About this manual ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Related publications .................................................................................................................................................... 2
IBM publications ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
XFG features ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Xerox laser printer support ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Contrasting XFG with a typical forms application ........................................................................................................ 4
Forms you can create with XFG .................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Planning your forms .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Determining format ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Form origin ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Positioning form elements ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Data types .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Fixed and proportionally-spaced fonts
Font orientation
Adding color to forms ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Ink color availability and control
Choosing paper size .................................................................................................................................................. 15
4. Using XFG commands .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Creating forms with XFG commands ......................................................................................................................... 16
Available specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Command format ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Reserved words ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Special characters .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Understanding the command sy ntax flow charts .................................................................................................... 18
Setting up your form .................................................................................................................................................. 18
FORM command .................................................................................................................................................... 19
PAPER command
GRID command
FONT command
ICATALOG command
PALETTE command
INK command
IRESULT command
LINE command
BOX command
TEXT AT command
TEXT IN BOX command
LOGO command
GRAPHIC command
SECTION command
DO SECTION command
COLUMN command
DOT LEADER command
LET command
COMMENT command
END command
5. Creating a sample form .......................................................................................................................................... 51
Setting up the form .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Using the sample description command .................................................................................................................... 53
6. Managing and printing sample forms ...................................................................................................................... 57
A. System Considerations ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Boxes and their image ............................................................................................................................................... 71
Text in boxes ............................................................................................................................................................. 71
Using lines within sections ......................................................................................................................................... 71
B. FMT Grid Format Properties ................................................................................................................................... 72
C. Approved abbreviations for reserved words ........................................................................................................... 74
D. Supported paper sizes ............................................................................................................................................ 76
E. Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................. 77
F. Index ....................................................................................................................................................................... 91
About this manual
1. Introduction
This manual describes how to use the XPAF Forms Generator (XFG) to
create an electronic version of a form. XFG compiles Forms Source
Language (FSL) to generate a Xerox LCDS form (.FRM) and store it in the
XPAF Centralized Forms Library. XPAF uses this library to manage and
download forms to LPS and PCL printers and to PDF documents as
required. Utility programs and JCL are provided to access this library and
retrieve these FRMs outside of XPAF to allow sampling and/or private
forms management.
This manual is designed for users who are familiar with the MVS-z/OS
operating systems and have experience using Xerox printers. For more
information, refer to the “Overview” chapter.
This manual describes XFG commands and statements and how to plan
and lay out your forms. Before using this manual, become familiar with its
contents and conventions.
This manual contains the following sections:
Chapter 1“Introduction” describes the purpose of this manua l, conte nts and conv ent ion s . Chapter 2“Overview” describes the XFG features, operating environment and hardware
and software requirements. It also lists supported Xerox laser printing systems
and common forms you can create and manage with XFG.
Chapter 3“Planning your forms” describes how to plan and design forms. It shows you
how to determine page orientation and format, add colors, select paper size and
use the design ruler.
Chapter 4“Using XFG commands” describes the available commands and how to set up
your forms. It also contains the command statement conventi ons and defi nitions
you use to create the FSL and examples of JCL.
Chapter 5“Creating a sample form” describes how to create a form using XFG.
Chapter 6“Managing and printing sample forms” describes how to compile, store and
download forms to the printer.
Chapter 7“Messages” lists the error and informational messages that may appear during
forms compilation.
Appendix A“System considerations” describes the printer limitations you may encounter
during the creation of complex forms.
Appendix B“FMT grid format properties” lists the grid and origin substitutions you can use
for the supported paper sizes.
Appendix C“Approved abbreviations for reserved words” lists the abbreviations you can use
for reserved words.
Appendix D“Supported paper sizes” lists the paper sizes that XFG supports.
XPAF Forms Generator 1
User Guide and Reference
This manual uses the following conventions:
In this manual, the word "character" refers to an "alpha-num er ic char act er,"
except where noted.
