Xerox MAX 200 User Manual

User Guide 701P36011 October 2000
NOTICE While every care has been taken in the preparation of this guide, no liability will be
accepted by Xerox Corporation arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.
2000 XEROX CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
© Printed in the United States of America XEROX
, XES, AccXES, The Document Company, and the identifying product names and numbers
herein are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. All terms mentioned in this document that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been
appropriately capita lized; Bic Briteliner. Prepared by:
Xerox Corporation Global Knowledge & Langua ge Services 800 Phillips Road Webster, New York 14580-9791


The introduction provides an overview of the MAX 200 and it’s optional accessories and features. You will also find information on how to use this guide, and the location of information you will need to operate, maintain, and service the MAX 200.

Welcome to the MAX 200

Congratulations on acquiring your new MAX 200. Xerox Engineering Systems looks forward to supporting you and helping you increases your organizational prod uc tiv ity.
The MAX 200 is a high speed, highlight color production solution for centralized operations. It is a large-format digital copier for high­volume production producing 9.2 E-size, 17 D-size, 22 C-size, 29 B­size, and 37 A-size prints per minute, with concurrent scanning and printing operations.
Speed and productivity
Large media supply
Image quality
Highlight color
Scan-to-file memory
Standard copy memory
Makes copies or scans at 8 IPS (200 mm/sec). Six media supply sources – 4 x 500 feet or 600 feet rolls, 1000 cut
sheet tray for 8.5 x11 inch to 12 x 18 inch sizes, and the manual feed tray.
Has an excellent 400-dpi-image quality for fine lines, solid areas, and halftones with pictures, and a true photo mode for superb results. The MAX 200 also has 256 levels of grayscale scanning. This gives the ability to reproduce from difficult legacy documents, like bluelines, sepias, or dark and low contrast originals.
The MAX 200 provides single pass black plus red, with no loss of speed. The highlight feature enables editing, identifying changes, clear date stamps, labels, watermarks, and other applications.
The MAX 200 is equipped with 160 MB of scan-to-file memory. Additional memory can be purchased.
The MAX 200 is equipped with 208 MB of standard copy memory. To order optional features or accessories call the Xerox Engineering
Systems sales office at 1-877-XES-8212, extension 751.
Introduction i

Optional accessories

Some machine configurations may have optional accessories. Any one or more accessories may or may not be installed on your system.
The MAX 200 has the following optional accessories available:
Flat stacker
Document carrier

Optional features

Some machine configurations may have optional features. Any one or more features may or may not be installed on your system.
The MAX 200 has the following optional features available:
Editing kit
Stamper kit, with floppy disk drive
Multifunction plot kit
Multifunction scan kit
Additional scan-to-file memory kit
To order optional accessories call Xerox Engineering Systems sales office at 1-877-8212, extension 751.
For more information, visit the Xerox Engineering Systems web site at
ii Introduction

About this guide

This user guide contains information you need to operate and maintain the MAX 200 safely and efficiently. Please read this guide carefully. Always refer to this user guide if a problem occurs during the use of the MAX 200.


Special conventions are used, in this user guide, to help you get the most from the guide.
Typefaces and symbols in the guide identify terms and conditions. The table below provides you with a description of the typefaces and symbols used in this user guide.
Typeface Symbol Description
Italic Note: The symbol on the left and the word note at the
Bold and
Bold WARNING: The symbol on the left and the word
Normal This symbol identifies a web site address.
None Identifies an action to perform, like press a button or select
an area on the touch screen It also identifies terms, a feature, an option or message.
Example 1: Select print. Example 2: The ready to copy message is displayed. Example 3: The normal R/E screen is displayed.
None Identifies a chapter or section title in this guide. For more
information refer to the chapter or the section title.
beginning of a sentence indicates add it ion al information, explanations, and helpf ul su ggest ions .
Caution: The symbol on the left and the word Caution at the beginning of a sentence alerts the user that certain operations or procedures may cause damage to the machine.
warning at the beginning of a sentence alerts the user to an operation that could cause injury to them.
Normal This symbol identifies a phone number.
Introduction iii
About this guide (continued)


