Xerox FreeFlow Web Services 7.0 Integration Guide

Version 7.00

February 2009


FreeFlow® Web Services

Integration Guide

FreeFlow® Web Services

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Document Version: 1.0 (December 2008)

Table of Contents



Concepts .................................................................................

............ 1

Where To Go From Here........................................................................


Process Manager Integration


Integration ..........................................................................................


Defining the Root Directory of the ‘Hot Folders’ as Shared ...................


Defining an Output Device for the FreeFlow Process Manager ..............


Creating a New Output Device..............................................................................................................


Output Channels Set-up ..........................................................................................................................


Hot Folders................................................................................................................................................


JMF Over HTTP ......................................................................................................................................


Defining Workflows .............................................................................


Printing a Web Services Job to FreeFlow Process Manager ...................


Process Manager Manifest Integration


Prerequisites .....................................................................................


Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................


Process Manager Checklist ....................................................................................................................................


Integration ........................................................................................


Defining the Root Directory of the ‘Hot Folders’ as Shared .................


Creating an Output Device for the Process Manager Manifest ............


Output Channels Set-up ........................................................................................................................


Hot Folders..............................................................................................................................................


Connect to a Process ..............................................................................................................................................



Defining Workflows ............................................................................


Printing a Web Services Job to FreeFlow Process Manager ..................


Output Manager Integration


Integration ........................................................................................




Job Printing: .............................................................................................................................................


Defining an Output Device for FreeFlow Output Manager ...................


Create a New Output Device................................................................................................................


Output Channels Set-up.........................................................................................................................


Defining Queues .....................................................................................................................................


Printing a Job to FreeFlow Output Manager ........................................


System Requirements .......................................................................


Web Services Requirements ..................................................................................................................


FreeFlow Output Manager Minimum Requirements........................................................................


References ........................................................................................


JMF Service


Defining an Output Device for FreeFlow® JMF Service.........................


Output Channels Set-up.........................................................................................................................


Printing a FreeFlow® Web Services Job to FreeFlow JMF Service..........


Print Manager – Advanced Print Path


Creating a ‘Cold Folder’ Directory for Approved Jobs ..........................


Defining an Output Device for FreeFlow® Print Manager – Advanced Print

Path ..................................................................................................


Output Channels Set-up.........................................................................................................................


Defining Printers.....................................................................................................................................


Printing a FreeFlow® Repository Job using FreeFlow® Print Manager –

Advanced Print Path ..........................................................................



Web Services


Table of Contents

VIPP Emitter Integration


Defining a Web Services VIPP Emitter-enabled Device ........................


Web Services VIPP Emitter Job in the Production Queue......................


Fonts .........................................................................................................................................................


Web Services VIPP Emitter Workflow .......................................

.......... 32

Print Buyer Side.......................................................................................................................................


Print Service Provider Side ....................................................................................................................


VPC Structure ..........................................................................

.......... 33

Print from DocuShare Integration



.......... 35

System Requirements .............................................................

.......... 35

FreeFlow Web Services Requirements ................................................................................................


DocuShare Minimum Requirements....................................................................................................


Configuring the DocuShare Server..............................................

....... 36

Defining a Xerox DocuShare Connection ..................................

.......... 36

Removing a DocuShare Connection .........................................

.......... 37

Printing from DocuShare .........................................................

.......... 37

FreeFlow Repository Integration


Integration ..............................................................................

.......... 39

Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................


Defining a Connection to a FreeFlow Repository.................................


Synchronizing Web Services with the Repository ..............................


Transferring a Template Selection from a Repository to a Customer Collection

......................... 40

Choosing the Repository Item(s)..........................................................................................................


Saving Templates.....................................................................................................................................


Template Pricing .....................................................................................................................................


Printing a Job Based on a Repository Template..................................


Integration Guide




Web Services




This guide describes how to integrate FreeFlow® Web Services with the following FreeFlow® output devices:

FreeFlow® Process Manager

FreeFlow® Output Manager

FreeFlow® JMF Service

FreeFlow® Print Manager – Advanced Print Path

FreeFlow® Print Manager – Advanced Print Path utilizes Xerox’s XPIF job ticket format. The three other FreeFlow output devices covered in this document utilize JDF job ticket format.

