Xiaomi RMSE7TG User Manual

Redmi Note 6 Pro
User Guide
Saturday, Augu st 16
USB Port
Volume Buttons
Power Button
Thank you for choosing Redmi Note 6 Pro
Long press the power but ton to turn on the device. Follow the on-screen instruc tions to configure the devi ce.
For more information
Visit ou r offic ial website: www.mi.com
Redmi Note 6 Pro is pre -loaded with MI UI, our c ustomised
Android-based OS which pushes out frequent updates and user friendly feature s suggested by over 200 million active users globally. Visit www.miui.com for more information. Visit ou r offic ial website: www.mi.com.
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About Dual SIM:
Dual 4G S IM requires the su pport of local telec om operator services, a nd may not be availa ble in all regions.
Only certain regions and telecom operators support VoLTE.
System u pdates may be app lied when netwo rk optimization occur s. For details, p lease refer to the system ver sion in use on the device.
Correc tly dispose of th is product. This ma rking indicate s that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent po ssible harm to th e environment or hu man health from unc ontrolled waste d isposal, recy cle responsibl y to promote the susta inable reuse of ma terial resourc es. To safely rec ycle your device, p lease use retur n and collectio n systems or conta ct the retailer whe re the device was ori ginally purcha sed.
For Enviro nment Declara tion, pls. refer to b elow link: http://www.mi.com/en/about/environment/
To prevent pos sible hearing d amage, do not lis ten at high volume le vels for long per iods.
For more im portant safe ty information , pls. refer to User M anual in below link:http://www.mi.com/en/certification/
Important safety information
Read all t he safety infor mation below bef ore using your devi ce. Using un authorized cab les, power adap ters, or batteri es can cause fire, explosion, or pose other risks. Use only a uthorized acc essories whic h are compatible w ith your device. This devi ce’s operating temp erature range is 0~40℃. Using this de vice in the envir onments outsid e of this temperatu re range may damage t he device. If your dev ice is provided wit h a built-in batter y, don’t atte mpt to replace the batt ery yourself to av oid damaging the b attery or the d evice. Charge th is device only wit h the included or a uthorized cabl e and power adapter. Us ing other adapte rs may cause fire, el ectric shock, a nd damage t he device and the a dapter. After c harging is compl ete, disconnec t the adapter from b oth the device and the po wer outlet. Do not ch arge the device lo nger than 12 hours . The bat tery must be recy cled or dispos ed of separately f rom househol d waste. Mis handling the bat tery may caus e fire or explosion . Dispose or recycle t he device, its bat tery and acce ssories accord ing to the local reg ulations. Do not dis assemble, hit, c rush, or burn the b attery. In case of deformation, stop using the battery immediately.
- Do not sho rt circuit the ba ttery to avoid over heating, burns , or other personal injuries.
- Do not pla ce the batter y in the high-tempe rature environme nts. Overheating may cause explosion.
- Do not dis assemble, hit, o r crush the batte ry to avoid batte ry leaks, overheating, or explosion.
- Do not bur n the battery to avo id fire or explosio n.
- In case of d eformation, sto p using the batte ry immediatel y. Keep your d evice dry. Do not tr y to repair the devic e yourself. If any par t of the device do es not work prop erly, contact Mi cu stomer suppor t or bring your dev ice to an authorized repair center. Conne ct other devices a ccording to their i nstruction ma nuals. Do not conne ct incompatibl e devices to this dev ice. For AC/DC A dapter, the socket-ou tlet shall be inst alled near the equipm ent and shall be ea sily accessi ble.
Safety precautions
Follow re levant laws and reg ulations. Do no t use your phone in th e following environments. Do not use y our phone in a poten tially explosi ve environments in clude fuelli ng areas, below d ecks on boats, f uel or chemical t ransfer or storage f acilities, are as where the air con tains chemical s or particles , such as gr ain, dust, or metal p owders. Obey al l posted signs to tu rn off wireless devices such as your phone or other radio equipment. Do not use your phone in the hospital operating rooms, emergency rooms, o r intensive care uni ts.Please co nsult your doct or and the device m anufacturer to de termine if opera tion of your phone m ay interfe re with the operati on of your medica l device.To avoid potential interfe rence with the pac emaker.keep a minim um separation of 15 c m be mainta ined between th e mobile phone an d the pacemaker . To achieve th is use the phone o n the opposite ear to y our pacemaker and do not c arry it in a breas t pocket.Do not use y our phone near hearin g aids, cochlea r implants, etc to avo id interferenc e with medical equipment. Respec t aircraft safe ty regulation s and turn off your p hone on board the aircra ft when require d. When dri ving a vehicle, use y our phone in acc ordance with the relevant traffic laws and regulations. To avoid lightning strike, do not use your phone outdoors during thunderstorms. Do not use y our phone to make ca lls while it is char ging. Do not use y our phones in pla ces with high humi dity such as bathroo ms. Doing so may re sult in electric s hock, injur y, fire, and charger damage. Obser ve any rules which r estrict using mo bile phones in sp ecific cases and environments.