The MAX 200 user guide contains fifteen chapters. Each chapter may contain several sections. This section provides you with a brief overview of each chapter.
For detailed information, refer to the appropriate chapter and section.
Introduction Customer support
This section of the introduction pro vid es you with the phone numbers for service and supplies.
Compliance information
This section of the introduction provides all necessary compliance information associated with the MAX 200.
It’s illegal
This section of the introduction provides you valuable information on what is illegal in your location.
Safety notes
Getting to know the MAX 200
MAX 200 power
How to make copies
This section of the introduction pro vid es you with all safety information, warnings, and instructions marked on the product. Failure to follow the recommendations in this section may result in personal injury or rescinding of the machine operation agreement.
This chapter introduces the location and function of the major machine components.
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to power-on and power off the machine. It also includes ground fault protector and machine power mode information.
This chapter provides the following media information: specifications, storage, handling, and usability. Step-by-step instructions on how to load the trays is also provided.
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to make copies in auto mode, manual mode, or from the manual feed tray.
iv Introduction
About this guide (continued)
Organization (continued)
Basic touch screen features
Image quality touch screen features
Additional touch screen features
Finishing touch screen features
How to customize the MAX 200
Problem solving
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the basic touch screen features.
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the image quality touch screen features.
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the additional touch screen features.
It also provides detailed information and procedures for the editing feature.
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the finishing touch screen features.
It also provides detailed information and procedures for the optional stamper feature.
This chapter provides information about the custom presets feature and how to enter custom presets. It also identifies, and provid es step- by-step instructions on how to change the system, copy, and storage disk/manager custom presets features.
This chapter provides you with information on how to care for the MAX 200 and order supplies.
This chapter provides problem solving information. When a machine problem occurs, go to this section first to assist you with troubleshooting the problem. This chapter also provides the phone number to call for service.
Scanner interface (optional)
Plotter interface (optional)
Technical data
This chapter provides general information about the scanner interface.
This chapter provides general information about the plotter interface.
This chapter provides the MAX 200 technical data.
Introduction v

Customer support

Customer account number:


Should you be unable to resolve a problem, place a call to your Xerox Engineering Systems service representative.
Your service representative will assist you in keeping your MAX 200 operating and if required, arrange for a customer service engineer to inspect your MAX 200 and restore its perfor mance.
When you call service you will need the machine serial number. You can access the serial number from the meter check screen. For detailed information on how to obtain the serial number, refer to page
24. Fill in each item below. When you call for service, they will request
this information.
Customer account name:
Machine type:
Machine serial number:
Purchase date:
United States XES Customer First Center
Canada 1-800-939-3769. For more information, visit the Xerox Engineering Systems web site
1-877-3627 or 1-877-XES-D NCS.


To order supplies for the MAX 200 call 1-800-538-6468. A supplies representative will assist you with evalu ati ng your supp ly ne eds . You can reach the 24-hour fax order line at 1-800-204-5403.
For more information, visit the Xerox Engineering Systems web site at
vi Introduction

Compliance information

FCC Compliance in the USA

WARNING: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 FCC Rules.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if it is not installed and used in accor danc e wit h the instruction guide, may cause interference to radio communications. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.

EME Compliance in Canada

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Conformité EEM
Cet appareil numérique est conforme aux limites d'émission de bruits radioélectriques pour les appareils de classe A stipulées dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique du Ministère des Communications du Canada.
Introduction vii
It’s illegal

In the USA

It is against U.S. law to reproduce copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright owner unless the copying falls within the "Fair Use" library reproduction rights of the copyright law.
Further information on these U.S. provisions may be obtained from the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20550, or telephone the Copyright Office at (202) 707-9100 and ask for circular 21. Copying other items may be prohibited. If you have any questions seek legal advice.

