d radio/T V technician f or help.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.
This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for
exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy. The exposure standard for wireless
devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate,
or SAR.
The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/Kg. For body-worn operation, this device
has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an
accessory that contains no metal and positions the device a minimum of 1.5 cm
from the body. RF exposure compliance with any body-worn accessory that
contains metal was not tested and certified, and use of such body-worn accessory
should be avoided.
Accessory available in market and must be used to keep use distance 1.5cm from
EUT to Body for Body-worn operation.
FCC Note
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This dev ice has an elec tronic label f or certifi cation info rmation.
To access it , please sel ect Seing s> About Phone >C ertifica tion or selec t
Seing s, then typ e “Certifi cation ”in to the search b ar.
Certification Information (Highest SAR)
SAR 10 g limit: 2.0 W/Kg, SAR Value: Head: 1.302 W/Kg,
Body: 1.508 W/Kg (5 mm distance).
SAR 1 g limit: 1.6 W/Kg, SAR Value: Head: 1.18 W/Kg,
Body-worn: 1.15 W/Kg (15 mm distance).
Hotspot: 1.19 W/Kg (10 mm distance).
Model: M19 03F11G
1903 indi cates that th is product wi ll be launched a er 201903.
This User G uide is publish ed by Xiaomi or i ts local affilia ted company.
Improvem ents and chan ges to this Use r Guide neces sitated by
typog raphical er rors, inac curacies of cur rent inform ation, or
improve ments to prog rams and/or eq uipment, may b e made by Xiaomi a t
any time a nd without no tice. Such ch anges will, ho wever, be incor porated
into new e ditions of thi s User Guide. Al l illustrat ions are for illu stration
purpos es only and may n ot accuratel y depict the ac tual device .
Manufac turer : Xiao mi Communic ations Co ., Ltd.
Manufac turer pos tal addre ss: The Ra inbow Cit y of
China Reso urces, NO. 68, Qing he Middle
Street , Haidian D istric t, Beijing , China 10 0085
Brand: MI
All right s reserve d by Xiaomi Inc.
Model: M1903F11 G
Mi 9T Pro
User Guide
Pop-up Selfie Camera
SAT. 16 AUG.
USB Type- C Port
Thank yo u for choosing Mi 9T Pro
Long pres s the power bu on to turn on th e device.
Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the device.
For more information
Visit our official website: www.mi.com.
Mi 9T Pro com es pre-inst alled with M IUI, our custom ised Android -based
OS which pu shes frequ ent updates an d user-friend ly features s uggested
by over 20 0 million acti ve users wor ldwide. For m ore informa tion, pleas e
visit www.miui.com.
SIM Card Tray:
About D ual SIM:
Dual 4G SIM r equires the s upport of lo cal telecom o perator ser vices, an d
may not be av ailable in all r egions.
Suppor ts dual nano -SIM cards . When using bot h SIM card slot s, either
card can b e set as the pri mary card .
Only cer tain regi ons and teleco m operator s support VoLTE.
Syste m updates may be a pplied when ne twork opt imization o ccurs. For
detail s, please re fer to the sys tem version in u se on the devic e.
Correc tly dispose o f this produc t. This mark ing indicate s that this
product should not be disposed with other household wastes
through out the EU.
To prevent pos sible harm to t he environm ent or human heal th from
uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse
of materia l resources .
To safely rec ycle your devi ce, please us e return and co llection sy stems or con tact
the retailer where the device was originally purchased.
For Enviro nment Decla ration, ple ase refer to th e link below:
The laser i n the product i s a class 1 laser.
To prevent pos sible heari ng damage,d o not listen at hi gh volume leve ls
for long periods.
For more imp ortant s afety info rmation, pl ease refer to U ser Manual in th e link below :
Important safety information
Read all the s afety info rmation bel ow before usi ng your devic e.
Using unaut horized ca bles, power a dapters, o r baeries ca n cause fire,
explosion, or pose other risks.
Use only aut horized ac cessorie s which are comp atible with y our device.
This devi ce’s operatin g temperatur e range is 0 °C~4 0 °C. Using thi s device in the
environm ents outsi de of this temp erature rang e may damage the d evice.
If your devi ce is provide d with a built-in b aery, don’t a empt to repla ce the baer y
yoursel f to avoid damag ing the baer y or the devi ce.
