旿誑䯤921143811113 穼梪䯤B
Legal Information
This dev ice may be opera ted in all membe r states of th e EU.
Obser ve national a nd local regu lations whe re the device i s used.
This dev ice is restr icted to indo or use only whe n operating in 51 50 to
5350Mh z frequenc y range in follo wing countr ies :
and Power
Ensure th e power adapt er used meet s the requirem ents of Claus e 2.5 in
IEC609 50-1/EN609 50-1 and has be en tested an d approved acc ording to
national or local standards.
Frequency Bands
This mobi le phone offer s the follow ing frequenc y bands in EU area s only
and max imum radio-f requency p ower :
GSM 900 : 35 dBm
GSM 180 0: 32 dBm
UMTS band 1/8: 25 dBm
LTE band 1/3/7/8/20/28/38/40: 25.7 dBm
Bluetooth: 20 dBm
Wi-Fi 2 .4 GHz band: 20 dB m
Wi-Fi 5 G Hz band: 20 dBm
FCC Regulations
This mobi le phone compl ies with par t 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operat ion is
subject t o the follow ing two condi tions: (1) This device may no t cause
harmful interference, and (2) this dev ice must acce pt any inter ference
receiv ed, includin g interfer ence that may ca use undesire d operation .
This mobi le phone has be en tested and f ound to compl y with the limi ts for
a Class B di gital devi ce, pursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmfu l interfer ence in a resid ential inst allation.
This equi pment genera tes, uses an d can radiate ra dio frequen cy energy
and, if no t installed a nd used in acco rdance wit h the instruc tions, may
cause har mful inter ference to r adio communic ations.
However, t here is no guara ntee that int erferenc e will not occu r in a
parti cular insta llationi. If t his equipmen t does cause ha rmful inter ference
to radio or t elevision r eception, w hich can be det ermined by tur ning the
equipme nt off and on, the u ser is encour aged to try t o correct th e
inter ference by one o r more of the fo llowing meas ures:
Reorien t or relocate t he receivi ng antenna.
Increas e the separat ion betwe en the equipme nt and receiv er.
Connec t the equipmen t into an outle t on a circuit diff erent from t hat to
which th e receiver is c onnected.
Consult t he dealer or an e xperience d radio/T V technician f or help.
RF Exp osure Infor mation (SAR)
This dev ice meets th e government ’s requiremen ts for expos ure to radio
waves. T his device is de signed and m anufactur ed not to exceed t he
emissio n limits for ex posure to radi o frequenc y (RF) energ y. The exposur e
standa rd for wirele ss devices e mploys a unit of m easuremen t
known as t he Specific Ab sorption R ate, or SAR.
The SAR limi t set by the FCC i s 1.6W/Kg. For b ody-wor n operation , this
device h as been teste d and meets t he FCC RF exposu re guideline s for use
with an ac cessor y that contai ns no metal and p ositions t he device a
minimum of 1 .0 cm from the bo dy. Use of other a ccessori es may not
ensure co mpliance wi th FCC RF expos ure guidelin es. If you do not u se a
body- worn acces sory and ar e not holding th e device at the e ar, position
the hand set a minimum of 1. 0 cm from your bo dy when the de vice is
FCC Note
Changes o r modificati ons not expre ssly approv ed by the par ty respons ible
for compl iance could vo id the user’s a uthority t o operate the e quipment.
This dev ice has an elec tronic label f or certifi cation info rmation.
To access it , please sel ect Seing s> About Phone >C ertifica tion or selec t
Seing s, then typ e “Certifi cation” into t he search bar.
Important Safety Information
SAR 10g limi t: 2.0W/Kg , SAR Value: Head : 0.591 W/Kg ,
Body: 1.274 W/Kg (5mm distance).
SAR 1g limit: 1.6W/Kg, SAR Value: Head: 1.19 W/Kg,
Body-worn: 0.93 W/Kg (10mm distance).
Hotspot: 1.18 W/Kg (10mm distance).
Temperat ure: 0 °C - 40 °C
Install the adapter near the device in an easily accessible position.
Model: M1901F7H
1901 indi cates the dat e of puing the p roduct on the m arket is 2019 01
This User G uide is publish ed by Xiaomi or i ts local affili ated company.
Improvem ents and chan ges to this Use r Guide neces sitated by
typog raphical er rors, inac curacies of cur rent inform ation, or
improve ments to prog rams and/or eq uipment, may b e made by Xiaomi a t
any time a nd without no tice. Such ch anges will, ho wever, be incor porated
into new e ditions of thi s User Guide. Al l illustrat ions are for illu stration
purpos es only and may n ot accuratel y depict the ac tual device .
Manufac turer : Xiao mi Communic ations
Manufac turer pos tal addre ss: The Ra inbow Cit y of
China Reso urces, NO. 68, Qing he Middle
Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100085 Brand:
Redmi Model: M1901F7H
All right s reserve d by Xiaomi Inc.
Co., Ltd.
Redmi Note 7
User Guide
Saturday, August 16
USB Type- C Port
Thank y ou for choosi ng Redmi Note 7
Long pres s the power bu on to turn on th e device.
Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the device.
For more information
Visit our official website: www.mi.com.
Redmi Not e 7 comes pre-i nstalled w ith MIUI, our cus tomised
Android -based OS wh ich pushes fr equent updat es and user-fr iendly
feature s suggeste d by over 200 mil lion active u sers world wide.
For more information, please visit www.miui.com.
SIM Car d Tray:
About D ual SIM:
Dual 4G SIM r equires the s upport of lo cal telecom o perator ser vices, an d
may not be av ailable in all r egions.
Suppor ts dual nano -SIM cards . When using bot h SIM card slot s, either
card can b e set as the pri mary card .
Only cer tain regi ons and teleco m operator s support VoLTE.
