Xerox FreeFlow VI eCompose Workshop Guide

Version December 2020 702P08483

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose

Workshop Guide

© 2020 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. XEROX® and XEROX and Design®, FreeFlow®, FreeFlow Makeready®, FreeFlow Output Manager®, FreeFlow Process Manager®, VIPP®, and GlossMark® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company trademarks are acknowledged as follows:

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Table of Contents

1 Getting Started..........................................................................................................................


VI Suite Customer Forum .........................................................................................................


Intended Audience ..................................................................................................................


What You Will Learn ..............................................................................................................


2 VIeC Workshop Installation..................................................................................................


Program Download ................................................................................................................


Documentation Download .....................................................................................................


Client and Server Software .....................................................................................................


Minimum Server Configuration for the VIeC Server ................................................................


Minimum Client Configuration ...............................................................................................


Backup and Storage Requirements .........................................................................................


Installation Process ................................................................................................................


Installation Verification .........................................................................................................


Server Configuration ..............................................................................................................


Load Workshop Files ..............................................................................................................


3 VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview....................................................................................


Third-Party Support for VIeC ..................................................................................................


Job Submission Methods........................................................................................................


What is the VIPP® Language?................................................................................................


VIPP® Resources ..............................................................................................................


What is a VIPP® Bookmark?...................................................................................................


What is a VIPP® PDF Interactive Feature? ..............................................................................


VIeC Features ........................................................................................................................


VIeC ................................................................................................................................


VIeC and Print Path .........................................................................................................


VIeC and Nub File............................................................................................................


VIeC Templates ...............................................................................................................


VIeC Profiles ....................................................................................................................


User Name Output Folder ................................................................................................


VIeC Dispatch..................................................................................................................


VIeC Job Submission Client..............................................................................................


VIeC Web ........................................................................................................................


4 Job Parameters and Profiles .................................................................................................


VIeC Profiles ..........................................................................................................................


VIeC Parameters ....................................................................................................................


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


Table of Contents



Init (Nub) File ..................................................................................................................



Job Type ..........................................................................................................................



Output Folder Name ........................................................................................................



Output Filename Template ..............................................................................................



Index File Template .........................................................................................................



Printer Name ...................................................................................................................



Printer Action ...................................................................................................................



Creating an Output Filename Template .................................................................................



Advanced Options............................................................................................................



Creating an Index File Template ............................................................................................



Create a Profile ......................................................................................................................



Using an Existing Profile ........................................................................................................



Editing an Existing Profile ......................................................................................................


5 VIeC Job Submission .............................................................................................................



VIeC Job Submission Client....................................................................................................



Open the Job Submission Window ...................................................................................



Submit a Job....................................................................................................................



Close the Job Submission Window ...................................................................................



VIeC Watched Folders Client ..................................................................................................



Create and Activate a Watched Folder .............................................................................



Process a Job Using the Watched Folder.................................................................................



Delete a Watched Folder ..................................................................................................



VIeC LPR Option ....................................................................................................................



VIeC Dispatch Option ............................................................................................................


6 Hands-On Exercises ................................................................................................................



What to Expect ......................................................................................................................



VI eCompose Workshop Code Descriptions ............................................................................



vtpworkshop.dbf ..............................................................................................................



vtpworkshop.dbm ............................................................................................................


7 Exercise 1: VIeC Job Submission Client Overview ............................................................



Job Creation Area ..................................................................................................................



Data File ..........................................................................................................................



Init (Nub) File ..................................................................................................................



Current Profile..................................................................................................................



Job Type ..........................................................................................................................



User Name ......................................................................................................................



Job Server ........................................................................................................................



Output Folder...................................................................................................................



Printer Action ...................................................................................................................



Printer for VIPP® Job Output ............................................................................................



Output Filename Template ..............................................................................................



Index File Template .........................................................................................................



Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose



Workshop Guide




Table of Contents


VIeC Job Status Area .............................................................................................................



Function Buttons....................................................................................................................


8 Exercise 2: Job Submission ...................................................................................................



VPC Job Submission ...............................................................................................................



Data File Job Submission .......................................................................................................


9 Exercise 3: Simple Job Submission ......................................................................................



Exercise 4: Using the Bulk Output Folder.........................................................................



