Xerox FreeFlow Web Services 8.0 Reference Guide

Xerox FreeFlow Web Services 8.0 Reference Guide

Version: 702P00482 November 2011

Web Services Order Center

Reference Guide

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Document Version: November 2011

Table of Contents

One: Introduction


Overview ..............................................................................................................................


Two: Configuration


Configure Web Services Order Center Email............................................................


Add CSR Users ..................................................................................................................................................................................


Set up Web Services Order Center Email ...............................................................................................................................


Configure CSR Email Forwarding..............................................................................................................................................


Configure Web Services Order Center Settings.......................................................


Define Accounts and Account Group Settings ....................................................................................................................


Define the Banks List .....................................................................................................................................................................


Modify Follow-up and Validity Periods...................................................................................................................................


Modify Documents Attachment Format ...............................................................................................................................


Set Sales Tips ....................................................................................................................................................................................


Customize Document Numbering ............................................................................................................................................


Define Invoice Settings.................................................................................................................................................................


Three: Sales


Creating a Simple Quote .............................................................................................


Create the Quote..........................................................................................................................................................................


Define the General Details .......................................................................................................................................................


Add and Define the Products ..................................................................................................................................................


Define the Shipping Information ..........................................................................................................................................


Performing Additional Actions on the Quote .......................................................


Selecting a Quote and Displaying the Product Tab .......................................................................................................


Adding/Deleting Jobs and Items ...........................................................................................................................................


Uploading, Attaching, and Mapping Files..........................................................................................................................


Editing Pricing Details.................................................................................................................................................................


Progressing from Quotes to Orders..........................................................................


Table of Contents


Understanding Quote/Order Statuses and Icons............................................................................................................


Moving Through the Stages in the Quote Order Life Cycle .......................................................................................


Handling Follow-up Activities for Quotes and Orders....................................................................................................


Viewing Quote and Order History..........................................................................................................................................


Four: Invoicing and Billing


Handling Deposits .........................................................................................................


Opening the Deposits screen and Displaying Deposits ................................................................................................


Creating or Editing a Deposit ..................................................................................................................................................


Confirming a Draft Deposit......................................................................................................................................................


Canceling a Deposit ....................................................................................................................................................................


Printing a Deposit.........................................................................................................................................................................


Handling Invoices ..........................................................................................................


Opening the Invoices Screen and Displaying Invoices .................................................................................................


Creating or Editing an Invoice ................................................................................................................................................


Confirming a Draft Invoice ......................................................................................................................................................


Canceling an Invoice ..................................................................................................................................................................


Issuing a Credit Note..................................................................................................................................................................


Printing an Invoice.......................................................................................................................................................................


Handling Credit Notes..................................................................................................


Opening the Credit Notes Screen and Displaying Credit Notes................................................................................


Creating or Editing a Credit Note ..........................................................................................................................................


Confirming a Draft Credit Note..............................................................................................................................................


Canceling a Credit Note ............................................................................................................................................................


Printing a Credit Note.................................................................................................................................................................


Handling Receipts..........................................................................................................


Opening the Receipts Screen and Displaying Receipts.................................................................................................


Creating or Editing a Receipt...................................................................................................................................................


Confirming a Draft Receipt ......................................................................................................................................................


Canceling a Receipt.....................................................................................................................................................................


Viewing the Details of an Invoice in the Receipt ............................................................................................................


Printing a Receipt .........................................................................................................................................................................


Five: Managing Your Business and Production


The Dashboard ...............................................................................................................


The Commercial Queue................................................................................................



Web Services Order Center

The Artwork Queue........................................................................................................


Concepts ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


Managing Production Files.......................................................................................................................................................


Managing Follow-up Activities for Order and Job Changes........................................................................................


Moving Jobs from the Artwork Queue to Other Queues ..............................................................................................


The Activities Screen.....................................................................................................


The Billing Manager......................................................................................................


Six: Production Pricing


Pricing Concepts.............................................................................................................


Regular FreeFlow Web Services Pricing Mechanism ......................................................................................................


Expanded Pricing Capabilities Provided by Web Services Order Center ................................................................


Choosing between Intent Pricing and Production Pricing...........................................................................................


Setting Up Production Pricing ...................................................................................


Enable Production Pricing .........................................................................................................................................................


