Xerox N17, N17b User Manual

The Xerox DocuPrint N17 and N17b Network Laser Printers

User Guide

Ve rs ion 1 .8
Copyright © 1998, 1999 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of
XEROX®, The Document Company®, the stylized X, DocuPrint, and N17 are trademarks of Xerox Corporation or its subsidiaries.
Adobe® and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
PCL, HP, and LaserJet are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, MS, and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft Corpor a tion. U nive r s is a tra dem ar k of L inotyp e AG or its subsidiaries. WordPerfect is a trademark of Corel Corporation. Centronics is a trademark of Centronics Corporation. Macintosh and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Co mpu ter, Incorporated. OnP age is a trademark of COMPUTER:ap plications , In c. A ll othe r pro duc t na me s are trademarks/tradenames of their respective owners.
PCL, PCL 5e and PCL 6 are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Company. This printer contains an emulation of the Hewlett Packard PCL 5e and PCL 6 command languages, recognizes HP PCL 5e and PCL6 commands, and processes these commands in a manner comparable with Hewlett Packard LaserJet printer products.


This product includes an implementation of LZW licensed under U.S. Patent 4.558.302.
Specifications described in this publi cation are subject to change withou t notice. Use of some features may be limited by your hardware or software configuration. Contact your dealer, Xerox, or Xerox Limited for details.

Table of Contents i

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Getting Started
DocuPrint N17 and N17b Models....................................1-2
User Documentation Roadmap.......................................1-3
Printed Documentation....................................................1-3
DocuPrint N17 Product CD............................................... 1-4
Using the CDs..................................................................1-5
How Much of This Book Must I Read?............................ 1-6
Printer Components.........................................................1-7
Installing Your Printer......................................................1-8
Printing a Configuration Sheet .....................................1-10
Printer Management Software and Drivers
Using CentreWare DP with the DocuPrint N17..............2-2
DocuPrint N17 PCL Printer Drivers..................................2-3
DocuPrint N17 PostScript Printer Drivers .......................2-4
Driver Features.................................................................2-5
Installing CentreWare and Drivers..................................2-7
Configuring Your Drivers.................................................. 2-7
.................................... ...........................
DocuPrint N17/N17b User Guide TOC-1
Chapter 3
Using the Control Panel
.................................. ..............
Control Panel Features.....................................................3-2
The Display... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............... 3-3
Menu Options...................................................................3-4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Paper Loading and Orientation
.................................. .
Selecting Paper.................................................................4-2
Storing Paper....................................................................4-5
Loading Paper.................... ...... ....................................... .. 4- 6
Using Tray 1..................................................................... 4-6
Using the MBF ................................................................. 4-9
Using the 500-sheet Paper Deck and Cassette................ 4-14
Using the High Capacity Feeder...................................... 4-17
Using the Envelope Feeder............................................. 4-20
Automatic Tray Switching............................................. 4-22
Paper Size/Type Mismatch..............................................4-23
Duplex (Two-Sided) Printing......................................... 4-24
Print Orientation and Control Panel Settings................... 4-25
Clearing Jams and Jam Recovery
Paper Jams........................................................................5-2
What Causes a Paper Jam? .............................................. 5-2
Clearing Paper Jams......................................................... 5-3
Tray 1 Jam....................................................................... 5-7
MBF Jam..........................................................................5-8
Tray 2 Jam with 500-sheet Paper Deck and Cassette ........ 5-9
Tray 3 Jam with 500-sheet Paper Deck and Cassette ...... 5-10
Tray 2 or Tray 3 Jam with 2,000-sheet HCF .................... 5-11
Envelope Feeder Jam......................................................5-12
OCT Jam. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... 5-13
Duplex Module Jam ....................................................... 5-14
Paper Exit Jam................................................................ 5-15
EP Cartridge Jam............................................................ 5-16
TOC-2 ❖ DocuPrint N17/N17b User Guide
Paper Mismatch Jam...................................................... 5-17
Misfeed Jam at Startup.................................................. 5-18
Fuser Jam....................................................................... 5-19
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Appendix A
Replacing Consumab les
Replacing the EP Cartridge.............................................. 6-2
Replacing the Fuser Cartridge/BTR..................................6-5
Diagnostic Message Display............................................ 7-2
Printer Operation Problems.............................................7-3
...................................... .................... ..............
Further References...........................................................8-2
CE Declaration
...................................... ..........................
DocuPrint N17/N17b User Guide ❖ TOC-3
TOC-4 DocuPrint N17/N17b User Guide
Getting Started
DocuPrint N17 and N17b Models .................................. 1-2
User Documentation Roadmap .................................... . 1-3
How Much of This Book Must I Read? .................. ........ 1-6
Printer Components ............................................... ........ 1-7
Installing Your Printer .................. ............. ............. ........ 1-8
Printing a Configuration Sheet ................................... 1-10
Chapter 1: Getting Started 1-1