Exercise 5: Using the Output Filename Template .........................................................



Exercise 6: VI Compose Error Condition ..........................................................................



Exercise 7: Watched Folder Job Submission....................................................................



Exercise 8: Output Filename and Index Template Manipulation ...........................



Exercise 9: Init (Nub) Files ...............................................................................................



Submit a Data File without VIPP® Commands .....................................................................



Append the VIPP® Commands .............................................................................................



Load and Save a Profile........................................................................................................



Exercise 10: Using Dispatch ............................................................................................



Exercise 11: Email .............................................................................................................



Download and Configure Blat ..............................................................................................



Edit the Data File .................................................................................................................



Edit the DispatchRule...........................................................................................................


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


Table of Contents

6Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide



Getting Started


This chapter contains:


• VI Suite Customer Forum .............................................................................................................


• Intended Audience ......................................................................................................................


• What You Will Learn...................................................................................................................


Welcome to the VI eCompose (VIeC) Workshop. This document is designed provide background information and hands-on lessons in using the walk you through the basic configuration and operation of VIeC.

By the end of this workshop you will be able to configure the VIeC Server and understand the operation of lpr the Watched Folder, and the, VIeC Job Submission Client. In the workshop, the capability of VIeC Dispatch will be demonstrated.

Before using the workshop materials, read the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide and have the user guide available while you are completing the workshop exercises.

Note: Refer to the following information:

Case-sensitive entries

When using VIeC, remember that values in all database fields, index fields, and rule values are case-sensitive.

Supported distillation job parameters

The built-in PDF authoring engine supports all distillation job parameters except for those that require post-processing such as DoThumbnails, CompressObjects, EmbedJobOptions, and Optimize.

The following subjects are not covered in this workshop:

VIeC Web GUI: For information about this module, refer to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide

VIPP® programming training: For training on VIPP® programming, contact a local Xerox representative.

VIeC as a Windows Service: For information about Windows Service, refer to the FreeFlow VI

eCompose User Guide


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


Getting Started

VI Suite Customer Forum

Xerox hosts a Community Support Forum. The VI Suite Customer forum is now part of the larger


Xerox support forum, allowing you to post and review information about Xerox products and services


all from one location. Take a minute to log in to this customer forum community: http://vippsupport.


8Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

Getting Started

Intended Audience

This workshop is intended for:

Application and system programmers who are responsible for creating and running VIPP® applications and want to take advantage of the VIPP®-to-PDF workflow available with VIeC.

Network administrators and system integrators responsible for the network submission of VIPP® applications and the distribution of the PDF files created using VIeC.

Print operators who have the responsibility to load, delete, or modify VIPP® resources on the VIeC Server.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


Getting Started

What You Will Learn

The scope of this training is limited to the installation, configuration, and operation of VIeC. This workshop does not attempt to cover any VIPP® programming concepts.

The workshop is divided into the following general areas:

Getting started which you are now reading, provides some introductory, information and an overview of the VI eCompose Workshop.

VIeC Workshop Installation provides an overview of the installation process. You learn about installation, installation verification, VIeC Server configuration, and how and where to load the files provided as a part of this workshop.

VIeC and VIeC Workshop overview provides a summary of VIPP® and VIeC programs, including a short overview of VIPP® and VIPP® resources as they relate to VIeC.

Job parameters and profiles provides information about VIeC Job Parameters and Job Profiles, including information about the Init (Nub) file, job types, andt creating and using profiles.

VIeC job submission describes the three methods of job submission used by VIeC: lpr, Watched Folder, and Job Submission Client.

Hands-on exercises provides exercises that guide you through the configuration and use of VIeC, including VIeC Dispatch.

10Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

This chapter contains:

Program Download ....................................................................................................................


Documentation Download .........................................................................................................


• Client and Server Software .........................................................................................................


• Minimum Server Configuration for the VIeC Server ....................................................................


Minimum Client Configuration ...................................................................................................


• Backup and Storage Requirements .............................................................................................


Installation Process ....................................................................................................................


Installation Verification..............................................................................................................


Server Configuration ..................................................................................................................


Load Workshop Files ..................................................................................................................