Define Output Device Pricing Parameters .........................................................................................................................


Define Stock pricing ....................................................................................................................................................................


Define Process Estimator Parameters..................................................................................................................................


Define Production Pricing as the Default Calculation Model.....................................................................................


Seven: Tips and Known Issues


Quotes and Orders.........................................................................................................


Activities ...........................................................................................................................


Billing .................................................................................................................................






Production Pricing..........................................................................................................


Account Group ................................................................................................................




Reference Guide


Table of Contents


Web Services Order Center




In This Chapter



The Web Services Order Center Reference Guide provides the information and instructions you need to set up and use Web Services Order Center on your site.

Web Services Order Center is an add-on module to FreeFlow Web Services. Whereas FreeFlow Web Services enables receiving and processing orders that enter the Print Service Provider's system via the web, Web Services Order Center enables the processing of all off-line communication/business interactions received by the Print Service Provider's CSR (Customer Service Representative) through such means as the fax, phone, email or from a "walk-in" customer.

Once the Print Service Provider has received a request for a quotation, Web Services Order Center enables the Print Service Provider to create a quote, and then records all the interactions with the customer regarding this quote. After the Print Buyer has accepted the quote, the Print Service Provider can convert this quote into an order. When the order has been completed, the Print Service Provider can close the sales cycle by issuing an invoice and a receipt. The process is automated and efficient. The CSRs can view account and job statuses, handle all tasks, and issue reports on a daily basis. The built-in follow-up mechanism also allows better


Web Services Order Center is not an accounting system; so for general ledger purposes it is still necessary

to enter the data into an accounting system.




In addition to the pricing calculation models provided by FreeFlow Web Services, Web Services Order Center also provides production pricing calculation models. Instead of defining an overall cost for an intent joblet (for example, cutting), production pricing allows a Print Service Provider to define the costs and prices for each part of the production process, such as setup time, labor charges, cutting charges and waste charges (for the cutting process, for example).

Web Services Order Center uses a single database for all quotes, orders, billing documents, and customer contact information.


This guide provides all the necessary information, procedures and steps to effectively use Web Services Order Center and includes the following information:

Configuration (on page 3)

Sales (on page 9)

Invoicing and Billing (on page 23)

Managing Your Business and Production (on page 35)

Production Pricing (on page 43)

Tips and Known Issues (on page 53)

Reference Guide




Web Services Order Center



In This Chapter


Configure Web Services Order Center Email.............................................................


Configure Web Services Order Center Settings........................................................


This chapter explains how to configure the system: part of the configuration applies to FreeFlow Web Services, and part of the configuration is unique to Web Services Order Center. Before setting up the system, ensure that the Web Services Order Center software license is enabled.

This chapter is divided into the following tasks:

Configure Web Services Order Center Email (on page 3)

Configure Web Services Order Center Settings (on page 4)

Configure Web Services Order Center Email

In order for Web Services Order Center to match the email replies from customers to the relevant quotes and orders, Web Services Order Center needs a dedicated email account. Each CSR must also have an email account, and these accounts must be configured so that emails received by the CSR are also forwarded to the Web Services Order Center email account. The procedure to configure Web Services Order Center email involves the following steps:

1Add CSR Users (on page 3)

2Set up Web Services Order Center Email (on page 3)

3Configure CSR Email Forwarding (on page 4)

Add CSR Users

Navigate to SYSTEM SETUP -> USERS, create a user account for each CSR and assign each CSR a System Admin, Manager, or Manager Advanced User Type.

The Manager Advanced user type is only available with Web Services Order Center. It provides the same privileges as Manager but also allows the user to create and edit credit notes, and cancel receipts. System Admin users can also create and edit credit notes and cancel receipts. but have more extensive privileges. For more information on user types, see the Print Service Provider User Guide.

Set up Web Services Order Center Email

1Create a dedicated Web Services Order Center email account (for example, an account called Web Services_Email) on the company's exchange server. For assistance, consult your PC support team.

2Configure the mail listener file, as follows:

aOpen WINDOWS EXPLORER, and browse to the folder where Web Services Order Center is installed (default installation path: D:\NewEdition\IPanel\Db).

bOpen the MAILLISTENER.CONFIG file for editing (for example, using Notepad).

cChange the value of the PopServer parameter from NONE to the name of your organization's POP3 (Incoming email) Server. If necessary, change the Port and useSSL parameters according to your network configuration.

dReplace the values of the Username and Password parameters within the relevant data according to the email account defined for the Web Services Order Center (for example, Web Services_Email).

