Phaser® 6250 Color Laser Printer
2-Sided Printing
This topic includes:
■ "Automatic 2-Sided Printing" on page 2-26
■ "Binding Preferences" on page 2-27
■ "Manual 2-Sided Printing" on page 2-29
■ "Manual 2-Sided Printing Using Tray 1 (MPT)" on page 2-30
Automatic 2-Sided Printing
Your printer must be a 6250DP, 6250DT, or 6250DX to perform automatic 2-sided printing.
To print a 2-sided document, verify that you are using the following weight ranges:
Weight Tray
65–163 g/m2 (37–60 lb. Cover)
65–130 g/m2 (17–32 lb. Bond)
120–163 g/m2 (81–110 lb. Book)
(Glossy Coated Paper)
120–163 g/m
(Thin card stock)
(81–110 lb. Book)
Tray 1 (MPT)
Trays 2-4
All Tra ys
Tray 1 (MPT)
DO NOT use any specialty media, envelopes, or labels for automatic 2-sided printing.
Damage caused by automatically printing specialty media using the duplex unit is not
covered under the Xerox warranty, service agreement, or Total Satisfaction Guarantee.
For best results with automatic 2-sided printing, do not use heavy toner coverage on the evennumbered pages of your print job.
Copyright © 2003 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Tray 1 (MPT) Paper Path
The following graphic displays the printer’s paper path:
Trays 2-4 Paper Path
The following graphic displays the printer’s paper path:
2-Sided Printing
Binding Preferences
Use the printer driver to select Portrait or Landscape orientation for the images on the page.
When you print 2-sided jobs, select the binding preference which determines how the pages
Bind on Side Edge
Flip on Long Edge
Bind on Top Edge
Flip on Short Edge
Bind on Side Edge
Flip on Short Edge
Phaser® 6250 Color Laser Printer
Bind on Top Edge
Flip on Long Edge