In Canada

Parliament, by statute, has forbidden the copying of the following subjects under certain circumstances. Penalties of fines or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such copies.
1. Current bank notes or current money.
2. Obligations or securities of a government or bank.
3. Exchequer bill paper or revenue paper.
4. The public seal of Canada or of a province, or the seal of a public body or authority in Canada, or of a court of law.
5. Proclamations, orders, regulations or appointments, or notices thereof (with intent to falsely cause same to purport to have been printed by the Queen’s Printer for Canada, or the equivalent printer for a province).
6. Marks, brands, seals, wrappers, or designs used by or on behalf of the Government of Canada or of a province, the government of a state other than Canada, or a department, board, commission or agency established by the Government of Canada, or a province or a government of a state other than Canada.
7. Impressed or adhesive stamps used for the purpose of revenue by the Government of Canada or a province or the government of a state other than Canada.
8. Documents, registers, or records kept by public officials charged with the duty of making or issuing certified copies thereof, where the copy falsely purports to be a certified copy thereof.
9. Copyright material or trademarks of any manner or kind without the consent of the copyright or trademark owner.
10. The above list is provided for your convenience and assistance, but is not all-inclusive, and no liability is assumed for its completeness or accuracy. In case of doubt, consult your solicitor.
viii Introduction

Safety notes

Your system has been designed and tested to meet strict safety requirements. These include safety agency examination and approval plus compliance with established environmental standards.
WARNING: Failure to follow the recommendations in this section may result in personal injury or rescinding of the machine operation agreement.

Maintenance safety

1. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on or supplied with the product.
2. Unplug the units from the wall outlet before cleaning the exterior. Always use materials specifically designated for the MAX 200. Use of other materials may result in poor performance and could create a hazardous situation.
3. Do not use aerosol cleaners. Follow the instructions in this operator guide for the correct cleaning methods.
4. Never use supplies or cleaning materials for purposes other than what they were intended. Keep all supplies and materials out of the reach of children.
5. Do not use the units near water, wet locations, or outdoors.
6. The components of this product are equipped with a three-wire, grounding-type plug (i.e., a plug having a grounding pin). This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. To avoid the risk of electric shock, contact your electrician to replace the receptacle if you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet.
7. Never use a ground adapter plug to connect the system to a power source that lacks a ground connection terminal.
8. This system should be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your local power company.
9. The power supply cord is the disconnect device for this equipment. Make sure that the installation is near the socket outlet and is easily accessible.
10. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate the units where someone will step on the cord.
11. The units should not be placed in a built-in installation unless correct ventilation is provided.
Introduction ix
Safety notes (continued)
Maintenance safety (continued)
12. Never push objects of any kind into the slots of the units as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
13. Never spill liquid of any kind on the units.
14. Never remove any covers or guards that require a tool for removal. There are no operator serviceable areas within these covers.
15. Never attempt any maintenance function that is not specified in this operator guide.
16. Never defeat interlock switches. Machines are designed to prevent operator access to unsafe areas. Covers, guards, and interlock switches are provided to ensure that the system will not operate with the covers opened.
17. If the power plug is used as a disconnect device, instructions shall comply with UL 1950 Sec. 1.7.2. The power switch does not break power to the low voltage power supply.
18. Unplug the reprographic system from the wall outlet and call for service under the following conditions:
When the power cord is damaged or frayed.
If the gas piston springs in the upper cover of the printer lose
their strength.
If liquid has been spilled into the product.
If the units have been exposed to rain or water.
If the units are producing unusual noises or odors.
If the units or the cabinets have been damaged.
19. If you need additional safety information concerning the MAX 200 or XES supply materials, call:
United States Xerox Hotline
In other countries Please call your local Xerox Engineering
Systems service representative for help.

Ozone safety

This product produces ozone during normal operation. The ozone produced is heavier than the air and quantity is dependent on the copy volume. Providing the proper environmental parameter, as specified in Xerox Engine erin g S ystem installation procedures , wil l ensure that concentration levels meet safe limits.
If additional information concerning ozone is needed, request the Xerox publication Ozone, 600P83222. Please call your Xerox Engineering System s repres entat iv e.
x Introduction

