
Mpoh!qsft t!uif!qpxf s!cvuup o!up!uvso!po!u if!efwjd f/
Gpmmpx!uif!po.tdsf fo!jotus vdujp ot!up!dpogj hvsf!uif!ef wjdf/
Evbm!5H!TJN!sfrvjsft!u if!tvqqpsu!pg!mpd bm!ufmfd pn!
pqfsbup s!tfsw jdft-!bo e!nbz!opu!cf!bwb jmbcmf!jo!bmm!sfhjpot/
Pomz!dfsubjo!sfhjpot!boe!ufmfdp n!pqfsbupst!tvqqps u!WpMUF/
Tztufn!vq ebuft!nbz!cf!bqqmjf e!xifo!ofu xpsl!pq ujnj{b ujpo!pdd vst/
Gps!efub jmt-!qmfbtf!sfgfs!up!ui f!tztufn!wf stjpo!jo!vt f!po!uif!efw jdf/
Wjtju!pvs!pggj djbm!xfctj uf;!xx x/nj/dpn/
VTC!Uzqf.D!Qp su
Nj!NJY!3T!jt!qsf .mpbef e!xjui!NJ VJ-!pvs!dvt upnjtfe!
Boespj e.cbtf e!PT!xijdi!qv tift!pvu!g sfrvfou!v qebuft!
boe!vtfs!g sjfoem z!gfbuvsf t!tvhhft ufe!cz!pwfs!31 1!njmmjpo!
bdujwf!v tfst!hmpcbmmz/
Wjtju!x xx/njvj/dpn!gps!n psf!jogps nbujpo/
Wpmvnf!Cv uupot
Up!usvmz!fyq mpsf!jt!up!fyi bvtu!dpvo umftt!qpttjcjmjujft/
Gps!bo!jodi!pg!qsphsft t-!xf(sf!xjmmj oh!up!xbml!njmft/
Correc tly dispose of th is product. Thi s marking indic ates that this pro duct
should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU.
To prevent pos sible harm to the en vironment or hum an health from
uncontr olled waste disp osal, recycl e responsibl y to promote the sus tainable
reuse of ma terial resourc es. To safely recyc le your device, pl ease use retur n and
collec tion systems or c ontact the retail er where the devi ce was original ly purchased .
For Environ ment Declarat ion, pls. refer to b elow link:
To prevent pos sible hearing da mage,
do not li sten at high volume l evels for long pe riods.
For more im portant safet y information , pls. refer to User M anual in below
link: http://www.mi.com/en/certification/
Important safety information
Read all th e safety inform ation below bef ore using your devi ce.
Using una uthorized cabl es, power adapt ers, or batteri es can cause fire,
explosion, or pose other risks.
Use only a uthorized acce ssories which a re compatible wi th your device.
This devi ce’s operating temp erature range is 0℃~40℃. Using this de vice in
the enviro nments outside o f this temperatur e range may
damage t he device.
If your devi ce is provided with a b uilt-in battery, do n’t attempt to repla ce the
batter y yourself to avoid d amaging the bat tery or the devi ce.
Charge th is device only wit h the included or a uthorized cabl e and power adapte r.
Using oth er adapters may ca use fire, electri c shock, and dam age the device an d
the adapter.
After ch arging is compl ete, disconnec t the adapter from b oth the device and
the power o utlet. Do not charg e the device long er than 12 hours.
The bat tery must be recy cled or dispos ed of separately f rom househol d waste.
Mishand ling the batter y may cause fire or ex plosion. Disp ose or recycle th e device,
its batte ry and acces sories accor ding to the local re gulations.
Do not dis assemble, hit, c rush, or burn the b attery. In case of d eformation,
stop using t he battery imm ediately.
- Do not sho rt circuit the bat tery to avoid over heating, burns , or other
personal injuries.
- Do not pla ce the batter y in the high-temper ature environme nts.
Overheating may cause explosion.
- Do not dis assemble, hit, o r crush the batte ry to avoid batter y leaks,
overheating, or explosion.
- Do not bur n the battery to avo id fire or explosio n.
- In case of d eformation, sto p using the batte ry immediatel y.
Keep your d evice dry.
Do not tr y to repair the device y ourself. If any par t of the device do es not work
proper ly, contact Mi custom er support or b ring your device to a n authorized
repair center.
Connec t other devices a ccording to their i nstruction man uals. Do not con nect
incomp atible devices to t his device.
For AC/DC A dapter, the socket-ou tlet shall be inst alled near the eq uipment
and shal l be easily acce ssible.
Safety precautions
Follow re levant laws and reg ulations. Do n ot use your phon e in the following
Do not use yo ur phone in a pote ntially explo sive environmen ts include fue lling areas,
below de cks on boats, f uel or chemica l transfer or sto rage facilitie s, areas where th e
air conta ins chemicals o r particles , such as grain, d ust, or metal powd ers. Obey all
posted si gns to turn off wir eless device s such as your pho ne or other radio e quipment.
Do not use your phone in the hospital operating rooms, emergency rooms, or intensive
care unit s.Please co nsult your doc tor and the device m anufacture r to determine if
operati on of your phone m ay interfere with t he operation of y our medical de vice.
To avoid potentia l interferenc e with the pacem aker.keep a minimum s eparation of
15 cm be mainta ined betwee n the mobile pho ne and the pacem aker. To achieve this
use the ph one on the oppo site ear to your pac emaker and do not c arry it in a brea st
pocket.D o not use your pho ne near hearin g aids, cochl ear implants, e tc to avoid
interference with medical equipment.
Respec t aircraft saf ety regulatio ns and turn off y our phone on bo ard the aircraf t
when required.