This information helps you understand the installed software, and the minimum requirements for the installation.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

Program Download

To download FreeFlow VI eCompose electronically, go to select Software &


Platforms select FreeFlow select FreeFlow Variable Information,

Suite select Driver &, Downloads


If required, set the Operating System type appropriate for your target platform to display the correct


installer file. To download the installer, click the FreeFlow VI eCompose installer file


Program delivery format

Programs are delivered in .exe format. User can download the application to the target device. When the device does not have Internet access, copy the EXE file to the target device, then install the program.

12Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC Workshop Installation

Documentation Download

English language versions of all of the FreeFlow Variable Information Suite documentation are



available for download. Go to Select Software & Platforms select FreeFlow


select FreeFlow Variable Information Suite then select Documentation



Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

Client and Server Software

The VIeC software contains both client and server applications. During the installation, you are prompted to select the type of installation required. You can install the client on the same PC as the server or you can install the client on any network-connected PC that has access to the server.

The server requires a Xerox license file to operate. Client software is distributed without any license requirements. During the installation of the client software, identify a target server. You can change the target server during normal operation of the system, as required.

14Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC Workshop Installation

Minimum Server Configuration for the VIeC Server

The following are the minimum requirements for the VIeC Server:

Windows Server 2012, including R2, 2016, 2019, and Windows 10.

2.4–GHz Processor.

2 Gbytes of RAM per instance. For more information on running multiple instances of VIeC, refer

to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide


40–Gbyte hard drive.

Ethernet network interface.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (installed).

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

Minimum Client Configuration

There is no minimum configuration for the client.

16Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC Workshop Installation

Backup and Storage Requirements

To ensure the normal operation of the VIeC Server, perform the usual backup and housekeeping practices.

The speed of the processor and the amount of memory available on the VIeC Server is a major factor in the processing speed you achieve in the creation of PDF files.

Plan your storage requirements. When you plan for your storage needs, consider the following factors for standard operation, backup, and housekeeping procedures:

Number of PDF files that you create that require storage

Size of the PDF files

Speed at which the PDF files are created

Where to store the PDF files

Length of time that the PDF files are stored

Note: For more information on housekeeping, refer to the FreeFlow® VI eCompose User Guide

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

Installation Process

For step-by-step installation instructions for VIeC, refer to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide In general, the installation process involves the following steps:

• Select the installation type: Client/Server Server or Client ,


Answer the installation prompts. This workshop assumes that you have installed the VIeC Server on the C: drive, and that the VI Compose xgfc directory structure is on the C: drive. If the VIeC Server is not on the C: drive, and if the VI Compose xgfc directory structure is not on the C: drive, certain parts of this workshop cannot function as expected.

Install the VIeC software.

Install the lpr client, if required. This installation is recommended.

Install the license.

18Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC Workshop Installation

Installation Verification

To verify that the installation ran properly, follow the procedures in this section.

Ensure that the server is running.

Look for the VI eCompose Local Server (VIeC) icon in the lower-right task bar.

The VIeC Server is configured to start automatically. When the PC is booted, the VIeC icon is present. When you hover the mouse on the icon, a message appears: VI eCompose Local Server

If the VIeC icon is not displayed, you can start the server, but this is usually only necessary when the


server module has been stopped manually. To start the server, select the Start menu, then select

Programs erox


eCompose LocalVIServer



To verify normal operation, run a test job. The steps outlined here are explained further in the workshop, for now, follow the steps to verify the normal operation of the VIeC Server.

1. In the task bar, right-click the VIeC icon.

2. Select Launch Job Submission Client The VI eCompose Job Submission Client appears.


3.On the lower right side of the Job Submission Client window, select the Submit Job button. The default billb.lm VIPP® job is submitted to the VIeC Server. The PDF file that is generated is deposited in the folders indicated in the User Name and Output Folder windows.

Tip: As the job is processed, the job status changes from submitted to complete. Note the number of pages distilled. Because this job is not using any split options, the value for pages split and files generated is zero. Split options are explained in more detail later.

4.During the installation of the VIeC software, a shortcut folder called VI eCompose Incoming Folders was created on the desktop. Locate that folder, or you can scroll to X:\Program Files (x86)\Xerox\VIPP\xvtp\users\user_name\incoming\bulk where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed and user_name is the user name defined during installation.