Charge th is device onl y with the incl uded or autho rized cable a nd power adap ter.
Using othe r adapters ma y cause fire, ele ctric shoc k, and damage t he device an d the
Aer charg ing is comple te, disconne ct the adapt er from both t he device and t he
power out let. Do not ch arge the dev ice longer tha n 12 hours.
The baer y must be rec ycled or dispo sed of separ ately from ho usehold was te.
Mishandl ing the baer y may cause fire o r explosion. D ispose of or re cycle the
device, i ts baery a nd accesso ries accordi ng to the local r egulation s.
Do not disa ssemble, hi t, crush, or b urn the baer y. In case of def ormation, s top
using the b aery immed iately.
Do not shor t circuit th e baery to avo id overheat ing, burns , or other pers onal
Do not plac e the baery i n the high-te mperature en vironment s.
Overheating may cause explosion.
Do not disa ssemble, hi t, or crush th e baery to av oid baery le aks,
overheating, or explosion.
Do not burn t he baery to a void fire or expl osion.
In case of de formation , stop using th e baery imm ediately.
Keep your de vice dry.
Do not tr y to repair the d evice your self. If any pa rt of the de vice does no t work prope rly,
contac t Mi customer s upport or b ring your dev ice to an auth orized rep air center.
Connect o ther devic es accordi ng to their ins tructio n manuals. D o not connec t
incompatible devices to this device.
For AC/DC ada pters, th e socket-ou tlet shall be i nstalle d near the equi pment and sh all be
easily accessible.
Safety precautions
Obser ve any law and rul e which restr icts using m obile phones i n specific cas es and
Do not use yo ur phone in petr ol station s and explosi ve atmosphe res and poten tially
explosi ve environme nts include f uelling area s, below deck s on boats, fu el or
chemical t ransfer or s torage faci lities, ar eas where the a ir contains c hemicals or
partic les, such as g rain, dust , or metal pow ders.
Obey all po sted signs t o turn off wirele ss devices s uch as your phon e or other radi o
equipmen t. Turn off your mobi le phone or wir eless devic e when in a blast ing area or
in areas po sted turn off “ two-way r adios” or “elec tronic devi ces” to avoid in terferin g
with blasting operations.
Do not use yo ur phone in the ho spital ope rating rooms , emergenc y rooms, or
intensi ve care units . Comply wit h the current r ules and regu lations of ho spitals and
health ce nters. Plea se consult yo ur doctor and t he device man ufacturer t o
determi ne if operati on of your phone m ay interfer e with the ope ration of your
medical d evice. To avoid po tential inte rference w ith the pace maker, maintai n a
separat ion of 15cm bet ween the mobi le phone and th e pacemaker. To achiev e this,
use the pho ne on the oppos ite ear to your pa cemaker and do n ot carry it i n a breast
pocket. D o not use your ph one near hear ing aids, coc hlear implan ts, etc., to a void
interference with medical equipment.
Respect a ircra safe ty regulat ions and turn o ff your phone on bo ard the aircr a
when required.
When driv ing a vehicle, u se your phone in a ccordance w ith the rele vant traffic law s
and regulations.
To avoid light ning strike, d o not use your pho ne outdoors d uring thunde rstorms .
Do not use yo ur phone to make ca lls while it is c harging.
Do not use yo ur phones in pla ces with high h umidity suc h as bathroom s. Doing so
may result i n electric s hock, injur y, fire, and char ger damage.
Security notice
Update you r phone’s operat ing system u sing the built-i n soware up date feature , or
visit our au thorized s ervice ou tlets. Upd ating sowa re through ot her means may
damage th e device or res ult in data los s, securit y issues, an d other risks .
EU Regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., de clares that t his GSM/GPRS/
EDGE/UMTS/LTE Digital Mobile Phone with Bluetooth and WiFi M1903F 11G is in
complian ce with the es sential re quirements a nd other rele vant provis ions of the RE
Directive 2014/5 3/EU. The full te xt of the EU decl aration of co nformity c ould be
consulted at www.mi.com/en/certification
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This devi ce is complian ce with Spec ific Absorpt ion Rate (SAR) fo r general
populati on/uncontr olled exposu re (Localize d 10-gram S AR for head and t runk, limit :
2.0W/kg ) specified in C ouncil Recom mendation 19 99/519/EC, and I CNIRP
Guidelines, and RED (Directive 2014/53/EU).