“Supported paper sizes” appendix References to chapters, sections and appendices appear in quotation marks.
ICATALOG Commands, operands and parameters that you enter appear in bold.
XPAF Forms Generation Document names, library names, variable information and user-defined
Language 5.0 Creating Forms data you enter appears in italic. LPI System commands and parameters appear in upperc as e letters.
Note Notes are hints that help you perform a task or understand the text.
CAUTION: Cautions appear immediately before any action that may destroy the
data stored on your network or damage your equipment. Make sure you
understand the potential impact of the action before you perform it.
Related publications
You can find additional information related to XFG in the following publications.
Xerox LPS Print Description Language Quick Reference Card 720P60681
Xerox LPS Standard Font Library User Guide 720P86174
IBM publications
IBM publications related to XFG include the following:
IBM z/OS JCL Reference
IBM z/OS User’s Guide
XPAF Forms Generator 2
User Guide and Reference
2. Overview
The XPAF Forms Generator (XFG) operates in a standard IBM z/OS environment
that includes Xerox high–speed, high–volume centralized, PCL and/or PDF printers.
This chapter describes the XFG features, prerequisites, operating environment and
the supported printers. Refer to the Xerox XPAF User Guide for more information.
XFG features
XFG provides the following features:
• Flexible language statement syntax. The syntax allows you to quickly and easily
develop your form electronically. The syntax is similar to the source language that
resides on the Xerox laser printing system (LPS) printer and that the Forms
Description Language (FDL) compiler uses. XFG also allows additional command
extensions, such as dot leaders, which the FDL compiler does not support.
• Additional flexibility. You have the ability to download host–generated forms, which
were compiled in different formats, to specific laser printers.
• Increase in several FDL limits.
• Standard entries. You have the ability to enter standard XFG reserved words and
identifiers in uppercase or lowercase letters.
You should have a working knowledge of your MVS or z/OS operating system and
be able to perform the following procedures:
• Create and edit a text file on your system.
• Use JCL to compile a job on your system.
• Use JCL to access a file through your resource management interface and
download your selected file to your Xerox laser printing system.
Operating environment
The host computer, peripheral devices, printers and software make up your printing
system. This section describes the hardware and software requirements to operate
Hardware requirements
XFG 5.0 operates on IBM S/370 and S/390 series computers running the MVS/ESA
or z/OS operating system.
Software requirements
XFG operates in batch mode or interactively under ISPF panels within the IBM
MVS/ESA and z/OS operating system. It does not use operating system features
specific to any MVS release level. Any specific requirements for your site are
provided during installation and described in the XPAF 5.0 Installation Guide.
XPAF Forms Generator 3
User Guide and Reference
Xerox laser printer support
XFG supports Xerox centralized and decentralized printers.
Centralized printers
Centralized printers are high–speed, high–volume printers generally used in central
locations for printing data processing output from mainframe computers. They may
be attached to the host computer by an S/370 channel or attached remotely by a
TCP/IP connection.
Decentralized printers
XFG also supports Xerox decentralized printers through XPAF. These printers are
generally in remote locations away from the mainframe. A TCP/IP communications
link connects them to the host.
Contrasting XFG with a typical forms application
XFG allows you to create electronic versions of your forms, compile them, store
them in your XPAF CFORMLIB and download them to your printer as needed. This
eliminates the need to stock large quantities of prepr inte d for ms.
Once you download your form to a Xerox LPS printer, the printer merges your form
with variable data. This capability allows you to create, store and print any number of
forms, in any order, on plain paper.
In a typical forms application that does not use XFG, you have to prepare and load
preprinted forms (often printed in large quantities) on a printer connected to a
computer. You can load only one set of forms at a time and must remove and
replace any forms currently loaded with the preprinted forms you want. The typical
forms application usually requires a stock of preprinted forms. If there are different
forms, storage costs can be high. If you have to modify preprinted forms, you usually
must discard old versions, making your costs even higher.
