Xiaomi RSG138 User Manual

Redmi 4X
Thank you for choosing Redmi 4X
Long press the power button to turn on t he devic e. Follow th e instructions on the screen to c onfigure your device.
Redmi 4X is pre-loaded with MIUI, our customised Android­based OS which pushes out f requent updates and user f riendly features suggeste d by over 200 million active users glo bally. Visit w ww.miui.com for more info rmation.
About Dual SIM
When 2 SIM c ards are in use, only one SIM wil l have 4G/3G/2G while t he othe r SIM w ill be on 3G/2G on ly.
Impor tant safety information
Model: MAG138 SAR 10g limit:2.0W/ Kg, SAR Value:He ad:0.583W/Kg, Body: 1.5 0W/Kg (MAX, 5mm distanc e). SAR 1g limi t:1.6W/Kg, SAR Value:Head: 1.18W/Kg, Body-worn: 0.62W/ Kg (MA X, 15mm distance). Hotspot: 1.19W/Kg (MAX , 10mm distance).
Temperature: 0℃—40℃
Adapter shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily ac cessible.
Correct Disposal of this product. This mark ing indicates that this p roduct sh ould not b e dispose d with other househo ld wastes th roughout the EU. To prevent possibl e harm to the environment or huma n health f rom unco ntroll ed waste disposal, recycle it responsibl y to promote th e sustainable reuse of m aterial resources. To return you r used devic e, please use the return and collection systems or contact the retaile r where the product was purch ased. They can take this product for env ironmental safe rec ycling.
To prevent possible hear ing damage, do not listen at high vol ume levels for long periods.
R&TTE Declaration of Conformity
Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
The Rainbow City of China Resources, NO.68, Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100085 He re by, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. declares that this GSM/ GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/LTE Digital Mobile Phone with Bluetooth and WiFi MAG13 8 is in com plianc e with the essential requirements and other re levant pr ovisio ns of Dire ctive 1999/ 5/EC. The dec larati on of conf ormit y be cons ulted at www.mi.com/en/certication
Body-worn SAR testing has been carried out at a separation distance of 5 mm ( MAG138 ). To meet RF exposure guidelines during body-worn operation, the device should be positioned at least this distance away from the body. If you are not using an approved accessory ensure that whatever product is used is free of any metal and that it positions the phone the indicated distance away from the body. Receiver Category 3
This device may be operated in all member states of the EU. Observe national and local regulations where the device is used. This device may be restricted for use,depending on the local network.
Ensure that the power adapter used meets the requirements of Clause 2. 5 in IEC6 0950-1/EN6 0950-1 and has been teste d and approved according to national or local standards.
FCC Regulations
This mob ile phone complies with pa rt 15 of the FCC R ules. Oper ation is subje ct to the following t wo condi tions: (1) T his devic e may not ca use harmf ul inter feren ce, and (2) this device must acc ept any in terfe rence recei ved, incl uding an terfe rence t hat may cau se undesired operation.
This mob ile pho ne has be en teste d and foun d to comply with the limits for a Clas s B digital devic e, pursu ant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rul es. These l imits ar e design ed to prov ide reas onabl e protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and u sed in ac corda nce with t he instr uctions, may cau se harmf ul inter feren ce to radi o commun icatio ns. Howeve r, there is no guara ntee that i nterf erenc e will not oc cur in a pa rticu lar ins tallat ion If this equipment doe s cause h armful inter ference to radio o r television recep tion, wh ich can b e determ ined by turning the equipment off an d on, the us er is encouraged to try to corre ct the interferenc e by one or more of th e followin g measu res:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This device meets the government’s requirements for expo sure tor adio waves.This device is designed and manufactured not toexceed t he emiss ion limi ts for expo sure to ra dio frequency (RF)energy.Th e exposure stand ard for wi reles s device e mploys a un it of measurement known as the Specic Abs orpti on Rate, or S AR. The SAR limit set by t he FCC is 1.6W/Kg.Fo r body worn oper ation, th is device h as been te sted an d meets the FCC RF exp osure gu idelin es for use with a n accessor y that contains n o metal and be positioned a minimum of 1.5 cm from th e body. Use of other ac cessories m ay not ensure compliance with FCC RF e xposur e guidelines. If y ou do not us e a body-worn accessory and are not holdin g the devi ce at the ea r, positio n the handset a minimum of 1. 5 cm from your body when the d evice is sw itched o n.
FCC Note:
Change s or modi catio ns not exp ressl y approve d by the par ty respo nsible fo r compl iance c ould void t he user's a uthori ty to ope rate the equipment.
Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. Model: MAG138 All righ ts reser ved by Xiaomi Inc.
225x150mm 单页 75x150mm