Table of contents

Welcome to the MAX 200 .....................................................................................................................i
Optional accessories............................................................................................................................ii
Optional features..................................................................................................................................ii
About this guide ..................................................................................................................................iii
Conventions .................................................................................................................................... iii
Customer support
Compliance information ..................................................................................................................... vii
FCC Compliance in the USA.......................................................................................................... vii
EME Compliance in Canada..........................................................................................................vii
Conformité EEM.............................................................................................................................vii
It’s illegal ........................................................................................................................................... viii
In the USA..................................................................................................................................... viii
In Canada...................................................................................................................................... viii
Safety notes........................................................................................................................................ix
Maintenance safety .........................................................................................................................ix
Ozone safety ....................................................................................................................................x
Getting to know the MAX 200...........................................................................................15
Manual feed tray.............................................................................................................................18
Touch screen .....................................................................................................................................19
How do I know if a feature or option is available?..........................................................................20
Scanner control panel........................................................................................................................21
Upper components.........................................................................................................................21
Lower components.........................................................................................................................22
Information button ..........................................................................................................................23
Stored jobs button ..........................................................................................................................23
Meter check button.........................................................................................................................24
Custom presets button...................................................................................................................24
Review button.................................................................................................................................25
Stop document button ....................................................................................................................25
Clear button....................................................................................................................................26
Clear all button...............................................................................................................................26
Check/repair button........................................................................................................................26
Stop copy button ............................................................................................................................27
Interrupt button...............................................................................................................................27
Power save button..........................................................................................................................28
Scanner document feed panel...........................................................................................................28
Auto mode panel................................................................................................................................29
Printer control panel...........................................................................................................................30
Printer diagram...............................................................................................................................32
Top indicator lamps........................................................................................................................33
Buttons ...........................................................................................................................................33
Manual feed panel .............................................................................................................................34
RFC panel..........................................................................................................................................36
Cut sheet panel..................................................................................................................................37
Media type and series panel..............................................................................................................38
Media series panel (tray 5) ................................................................................................................38
MAX 200 power..................................................................................................................39
Switching the power-on......................................................................................................................39
Table of contents xi
Switching the power off......................................................................................................................40
Ground fault protectors ......................................................................................................................41
Printer ground fault.........................................................................................................................41
Scanner ground fault......................................................................................................................41
Warm-up ............................................................................................................................................42
Auto power-off mode..........................................................................................................................42
Power save ........................................................................................................................................42
How to handle unusable documents..................................................................................................43
Torn or ripped document................................................................................................................43
Document with staples ...................................................................................................................43
Document with curl.........................................................................................................................43
Bent document ...............................................................................................................................43
Transparent document ...................................................................................................................43
How to store cut sheet media ............................................................................................................44
How to store roll media ......................................................................................................................44
Media type and weight charts ............................................................................................................45
Media size charts...............................................................................................................................46
Maximum scan length........................................................................................................................47
Maximum print length.........................................................................................................................47
How do I know when tray 5 or a drawer is empty?............................................................................48
From the auto mode panel .............................................................................................................48
From the R/E, media, cut touch screen..........................................................................................48
From the RFC panel.......................................................................................................................48
From the cut sheet panel ...............................................................................................................48
How to load roll media .......................................................................................................................49
How to load cut sheet media .............................................................................................................51
How to cut roll media .........................................................................................................................52
Auto cut ..........................................................................................................................................52
Manual cut......................................................................................................................................53
Heater ................................................................................................................................................54
Humidifier (optional)...........................................................................................................................55
How to make copies..........................................................................................................56
Before making copies ........................................................................................................................56
In auto mode......................................................................................................................................57
In manual mode .................................................................................................................................60
With the manual feed tray..............................................................................................................64
Basic touch screen features.............................................................................................68
Media cut mode .................................................................................................................................69
R/E; media; cut ..................................................................................................................................70
Normal R/E.....................................................................................................................................71
R/E by L&W....................................................................................................................................73
Normal R/E calculator ....................................................................................................................75
Paper length adjustment................................................................................................................79