Forms you can create with XFG
The following list provides examples of general business forms you can create with
• Bar codes
• Billing statements and invoices
• Calendars
• Checklists
• Financial statements
• Floor plans
• Flow diagrams
• Marketing surveys
• Order fo rms
• Organizational charts
• Packing and shipping slips
• Production and inventory control forms
• Reorder lists
• Reports
• Routing forms
• Schedules
• Status report forms
XPAF Forms Generator 4
User Guide and Reference
• Bank statements
• Government compliance forms
• Insurance forms
• Tax return forms
Depending on your business, you may need to create forms to meet specific
industry standards. XFG allows you to create the following types of specialized
XPAF Forms Generator 5
User Guide and Reference
Determining format
3. Planning your forms
This chapter describes the parameters you must determine and specify
when designing your form.
Careful planning and design are critical to creating electronic versions of
your forms. Form planning and design specify such things as page size,
orientation, layout, fonts, inks, and highlight colors.
For additional information about designing complex forms and Xerox
laser printer capabilities, refer to the “System considerations” appendix.
Before you create a form with XFG command statements, you must plan
its lay out, cont ent, and appearance according to the requirements
described in the following sections.
Page orientation
The orientation of a page is either portrait or landscape. Figure 3–1 shows these
orientations. Figure 3-1 Page Orientation
The landscape orientation, sometimes called the horizontal format, refers to a page
whose horizontal side is longer than its vertical side.
The portrait orientation, sometimes called a vertical format, refers to a page whose
vertical side is longer than its horizontal side. Use the portrait orientation for text
material such as letters, manuals, reports, and forms that need the tall vertical
XPAF Forms Generator 6
User Guide and Reference
Note: Corresponding
Page frames
Landscape format is ideal for forms, spreadsheets, and reports that
require columns across the page. For example, the landscape
orientation is appropriate for a Gantt chart that lists six or twelve
months horizontally, and lists the tasks vertically.
Large paper size forms in short edge feed (SEF) require you to specify
the FONTS command in the opposite orientation. For example, for a
portrait orientation, use landscape fonts, and for a landscape
orientation, use portrait fonts. Make sure you specify the orientation you
want. For example, for a portrait form, specify PORTRAIT for the
orientation, and for a landscape form, specify LANDSCAPE.
The page frame is a set of boundaries associated with a page as a unit
of printing or imaging. There are three types of page frames: system,
physical, and virtual. Figure 3–2 shows the relationship between the
system, physical, and virtual page. Figure 3-2 Page Frames
edges of physical and
system pages. This is
important when
considering edge-marking.
For additional information about page frames, refer to the Xerox LPS
Forms Creation Guide.
System page
The system page is the maximum area the printer allows you to image
graphics and text. The system page is slightly larger than the physical
page. If the default paper sizes have been established for your printer,
the system page has little bearing on your form design.
XPAF Forms Generator 7
User Guide and Reference
If you decide to place marks along the edge of the physical page
(edge–marking) in your form, be familiar with the edge–marking
limitations. To accommodate edge–marking, the system page must be
larger than the physical page. Since the system page boun d aries
correspond to at least two edges of the physical page boundaries for all
paper sizes, you can only use edge–marking on the two edges of the
physical page that does not correspond to the system page.
The product guide for each printer contains specific information about
Physical page
The physical page is the actual paper size. On a Xerox LPS, you define
the default size of the physical page during system generation
(SYSGEN). During planning, you must consider the default paper size
or other paper sizes available for your printer. See the “Supported paper
sizes” appendix for more information.
Virtual page
The virtual page is the area you specify for printing. The virtual page
can be as large as the physical page (actual paper size), but can never
be larger than the physical page. If you do not specify the virtual page
size, the defined (planned) area of the virtual page is the same as the
physical page.
Form origin
All form data described by XFG is positioned on the page relative to a
point, called the form origin. The form origin is a reference point from
which you place all elements on a form using XFG commands. The
form origin is a point that is offset from the upper left corner of the virtual
page. You can specify this point during form description. If you do not
define a virtual page and specify a form origin, the default form origin is
the origin of the physical page.
