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Long pre ss the power but ton to turn on the devi ce.
Follow the on-s creen instructions to configure the device.
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Redmi S2
User Guide
Saturday, Augu st 16
USB Port
Redmi S2 is pre-loade d with MIUI, our customised
Android-based OS which pushes out frequent updates and
user friendly feature s suggested by ove r 200 million active
users globally. Visit for more information.
SIM Card Tray:
Obop.T JN
Obop.T JN
About Dual SIM:
Two 4G networ ks cannot be use d simultaneou sly. When 2
SIM card s are in use, one SIM will off er 4G/3G/2G while th e
other wil l offer only 3G/2G.
Correc tly dispose of thi s product. This ma rking indicate s that this produc t
should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU.
To prevent po ssible harm to th e environment or h uman health fro m
uncontr olled waste disp osal, recycle re sponsibly to pr omote the
sustainable reuse of material resources.
To safely recy cle your device, p lease use retur n and collectio n systems or conta ct
the retail er where the devic e was originally p urchased.
For Environ ment Declara tion, pls. refer to b elow link:
To prevent pos sible hearing da mage,
do not li sten at high volume l evels for long pe riods.
For more im portant safe ty information , pls. refer to Use r Manual in below
Important safety information
Read all th e safety inform ation below bef ore using your devi ce.
Using una uthorized cab les, power adap ters, or batter ies can cause fire ,
explosion, or pose other risks.
Use only a uthorized acc essories whic h are compatible w ith your device.
This devi ce’s operating temp erature range is 0℃~40℃. Using this d evice in the
environm ents outside of th is temperature ra nge may damage th e device.
If your devi ce is provided wit h a built-in batter y, don’t at tempt to replace th e
batter y yourself to avoi d damaging the ba ttery or the dev ice.
Charge th is device only wit h the included or a uthorized cabl e and power adap ter.
Using oth er adapters may c ause fire, electr ic shock, and da mage the device a nd
the a dapte r.
After ch arging is compl ete, disconnec t the adapter from b oth the device an d the
power out let. Do not charge t he device longe r than 12 hours.
The bat tery must be recy cled or dispos ed of separatel y from househo ld waste.
Mishand ling the batter y may cause fire or ex plosion. Dis pose or recycl e the
device, it s battery and a ccessorie s according to the l ocal regulati ons.
Do not dis assemble, hit, c rush, or burn the b attery. In case o f deformation, s top
using the battery immediately.
- Do not sho rt circuit the ba ttery to avoid over heating, burns , or other perso nal
- Do not pla ce the batter y in the high-tempe rature environme nts. Overheat ing
may caus e explosion.
- Do not dis assemble, hit, o r crush the batt ery to avoid batte ry leaks,
overheating, or explosion.
- Do not bur n the battery to avo id fire or explosio n.
- In case of d eformation, sto p using the batte ry immediatel y.
Keep your d evice dry.
Do not tr y to repair the devic e yourself. If any pa rt of the device do es not work
properly, contact Mi customer support or bring your device to an authorized
repair center.
Connec t other devices a ccording to their i nstruction ma nuals. Do not co nnect
incomp atible devices to t his device.
For AC/DC A dapter, the socket-ou tlet shall be inst alled near the e quipment and
shall be e asily access ible.
Safety precautions
Follow re levant laws and reg ulations. Do no t use your phone in t he following
Do not use your phone in a potentially explosive environments include fuelling
areas, b elow decks on bo ats, fuel or che mical transfer o r storage facil ities, areas
where the ai r contains chem icals or parti cles, such as gr ain, dust, or metal
powders . Obey all poste d signs to turn off w ireless device s such as your pho ne
or other radio equipment.
Do not use your phone in the hospital operating rooms, emergency rooms, or
intensive c are units.Ple ase consult yo ur doctor and the d evice manufac turer to
determin e if operation of yo ur phone may inter fere with the ope ration of your
medical device.To avoid potential interference with the pacemaker.keep a
minimum se paration of 15 cm be m aintained betw een the mobile ph one and the
pacema ker . To achieve this use th e phone on the opp osite ear to your
pacema ker and do not carr y it in a breast poc ket.Do not use your p hone near
hearing a ids, cochlea r implants, etc to avo id interferenc e with medical
Respec t aircraft safe ty regulation s and turn off you r phone on board th e aircraft
when required.
When driv ing a vehicle, use y our phone in acc ordance with the re levant traffic
laws and re gulations.
To avoid lightning strike, do not use your phone outdoors during thunderstorms.
Do not use y our phone to make ca lls while it is char ging.
Do not use y our phones in pla ces with high humi dity such as bat hrooms. Doing
so may resu lt in electric sh ock, injury, fire, an d charger dama ge.