Image density.....................................................................................................................................87
Document image type........................................................................................................................88
Print color...........................................................................................................................................90
One color (black or red) .................................................................................................................90
Two color (black and red)...............................................................................................................91
Image quality touch screen features................................................................................92
Scan color sensitivity .........................................................................................................................94
Additional to u c h screen featur e s.....................................................................................95
Image location....................................................................................................................................96
Overall editing ................................................................................................................................98
Marker editing...............................................................................................................................107
Coordinates editing ......................................................................................................................119
Finishing tou c h screen feature s....................................................................................129
E-sorter ............................................................................................................................................130
Off (uncollated).............................................................................................................................131
Collated ........................................................................................................................................132
xii Table of contents
Stamper ...........................................................................................................................................137
Stamp pattern...............................................................................................................................139
Stamp location..............................................................................................................................147
Date stamp...................................................................................................................................153
Stamp color ..................................................................................................................................158
Paper exit (for machines with no folder)..........................................................................................161
Stored jobs......................................................................................................................162
How to store, recall or delete a job..................................................................................................162
Store jobs log...................................................................................................................................164
Job feature log .................................................................................................................................165
How to customize the MAX 200......................................................................................167
Identifying the system features........................................................................................................168
Identifying the copy features............................................................................................................170
Identifying the storage/disk manager features.................................................................................173
How to enter custom presets ...........................................................................................................174
How to change the system features ................................................................................................176
Time & date..................................................................................................................................176
Auto power off ..............................................................................................................................177
Auto power save...........................................................................................................................178
Auto clear/backlight off.................................................................................................................179
Document width............................................................................................................................181
Attention tone ...............................................................................................................................182
Plotter setup .................................................................................................................................183
Loading stamp data......................................................................................................................190
Additional setting..........................................................................................................................192
How to change the copy features....................................................................................................194
Reduce/enlarge presets ...............................................................................................................194
Media type and width for auto mode............................................................................................196
Stamp location and orientation.....................................................................................................198
Date stamp format........................................................................................................................201
Folder setup .................................................................................................................................203
Auto/manual mode .......................................................................................................................212
Media cut mode and document orientation..................................................................................214
Lead/trail edge default for synchronized......................................................................................216
Variable length default..................................................................................................................218
Background suppression level default .........................................................................................220
Image density...............................................................................................................................223
Document image type ..................................................................................................................224
Scan to print color default ............................................................................................................225
Color recognition range................................................................................................................226
Marker area recognition ...............................................................................................................229
Additional setting..........................................................................................................................231
How to change the storage/disk manager features.........................................................................233
Stamp creation/deletion ...............................................................................................................233
Disk manager (format/duplication) ...............................................................................................245
E-sorter (program) settings ..........................................................................................................249
Cleaning the scanner platen glass...................................................................................................256
Ordering supplies.............................................................................................................................256
Problem solving..............................................................................................................257
Problem solving chart ......................................................................................................................257
Clearing a scanner jam....................................................................................................................259
Clearing a printer jam.......................................................................................................................260
Indicator lamps 1 - 4.....................................................................................................................261
Indicator lamp 5............................................................................................................................262
Indicator lamps 6 or 7...................................................................................................................263
Indicator lamp 8............................................................................................................................264
Indicator lamp 9............................................................................................................................266
Indicator lamp 10..........................................................................................................................268
Indicator lamp 11 or 12.................................................................................................................270
Table of contents xiii
Replacing the toner cartridge...........................................................................................................271
Relatch the fuser..............................................................................................................................273
Calling for service ............................................................................................................................274
Scanner interface (optional)...........................................................................................275
Plotter interfa c e (optional)..............................................................................................276
How to enter copy mode from plot mode.....................................................................................277
Technical data.................................................................................................................278
Printer specifications........................................................................................................................278
Physical characteristics................................................................................................................278
Floor space requirements ............................................................................................................278
Scanner specifications.....................................................................................................................279
Physical characteristics................................................................................................................279
Floor space requirements ............................................................................................................279
System requirements.......................................................................................................................279
Environmental data..........................................................................................................................280
Media specifications.........................................................................................................................281
System capability.............................................................................................................................281
Material safety data sheet (MSDS) information...............................................................................282
xiv Table of contents