XPAF Forms Generator 8
User Guide and Reference
Figure 3–3 shows the location of the form origin of the virtual page
in relation to the actual page size.
Figure 3–3. Form origin location
XPAF Forms Generator 9
User Guide and Reference
Positioning form elements
You can place the following elements on a form with XFG:
• Boxes
• Fixed text
• Images
• Lines
• Logos and signatures
• Sections
You locate an element by determining the horizontal (x) and
vertical (y) distance from the upper–left corner (origin) of the form.
These coordinates (x, y) comprise the origin of the document.
The form origin (upper left corner of the page) is always (0,0).
Form element Element origin
Vertical ruled line Top of the line at the midpoint of the
thickness of the line.
Horizontal ruled line Left end of the line at the midpoint of
the thickness of the line.
Box (outlined) Upper–left corner of the box at the
midpoint of the thickness of the
Box (shaded) Upper–left corner of the box.
Fixed text (single line) Upper–left corner of the first character
cell when the line appears upright.
Fixed text Upper edge of the topmost character
(multiple lines) cell and the leftmost edge of the
leftmost character cell when viewed in
an upright position.
Graphics Upper–left corner of the image.
Logos Upper–left corner of the first
Sections (of a form) Upper–left corner of the section.
character cell.
XPAF Forms Generator 10
User Guide and Reference
You specify the location of a form element (alphanumeric character,
line, or box) on a page in terms of its horizontal and vertical
displacement from the form origin. You can use these units of
measure to define this displacement:
• Characters per inch (cpi) horizontally
• Dots per inch (300 dpi)
• Linear units (inches or centimeters)
• Lines per inch (lpi) vertically
• Xdots (600 dpi)
X and Y coordinates
If you draw a horizontal and vertical line through the form origin to
create x and y coordinates, the location of the form origin is expressed
as y=0, x=0. When specifying both coordinates, provide the y value
first. Figure 3–4 shows the correct placement for x and y coordinates.
Figure 3–4. X and Y coordinates
XPAF Forms Generator 11
User Guide and Reference
Data types
If you draw additional lines horizontally and vertically away from the
form origin so that each additional line is one unit of measure apart, you
create a grid. You can now position form elements by specifying a grid
Negative coordinates
You can use negative x and y values to place the form elements
above and to the left of the form origin. You can only specify negative
values within the system page boundaries.
Unit value
You can specify the unit of measure you want to use to position form
elements on the page. However, predefined formats automatically
select the grid values for you. The “FMT grid format properties”
appendix lists the predefined grid format properties for various page
There are two types of data: forms data and variable data. Make sure
you consider them when you create forms for printing on Xerox LPS
Forms data
Forms data is the information on a form that remains the same, such
as form titles and column titles. Typically, fixed–length forms data
changes only when you modify the form. Forms data is the only data
you enter in the design process.
When designing a column size you must consider the amount of
variable data the column accommodates, not the size of the fixed–
length column title.
Variable data
Variable data is the data you overlay in the space provided by the
designed form. Variable data varies in length. An example of variable
data is a name and address.
You must allow sufficient space in the columns to accommodate the
variable data. Otherwise, variable data may be invalid or unusable. For
example, if you do not provide sufficient space for an address, the zip
code could be truncated. Spacing for variable data is extremely
important and is more accurately calculated with fixed spacing of the
font characters.
XPAF Forms Generator 12
User Guide and Reference
Fonts are character sets, each having a unique typeface (Times,
Roman or Helvetica), type size (points), and type style (normal, bold,
or italic).
Fonts must reside in the host database and on the printer. Check
with your System Administrator to identify the fonts available on your
printer. If you specify a font that does not reside in the host
database, you receive an error message when you compile the form.
Fixed and proportionally-spaced fonts
You can use fixed and proportionally spaced fonts on Xerox LPS Printers.