Syste m updates may be a pplied when ne twork opt imization o ccurs. For
detail s, please re fer to the sys tem version in u se on the devic e.
Correc tly dispose o f this produc t. This mark ing indicate s that this
product should not be disposed with other household wastes
through out the EU.
To prevent pos sible harm to t he environm ent or human heal th from
uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse
of materia l resources .
To safely rec ycle your devi ce, please us e return and co llection sy stems or con tact
the retailer where the device was originally purchased.
For Enviro nment Decla ration, ple ase refer to th e link below:
To prevent pos sible heari ng damage,d o not listen at hi gh volume leve ls
for long periods.
For more imp ortant s afety info rmation, pl ease refer to U ser Manual in th e link below :
Important safety information
Read all the s afety info rmation bel ow before usi ng your devic e.
Using unaut horized ca bles, power a dapters, o r baeries ca n cause fire,
explosion, or pose other risks.
Use only aut horized ac cessorie s which are comp atible with y our device.
This devi ce’s operatin g temperatur e range is 0 °C~4 0 °C. Using thi s device in the
environm ents outsi de of this temp erature rang e may damage the d evice.
If your devi ce is provide d with a built-in b aery, don’t a empt to repla ce the baer y
yoursel f to avoid damag ing the baer y or the devi ce.
Charge th is device onl y with the incl uded or autho rized cable a nd power adap ter.
Using othe r adapters ma y cause fire, ele ctric shoc k, and damage t he device an d the
Aer charg ing is comple te, disconne ct the adapt er from both t he device and t he
power out let. Do not ch arge the dev ice longer tha n 12 hours.
The baer y must be rec ycled or dispo sed of separ ately from ho usehold was te.
Mishandl ing the baer y may cause fire o r explosion. D ispose or rec ycle the dev ice,
its baer y and acces sories acc ording to the lo cal regulat ions.
Do not disa ssemble, hi t, crush, or b urn the baer y. In case of def ormation, s top
using the b aery immed iately.
Do not shor t circuit th e baery to avo id overheat ing, burns , or other pers onal
Do not plac e the baery i n the high-te mperature en vironment s.
Overheating may cause explosion.
Do not disa ssemble, hi t, or crush th e baery to av oid baery le aks,
overheating, or explosion.
Do not burn t he baery to a void fire or expl osion.
In case of de formation , stop using th e baery imm ediately.
Keep your de vice dry.
Do not tr y to repair th e device your self. If any pa rt of the de vice does no t work prope rly,
contac t Mi customer s upport or b ring your dev ice to an auth orized rep air center.
Connect o ther devic es accordi ng to their ins tructio n manuals. D o not connec t
incompatible devices to this device.
For AC/DC ada pters, th e socket-ou tlet shall be i nstalle d near the equi pment and sh all be
easily accessible.
Security notice
Obser ve any law and rul e which restr icts using m obile phones i n specific cas es and
Do not use yo ur phone in petr ol station s and explosi ve atmosphe res and poten tially
explosi ve environme nts include f uelling area s, below deck s on boats, fu el or
chemical t ransfer or s torage faci lities, ar eas where the a ir contains c hemicals or
partic les, such as g rain, dust , or metal pow ders.
Obey all po sted signs t o turn off wirele ss devices s uch as your phon e or other radi o
equipmen t. Turn off your mobi le phone or wir eless devic e when in a blast ing area or
in areas po sted turn off “ two-way r adios” or “elec tronic devi ces” to avoid in terferin g
with blasting operations.
Do not use yo ur phone in the ho spital oper ating rooms , emergenc y rooms, or
intensi ve care units . Comply wit h the current r ules and regu lations of ho spitals and
health ce nters. Plea se consult yo ur doctor and t he device man ufacturer t o
determi ne if operati on of your phone m ay interfer e with the ope ration of your
medical d evice. To avoid po tential inte rference w ith the pace maker, maintai n a
separat ion of 15cm bet ween the mobi le phone and th e pacemaker. To achiev e this,
use the pho ne on the oppos ite ear to your pa cemaker and do n ot carry it i n a breast
pocket. D o not use your ph one near hear ing aids, coc hlear implan ts, etc., to a void
interference with medical equipment.
Respect a ircra safe ty regulat ions and turn o ff your phone on bo ard the aircr a
when required.
When driv ing a vehicle, u se your phone in a ccordance w ith the rele vant traffic law s
and regulations.
To avoid light ning strike, d o not use your pho ne outdoors d uring thunde rstorms .
Do not use yo ur phone to make ca lls while it is ch arging.
Do not use yo ur phones in plac es with high h umidity suc h as bathroom s. Doing so
may result i n electric s hock, injur y, fire, and char ger damage.
Security notice
Update you r phone’s operat ing system u sing the built-i n soware up date feature , or
visit our au thorized s ervice ou tlets. Upd ating sowa re through ot her means may
damage th e device or res ult in data los s, securit y issues, an d other risks .
EU Regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
We, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.,
Hereby, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., declares that this GSM/GPRS/
EDGE/UMTS/LTE Digital Mobile Phone with Bluetooth and WiFi M1901F7H is in
complian ce with the es sential re quirements a nd other rele vant provis ions of the RE
Directive 2014/5 3/EU. The full te xt of the EU decl aration of co nformity c ould be
consulted at www.mi.com/en/certification
Body- worn SAR test ing has been car ried out at a se paration dis tance of 5 mm .
To meet RF expos ure guidelin es during bod y-worn ope ration, the device should be
positioned at leas t this dist ance away fro m the body.
If you are not u sing an appro ved accesso ry, ensure th at whatever pr oducts use d is
free of any metal and t hat it posit ions the phone with t he indicate d distance aw ay
from the b ody.
Receiver Category 2