
FCC Regulations:
This mobile phone complies wi th part 15 of the FCC Rule s.
Operat ion is subject to the f ollowing two condi tions:
(1) This device m ay not cause harmf ul interferen ce, and
(2) this devi ce must accept any i nterference r eceived, includ ing
interference that may cause undesired operation.
This mob ile phone has been t ested and found to comply with
the limit s for a Class B digita l device, pursuan t to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules . These limits are d esigned to provid e reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equ ipment generat es, uses and can ra diated radio freq uency
energy a nd, if not installe d and used in acco rdance w ith the
instru ctions, may cause h armful interf erence to radio com munications.
However, there i s no guarantee tha t interference w ill not occur in
a parti cular installa tion If this equipm ent does c ause harmful
interf erence to radio or te levision recept ion, which can be de termined
by turning t he equipment of f and on, the user is en couraged to try to
correc t the interfere nce by one or more of the fo llowing measure s:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Incre ase the separati on between the equ ipment and rece iver.
-Conne ct the equipmen t into an outlet on a cir cuit dif ferent from
that to whic h the receiver is co nnected.
-Cons ult the dealer or an ex perienced ra dio/TV techn ician for help.
FCC Note:
Caution: C hanges or modic ations not expres sly approved by
the par ty responsibl e for compliance c ould void the user‘s a uthority
to operat e the equip ment.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This pho ne is designed and m anufactured no t to exceed the
emissi on limits for expos ure to radio freque ncy (RF) energ y set by
the Feder al Communicati ons Commission o f the United States .

During S AR testing, this dev ice was set to transm it at its highest
certi ed power level in all te sted frequency b ands, and place d in
positio ns that simulate RF ex posure in usage a gainst the head wit h
no separ ation, and near the b ody with the separ ation of 15 mm.
Although the SAR is determined at the highest certied power level,
the actua l SAR level of the devic e while operating c an be well below
the maxi mum value. This is be cause the phone i s design ed to
operate a t multiple power leve ls so as to use only the p ower required
to reach th e networ k. In general, the c loser you a re to a wireless
base station antenna, the lower the power output.
The expos ure standard for w ireless device s employing a unit of
measur ement is known as th e Speci c Absorption Rat e, or SAR.
The SAR li mit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.
This devi ce is complied wit h SAR for general p opulation /uncon trolled
exposur e limits in ANSI/I EEE C95.1-1992 and had bee n tested in
accordance with the measurement methods and procedures
speci ed in IEEE1528.
The FCC has g ranted an Equipme nt Authorizati on for this model
phone wit h all reported SA R levels evaluated a s in compliance
with the FCC R F exposure guide lines. SA R information on t his
model ph one is on le with the FCC a nd can be found unde r the
Display G rant section of w ww.fcc.gov/oet/ea/ fccid after sea rching
on FCC ID: 2A FZY-MI4215.
For this device, the highest reported SAR value for usage against
the head is 1.37 W/kg, for usage near the body is 1.31 W/kg.
While the re may be differen ces between the S AR levels of various
phones a nd at various posi tions, they all mee t the government
SAR compliance for body-wo rn operation is ba sed on a separati on
distan ce of 15 mm between the uni t and the human body.
Carry t his device at leas t 15 mm away from you r body to ensure
RF exposu re level complian t or lower to the repor ted level.
To support b ody-worn operat ion, choose the bel t clips or holster s,
which do no t contain metall ic components, to m aintain a separ ation
of 15 mm betwee n this device and you r body.
RF exposu re compliance wi th any body-worn acc essory, which
contai ns metal, was not test ed and certie d, and use such body -worn
accessory should be avoided.