Each character occupies an area of the form cell called a character cell. With
fixed fonts, all character cells in the set are the same width. With
proportional fonts, character cells vary
Usually, you use fixed fonts for variable data and proportional spacing
for forms data. Figure 3–5 shows examples of fixed and proportional
Figure 3–5. Character spacing
Font orientation
XPAF Forms Generator 13
User Guide and Reference
In addition to typeface, style, and size, you can also define fonts by
their orientation:
• Landscape
• Portrait
• Inverse landscape
• Inverse portrait
Figure 3–6 shows the font orientations relative to the physical page.
Figure 3–6. Font orientation
Font orientation when using short–edge paper feed
Normally, stock feeds into the printer moving in the direction of the
page length. You assign each job a font with a landscape orientation
(characters align along the long edge of the page) or a font with a
portrait orientation (characters align along the short edge of the page).
Some printers, such as the Xerox 4135 LPS, support paper sizes up
to 14.33 by 17 inches by allowing the stock to feed into the printer
moving in the direction of the page width. This is the short edge feed
(SEF) option. This reversal of the feed edge reverses the font
orientation the job must use. When printing a landscape document
using the SEF option, specify portrait fonts. When printing a portrait
document using the SEF option, specify landscape fonts.
XPAF Forms Generator 14
User Guide and Reference
Adding color to forms
The Xerox highlight color LPS printers allow you to use color to
emphasize important parts of your form. With a highlight color printer,
you can use different shades of a single color to highlight parts of your
form. The following examples show typical color enhancements for
• Highlighted titles
• Highlighted columns representing totals or important results
• Lines setting off groups of columns or items or used as a
border for your form
•Boxes filled with any of the colors and tints available in the ink
You use the XFG command statements to control color. For more
information, refer to the “Using XFG commands” chapter.
On a highlight color printer, text, lines, and box borders always print
in the primary color of the printer, even if you specify a different color,
tint, and so on.
Ink color availability and control
Choosing paper size
When planning colors, you should determine if your company has any
regulations and controls for using colors on forms. You may need to use
a specific ink list, which contains an ink catalog, palette, and ink for
items such as logos and form titles. Contact your System Administrator
to determine the available ink colors.
For additional information regarding default ink palettes, catalogs, color
models, ink priority and substitutions, and modifying
Xerox LPS PDL/DJDE Reference Manual.
output, refer to the
Once you determine the actual page size (physical page) available
for your printer, you can specify any size within the physical page
size for your form.
Contact your System Administrator to determine available paper sizes.
For a list of paper sizes for the family of Xerox laser printers, refer to
the “Supported paper sizes” appendix.
XPAF Forms Generator 15
User Guide and Reference
Creating forms with XFG commands
Available specifications
4. Using XFG commands
You use the XPAF Forms Generator (XFG) keyword commands to translate
your form design into a format for the host computer. The command set
representing your form becomes the Forms Source Language (FSL), which
the host compiles and stores. You can download the compiled form to a
Xerox LPS printer. This chapter describes the XFG commands and their
The XFG command language syntax is usually the same as the Forms
Description Language (FDL) command language syntax. You may be
familiar with the FDL commands and how to use them at the printer.
For more information on FDL commands and printer usage, refer to the
Xerox Laser Printing Systems Forms Creation Guide.
The XFG commands allow you to specify the following features:
• Form name identifies the forms you are developing.
• Page orientation specifies a page as portrait or landscape.
• Font selection specifies the fonts you want to use.
• Vertical and horizontal grid positions specify grid position and position
form elements in line printer measurements (line number and character
position) or inches, centimeters, dots and xdots.
• Highlight color enhances graphs, charts, forms and other publi cat ion s.
• Shading mixes color with black to produce shades of a primary color
(red, green, or blue).
•Caption position specifies locations of captions on a page or selects
automatic placement within a specified area.
•Logo and graphic position specifies the location of selected logos and
graphics on a page.