When driv ing a vehicle, us e your phone in ac cordance with t he relevant traf fic laws
and regulations.
To avoid lightning strike, do not use your phone outdoors during thunderstorms.
Do not use yo ur phone to make c alls while it is cha rging.
Do not use yo ur phones in pl aces with high hu midity such as b athrooms. Do ing so may
result in el ectric shoc k, injury, fire, and c harger damag e.
Obser ve any rules whic h restrict using m obile phone s in specific cas es
and environments.
Security notice
Update yo ur phone’s operat ing system using t he built-in soft ware update feat ure,
or visit ou r authorized se rvice outlet s. Updating so ftware throu gh other means m ay
damage t he device or resu lt in data loss, s ecurity iss ues, and other r isks.
EU Regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
We, Xiaomi Communi cations Co., Ltd.
Hereby, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. declar es that this GSM/G PRS/EDGE/ UMTS
/LT E Digital Mobile P hone with Blueto oth and WiFi M1803D5 XA is in compli ance with the
essenti al requiremen ts and other releva nt provisions of t he RE Directive 2014/53/ EU.
The full te xt of the EU decla ration of confo rmity could b e consulted at w ww.mi.com/en/
Body-w orn SAR testing h as been carri ed out at a separa tion distance of 5 mm . To meet
RF exposure guidelines during body-worn operation, the dev ice should be positioned
at least this distan ce away from the bo dy. If you are not using a n approved acc essory
ensure th at whatever produ cts used is fr ee of any metal an d that it positio ns the phone
with the ind icated distan ce away from the bo dy.
Receiver Category 2
Legal Information
This devi ce may be operate d in all member st ates of the EU. Observe national and local
regulati ons where the dev ice is used.
This devi ce is restricted to i ndoor use onl y when operatin g in 5150 to 5350Mhz
frequency range in following countries :
Ensure the p ower adapter us ed meets the req uirements of Cla use 2.5 in IEC609 50-1/
EN6095 0-1 and has been te sted and approve d according to na tional or loca l standards.
Manufacturer :
The Rainb ow City of China R esources, NO .68, Qinghe Mi ddle Street, Hai dian District,
Beijing, China 100085
Frequency Bands and Power
This mobi le phone off ers the followin g frequency ba nds in EU areas onl y and maximum
radio-frequency power:
GSM 900 : 35 dBm
GSM 180 0: 32 dBm
UMTS ban d 1/3/8: 25 dBm
LTE band 1/3/7/8/20/ 28/34/38/40: 25. 7 dBm
Bluetoot h: 20 dBm
Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz b and: 20 dBm
Wi-Fi 5 GHz ba nd: 20 dBm
NFC: 13.56 Mhz < -10.86 dBuA/m a t 10m
FCC Regulations
This mobi le phone comp lies with part 15 of t he FCC Rules. O peration is sub ject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device m ay not cause har mful interfer ence, and (2) th is
device must accept any interference received, including anterference that may cause
undesired operation.
This mobi le phone has be en tested and fou nd to comply with t he limits for a Cla ss B
digital de vice, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC R ules. These li mits are design ed to
provide reasona ble protection against harmf ul interferen ce in a residentia l installatio n.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not
install ed and used in ac cordance with t he instructio ns, may cause ha rmful interf erence
to radio co mmunication s. However, there is no g uarantee that in terference wi ll not
occur in a p articular in stallation If th is equipment do es cause harm ful interfere nce
to radio or te levision rece ption, which can b e determined by t urning the equip ment
off and o n, the user is enc ouraged to tr y to correct the inte rference by on e or more of
the following measures:
-Reorie nt or relocate th e receiving ante nna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Conn ect the equipm ent into an outlet o n a circuit diffe rent from thatto w hich the
receiver is connected.
-Cons ult the dealer o r an experienc ed radio/T V technician fo r help.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This devi ce meets the gove rnment’s requir ements for expo sure to radio waves . This
device is d esigned and ma nufactured n ot to exceed the emi ssion limits fo r exposure
to radio fre quency (RF) ene rgy. The exposure s tandard for wire less device em ploys
a unit of measurement know n as the Specific A bsorption Ra te, or SAR. The SA R limit
set by the FC C is 1.6W/Kg. For body w orn operation , this device has b een tested and
meets the F CC RF exposure g uidelines for u se with an acces sory that co ntains no
metal and b e positioned a m inimum of 1.0 cm from t he body. Use of othe r accessori es
may not ens ure complianc e with FCC RF expo sure guideline s. If you do not use
a body-w orn accesso ry and are not ho lding the devic e at the ear, positio n the handset
a minimum of 1.0 cm from your bo dy when the devic e is switched on.
FCC Note
Change s or modificati ons not express ly approved by the p arty respo nsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This devi ce has an electro nic label for c ertificatio n information.
To access it , p lease selec t Settings > Ab out Phone > Verifi cation
or selec t Setting, the n type "Verific ation" into the se arch bar.
Important Safety Information
SAR 10g lim it: 2.0W/Kg, SAR Val ue: Head: 0.542 W/ Kg,
Body: 1.5 93 W/Kg (5mm distanc e).
SAR 1g limit : 1.6W/Kg, SAR Value: He ad: 0.95 W/Kg,
Body-w orn: 1.16 W/Kg (10mm distance).
Hotspot : 1.16 W/Kg (10mm dist ance).
Temperature: 0 °C - 40 °C
Install th e adapter near t he device in an eas ily accessi ble position .
Model: M1803 D5XA
1803 indi cate the date of put ting the produ ct on the market is 20 1803
Xiaomi C ommunicatio ns Co., Ltd.
Brand:MI Model: M 1803D5XA
All right s reserved by Xi aomi Inc.
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