Product Safety Data Sheet XEROX
Product: Docuprint XJ4C Ink Jet Printer PSDS No.: 0776
Docuprint XJ6C Ink Jet Printer ISSUE DATE: 12/12/96
REV. DATE: 06/12/02
Section I - Product Identification
Manufacturer's Name Emergency No. EH&S Inquiries
Xerox Corporation (585) 422-2177 (800) 828-6571
Manufacturer's Address
Rochester, New York 14644
Product Designation Product Identifier
Docuprint XJ4C Ink Jet Printer 9J9
Docuprint XJ6C Ink Jet Printer
Section II - Electrical Information
Line Voltage Line Current Freq. Branch Cir. Protection
(Volts) (Amps) (Hertz) (Amps)
115-240 .6 60 15
Line Cord/Plug Specification Power Consumption (Watts)*
Equipped with Appliance Coupler Running: 24.4
Supplied with Detachable Cord Standby: 7.9
NEMA Type 5-15R Plug Power saver: N/A
Agency Approval
UL File Number E119002
CSA File Number LR85633C
Section III - Supplies
Xerox Part No. Material Safety Data Sheet
Color ink cartridge, black 8R7660 Article (F3)**
Color ink cartridge, cyan 8R7661 Article (F6)**
Color ink cartridge, magenta 8R7662 Article (F5)**
Color ink cartridge, yellow 8R7663 Article (F4)**
Black ink jet cartridge 8R7638 Article (F1)**
Section IV - Environmental Information
Product Size Heat Emission* Environmental Limitations
Configuration(Centimeters / Inches) (BTU/HR) Min Max
D: 28.9 / 11.3 Running: 166 Relative Humidity (%) 15 85
W: 41.6 / 16.3 Standby: 54 Ambient Temp. (oC) 10 32
H: 21.5 / 8.5
* Based on a five minute average
** MSDS not required by OSHA, Hazard Communication Std., 29CFR or WHMIS HPA Section II (2)

PRODUCT: Docuprint XJ4C Ink Jet Printer PSDS No. 0776
Docuprint XJ6C Ink Jet Printer
Floor Space Requirements Weight
(Meters Feet) (K Grams / Lbs.)
N/A 4.6 / 10.1
Section V - Emission/Exposure Information*
Light Source
Electromagnetic Emissions
US FCC: Class B Limits met. Approval in process
Canada DOC: Class B
Audible Noise TLV
Run 43.6 dB(A) 85 dB(A)
Standby 31.1 dB(A)
Impulse 58.7 dB(A)
Ozone TLV
N/A 0.10 ppm
No ozone produced
Total Dust TLV
None Detected 10 mg/m3
Organics TLV
None Detected 100 ppm
VI - Product Recycling and Disposal
Xerox operates a worldwide equipment takeback and reuse/recycle program. Contact your Xerox
sales representative (1-800-ASK-XEROX) to determine whether this Xerox product is part of the
program. For more information about Xerox environmental programs, visit www.xerox.com (refer to
"About Xerox" section). If your product is not part of the Xerox program and you are managing its
disposal, please note that the product may contain lead, mercury and other materials whose disposal
may be regulated due to environmental considerations. For recycling and disposal information,
contact your local authorities. In the United States, you may also refer to the Electronic Industries
Alliance web site: www.eiae.org.
* TLV (Threshold Limit Value) and PEL (Permissible Exposure Level) respectively set by American Conference of
Government Industrial Hygienists and by Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These levels are
considered maximum exposure permitted to ensure no health hazard. TWA (Time Weighted Average) for a
normal eight hour workday.
All measurements were made on products performing within established operating specifications and received
recommended maintenance procedures. Xerox certifies that this product meets or exceeds the applicable standards for
safety and emissions.