Reference Guide



e Save and close the mailListener.config file. 3 Restart FreeFlow Web Services using the Toolbox.

Configure CSR Email Forwarding

Perform the following steps to ensure that the CSR's emails are forwarded to the dedicated Web Services Order Center email account. This is not limited to initial Web Services Order Center email setup; use this procedure whenever adding a new CSR user to FreeFlow Web Services.


If more than one CSR is defined in the application, the same dedicated Web Services Order Center email

account needs to be used for forwarding emails from all the CSRs.




The following procedure is an example for configuring CSR email forwarding on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (the steps for other mail servers will be slightly different):

1Access the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 computer.


3Expand the RECIPIENT CONFIGURATION node and select MAILBOX.

4For each CSR with permission to use Web Services Order Center, configure the Web Services Order Center email account to also get a copy as follows:

aSelect the user (CSR).

b Click Properties, and then select the MAIL FLOW SETTINGS tab in the Properties dialog box.

cSelect DELIVERY OPTIONS and click the Properties button.

dIn the Delivery Options dialog box that opens, enable the Forward to checkbox and then click on the Browse button.

eIn the Select Recipient dialog box that opens, enter the name or email address of the Web Services Order Center mailbox (e.g. Web Services_Email) and then click OK. The dialog box closes.

fIn the Delivery Options dialog box, ensure that both the CSR email account and the Web Services Order Center email account receive the email, by selecting the Deliver message to both forwarding address and mailbox checkbox, and then clicking OK. The dialog box closes.

g In the Properties dialog box, click OK. The dialog box closes.


To validate that email is set up and working correctly (that the CSRs will be able to use the system to send Quotes/Orders/Billing doc's to a customer), do the following:

1Create and send a quote (ACCOUNTS -> SALES -> QUOTES) to a non-user email account (e.g. a personal mail account), and then reply to it.

2Make sure that the Quote - Unread Message status icon is displayed in the Sales - Quotes window.

3Under history, view the emails content in the Activity Details.


In order for Web Services Order Center to know how to match the email replies to the relevant quotes

and orders, the recipients must reply to the email without changing the emails subject.





Web Services Order Center

Configure Web Services Order Center Settings

Configure Web Services Order Center Settings

After setting up the Web Services Order Center software, configure the following optional settings:

Define Accounts and Account Group Settings. (on page 5)

Define the Banks List (on page 5)

Modify Follow-up and Validity Periods (on page 5)

Modify Documents Attachment Format (on page 6)

Set Sales Tips (on page 6)

Customize Document Numbering (on page 6)

Define Invoice Settings (on page 7)

Define Accounts and Account Group Settings

To set-up new accounts and manage existing ones:


2Define at least one user for each account (ACCOUNTS -> ACCOUNT SETUP -> USERS).

3Add Account Manager and Sales Person custom fields to the account's details (ACCOUNTS -> ACCOUNT

SETUP -> GENERAL INFO) by defining these fields and making them visible in SYSTEM SETUP -> ADVANCED -> CUSTOMIZED FIELDS.

To manage account groups, navigate to SYSTEM SETUP -> ADVANCED -> ACCOUNT GROUPS.

Define the Banks List

Define the list of banks from which you accept checks. This list is used to select the name of the bank when a payment is made.


2Click the Add button under the Banks list. In the empty row that is added to the list, type in the banks name.

3To remove a bank, select the bank and click Remove.

4When you are done, click Save.


To enable the Bank Check payment option, at least one bank must be defined in the Bank list, otherwise

the Billing documents cannot be confirmed.




Modify Follow-up and Validity Periods

Set the follow-up and validity time periods for quotes (and orders).


2In the DEFAULT FOLLOW UP field, type the default time period by which follow-up is expected. The default is 3 days.

3In the DEFAULT VALID UNTIL field, type the time period after which the quote is no longer considered valid. The default is 30 days.

4Click Save.


The date for a specific quote can be changed on the General page of the quote details. When the quote

is converted to an order, the order dates are reset regardless of what was set in the quote.




