Xerox Nuvera®
100/120/144 EA
Production System
Optional Integrated Document Scanning
Scan Rate
Speed based on 8.5" x 11"/A4-sized media:
One sided: 120 images per minute•
Two sided: 120 images per minute •
(dual scan heads)
Optical 600 x 600 dpi scan (copy)•
8-bit Gray (256 shades)•
Maximum scan from platen: 12.0" x 18.0"•
305 mm x 457 mm)
High resolution, high signal-to-noise image sensor•
Scan to fi le resolution: 300, 400, 600, 1200 dpi•
Automatic Document Feeder
Capacity: 300 sheets (20 lb bond/75 gsm)•
Sizes: 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17" (A5 to A3)•
Weights: 13 lb bond to 80 lb cover (49–220 gsm)•
Print Controller
Xerox FreeFlow•
Server Class Processors:•
– Opteron™ Technology
– Sun Solaris 10
2.4 GHz CPU with 1 GB memory•
Color fl at panel monitor (attached),•
USB keyboard, USB mouse
Data Stream Options:•
– TIFF, PCL6 (standard)
– Adobe® PostScript® Level 3, PDF, ASCII, VIPP
PostScript, PPML, LCDS and IPDS (optional)
– Ethernet interface (10/100BaseT; 1 GB)
– IBM Bus and Tag (optional)
Memory: 1 GB•
Hard Drive: 160 GB SATA•
DVD+RW Drive (CD write only)•
Second Hard Drive: 400 GB SATA (optional)•
Print Submission Drivers
Microsoft Windows•
Apple Macintosh•
Sun Microsystems•
FreeFlow Print Manager•
Xerox Web User Interface•
Print Server
95 through Windows® Vista
OS 8 through Macintosh® OS X
Solaris® 2.6, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x
Management Tool Support
IBM• ® Tivoli
CA™ Unicenter•
HP OpenView•
SNMP V.1, IETF and Xerox MIB’s, Trap Support•
Printer Module
Image Quality
1200 x 1200 dpi RIP resolution•
4800 x 600 dpi print resolution•
Halftone screens: 125 lpi standard; Optional •
enhanced line screens: 85, 106, 134, 156 lpi
Operator adjustable settings: light/dark, contrast,•
sharpness, Toner Saver
Semi Conductive Magnetic Brush Technology •
(SCMB) with Emulsion Aggregation (EA) Toner
Silicon/Tefl on•
Dual diode Raster Output System (ROS)•
Print path image-to-sheet and front-to-back•
registration ± .65 mm
Print Speed
Xerox Nuvera•
– 8.5" x 11"/A4-sized media: 100 images per minute
– 11" x 17"/A3-sized media: 60 images per minute
Xerox Nuvera•
– 8.5" x 11"/A4-sized media: 120 images per minute
– 11" x 17"/A3-sized media: 72 images per minute
Xerox Nuvera•
– 8.5" x 11"/A4-sized media: 144 images per minute
– 11" x 17"/A3-sized media: 72 images per minute
fusing for sharper halftones
100 EA Production System:
120 EA Production System:
144 EA Production System:
Media Feeding & Insertion Options
Sheet-feed & Insertion Modules*
Total 5,800 sheets per module•
Vacuum Air Shuttle feed system•
Optional second module available•
Tray 1: 1,600 sheets; 5.5" x 8" to 9" x 12.6" •
(140 mm x 203 mm to 229 mm x 320 mm)
Tray 2: 3,100 sheets; 5.5" x 8" to 9" x 12.6"•
(140 mm x 203 mm to 229 mm x 320 mm)
Tray 3 & 4: 550 sheets each; 7.2" x 8" to 12.6" x 18.5" •
(182 mm x 203 mm to 320 mm x 470 mm)
Oversized High Capacity Sheet-feed &
Insertion Modules*
Total 3,200 sheets per module•
Vacuum Air Shuttle feed system•
Optional second sheet-feed module available•
Tray 1: 1,600 sheets; 7.2" x 8" to 12.6" x 18.5"•
(182 mm x 203 mm to 320 mm x 470 mm)
Tray 2: 1,600 sheets; 7.2" x 8" to 12.6" x 18.5"•
(182 mm x 203 mm to 320 mm x 470 mm)
* Capacity based on 20 lb bond/75 gsm
Media Latitude•
– Coated: 60 lb text to 90 lb cover (90 – 250 gsm)
– Uncoated: 16 lb Bond to 90 lb cover (56 – 250 gsm)

Xerox Nuvera® 100/120/144 EA Production System
Sheet Enhancement Module
• Post process module provides:
Outstanding stack quality –
Sheet fl atness for enhanced reliability of –
fi nishing options (booklet makers, perfect
binders, stackers, etc.)