DocuPrint N17 an d N17b Models

DocuPrint N17
and N17b
This book is for use with both the Xerox DocuPrint N17 and DocuPrint N17b Network Laser Printers. The DocuPrint N17 contains all the components of the DocuPrint N17b, plus the following:
• Ethernet 10Base2 and 10BaseT
• Audible buzzer As this guide serves both printers, the DocuPrint N17b
will hereafter be referred to as the DocuPrint N17 except in situations where information is specific to either printer.
1-2 ❖ DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide

User Documentation Roadmap

Your DocuPrint N17 printer is packaged with documentation in both printed form and on CD. There are two CDs:
Product CD
• printer drivers.
Printer Management Software CD
• various Xerox-provided client software and the documentation for it.
This section serves as a roadmap for the printed and CD documentation
Your DocuPrint N17 printer was packaged with the following pieces of printed documentation:
Quick Install Guide
• printer up and running.
User Guide
• basic information needed to use your printer. (More detailed user information is contained in the System Administrator G uide on your Product CD.)
Quick Network Install Guide
• you how to connect your printer to a network in your specific environment. (M ore detail ed Networ k / Environment information is conta ined in th e Technical Information Guide on your Product CD.)
, which contains documentation and
, which contains
, which shows you how to get your
(this book), which provides you with the
, which briefly shows
Chapter 1: Getting Started 1-3
User Documentation Roadmap
DocuPrint N17
Product CD
Y o ur Do cuPr int N1 7 pri nt er wa s al so pac kag ed wit h a CD that contains the following pieces of information:
User Guide
• Quick Network Install Guide
• System Administrator Guide
• Technical Information Guide
• A procedure to upgrade your printer software
The System Administrator Guide contains the following information should you require it:
• Printer installation instructions, in Chapter 1.
• Installation instructions for all DocuPrint N17 options, in Appendix C.
• Installation instructions for the EP cartridge and BTR replacement, in Appendix B.
The System Administrator Guide also contains a considerable amount of more detailed user information.
DocuPrint N17 printer drivers are also contained on the Product CD. The majority of driver documentation is provided via the Help files included with the drivers.
(electronic version of this book)
Sinced both the Product CD and the Print er Manage ment Software CD contain so much important information, please ensure that you save them and keep them in a safe place.
1-4 ❖ DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide
User Documentation Roadmap

Using the CDs

The documentation on the Product CD is provided as PDF files, which are opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader (provided on the CD if you do not already have it installed). These files contain hypertext links that enable you to jump from the Table of Contents or Index directly to the page where you are looking for information, as well as from page to page where information is cross-referenced. Simply move the cursor over a hypertext link and it changes to a pointing finger. Then click on the link to jump to the link’s destination.
The PDF files also enable you to print the specific pages you need, rather than printing an entire chapter or manual.
Both the Product CD and the Printer Man agement CD are provided with installation booklets in their respective jewel cases. You can also refer to the ReadMe files on the CDs for more information.
Chapter 1: Getting Started 1-5

How Much of Thi s Book Must I Read?