Reference Guide



Modify Documents Attachment Format

It is optional to convert the Word documents into PDF format when quotes/orders/billing documents are sent by email to a customer. The documents will still be displayed to the CSR as Word documents that the CSR can modify, and the conversion to PDF will take place when the CSR sends the documents to the customer. To ensure Word documents are converted to PDF format, perform the following steps:


2Under the Email attachment format, select Send attached documents as PDF (applies to Quote, Order and Billing documents) checkbox.

Set Sales Tips

This optional feature enables the Print Service Provider to define sales tips that will assist the CSR in the sales process. The sales tip can be an image or a URL, and multiple sales tips can be defined for each Job type or Template to be displayed in a loop.


Sales tips are shown for Printable and Not printable Job Types or Templates but not for Book Assembly




2For each job type that you want to define a sales tip:

aSelect the job type and click the Edit button.

bOn the GENERAL PROPERTIES tab click the Add Sales Tip Message button.

The maximum size of a sales tip image:



Height: 540px



Width: 400px




Customize Document Numbering

All quote, order and billing documents are uniquely numbered. These numbers are used to identify the objects in the system and the documents that are sent to the customers at different stages of the sales process. Each document number has an alphabetic prefix that indicates the document type (for example, QUO for quotes) and different document types are numbered independently of each other. The prefixes and the starting number of each counter can be customized and the same counter can be used for several objects, according to the system limitations.

To customize document numbering:


2Modify the prefixes in each of the prefix fields as required.

3Change the starting numbers for each of the objects in the STARTING NUMBER fields as required.

4To separate the prefix and numbering of web-submitted orders, select the Use separate numbering

definitions for online and offline orders check box; the ONLINE ORDER NUMBER prefix and starting number fields are then enabled.

5To combine the prefix and counter of receipts and deposits, select the Use Receipt numbering definitions for Deposit check box; the DEPOSIT NUMBER prefix and starting number fields are then disabled.

6To combine the prefix and counter of the invoices and credit notes, select the Use Invoice numbering for Credit Notes check box; the CREDIT NOTES prefix and starting number fields are then disabled.


The numbering of existing quotes, orders and billing documents is not influenced by changes in




Web Services Order Center








Configure Web Services Order Center Settings











Document Type



Default Prefix



Other Options
















































Online orders






Use a separate counter, with a default OWB prefix.




















































Use the same counter and prefix as receipts.










Credit notes






Use the same counter and prefix as invoices.












Define Invoice Settings


2To enable the automatic creation of invoices and receipts for all the online orders made using online payment, select the Create an Invoice and Receipt for Web created orders with online payment check box .

3To issue the invoices to a parent account instead of to the account that generated the order, select the

Allow issuing invoice for parent account check box.

4Click Save.

Reference Guide




Web Services Order Center





In This Chapter


Creating a Simple Quote................................................................................................


Performing Additional Actions on the Quote ........................................................


Progressing from Quotes to Orders............................................................................


This chapter describes how to use Web Services Order Center to handle sales, and covers the sales


management life cycle from creating a quote through to committing an order.


The sales cycle begins email or from a "walk-in" customer. Based on the request, a quote is created and then delivered to the customer. When the customer accepts the quote, it can be converted into an official order to be produced and shipped to the customer. After the order is produced, an invoice is sent to the customer and when the customer pays the invoice, a receipt can be issued.

The most common sales cycle would go as follows:

1Customer requests a quote.

2Print Service Provider CSR creates a quote and sends it to the customer.

3Customer approves the quote.

4Print Service Provider CSR converts a quote into an order. If the order includes ready production files they are transferred directly to production. If the order does not have ready production files it is sent to


5Print Service Provider Designer (artwork) creates the job production files, verifies and corrects supplied customer files, and handles proofing cycles.

6Print Service Provider Production operators print and finish the jobs.

7Print Service Provider Dispatch operator packs jobs for delivery, prints delivery labels, and approves the delivery.

8Print Service Provider Administrator creates an invoice.

9Customer pays the invoice.

10Print Service Provider Administrator issues a receipt.

This chapter contains the following major topics.