Automatically adjusts per individual –
media type
Standard with all Basic Finisher Modules and –
Finishing Transport Module confi gurations
Multifunction Finisher Professional and
Multifunction Finisher Pro Plus
Xerox Nuvera® 100/120 EA only
Top tray: 250 sheet capacity (20 lb bond/75 gsm)•
Stacker: 2,000 sheet capacity (20 lb bond/75 gsm)•
Staple sets of 2 –100 pages•
– Choice of 50 or 100 sheet staple cartridge
C-fold (single sheet) 8.5" x 11"/A4•
Z-fold (single sheet) 8.5" x 11"/A4•
Bi-fold (up to 5 sheets) 8.5" x 11"/A4, 8.5" x 13",•
8.5" x 14", 11" x 17"/A3
Saddle-stitch booklet making up to 15 sheets/•
60 imposed page images (20 lb bond/75 gsm)
Media Latitude: Uncoated 16 lb bond to 120 lb •
index (56-220 gsm)
Multifunction Finisher Pro Plus only
Insertion Tray
200 sheet capacity (20 lb bond/75 gsm)•
Minimum paper size: 7" x 10"/B5•
Maximum paper size: Ledger/A3•
Hole Punch
2/3 (standard) or 2/4 (optional)•
Customer Replacement Unit for North America
2/4 (standard) or 2/3 (optional) Hole Punch•
Customer Replacement Unit for Europe
Minimum paper size: 7" x 10"/B5•
Maximum paper size: 12" x 18"/SRA3•
Media Latitude: Uncoated 16 lb bond to 110 lb •
index (56-200 gsm)
Basic Finisher Module (BFM), Basic
Finisher Module Plus, and Basic Finisher
Module-Direct Connect (BFM-DC)*
Top tray: 250 sheet capacity (BFM only)•
Stacker: 3,000 sheet capacity; offset between •
sets or jobs
One or two staples, up to 100 sheets•
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" (A5 and SRA3, papers >12" •
in cross process direction to top tray only)
Size: 7" x 10" to 12" x 18" (B5 to A3)•
BFM-DC is Document Finishing Architecture (DFA) •
compliant and provides direct connection to center registered fi nishing devices such as the Xerox Tape
Binder, C.P.Bourg (Watkiss) PowerSquare™ 200, and
CEM DocuConverter™
BFM-DC top tray: 5.7" – 19.3" (144 mm x 491 mm)•
*Capacity based on 20 lb bond/75gsm
Finishing Transport Module
Top tray: 250 sheets (20 lb bond/75 gsm)•
DFA compliant •
Interface to in-line production fi nishing devices •
for stacking, booklet making, perfect binding,
punching, thermal binding and more.
Xerox Tape Binder*
Book size: 15 to 125 sheets (20 lb bond/75 gsm)•
Speed: up to 144 sheets per minute•
Binder Tape Strips: 100/cartridge (Black, Dark Blue •
and White)
Compatible with BFM-DC or FTM with bypass •
capability for in-line access to other fi nishing devices
*Not compatible with Multi-function Finishers
Media Latitude
60 gsm – 220 gsm uncoated (body and inserts) –
60 gsm – 250 gsm uncoated (covers only) –
90 gsm – 220 gsm coated and transparency –
(covers only)
8.5" x 11"/A4•
Tabs up to 0.5” (12.5mm) wide•
Electrical Requirements
187–240 VAC (Nominal), 50 Amp, 50/60 Hz•
wall service for North America
– Printer, Feeders, Sheet Enhancement Module,
Insertion Module and Finishers (MFF and
BFMs) included
– FTM and DFA Finishers require additional power
187–240 VAC (Nominal) 30 Amp + 20 Amp (2),•
50/60 Hz wall service for Europe
– Feeders and Finisher modules (BFMs) will require
additional power
– FTM and DFA Finishers require additional power
Power consumption: 0.658 kw (standby);•
4.150 kw (running)
Consult the • Installation Planning Guide for detailed
power requirements
Environmental Requirements
Temperature: 50° to 87° F (10° to 31° C) •
Relative humidity: 15% to 85%; wet bulb •
limitation 77° F
Run mode heat emissions: confi guration •
dependent; consult Installation Planning Guide
Certifi cations
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act•
Corporate Environmental Leadership Team policy•
of maintaining a waste-free customer offi ce
UL 60950-1, C-UL Approved for Canada CAN/•
CSAC222.2 No. 60950-1-3 and IEC 60950-1
As an Energy Star partner, Xerox Corporation has •
determined that Xerox Nuvera® EA meets the Energy
Star guidelines for energy effi ciency.