Obser ve any rules which r estrict using mo bile phones in sp ecific cases a nd
Security notice
Update yo ur phone’s operati ng system using the b uilt-in softwa re update feature,
or visit ou r authorized ser vice outlets . Updating sof tware through ot her means
may dama ge the device or res ult in data loss, s ecurity iss ues, and other ri sks.
EU Regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
We, Xiaomi Commu nications Co., Ltd .
Hereby, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. decl ares that this GSM /GPRS/EDGE/
UMTS/LTE Digital Mobile P hone with Blueto oth and WiFi M1803E6G is in
compli ance with the ess ential requirem ents and other rel evant provisions o f the
RE Directive 2014/5 3/EU.The full text o f the EU declaratio n of conformit y could be
consulted at
Body-w orn SAR testing ha s been carrie d out at a separatio n distance of 5 mm .
To meet RF exposure guidelines during body-worn operation, th e device should
be positioned at least this distanc e away from the bod y. If you are no t using an
approved a ccessor y ensure that whatev er products use d is free of a ny metal and
that it pos itions the phone with the indicated distance away from the body.
Receiver Category 2
Legal Information
This devi ce may be operate d in all member stat es of the EU.
Obser ve national and l ocal regulati ons where the devic e is used.
This devi ce may be restricte d for use, depen ding on local net work.
Ensure the p ower adapter use d meets the requi rements of Claus e 2.5 in
IEC609 50-1/EN60950 -1 and has been teste d and approved ac cording to nation al
or local standards.
Manufacturer :
The Rainb ow City of China Re sources, NO.6 8, Qinghe Midd le Street, Haidian
Distric t, Beijing, China 10 0085
Frequency Bands and Power
This mobi le phone offe rs the following f requency band s in EU areas only an d
maximum radio-frequency power:
GSM 900:3 5 dBm
GSM 180 0:32 dBm
UMTS ban d 1/8:25 dBm
LTE band 1/3/7/8/20/38/40:25.7 dBm
Bluetooth:20 dBm
Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz b and :20 dBm
FCC Regulations
This mobi le phone compl ies with part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Ope ration is subjec t to
the following two conditions: (1) This d evice may not caus e harmful inter ference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including anterference
that may cause undesired operation.This mobile phone has been tested and found
to comply w ith the li mits for a Class B di gital device, pur suant to Part 15 of th e FCC
Rules. T hese limits are de signed to provide r easonable pro tection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiated r adio frequenc y energy and, if no t installed and u sed in accordan ce with
the instr uctions, may ca use harmful inte rference to rad io communicati ons.
However, ther e is no guarantee th at interferenc e will not occur in a p articular
install ation If this equip ment does caus e harmful inter ference to radio o r television
recepti on, which can be de termined by turni ng the equipment o ff and on, the us er
is encou raged to try to cor rect the interfe rence by one or mo re of the following
-Reorie nt or relocate th e receiving anten na.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Conn ect the equipme nt into an outlet on a ci rcuit differen t from that
to which the re ceiver is conn ected.
-Cons ult the dealer or a n experience d radio/TV tec hnician for hel p.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This devi ce meets the gover nment’s requirem ents for exposu re to radio waves.
This devi ce is designed an d manufacture d not to exceed the emi ssion limits for
exposu re to radio frequen cy (RF) energy. The exp osure standard f or wireless
device em ploys a unit of measurement kno wn as the Specific A bsorption Rat e,
or SAR.The SA R limit set by the FCC i s 1.6W/Kg. For body wor n operation, this
device ha s been tested and m eets the FCC RF exp osure guideline s for use with
an acces sory that co ntains no metal and b e positioned a mi nimum of 1.0 cm from
the body. Us e of other acces sories may not ens ure complianc e with FCC RF
exposu re guidelines. If y ou do not use a body -worn access ory and are not ho lding
the devic e at the ear, position t he handset a minim um of 1.0 cm fro m your body
when the de vice is switched o n.
FCC Note
Change s or modificatio ns not expressl y approved by the par ty responsi ble for
compli ance could void th e user's author ity to operate the e quipment.
This devi ce has an electro nic label for cer tification info rmation. To acces s it ,
please s elect Settin gs> About Pho ne >Verification or s elect Settin g, then type
"Verific ation " into the searc h bar.
Important Safety Information
SAR 10g lim it: 2.0W/Kg, SAR Valu e: Head: 0.429 W/Kg,
Body: 1.5 77 W/Kg (5mm distanc e).
SAR 1g limit : 1.6W/Kg, SAR Value: Hea d: 0.89 W/Kg,
Body-w orn: 1.43 W/Kg (10mm dista nce).
Hotspot: 1.43 W/Kg (10mm distance).
Temperature: 0 °C - 40 °C
Install th e adapter near th e device in an easil y accessible p osition.
Model: M1803E6G
1803 indicate the da te of putting the pro duct on the market i s 201803
Xiaomi C ommunication s Co., Ltd.
Brand:MI Model: M1803E6G
All right s reserved by Xia omi Inc.
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