XPAF Forms Generator 16
User Guide and Reference
Command format
Each XFG command consists of a command identifier, parameters and
reserved words associated with the function.
The following conventions apply:
• A semicolon (;) terminates a command.
• A comment line begins with the word COMMENT, followed by a comment
and semicolon (;).
• A blank space separates reserved words and parameters.
• Commas are legal only as shown in the command syntax flow charts and
may be optional.
Command information appears within the first 72 columns of each record.
Commands can continue for multiple records; however, there is a limit of
4,096 characters allowed in one text block. Multiple commands can appear
in one record if you separate them with semicolons. The system ignores
records containing all blanks. Y ou can use them to separate comman d
Reserved words
Special characters
Reserved words appear in bold uppercase text in the command syntax flow
charts in this chapter. You can abbreviate many reserved words to the first
three characters (except FMTn, where you must specify the integer n). Refer
to the “Approved abbreviations for reserved words” appendix for the list of
abbreviations you can use. Avoid using reserved words as section or form
Use the following special characters to meet certain requirements within the
command statements:
• A single quote (’) encloses a text string, for example, ’This is a font count’
produces “This is a font count” in the printed version. When you use a
reserved word such as “font” in a string, it is not processed as a command.
• A pound symbol (#) within a text string shifts the text between uppercase
and lowercase characters. Each string begins with an uppercase character.
For example, F#IRST produces “First” in the printed version. To shift back
to uppercase characters, you must enter another pound symbol (#)
character in the text string. For example, R#EV#A produces “RevA” in the
printed version.
• An exclamation poi nt (!) specifies a character in the font character set, not
the keyboard character. Enter an exclamation point (!) and the ASCII
hexadecimal code point for the character you want to print. For example,
65!7B produces 65°. No mapping or translation is done to these characters.
• Special char acter s ( ‘ # ! ) print only if you type them twice in succession.
For example, ‘IT’’S HERE!!’ produces “IT’S HERE!” in the printed version.
XPAF Forms Generator 17
User Guide and Reference
Understanding the command syntax flow charts
Many XFG statements offer several options. This chapter represents XFG
command syntax in the form of flow charts, which allow you to visualize the
main command statement and the way options branch from that statement.
If you want to enter a command in its short form, without options, follow the
main command line in the flow chart until you reach a semicolon. Otherwise,
follow the branching below the main command line to include any
parameters you want.
The main command line contains the required words and operands. Under
the command line, or under a branching line, you can use optional words to
clarify the command. Parameters that are vertically stacked (one above the
other) under the main command line or under a branching line indicate
choices for that particular parameter. Ellipses (...) indicate multiple
occurrences of the preceding parameter.
Words, characters, or phrases shown in lowercase are variables. Replace
these variables with names or values that you have selected.
Setting up your form
Before you enter commands to describe a form, you enter setup commands
to specify the following:
• FORM specifies the name and resolution of the form.
• PAPER specifies the paper size.
• LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT specifies page orientation and virtual page
• GRID specifies grid unit and form origin.
• FONTS specifies fonts to be used in form.
• ICATALOG and PALETTE specifies ink catalog and palette.
• INK specifies inks and colors valid only when using Xerox color printers.
• IRESULT specifies results when objects imaged with different inks
overlap on Xerox highlight color printers only.
The name parameter of the FORM command is required. The other
commands are optional. If you do not specify the optional commands, the
defaults are used.
If you want to include text on the form, you must specify the FONT
XPAF Forms Generator 18
User Guide and Reference
FORM command
FORM name
You must first specify the FORM command when you describe your form.
You must also completely contain it in the first record of the form description.
Enter a form name between one and six characters. This is the only required
parameter in the FORM command. FORM must be the first command of the
form file and must precede any comments. Once the form is compiled, this
name identifies the form stored on the printer.
Figure 4–1 shows the FORM command syntax
Figure 4–1. FORM command syntax
, 300
Parameters: Name identifies the name you want to use for the
form. The form name must be from one to six characters. Name
is a required parameter, but you can omit the remainder of the
FORM command.