5.To display a subfolder that is time-stamped and contains the file name billb_lm, open the default folder. To find the PDF file, open the time-stamped subfolder, then open and view the PDF file.

6.After you have looked at the PDF file, to end this task, close all the windows. To exit the Job

Submission Client, select X or Alt-X To confirm, answer Yes



End of Exercise

This concludes the installation verification process. If you experience any problems, contact a local Xerox representative.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

Server Configuration

Server configuration options are minimal. Configuration involves specifying the order in which the VIeC Server processes incoming jobs.

Configuration of the VIeC Web modules is not covered in this document. For information about the VIeC Web configuration, refer to in the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide

To configure the VIeC Server operation, follow these steps:

1.On the task bar, double-click the VIeC Server icon located. The VI eCompose Local Server window appears.

2.To review the available options, select the File menu:

Save Logfile

Clear Logfile

Dump Accounting File

Show Billing Meters

The Dump Accounting File option creates a comma-delimited file that you can port into Excel or a database program for query.

3.From the menu bar, select the Job Selection menu. Use the menu to change the operating parameters that the VIeC Server uses to process VIeC jobs in the server queue. For now, leave the default to First In, First Out.

4.To review the help that is available, select the Help menu.

5.To close the VI eCompose Local Server window, select the X in the top-right corner.

20Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC Workshop Installation


Selecting X minimizes the VIeC Server, but does not shut down the server.

To exit the VIeC Local Server, enter Alt-X.

To restart the server, access the Windows Start menu, then access the VI eCompose menu.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


Xerox FreeFlow VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC Workshop Installation

Load Workshop Files

To find the file containing all the test files and resources used in this workshop, open the VI eCompose Installation zip file, then scroll to the English\Docs\workshop folder. Extract files from the file and copy the files to the locations specified in the table.

File Name



Description of File

Copy the file here

A project folder that contains all

X:\Program Files (x86)

resources for the project.



\projects where X is the


partition where the VI eCompose


software is installed.

DOS batch file, used in the VIeC Dispatch exercise to show Dispatch executing a user-defined process. In this case, the VTPmove. bat process moves the PDF files to the C:\MyArchiveFolder on the PC. In one of the following exercises, you create the folder.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xgfc\mislib where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.


Data submission file.


Nub/init file used to populate a


data file with the required VIPP®


start commands.


VI eCompose Profile file.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xgfc\mislib where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xgfc\mislib where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xvtp\users \xxxx\profiles where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed and xxxx is the user name.


VI eCompose DispatchRule file.


VIeC Workshop VI Project


Container file. This container holds


all the required VIPP® files to run


the vtpworkshop application.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xvtp \dispatch\rules where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xgfc\mislib where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.

22Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

File Name



VIeC Workshop Installation

Description of File

Copy the file here

A data file that generates an error message. Used to show where error messages are displayed.

A data file that contains no VIPP® start commands. This data file uses the nub/ init feature to process files properly.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xgfc\mislib where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.

X:\Program Files (x86) \Xerox\VIPP\xgfc\mislib where X is the partition where the VI eCompose software is installed.

Adobe Security options can be applied to the PDF files created. You can add password protection to the PDF and child PDF files created. The password can be a generic password for all PDF files produced or a unique password driven by the user data. For more information on PDF security supported by VI eCompose, refer to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC Workshop Installation

24Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide



VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview


This chapter contains:


• Third-Party Support for VIeC ......................................................................................................


• Job Submission Methods............................................................................................................


• What is the VIPP® Language? ....................................................................................................


• What is a VIPP® Bookmark? .......................................................................................................


• What is a VIPP® PDF Interactive Feature? ..................................................................................


• VIeC Features ............................................................................................................................


VIeC is a client-server application that allows you to generate Adobe PDF documents from VIPP®- based variable data applications. Using the same VIPP® workflow that generates hard copy output on a print device, the same data file can be sent to the VIeC Server and PDF output created. Use of the VIeC Dispatch module can integrate the PDF files into the workflow process.

VIeC outputs the PDF files to a local directory structure on the server. The VIeC Dispatch module can call a user-defined process and pass to that process the PDF file and other information contained in the VIPP® Bookmark. This action provides a rule-based manual or automated API to web presentment, archive, viewing, email servers, or other up stream processes as required by customers.