Getting to know the MAX 200



No. Name Function 1 Document shelf
2 Auto mode panel
3 Touch screen
4 Scanner control panel
5 Power switch
6 Document feed direction
7 Floppy diskette drive
8 Document guide
Place documents face down on the document shelf and feed into the scanner.
The auto mode panel is used to select the media size, document feed direction, and mode of operation. When in auto mode the panel also displays the document size, media type, and media supply information. For detailed information about the panel, refer to page
29. Displays available features and options, messages, and job
information. For detailed information about the touch screens, refer to page 19.
Contains the numeric keypad, control buttons and the document counter. For detailed information about the panel, refer to page 21.
Switches the scanner power-on or off. If your system is equipped with the printer and the scanner switch is positioned to off, power to the printer is also removed.
Displays the document feed direction.
The floppy disk drive is used to store stamp data. The document guide registers the document during the scan
Getting to know the MAX 200 15
Scanner (continued)


No. Name Function
9 Document exit guide
10 Document support
11 Document output tray
12 Scanner circuit breaker 13 Ground fault protector
The document exit guide is positioned manually. If the guide is positioned up, documents are fed to the document output tray. If the guide is positioned down, documents are fed to the front of the scanner.
If documents are longer than 36 inches, pull out the document support guides. The guide keeps long documents from falling off the document output tray.
The document output tray receives documents when the document exit guide is in the up position.
The circuit breaker switches the main power to the scanner on or off. If the scanner detects an electrical problem, the ground fault
protector switches the scanner power off.
16 Getting to know the MAX 200


Right side
No. Name Function 1 Copy output tray exit
2 Copy output tray
3 Manual feed tray
4 RFC drawer 1
5 RFC drawer 2
6 Cut sheet tray
7 Printer control panel
Copies that exit this area are feed to the copy output tray.
Copies are placed onto the copy output tray when there is no folder or stacker. Maximum media tray capacity is 100 sheets (20 –24 lb.).
Supplies standard or nonstandard media sizes. All media is feed manually.
The roll feed cutter (RFC drawer 1) supplies up to 2 rolls of media. The media type and series panel is included in the drawer, for detailed information about the panel, refer to page 38.
The roll feed cutter (RFC drawer 2) supplies up to 2 rolls of media. The media type and series panel is included in the drawer, for detailed information about the panel, refer to page 38.
Supplies 1000 sheets of cut sheet media, 8.5 x 11 inch to 12 x 18 inch. The cut sheet tray is also referred to as tray 5. The media series panel is included in the tray, for detail information about the panel, refer to page 38.
Displays the printer status and includes the offline button, and the red and black increase toner buttons. For detailed information about the panel, refer to page 30.
8 Front door
9 Copy output
folder/stacker exit area
Getting to know the MAX 200 17
Open to access media jams or to replace the toner cartridge. Copies that exit this area and are fed into the folder or stacker.
Printer (continued)
Right side
No. Name Function 10 Manual feed panel
11 Power switch
12 RFC panel
13 Lower door
Displays the manual feed tray status and contains the manual feed control buttons. For detailed information about the panel, refer to page 34.
Switches the printer power-on or off. Displays media roll information. The trim button controls the auto
cut function. For detailed information about the panel, refer to page
36. Open to access the printer circuit breaker, heater switch and the
humidifier switch (optional).

Manual feed tray

Using the manual feed tray is useful when the correct size or type of media is not loaded in the printer, or when you need to make a copy on special size media (A – E).
For detailed information on how to make copies, with the manual feed tray, refer to page 70.
18 Getting to know the MAX 200

Touch screen

The touch screens contain messages, copy quantity information, tabs, buttons, icons and text. There are two types of screens, the copy feature screens and the custom presets screens.
The copy feature screens are grouped into four feature group tabs; basic, image quality, additional, and finishing. Whenever a selection is made from any of the tabs, the selection overrides the custom presets values until the clear all button is pressed.
The custom presets screens are grouped into three feature group tabs; system, copy, and storage/disk manager. When you enter custom presets you can customize the MAX 200 defaults, to meet your workflow requirements .