Creating a Simple Quote (on page 10)

Performing Additional Edits in the Quote or Order (on page 12)

oSelecting a Quote and Displaying its Product Tab (on page 12)

oAdding/Deleting Jobs and Items (on page 13)

oEditing Pricing Details (on page 14)

oUploading, Attaching, and Mapping Files (on page 13)

Progressing from Quotes to Orders (on page 16)

oUnderstanding Quote/Order Statuses and Icons (on page 16)

o Moving Through the Stages in the Quote Order Life Cycle (on page 17) o Handling Follow-up Activities for Quotes and Orders (on page 20)

o Viewing Quote and Order History (on page 21)

Reference Guide



Creating a Simple Quote

Create a quote by performing the following actions in sequence:

1Create the Quote (on page 10)

2Define the General Details (on page 10)

3Add and Define the Products (on page 11)

4Define the Shipping Information (on page 12)

Create the Quote

1 Navigate to ACCOUNTS -> SALES -> QUOTES.

oThe left pane displays the list of existing Open quotes for the account (that is, quotes that require attention).

o The right pane displays the details of the selected quote.

2Select the account in the drop-down list.

3To filter the list of quotes by Status or the name of the CSR who created the quote, select values for any combination of the following and then click Search:

oFrom the STATUS drop-down list, select the status of the quotes. For an explanation of statuses, see Understanding Quote/Order Statuses and Icons (on page 16).

o From the CSR drop-down list, select the name of the CSR.

4To search for a specific quote or job with a known number, select either Quote # or Job # from the drop-down list, fill in the number and then click Search.

5Create a new quote (or duplicate an existing quote), as follows:

o To create a new quote, click Create New.

o To duplicate an existing quote, select the quote and click Duplicate.

The quote is added to the quote list. The quote is assigned a unique ID having a default prefix of QUO (for quote) followed by a numeric increment; the status of the quote is set to DRAFT.

NOTE: A quote can also be created by duplicating an existing order in the ACCOUNTS -> SALES -> ORDERS screen.

Quotes and orders have two main statuses Draft and Committed. As long as a document is in draft mode, it can be changed and edited as required. When the document is finalized and has to be transferred to the customer, it must be committed. The commit action makes the document official; a committed document can no longer be edited.

Define the General Details

Fill in or edit the GENERAL details of the quote, as follows: 1 Type an identifying name for the quote Name field.

2To select a different contact person a Click the Contact Person link.

b In the dialog box that opens, select the contact in the list and click Save.

3Define the Billing Address; the default is taken from the Contact Person settings.

4If supplied, type the reference number in the Customer Reference field.

5In the Received as list, select the way the Request For Quote (RFQ) reached you.

6To assign a different CSR to the quote (by default, a new quote is assigned to the user creating the quote): a Click the Assigned to CSR link.

b In the dialog box that opens, select the user and click Save.

7To assign an account manager to this quote (available only if the Customize Fields feature is enabled):


Web Services Order Center

Creating a Simple Quote

aClick the Account Manager link.

bIn the dialog box that opens, select the user and click Save.

8To assign a sales person to this quote (available only if the Customize Fields feature is enabled:) a Click the Sales Person link.

b In the dialog box that opens, select the user and click Save.

9Type your internal reference number, if one exists, in the Internal Reference field.

10Optionally change the default quote expiration and follow-up dates using the Valid Until and Next Follow-up calendars. For information on follow-up actions, see Handling Follow-up Activities for Quotes and Orders (on page 20).

11Optionally add notes as follows:

oIn the Internal Note text box, add notes that you want to appear on internal Print Service Provider documents (for example, on the job ticket).

oIn the Note for Customer text box, add additional information that should appear in the quote that you send to the customer.

12 Click Save.


A number of different quote/order custom fields can be added to quotes and orders. For information on

customizing fields, see the System Setup chapter in the Print Service Provider User Guide.


Add and Define the Products

When filling in the details for the job type or template, see the Print Service Provider User Guide for instructions such as:


Adding Joblets and Joblet options to Intents.

Defining Tax Groups and Tax Packages.



Adding Line Items to the Line Item Library.


Defining Shipping.



Add the products (jobs and/or templates) to the PRODUCTS details of the quote, as follows:

1Click the Add button and select one of the following options: o Add New Job - to add a job to be printed on paper.

o Add Job from Template - o Add Non-Printable Job - to add a non-paper job (for example, a mouse pad). The CHOOSE JOB TYPE (or for a template, the CHOOSE TEMPLATE) dialog box opens.