How Much of
This Book Must I
Use this book as a reference for:
• Getting Started (Chapter 1: Getting Started)
• Information about CentreWare and installing printer drivers (Chapter 2:Printer Management Software and Drivers)
• Instructions on using the Control Panel (Chapter 3: Using the Control Panel)
• Paper specifications, loading paper, and duplex printing (Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientation)
• Clearing Jams(Chapter 5 : Clearing Jams and Jam Recovery)
• Replacing Your Toner Cartridge and Fuser Cartridge/ BTR (Chapter 6: Replacing Your Toner Cartridge)
• Troubleshooting printing problems if they occur (Chapter 7: Troubleshooting)
• Further References (Chapter 8: References)
1-6 ❖ DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide

Printer Components

Front View
Control Panel Display
Control Panel Keypad
Recessed Grip
Power Switch
Standard Outpu t Bin
Front Cover
Front Cover Release Button
MBF (Multi-bypass Tray)
MBF Release Point
Tray 1
Rear View
Option Interface Cover
Rear Cover
Power Inlet
Ethernet Ports (N17 only)
Parallel Port
Serial Port
Diagnostic LED
Etherne t LED (N17 only)
Port for Optional Network Card
The major printer components are indic ated below.
Figure 1.1 Major printer components
Chapter 1: Getting Started 1-7

Installing Your Printer

Installing Your
There are other documents which will help you install your printer. The purpose of this section is simply to guide you to those documents (and sections of documents). The following documentation is available for installation assistance:
• The DocuPrint N17 System Administrator Guide (on the DocuPrint N17 Product CD)
— Chapter 1 shows how to initially install the
DocuPrint 17.
— Appendix B shows how tolreplace the DocuPrint
N17 EP Cartridge and BTR/Fuser.
— Appendix C shows how to install (and remove) the
2,500 Sheet Feeder, Duplex Module, Envelope Feeder , Ha rd Disk Dri ve, XNIC Network I nterfac es, and memory SIMMs.
• The 2,500 Sheet Feeder and Envelope Feeder have installation instructions in their boxes, while the other N17 options have wordless instructions on their boxes.
• The DocuPrint N17 itself comes with a Quick Start Card which guides you on your initial installation of the printer.
• The DocuPrint N17 Quick Network Install Guide
1-8 DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide
provides guidance as to how to connect to the network within your specific environment.
Installing Your Printer
Chapter 2 of this guide provides some direction on
how to install your DocuPrint N17 drivers and CentreWare software. More information is provided on the CD.
• More detailed information about installation can also be found in your CentreW are Users Manual, contained on the Printer Management Software CD that comes with your DocuPrint N17.
Please remember to save and store all your packing materials in a dry place so that you can retrieve these materials in the future should you be required to transport your DocuPrint N17 or its options.
Chapter 1: Getting Started 1-9

Printing a Configurati on Sheet

Printing a
A very convenient way of both testing basic printer operation and determining how your printer is configured is to print a Configuration Sheet.
The following operator sequence from the DocuPrint N17 Control Panel will cause a Configuration Sheet to be printed:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
Menu Up
Menus Test Menu
on the Display.
Item Up
Test Menu Config Sheet
on the Display.
. The Configuration Sheet will be printed.
Menu Down
Item Down
until you see:
until you see:
1-10 DocuPrint N17/N17b User Guide

Printer Management Software and Drivers

Using CentreWare DP with the DocuPrint N17 .... ........ 2-2
DocuPrint N17 PCL Printer Drivers ................................ 2-3
DocuPrint N17 PostScript Printer Drivers ..................... 2-4
Driver Features .... ........................................................... 2-5
Installing CentreWare and Drivers ................................ 2-7
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Dri vers 2-1