Note: The screen below is an example of a copy feature screen. The text above the selection buttons, displays the current copy feature selections.
Ready to cop Load documents face down
Image Quality
Selected 01
Message bar
Icons and text
Selection buttons
R / E; Media:
Black Red Line
Image Type
Black Only
Print Color
Displays the machine conditions, operator instructions, and copy quantity. In this example the message bar displays the following information:
Ready to copy Selected 01 Load documents face down
There are four feature group tabs (basic, image quality, additional, finishing). When a tab is selected, the feature group menu is displayed. Each feature group has a specific set of selections.
Each feature group screen is divided into columns, each column may contain an icon with text. Each column provides the operator a quick overview of the current job selections.
To select touch screen features or options, touch the desired button.
Getting to know the MAX 200 19
Touch screen (continued)

How do I know if a feature or option is available?

Ready to cop Load documents face down
R / E; Media:
Image Quality
Black Red
Image Type
Selected 01
Black Only
Print Color
An available feature or option is shown raised and is not grayed out. In this example the basic feature group tab is available, along with the four selection buttons.
Any tab or button that is not raised and appears to be grayed out is not available. In this example the following tabs are not available: image quality, addit ion al, an d finis h ing.
Note: Any feature group tab or selection button that is not available, may have a conflict with a current selection. Sometimes a specific option must be selected first, or your machine is not equipped with the optional accessory.
20 Getting to know the MAX 200

Scanner control panel

Upper components

The scanner control panel is divided into two sections; the upper and lower sections. The upper section is located under the scanner control panel cover. To access the upper section, press the press to
open latch and release.
Name Function
Brightness control dial The brightness control dial adjusts the brightness of the touch
Check/repair button The check/repair button is for the service representative. Meter check button The meter check button provides access to the billing meter. The
meter reads the printer usage. For detailed information on how to use the meter check button, refer to page 24.
Custom presets button The custom presets button provides access to the system, copy,
and storage/disk manager defaults. You can change the defaults to meet your specific needs. For detailed information about the custom presets button, refer to page 24.
Press to open latch Press and release the press to open latch, to open the top cover of
the scanner control panel.
Getting to know the MAX 200 21
Scanner control panel (continued)

Lower components

Name Function Information button Press the information button, to provided online information about
the machine feature and options. For detailed information, refer to page 23.
Review button Press the review button, to display the current job feature settings,
and move quickly between screens. For detailed information, refer to page 25.
Stored jobs button Press the stored jobs button to store, recall or delete a stored job.
For detailed information, refer to page 162.
Power save button Press the power save button, to enter or exit the power saver
mode. For detailed information, refer to page 28.
Document counter The document counter displays the total number of scanned
documents. To reset, press the button beside the counter.
Clear button Press the clear (C) button, to clear numeric data. For detailed
information, refer to page 26.
Clear all button Press the clear all button, to clear current copy feature selections
and numeric data. The machine automatically returns to the custom presets default settings. For detailed information, refer to page 26.
Interrupt button Press the interrupt button to suspend the current job, so a different
job can be run. For detailed information, refer to page 27.
Stop copy button Press the stop copy button to stop the print cycle. For detailed
information, refer to page 27.
Stop document button Press the stop document button to stop the scan operation. For
detailed information, refer to page 25.
Numeric keypad Press the keypad buttons to enter quantity and other information.
22 Getting to know the MAX 200
Scanner control panel (continued)

Information button

The information button is a quick way to access online information. For additional information, refer to the user guide.
1. Press the information button. The information indicator lamp is lit and the information main-
menu screen is displa yed.
2. Select the desired topic. Information about the topic is displayed or a sub topic menu is
displayed. Select close to return to the previous screen.
3. To exit, press the information button. The basic feature group screen is displayed and the
information indicator lamp is not lit.

Stored jobs button

This stored jobs button allows you to store (create), recall, or delete stored jobs. For detailed information refer to page 162.
Getting to know the MAX 200 23
Scanner control panel (continued)

Meter check button

Note: The meter check screen displays two fields, billing and service. The service field is for the service representative.
The meter check button provides access to the billing meter. The meter displays the printer media usage.
The machine serial number is also displayed on the meter check screen. It is located at the lower right corner of the screen.
1. Press the press to open latch, at the upper right corner of the scanner control panel cover.
The scanner control panel cover is open.
2. Press the meter check button. The meter check indicator lamp is lit and the meter check screen
is displayed.
The billing field displays the media usage.
3. To exit, press the meter check button. The basic feature group screen is displayed.