JDF format can be sent in either of the following two ways:

Hot Folder


The method chosen depends largely on the particular type of output device, and this method impacts the parameters that are available to the output device.

Where To Go From Here

The chapters in this guide are organized according to output device. In addition to the above mentioned FreeFlow output devices, this guide also discusses integration of Web Services with VIPP Emitter and DocuShare. It is therefore necessary only to go the chapters that are relevant to the particular output devices being integrated with Web Services.



Web Services


Process Manager Integration

FreeFlow® Process Manager automates your repetitive pre press activities and increases the overall efficiency of your workflow by creating automated workflows for your jobs.

Combined with FreeFlow® Web Services, the FreeFlow Process Manager accepts documents uploaded by the Web-to-Print and adds automation for the pre press process.

Web Services 7.0 supports transferring files over HTTP or by using ‘Hot Folders’ still exists.

Process Manager Integration


To integrate between Web Services and FreeFlow Process Manager:


1Define the workflows in the FreeFlow Process Manager software.

2If the workflows in the FreeFlow Process Manager are defined to work with ‘Hot Folders’, you must define the ‘Hot Folders’ root directory location as shared on the network.

Ignore Step 2 if the workflows in the FreeFlow Process Manager are defined to work with JMF over HTTP.

3Define a dedicated output device in Web Services for the FreeFlow Process Manager. Job Printing:

4Printing a job in Web Services: The job is sent with the relevant information and files to the relevant FreeFlow Process Manager workflow, either over HTTP or by using ‘Hot Folders’ depending on the definition in the output device and the workflow.

5The job is processed in the FreeFlow Process Manager depending on the defined workflow.

This document shows the process for Step 2 and describes Steps 3 and 4. For details on definitions and usage of the FreeFlow Process Manager (Steps 1, 2 and 5), refer to the relevant Xerox User Guides.

Defining the Root Directory of the ‘Hot Folders’ as Shared

To define the root directory of the 'Hot Folders' as shared:

1Right-click the Root directory where the ‘Hot Folders’ are located, and select Properties.

2Click the Sharing tab.

3Select Share this folder; the Share name appears.

4Click Permissions and ensure that everyone has Full Control.

5Click OK; the folder properties becomes the active window.

6Click OK.


Web Services

Xerox FreeFlow Web Services 7.0 Integration Guide

Defining an Output Device for the FreeFlow Process

Figure 1: The Sharing tab

Ensure that the Permissions are set for Full Control.

IMPORTANT: All ‘Hot Folder’ directories must reside on the same drive.

Defining an Output Device for the FreeFlow Process Manager

Creating a New Output Device

To create a Web Services output device for the FreeFlow Process Manager:

1In Web Services, select Print Settings > Production > Output Devices.

2Click the Add button (below the Output Devices list); the Add Device dialog box appears.

3Type the Device Name.

4In Device Group, select Digital.

Integration Guide


Process Manager Integration

5In Machine Type, select FreeFlow Process Manager.

6Click OK to save the settings and to close the Add Device dialog box; the new output device is added to the Output Devices list, and the output device specifications appear to the right of the list.

7In Press Sheet Sizes, select the required sizes.

The Device Description name can be changed.

Output Channels Set-up

To set up the path for the job files and for Job Tickets approval of a job, in the Output Devices window, select


to be transferred to the FreeFlow Process Manager after Process Manager as the output device, and click Output

To connect to FreeFlow Process Manager using ‘Hot Folders’, see Hot Folders.

To connect to FreeFlow Process Manager using HTTP, see JMF Over HTTP.

Hot Folders

When using ‘Hot Folders’ for connection with the FreeFlow Process Manager, complete the following steps:

1Select Folder Balance from the Output Channels list.

2In Produce JDF Output, select the Intent_1.2_General option from the drop down list (this is the only JDF option that is supported with the FreeFlow Process Manager).

By selecting Intent_1.2_General, a JDF format file is automatically created and includes certain job property settings for this specific job, and a link to the production file. (If None is left as the selected option, the JDF file will not be created and sent.) This option supports the following job ticket properties:

Number of Copies.

Media (weight, size, color, type).

Sides imaged (one side, two sides, head-to-toe).

3Select the Send Production File with JDF option. This enables sending the production file together with the JDF Job Ticket.