Security notice
Update yo ur phone’s operati ng system using the b uilt-in softwar e update fe ature, or visit our a uthorized ser vice outlets. U pdating soft ware through other m eans may damag e the device or resu lt in data loss, security issues, and other risks.
EU Regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
We, Xiaomi Comm unications Co., L td.
Hereby, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. dec lares that this GS M/GPRS/ EDGE/UMTS/LTE Digital Mobil e Phone with Blueto oth and WiFi
M1806E7 TG is in complian ce with the essen tial requirement s and other
relevant p rovisions of the RE D irective 2014/5 3/EU.The full text of th e EU declaration of conformity could be consulted at www.mi.com/en/ certification
Body-w orn SAR testing ha s been carrie d out at a separatio n distance of 5 mm .To meet RF exp osure guidelin es during body-worn operation, th e device should be positioned at least this dista nce away from the bo dy. If you are not u sing an approved a ccessory e nsure that whateve r products used is free of any metal and tha t it positions the phone with the ind icated distanc e away from the bod y.
Receiver Category 2
Legal Information
This devi ce may be operate d in all member stat es of the EU. Obser ve national and l ocal regulati ons where the devic e is used.
This devi ce is restricted to in door use only wh en operating in 5150 to 5350 Mhz frequency ra nge in following c ountries :
Ensure the p ower adapter use d meets the requi rements of Claus e 2.5 in IEC60 950-1/EN60950 -1 and has been teste d and approved according to national or local standards.
Manufacturer : The Rainb ow City of China Re sources, NO.6 8, Qinghe Middl e Street, Ha idian District, B eijing, China 100 085
Frequency Bands and Power
This mob ile phone offe rs the following f requency band s in EU areas only and maximum radio-frequency power
GSM 90 0: 35 dBm GSM 180 0: 32 dBm UMTS ban d 1/8: 25 dBm LTE band 1/3/7/8/20/38/40: 25.7 dBm Bluetooth: 20 dBm Wi-Fi 2.4 GH z band: 20 dBm Wi-Fi 5 GHz b and: 20 dBm
FCC Regulations
This mob ile phone comp lies with part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Ope ration is subjec t to the following tw o conditions: (1) This device ma y not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devic e must accept an y interference received, including anterference that may cause undesired operation.
This mob ile phone has be en tested and foun d to comply with the
limits fo r a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rul es. These li mits are designe d to provide reason able protection again st harmfu l interference i n a residential ins tallation. This e quipment genera tes, uses and can r adiated radio fre quency energy a nd, if not install ed and used in acc ordance with th e instructions , may cause harmfu l interference t o radio communic ations. However, th ere is no guarante e that interfere nce will not occu r in a particular i nstallation If this equi pment does cau se harmful inter ference to radio o r television recepti on, which can be de termined by turni ng the equipment o ff and on, the us er is encourage d to try to correct t he interferenc e by one or more of the f ollowing measu res:
-Reori ent or relocate th e receiving anten na.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Conn ect the equipme nt into an outlet on a ci rcuit differen t from that to which the r eceiver is conn ected.
-Cons ult the dealer or a n experience d radio/TV tec hnician for help .
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This devi ce meets the gover nment’s requirem ents for exposu re to radio wave s. This device is de signed and man ufactured not to exc eed the emis sion limits for exp osure to radio freq uency (RF) energ y. The exposu re standard for wire less device emp loys a unit of measurement known as t he Specific Abs orption Rate, or S AR. The SAR l imit set by the FCC is 1.6W/K g. For body worn op eration, this device ha s been tested and m eets the FCC RF exp osure guidelin es for use with an a ccessory t hat contains no me tal and be positi oned a minimum of 1. 0 cm from the body. Us e of other acces sories may not ensure c ompliance with F CC RF exposure gui delines. If you d o not use a body-w orn accesso ry and are not hol ding the device at th e ear, positio n the handset a min imum of 1.0 cm from your body w hen the device is s witched on.
FCC Note
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party respon sible for compl iance could voi d the user's autho rity to operate the equipment.
This devi ce has an electro nic label for cer tification inf ormation. To access it , p lease select S ettings> Ab out Phone >Verification
or sele ct Setting, the n type "Verifica tion " into the searc h bar.
Important Safety Information
SAR 10g li mit: 2.0 W/Kg, SAR Value: H ead: 0.755 W/Kg, Body: 1.4 76 W/Kg (5mm distance). SAR 1g limit : 1.6 W/Kg, SAR Value: Hea d: 0.75 W/Kg, Body-w orn: 0.78 W/Kg (10mm dist ance). Hotspo t: 1.14 W/Kg (10mm dista nce).
Temperature: 0 °C - 40 °C
Install t he adapter near th e device in an easil y accessible position.
Model: M1806E7 TG
1806 indi cate the date of put ting the product o n the market is 20180 6
Xiaomi C ommunication s Co., Ltd. Brand: MI M odel: M1806E7 TG All right s reserved by Xia omi Inc.
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