FCC Statement
15.19 1.
1.Thi s device co mplie s with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two cond ition s:
(1) This de vice may no t cause har mful int erfer ence.
(2) This de vice mus t accept an y interf erenc e receiv ed, including interference that may
cause un desir ed opera tion.
Note: Th e grante e is not respo nsibl e for any chan ges or modifications not expressly
appro ved by the par ty respo nsibl e for compl iance . Such modifications could void the
user’ s author ity to oper ate the equ ipmen t.
15.10 5(b)
NOTE: Th is equip ment has be en teste d and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digit al devic e, pursu ant to part 15 of th e FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reaso nable pr otect ion agai nst harm ful inte rfere nce in a resid entia l instal latio n.
This equ ipmen t genera tes uses an d can radia te radio fr equen cy energy and, if not installed
and used in ac corda nce with th e instru ction s, may cause harmful interference to radio
commu nicat ions. Ho wever , there is no gua rante e that inte rfere nce will not occur in a
parti cular in stall ation . If this equi pment do es cause ha rmful in terfe rence to radio or
telev ision re cepti on, whic h can be deter mined by tu rning th e equipment off and on,
the user is en coura ged to try to cor rect the interference by one or more of the
follo wing mea sures :
- Reorie nt or reloc ate the rec eivin g antenn a.
- Increa se the sepa ratio n betwee n the equip ment and re ceive r.
-Conn ect the equ ipmen t into an outl et on a circui t different from that to which the
recei ver is conn ected .
-Cons ult the dea ler or an expe rienc ed radio /TV tech nicia n for help.