Using CentreWare DP with the DocuPrint N17

CentreWare DP
with the
DocuPrint N17
Table 2.1 CentreWare DP key features and benefits
Feature Benefit
Setup Wizard Provides a step-by-step guide to get your printer quickly up and
Advanced Setup Provides a tool to service multiple file servers and queues. Instant Status Allows you to select a printer from the Printer List to see what that
Remote Configuration and Management
Xerox CentreWare DP is e asy-to-use printer management software for Xerox printers. Through the ease of point-and-click navigation, you can install, connect, and configure the DocuPrint N17 on a network, quickly and easily.
CentreWare DP provide s network administrators with simplified setup procedures and effortless management of networked Xerox DocuPrint N17 printers.
Table 2.1 lists CentreWare DP key features and benefits. For more specific information about CentreWare DP use and operation, see “The CentreWare DP User Guide.”
running on the network.
printer is doing at any given time. Allows you to do most configuration and monitoring tasks from
your workstation.
Printer Upgrades Allows you to upgrade your printer from your workstation.
CentreWare DP SunO S/Solaris Services ar e also available to allow you to set up queues, and contain your DocuPrint N17 drivers for SunOS/Solaris. All of the CentreWare DP software and documentation are on your Printer Management Software CD.
2-2 ❖ DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide

DocuPrint N17 PCL Printer D rivers

DocuPrint N17
PCL Printer
The DocuPrint N17 supports the PCL Emulation printer drivers listed in Table 2.2. T o take full advantage of all the printer's features when printing PCL jobs, install the appropriate DocuPrint N17 PCL Emulation printer driver(s).
Table 2.2 DocuPrint N17 PCL printer drivers
Environment Printer Driver
Windows Windows 3.1x/ Windows 95
Windows NT 3.5.1 Windows NT 4.0
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Dri vers 2-3

DocuPrint N17 PostScript Printer Drivers

DocuPrint N17
Printer Drivers
The DocuPrint N17 supports the PostScript drivers listed in Table 2.3. To take full advantage of all the printer's features when printing PostScript jobs, install the appropriate DocuPrint N17 printer driver(s).
Table 2.3 DocuPrint N17 PostScript printer drivers
Environment Printer Driver
Windows Windows 3.1x/ Windows 95
Windows NT 3.5.1 Windows NT 4.0
IBM OS/2 OS/2 Ver. 2.1
Macintosh System 6.x
System 7.x
UNIX Sun OS 4.14,
IBM AIX 4.1.x, 4.2.x, HP-UX 9.x, 10.x Sun Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.51, 2.6
2-4 ❖ DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide

Driver Features

Driver Features
DocuPrint N17 drivers will support the following sta ndard features:
• Input tray/Output bin selection
• Duplex selection
• Paper size, orientation and media
• Number of copies
Table 2.4 on page 2-6 lists a general overview of features supported by the DocuPrint N17 drivers. Actual driver capabilities can be determined by invoking specific drivers.
In the table, Uni drivers refers to universal drivers, while Custom drivers are Xerox custom drivers.
Xerox custom drivers are recommended for use with the DocuPrint N17 since they will generally support the most DocuPrint N17 features.
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Dri vers 2-5
Driver Features
Table 2.4 DocuPrint N17 driver features
Windows 3.1x (Custom)
Windows 95 (Custom)
Windows NT
3.5.1 (Uni) Windows NT
4.0 (Uni)
Windows 3.1x (Custom)
Windows 95 (Custom)
Windows NT
3.5.1 (Uni) Windows NT
4.0 (Custom)
Sun Solaris 2.4,
2.5, 2.51, 2.6 Sun OS 4.14NNNNNNN IBM AIX
4.1x, 4.2x HP-UX 9.x, 10.xNNNNNNN
Page Policy
2-6 DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide

Installing CentreWare and Drivers

CentreWare and
Configuring Your
Inside the cover of the DocuPrint N17 CDs which come with your printer, are booklets which give you instructions on how to load both your DocuPrint N32 drivers and your DocuPrint N17 CentreWare software (depending on your software environment).
In addition, your System Administrator also has the capability to download drivers directly to your workstation.
When you initially use any of your drivers, make sure to properly configure your driver by setting the correct DocuPrint N17 options displ aye d unde r the “PRINT E R CONFIGURATION” tab in the drivers. You can determine which DocuPrint N17 options you have by printing a Configuration Sheet.
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Dri vers ❖ 2-7
2-8 DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide

Using the Contr ol Panel

Control Panel Features ..................................... ............. . 3-2
The Display ......... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........ 3-3
Menu Options ............................................ ............. ........ 3-4
Chapter 3: Using the Control Panel 3-1

Control Panel Features

Control Panel
2-line by 16-character display
Indicator lights
Control keys (8)
The DocuPrint N17 Control Panel (Figure 3.1) serves two purposes:
1. It displays information about the status of the printer (or the job in process) and
2. It provides the means for changing printer settings to control how the DocuPrint N17 operates.
Figure 3.1 DocuPrint N17 Control Panel
3-2 ❖ DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide
Control Panel Features

The Display

The Control Panel's display performs two functions.
• It informs you of printer status conditions, such as when toner is low, when a paper tray is empty, when a job is in process, and so on. For example, when you turn on the printer, you see the following message on the display:
This message appears whenever the printer is online and ready to accept print jobs. The display will also show:
when processing data, and:
when waiting for more data.
• It presents a hierarchy of menu options and settings to configure and control the printer.
For example, when you press
, you will see the following two-line message on
the display:
(such as See the section “Menu Options” (page 3-4) for
information on the Menu system hierarchy.
System Menu or Job Menu
Chapter 3: Using the Control Panel 3-3
Menu Up

Menu Options

Menu Options
Figure 3.2 on page 3-5 depicts a “Menu Map” for the DocuPrint N17. This map shows which variables are controlled by the DocuPrint N17 menus.
Details of all the available settings for the variables in these menus are contained in Chapter 3 of the System Administrato r Guide.
In addition, Chapter 3 of the System Administrator Guide lists all the operations associated with the DocuPrint N17 Control Panel keys and lists the specific key processes which need to be executed to set any of these DocuPrint N17 variables.
3-4 DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide
Figure 3.2 DocuPrint N17 Menu Map
Menu Options
Job Menu
Password Menu
Tray Menu
PCL Menu
PostScript Menu
System Menu
Parallel Menu
Serial Menu
Ethernet Menu
Token Ring Menu
Novell Menu
Cancel Job Form Feed
Enter Password
Font Number
Pitch Point Size
Form Length Symbol Set Line Terminat.
No Jobs All Jobs Job n
Envelope Size Envelope Type MBF Size MBF Ty pe Tray 1 Type Tray 2 Type Tray 3 Type
3 3
Tray Sequence
Print Delete
Paper Size Paper Type Page Policy Page Timeout Copies Orientation
Duplex Draft Mode Edge-to-Edge
Print Errors Binary PS
XIE Resolution Output Timeout Output Offset
Port Enable Port Timeout Parallel PDL Bi-directional
Port Enable Port Timeout Serial PDL Handshake
Output Dest Power Saver Defaults Alarm
Baud Rate
Novell PDL Novell Mode Frame Type Polling Interval PServer Name Primary Server NDS Tree NDS Context
Novell Enable LPR Enable LPR Banner LPR PDL DLC/LLC Enable DLC PDL NetBEUI Enable NetBEUI PDL AppSocket Enabl AppSocket PDL ETalk Enable HTTP Enable IP Address Res. IP Address Sub Net Mask Default Gateway Port Timeout Speed
Novell Enable LPR Enable LPR Banner LPR PDL DLC/LLC Enable DLC PDL NetBEUI Enable NetBEUI PDL AppSocket Enabl AppSocket PDL TTalk Enable HTTP Enable IP Address Res. IP Address Sub Net Mask Default Gateway Port Timeout Source Routing Speed LAA
Test Menu
Reset Menu
Language Factory Defaults Network Defaults Demo Mode Delete Jobs Init Disk
Config Sheet Demo Page PCL Font List PS Font List Menu Map Test Print Disk Directory Hex Mode Restart Printer
Appears only when the Hard Disk Drive is installed.
Either Pitch or Point Size appears (but not both), depending upon the type of font currently in effect.
Appears only when an optional paper feeder is installed.
Appears only when the Duplex Module is installed.
Chapter 3: Using the Control Panel ❖ 3-5
3-6 DocuPrint N17/ N17b U ser Guide
+ 72 hidden pages