RESOLUTION: You can specify the resolution (300 or 600 SPI)
or leave the resolution blank. IS and SPI are optional. The 600
SPI resolution is only valid on the Xerox 4650 LPS.
Default: 300 SPI if you do not specify SPI. There are no defaults
for the form name.
Long form:
PAPER command
Use the PAPER command to specify the paper size for your form.
If you specified a predefined form using the GRID command, the paper
size is determined automatically and you do not need to use the PAPER
If you use the PAPER command to specify a paper size at run time,
make sure the paper size matches the size specified in the JDE or
JDL for the variable data.
Before printing your form, verify that the printer contains the correct
paper size. Use the printer status key on the printer console. An error
message displays if a paper size mismatch occurs at run time. The
job aborts and your form does not print.
Refer to the output statement PAPER SIZE command in the Xerox LPS
PDL/DJDE Reference manual.
Figure 4–2 shows the command syntax
XPAF Forms Generator 19
User Guide and Reference
Figure 4–2 PAPER command syntax
Parameters SIZE and IS are optional words you can use for clarity in the long form
Default INCHES, if you do not specify units.
Examples Long form:
of the language coding.
USLETTER, USLEGAL, A3, A4, and B4are the standard paper
sizes you can use with the Xerox LPS.
Width (w) and length (l) represent the decimal paper size for printers
that allow you to print forms in nonstandard paper sizes.
units indicates the unit of measure you want to use when specifying
the size of the page. The units you can choose are INCHES, CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS. You can use two decimal
places when you specify inches and centimeters. You must express
DOTS and XDOTSin integers.
Refer to the “Supported paper sizes” appendix for more
If you do not specify the PAPER command and a predefined
format is not defined in the GRID command, XFG assumes
Short form:
Use the LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command to specify the
orientation of the f or m, and the size and origin of the virtual page.
If you specified the predefined format in the GRID command, the form
orientation is established automatically and you do not need to use
Figure 4–3 shows the command syntax
XPAF Forms Generator 20
User Guide and Reference
Figure 4–3. LANDSCAPE/PORTRAITcommand syntax
Parameters LANDSCAPE specifies the landscape form orientation. If you only
specify LANDSCAPE, grid units and form origin correspond to the
standard grid format (FMT1).
PORTRAIT specifies the portrait form orientation. If you only specify
PORTRAIT, grid units and form origin correspond to the standard grid
format for the portrait page (FMT6), unless you change them with the
GRID command.
Refer to the “FMT grid format properties” appendix for more
PAGE, SIZE, and IS specifies the width and height of the virtual
The value you use to specify the special page size is n. You must use
positive numbers and you cannot exceed the size specified
in the PAPER SIZE command. You can use two decima l places
when you specify inches. You must express DOTS and XDOTS as
units indicates the unit of measure you want to use when specifying
the size of the virtual page. The units you can choose are INCHES,CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS. You can use two decimal
places when you specify inches and centimeters. You must express
DOTS and XDOTS as integers.
Defaults If you do not use the LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command, XFG
uses these defaults:
• LANDSCAPE (orientation)
• FMT1 (grid units and form origin)
• 8.5 by 11 inches (virtual page)
Examples Long form:
•INCHES(if you do not specify units)
Short form:
It allows XFG to default to the FMT6 predefined format.
XPAF Forms Generator 21
User Guide and Reference
GRID command
Use the GRID command to specify the dimensions of the grid unit
and the location of the form origin with respect to the virtual page
origin. All XFG description commands create and place form
elements (lines and boxes) relative to the form origin.
Figure 4–4 shows the command syntax
Figure 4–4. GRID command syntax
XPAF Forms Generator 22
User Guide and Reference
Parameters UNIT and IS are optional words you can use as a lead–in to the
Defaults Predefined format FMT1, if you do not specify the GRID or
Examples Long form:
format – id and units identifiers.