Physical Characteristics
Sheet Feed and Insertion Module
Width Depth Height Weight
31.7" 28" 44.6" 423 lbs
805 mm 711.2 mm 1,133 mm 192 kg
Feeder Module with Integrated Scanner
Width Depth Height Weight
31.7" 28" 49.5" 505 lbs
805 mm 711.2 mm 1,257.3 mm 229 kg
Print Engine
Width Depth Height Weight
43" 29" 61.6" 793 lbs*
1,092.2 mm 737 mm 1,565 mm 359.23 kg*
Sheet Enhancement Module
Width Depth Height Weight
15" 28" 41.5" 168 lbs
381 mm 711.2 mm 1,054 mm 76.2 kg
Basic Finisher Module
Width Depth Height Weight
33" 28" 44.6" 369 lbs
838 mm 711.2 mm 1,133 mm 167.4 kg
Basic Finisher Module Plus & Basic Finisher
Module-Direct Connect
Width Depth Height Weight
49" 28" 44.6" 560 lbs
1,233 mm 711.2 mm 1,133 mm 254 kg
Finishing Transport Module
Width Depth Height Weight
35.6" 28" 46.3" 319 lbs
904.2 mm 711.2 mm 1,176 mm 145 kg
Multifunction Finisher Professional
Width Depth Height Weight
56.4" 28" 41.5" 445 lbs
1,433 mm 711.2 mm 1,054 mm 202 kg
Multifunction Finisher Pro Plus
Width Depth Height Weight
56.4" 28" 46.3" 485 lbs
1,433 mm 711.2 mm 1,176 mm 220 kg
Xerox Tape Binder
Width Depth Height Weight
34.1" 28" 42.4" 352 lbs
870 mm 708 mm 1080 mm 160kg
*Wit h consumable s loaded.
Please reference the specifi cation sheets for Xerox
FreeFlow Makeready®, FreeFlow Process Manager™
and FreeFlow Web Services for complete details.
For more information on the Xerox Nuvera® EA, please contact your Xerox representative,
call (1-800-ASK-XEROX), or visit us online at www.xerox.com.
©2008 Xero x Corpor ation. A ll rights rese rved. Xerox®, Ce ntreWare®, Print Se rver®, Xerox Nuvera ®, VIPP® an d the sphe re of connectivity
design a re trademark s of Xerox Corporat ion in the United St ates and/or oth er countries. Pr oduct a ppearance, confi guration availability, build
status a nd/or specifi cations are subject to change without noti ce. In support of Xerox’s environ mental leader ship goals, t his model m ay contain
some recycled c ompone nts that are reconditio ned. The Xerox Total S atisfaction Guaran tee appl ies to equipment under a Xer ox warranty or
a Full Ser vice Maintena nce Agreement a nd is subject to ce rtain conditions. Op teron® is a re gistered trademark of A MD, Inc. Window s® is a
tradem ark of Microsof t Corporation. IBM® and Tivoli® a re registered trademar ks of IBM, Inc. C A and Unicenter® are regi stered t rademarks of
Computer Ass ociate s, Inc. Adobe® an d PostScript® are registered trademarks of Ado be Systems, Inc . Sun®, Sun Micros ystems ® and Solaris®
are regis tered tradema rks of Sun Micro systems, Inc . in the U.S. and /or other countr ies. PowerSquare™ is a tra demark of C. P. Bo urg Inc. in the
U.S. and/or oth er countries . CEM Docu Converter™ is a t rademark of CEM S .p.A. 09/08
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