2Select the job type or template and click Continue.

The CREATE A NEW JOB dialog box opens and displays the tabs (JOB DETAILS, INTENT, PRICING, and VARIABLE INFORMATION if needed) that you use to define the job or template. If Sales tips are defined for the Job Type or Template, the CSR will see them while defining the job details and job intent. See Setting Sales Tips (on page 6) for more information.

3Select the JOB DETAILS tab, fill in the details as in FreeFlow Web Services, and click Continue. Note that this is the only place a Cost center can be assigned to a job.

4Select the INTENT tab, fill in the details as in FreeFlow Web Services, and click Continue. Note that it is possible to add any joblet or joblet options that were not defined for the job type or template, but defined in the application.

5If there is a VARIABLE INFORMATION tab, select the tab and fill in the details as in FreeFlow Web Services. Note that VDP or Archive templates will not have a preview from the summary panel (these jobs can be previewed by clicking on the Preview button on the EDIT PROPERTIES -> VARIABLE INFORMATION tab).

6Select the PRICING tab.

oTo use the default pricing calculation method defined for the job or template, fill in the quantity in the Copies field, and click Calculate.

Reference Guide



If the calculation method is Manual, the results matrix returns a line (Type: MANUAL; Item: CSR MANUAL PRICE) where you can type in the price manually. Fill in the price.

For all calculation methods except Manual, an itemized results matrix indicates the prices.

oTo use a different pricing calculation method or perform other pricing changes for the quote, see Editing Pricing Details (on page 14).

7After filling in the last tab in the CREATE A NEW JOB dialog box, click Finish. The new job appears on the


Repeat this process for each job or template to be added. To add an item from the Items List Library to table, see Adding An Item from the Line Item Library (on page 13).

The details in the Products tab of a quote or order are organized into Tax Group tables: items are displayed in tables organized by the tax group that applies to them.

If all items belong to the same tax group, all items are listed in the same tax group table.

If items belong to different tax groups, a table for each tax group lists the items that belong to that tax group.

The tables will also contain an urgency surcharge line item and a discount line item (if defined).

When multiple quantities are listed for the same job in a quote, Urgency, Shipping and Tax will not be NOTE: calculated and displayed on the quote's Product tab. However, when the quote is converted to an Order

and the desired quantity is selected, these parameters will be displayed under the Order Product tab.

Define the Shipping Information

After adding at least one job a link to define the shipping information will be displayed. The CSR needs to manually select the desired delivery date and method. Only after selecting these parameters will the shipping information be displayed in the top panel (delivery date, method and delivery address) and the shipping price will be added to the quote pricing breakdown.

If multiple shipping is defined, only the Multiple shipping string will be displayed and not all the shipping details.

Web Services Order Center has more flexible delivery date options than in FreeFlow Web Services alone, and jobs can be selected to be ready from the time the quote is created and with an urgent surcharge added.

If shipping details are not defined, the default values will be selected when committing this quote.

Performing Additional Actions on the Quote

The procedures in this section describe how to modify quotes. You can modify orders the same way by NOTE: performing these procedures in the Sales - Orders window (ACCOUNTS -> SALES -> ORDERS). The Sales -

Orders and Sales - Quotes windows are almost identical.

This section contains the topics:

Selecting A Quote And Displaying Its Product Tab (on page 12)

Adding/Deleting Jobs and Items (on page 13)

Editing Pricing Details (on page 14)

Uploading, Attaching, and Mapping Files (on page 13)

Selecting a Quote and Displaying the Product Tab

If the quote is not selected and its product tab is not displayed, you can select the quote and display its Products tab, as follows:

1Navigate to ACCOUNTS -> SALES -> QUOTES.

2Select the account from the ACCOUNT list box on the right side of the window.


Web Services Order Center

Performing Additional Actions on the Quote

3In the list of quotes on the left side of the window, select the quote. If the list of quotes is long, you can search for a specific quote or job if you know the quote number or job number. The list of displayed quotes can be filtered according to quote status and/or responsible CSR.

4In the QUOTE DETAILS pane on the right side of the window, select the PRODUCTS tab. (To edit the General details of the quote, select the GENERAL tab, and see Define the General Details (on page 10) for information on editing the field of the GENERAL tab.)