The name of the predefined format that you hav e selected is format –
id. Refer to the “FMT grid format properties” appendix for more
The size of the grid unit is n, expressed in positive numbers of units
(for example, 6 inches). If you specify inches or centimeters, the
value represents one side of a square grid unit.
If you only specify one DOTS or XDOTS parameter, the grid unit is the
same number of dots both horizontally and vertically.
CPI specifies the number of characters per inch for the
horizontal size of the grid unit.
LPI specifies the number of lines per inch for the vertical size of the
grid unit.
ORIGIN specifies the origin of the form relative to the virtual page
origin. ORIGIN establishes the 0.0 X and Y coordinates.
The GRID sizes must fall into the boundaries of the physical page.
The smallest grid allowed is 1 XDOT by 1 XDOT. The largest grid
allowed is 1 physical page by 1 physical page.
Y specifies the form origin offset downward from the top–left
corner of the virtual page.
X specifies the form origin offset to the ri ght of the left edge of the
virtual page.
units indicates the unit of measure you want when specifying the offset
origin. The units are INCHES, CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS.
You can use two decimal places when you specify inches and
centimeters. You must express DOTS and XDOTS
Predefined format FMT6, if you specify PORTRAIT
(LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command), but not GRID. If you
specify a predefined format, all GRID format parameters are
automatically provided, unless you change them with the ORIGIN
INCHES, if you do not specify units.
A value of 1, if you omit an n value when you specify DOTS or
Short form:
XPAF Forms Generator 23
User Guide and Reference
FONT command
You cannot specify any text in your form until you specify the fonts
you are going to use with the FONT command. Check with your
System Administrator for the fonts available for your forms.
Figure 4–5 shows the command syntax
Figure 4–5. FONTcommand syntax
Parameters Font name identifies the standard or custom font for your form. Font
name is a maximum 6-character string. Use a blank space or a
comma to separate multiple font names. There is a maximum of 32
fonts per form.
When you compile a form in LPS format, font name is converted to
Defaults None.
Examples Long form:
FONT Font1;
There is no shor t form.
ICATALOG command
Use the ICATALOG command to specify the ink catalog to be used
on highlight and full color printers.
The ink catalog is a file that contains color information. It resides on
highlight color printers.
If you do not specify a catalog for a highlight color printer, the printer
uses its default catalog.
Figure 4–6 shows the command syntax
Figure 4–6. ICATALOGcommand syntax
XPAF Forms Generator 24
User Guide and Reference
Parameter name represents the ink catalog to use for color information. Your
ink catalog name must not exceed six alphanumeric characters.
Default Printer default catalog and palette, if you do not specify the
Examples Long form: ICATALOG IS CAT1;
Short form:
You cannot use spaces.
ICATALOG (highlight color only).
PALETTE command
Use the PALETTE command to specify the ink palette to use for
color information on highlight and full color printers. The
is a subset of inks in the ink catalog.
If you do not specify a palette for a highlight color printer, the printer
uses its default palette.
Figure 4–7 shows the command syntax
Figure 4–7. PALETTE command syntax
Parameter name represents the ink palette you use for ink information.
Your palette name must not exceed 32 alphanumeric characters,
including spaces.
Default Printer default catalog and palette, if you do not specify the
PALETTE (highlight color only).
Examples Long form: PALETTE IS ’PAL1’;
Short form:
INK command
The INK command is only valid on Xerox highlight color and
printers. This command specifies all of the inks and colors you use
when you create a form on Xerox highlight color and
color printers.
The inks you specify with the INK command are referenced as an
index number when you use the LINE, TEXT and BOX commands.
They are not referenced as their identification name.
The ICATALOG and PALETTE commands must precede the INK
command, as the printer uses the palette and catalog specified
these commands. If you do not specify a catalog or palette for a
XPAF Forms Generator 25
User Guide and Reference
highlight color form, the printer uses its default catalog and palette.
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