Custom presets button

Note: For detailed information on how to enter the custom presets feature, refer to page 174.
The custom presets button provides access to various default settings. There are three feature groups; system, copy and storage/disk manager.
1. Press the press to open latch, at the upper right corner of the scanner control panel cover.
The scanner control panel cover is open.
2. Ensure the machine is in copy mode. If needed, refer to page
3. Press the custom presets button. The custom presets indicator lamp is lit and the system features
tab is displayed.
4. Select the desired feature tab.
5. To exit, press the custom presets button.
24 Getting to know the MAX 200
Scanner control panel (continued)

Review bu tton

The review button provides quick access to review the current job features and quickly move between screens to make changes. Before printing your job, you may want to review all the selected features.
1. Press the review button.
The review indicator lamp is lit and the review screen is
displayed. The first column of text, next to the feature button, is the name of the copy feature.
The second column of text, displays the selected feature
2. To make changes, select the desired copy feature button. The copy feature screen is displayed.
3. Enter your changes.
4. Perform one of the following: a. If you do not have any more changes, select done on the
copy feature screen. Continue to the next step.
b. If you need to make more feature changes press the review
button again. The review screen is displayed and any feature button that is highlighted indicates a change has been made.
When all your changes are complete select done on the on the copy feature screen or select close on the review screen to save your changes. Continue to the next step.
5. Select the copy quantity.
6. Insert your document into the scanner.
Stop document button
Press the stop document button to stop the scan process. If a document begins to tear or skew, always press the stop document button immediately. Stopping the document may save your document and eliminate possible document jams.
Note: If a document jam does occurs, refer to page 259.
Getting to know the MAX 200 25
Scanner control panel (continued)

Clear button

When the clear (C) button is pressed, the machine clears the
numeric data entered from the keypad.

Clear all button

When the clear all button is pressed, the machine resets the copy features to the custom presets defaults. This occurs automatically after some preset amount of time.
If a jam occurs, press the clear all button to cancel the job while clearing the jam.
Check/repair button
The check/repair button is used by the service representative.
26 Getting to know the MAX 200
Scanner control panel (continued)

Stop copy button

When the stop copy button is pressed, the printer stops printing. If the button is pressed during the copy cycle, the printer stops after completing the current copy cycle. You are given the option to continue the copy process or delete the image.
1. Press the stop copy button. The stop copy screen is dis played.
2. Select yes to resume the same copy job (at the point where it was stopped) or select no to cancel the current job.
Interrupt button
Press the interrupt button when you need to run a job other than the current job that is printing and would like to return to the original print job without setting up the original job again.
1. Press the interrupt button. When the current copy cycle is complete the ready to copy
message is displayed. The interrupt indicator lamp stops flashing when the printer is ready to be programmed for the interrupt job.
2. Select the desired features and run the different job.
3. To return to the original job, press the interrupt button.
Getting to know the MAX 200 27
Scanner control panel (continued)

Power save button

Note: For detailed information on how to setup power save, in custom presets, refer to page 178.
The power save function reduces machine power consumption when the machine is not used for a selected period of time.
When the machine enters the power save mode, current to the fuser is reduced, and the electrical control signals (except auto mode panel and scanner control panel) are switched off.
The power save feature in custom presets, can be set from 1 to 30 minutes, or the feature can be disabled entirely by entering No minutes. The factory default is set to No minutes.
The interval timer clock is reset whenever the power save button is pressed and the machine is currently in the power save mode.
If the machine is in power save mode and you would like to begin making copies, press the power save button. Once the machine completes the warm-up cycle and the ready to copy message is displayed, you may begin coping again.
1. Press the power save button. The power save indicator lamp is lit. The machine enters the power save mode.
2. To exit the power save mode, press the power save button.

Scanner document feed panel

The scanner document feed panel, located below the scanner control panel, displays the document feed direction.
When the ready message is displayed, you can begin scanning your documents.
28 Getting to know the MAX 200
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