Adding/Deleting Jobs and Items

This section includes the following procedures:

Adding Another Job or Template (on page 13)

Duplicating a Job (on page 13)

Deleting a Job (on page 13)

Adding an Item from the Line Item Library (on page 13)

Adding Another Job or Template

Follow the instructions in Add and Define the Products (on page 11).

Duplicating a Job

1In the PRODUCTS tab, select the job to duplicate.

2Click the Duplicate button.

3To edit the duplicated job, select it and click the Properties button.

Deleting a Job

1In the PRODUCTS tab, select the job to delete.

2Click the Delete button.

If more than 1 quantity was defined for this job then deleting the job will delete all quantities. In order to NOTE: change the quantity, select the job, click the Pricing button, edit the desired quantity and then click the

Finish button.

Adding an Item from the Line Item Library

1In the PRODUCTS tab, locate the Taxes group to which to add the item.

2Click the Add Item button connected to that Taxes group.

3Select the item and click Add.

NOTE: To remove an item, select the item in the tax group and click the Remove Item button.

The price is updated automatically after adding or removing an item.

Uploading, Attaching, and Mapping Files

Web Services Order Center provides two mechanisms for uploading and attaching files. Although these mechanisms are very similar, each mechanism is intended for a specific situation, and are described accordingly in this section:

Attaching a File Where Upload is Required (on page 14): If the files were created in-house, or received by digital media, they must be uploaded and assigned to the appropriate job(s).

Mapping Files from a Reply Email (on page 14): If the customer received a quote by email from the system, and the customer attached the files to the reply email, they will be automatically uploaded to the

Reference Guide



quote (the uploading stage is skipped). The files must still be mapped to the appropriate job(s).

Attaching a File Where Upload is Required

1 Do either of the following:

oIf you are in the process of creating a quote, in the JOB DETAILS tab of the EDIT PRODUCTS dialog box, click the Attachments link. The ATTACHMENTS dialog box opens.

oIf you previously saved the quote, open the Attachments dialog box, as follows: i In the Products tab in the Quote details pane, select the job or template.

iiClick the Attachments button. The ATTACHMENTS dialog box opens.

2In the ATTACHMENTS dialog box, click the Upload Files button.

3In the UPLOAD FILE dialog box, ensure that the Upload a Single file option is selected, and then click the Browse button. The CHOOSE FILE TO UPLOAD dialog box opens.

4Select the file for upload and click Open. The CHOOSE FILE TO UPLOAD dialog box closes.

5Click Continue. The UPLOAD REPORT appears informing that the file has been uploaded.

6Click Close. The uploaded file appears in the ATTACHMENTS dialog box.

7If the file requires no prepress work and is ready to print, activate the preflight process by selecting the file and clicking the Mark for Production button. The file is processed and marked as ready for production

and the job is automatically sent to the Production queue once the quote is converted to an order and then committed.

There is an option to upload multiple files, using Multi-file upload. Note that only one of the files

NOTE: attached to a job can be marked for production. For more information, see the Print Service Provider User Guide for instructions.

Mapping Files from a Reply Email

If the customer received a quote by email, and then attached the files to the reply email, they will be automatically uploaded to the quote, but must still be mapped to the correct job.

When a customer replies to the email, the subject or content from the sent mail should not be changed, NOTE: otherwise the application will not be able to correctly identify the email and map it to the correct quote.

The customer must reply to the email and add his text to the existing content.

1Select the quote or order in the SALES-QUOTE or SALES-ORDER screen.

2Select the FILE MAPPING tab in the Details pane.

The files that were included in the reply are listed in the File Mapping tab together with all files that were manually uploaded and attached to jobs in the quote or order. If the file was submitted by email, an icon appears in the Email column. Double-clicking this icon displays the email message content.

3Select the file, and then select the job to which it should be assigned in the Job Name dropdown box.

4If the file requires no prepress work and is ready to print, activate the preflight process by selecting the file

and clicking the Mark for Production button. The file is processed and marked as ready for production; the job is automatically sent to the Production queue once the quote is converted to an order and then committed.

The following icons indicate the result of the preflight operation:


Preflight processing was successful.


Preflight processing encountered errors.

Double clicking on an icon opens a report on the process.


Web Services Order Center

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