4In Local Folder Path, type the shared root directory where the ‘Hot Folder’ directories were created and linked in the FreeFlow Process Manager application.

5Enter the root drive (not the shared name); for example:

6Define the workflow as follows:


Web Services

Defining an Output Device for the FreeFlow Process

aSelect the check box belonging to the Device supports multi-queue system link, and click the link.

bIn the Select Processes dialog box that opens, select the processes that are in the workflow and click Save. (To update the processes list, click the Add Processes button.)

7In the Folder Type dropdown list (below the Manifest-driven Hot Folder link) select Network; the Security Setup dialog box appears.

8Type the computer name (IP address or server name), user name and password of the server where the ‘Hot Folder’ directories are located.

9Click OK; the window closes.

10In the Folder Path field, type the shared name of the root directory. This is where the FreeFlow Process Manager ‘Hot Folder’ directories have been created (example: e).

11Click Send a Test File to test the definitions. Testing is done by sending a JDF Job Ticket and the PDF resource. This will place a PDF in the root directory named test_page.pdf.

12Click Yes in the resulting dialog box.


When using JMF over HTTP for connection with the FreeFlow Process Manager, complete the following steps:

1Select JMF over HTTP from the Output Channels list.

2Select the Device supports multi-queue system check box.

3In the IP Address field, type the IP address of the server where the FreeFlow Process Manager is installed.

4In the Port field, specify 7779 (the default port for the FreeFlow Process Manager server).

Integration Guide


Process Manager Integration

5In the Produce JDF output dropdown list, select Intent_1.2_General. This option supports the following job ticket properties:

Number of Copies.

Media (weight, size, color, type).

Sides imaged (one side, two sides, head-to-toe).

6Click OK.

Defining Workflows

This definition enables you to create multiple workflows for electronically transferring the job file either to target folders linked to the FreeFlow Process Manager ‘Hot Folders’, or over HTTP.

Consider ‘Hot Folders’ as ‘watched folders’ by FreeFlow Process Manager. When a JDF/PDF combination is sent, Web Services creates a sub folder in FreeFlow Process Manager named Files. This is where the PDF resource is copied to. The JDF (the file the FreeFlow Process Manager uses for production) is placed up one level in the directory you created and designated as the ‘Hot Folder’. For a non-JDF/PDF transfer, the PDF is placed in this directory.

To connect to the workflows previously set up in the FreeFlow Process Manager:

1In the Output Devices > Output Channels window, click the Device supports multi-queue system link; the Select Default Workflow dialog box appears.Once this link is clicked, the user sees a No Data to Display message indicating that no workflows are available in Web Services yet. Proceed to the next step to define workflows.


iIf entering this link at a later stage (after the output device has already been set up), the user sees a list of workflows already available and registered in Web Services.

iiThe Web Services registered workflows list may not reflect the actual list of workflows currently defined in the FreeFlow Process Manager. To synchronize Web Services registered workflows and FreeFlow Process Manager workflows, use the Available Workflows option, as defined in the next step.

2Click the Available Workflows button to synchronize with FreeFlow Process Manager; the workflows previously set up appear in the Enable Workflows window.


Web Services

Printing a Web Services Job to FreeFlow Process

When using ‘Hot Folders’, workflows that appear on the list are workflows that: a Are enabled within the FreeFlow Process Manager

b Have at least one item defined in the workflow. c Were associated with a Hot Folder.

When using HTTP, workflows that appear on the list are workflows that:

aAre enabled within the FreeFlow Process Manager.

bHave at least one item defined in the workflow.

3Select the relevant workflows for this output device.

4Click OK.

5Select the workflow to serve as default and click OK.

6Click Save.

Printing a Web Services Job to FreeFlow Process Manager

To approve a Web Services based job for printing through FreeFlow Process Manager:

1Select Tasks and click the Production icon.

2Select the required job in the Approval Queue.

3To verify the selected FreeFlow Process Manager workflow, or to select a different workflow for the job, complete the following steps:

a Click in the Job Info panel (next to the Device name); a window with a list of workflows currently registered in Web Services appears.

b Accept the selected workflow or change it by selecting a different workflow. c Click Select.

If no workflow is selected, the workflow set as the default is used.

4Select Approve order to submit all jobs connected to the same order (of the selected job, if there is more than one job).

5Click Approve.

Integration Guide


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