A standard VIPP® application that is submitted to a VIPP®-enabled print device can be submitted to the VIeC Server. No changes in the data or VIPP® resources are required. VIeC operates like any other VIPP®-enabled print device. A job using lpr to submit to a printer can use lpr to submit to the lpr client of the VIeC Server by changing the destination TCP/IP address and queue name. Watched Folders and the VIeC Job Submission Client can be used to submit data files to VIeC. In addition, a VIeC Web module, not covered in this workshop, can be used to configure and submit jobs to the VIeC Server. For more information about VIeC Web, refer to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide

A VIPP® job processed by the VIeC Server results in the generation of an Adobe PDF file. The PDF file is output to a named directory on the server. A print path can be specified. The data file processed by VIeC is forwarded to the print device after being processed by the VIeC Server. This action allows for both electronic and hard copy printing from a single job submission. It is important to note that the print path passes the data file, not the PDF file, to the target print device. To forward the PDF file, review the information about the VIeC Dispatch module described later in this workshop and review the VIeC Dispatch chapter of the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide

Any VIPP® application that uses the VIPP® BOOKMARK command can be further enhanced to create individual sets of PDF files. For example, a statement run containing 10,000 customer records can be split into 10,000 individual variable-length customer PDF statements. Web presentment applications, or archive and viewing systems, can take advantage of the individual PDF files, all without making any changes to the data or the workflow. The VIPP® BOOKMARK and extended BOOKMARK can contain additional data that can be passed to a user-defined process using the VIeC Dispatch module. For more information about the VIPP® BOOKMARK and extended BOOKMARK features, refer to the VIPP® Language Reference Manual

PDF Interactive features such as PDF Bookmarks, PDF notes, or URLs can be included in the output PDF file using the VIPP® SETPIF command. For example, in the statement example, several additional

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview

PDF bookmarks can be created to assist with navigation through the PDF document. URLs can be inserted into the PDF file that links the customer to a company home page or customer support page.

PDF interactive features are processed only when the job is sent to VIeC. PDF interactive features are ignored when the data file is processed by a VIPP®-enabled printer.

26Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview

Third-Party Support for VIeC

There are third-party VIPP® GUI design tools that support the creation of VIPP® Bookmarks, PDF Interactive Features, and VIeC DispatchRules. For information on how these easy-to-use tools can help you design and create VIPP® applications without VIPP® programming knowledge, review the vendor web sites.

For information on third-party products that support VIPP® Pro Dynamic Document Construction, contact your local Xerox representative or log on to the Xerox eStore:

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview

Job Submission Methods

VIeC supports four methods of job submission, three are discussed in this workshop:


Watched Folder

VIeC Job Submission Client

The VIeC Web interface can be used to administer the system and submit jobs for processing. For more information on the VIeC Web interface, refer to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide

VIeC provides the capability to append a .nub initialization file to the data file. This action enables the delimited, XML, or line mode data file to be submitted directly to the VIeC Server. The VIPP® commands required to initiate the VIPP® processing are added to the incoming data file using a VIeC profile. Each job submission method allows for the use of VIeC profiles. A VIeC profile contains all the job options, such as output file folder, distill options, and file name templates needed to process the VIPP® data file on the VIeC Server. The lpr client must be able to process the -T option. If the -T option is not available, a default lpr profile can be established or you can include the startup commands with the data file. For additional information, refer to the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide .

28Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

VIPP® jobs consist typically of three types of resources.
• User resources consist of objects used in the job:
– JPEG or TIFF images
– PostScript, EPS, .txt files, decomp files, or RDO files; Tiff only
Native-mode VIPP® forms or segments of VIPP® code
– Fonts
• VIPP® Template files consist of the following:
– Job Descriptor Ticket (JDT)
– XML Job Descriptor Ticket (XJT)
– Data Base Master (DBM)
– Font lists and encoding tables
– Distribution lists
• VIPP® Data files: VIPP® can be configured to run in these modes:
– Native Mode
– Line Mode
– Data Base Mode
– XML Mode

VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview

What is the VIPP® Language?

This workshop does not provide training on the VIPP® language. To use VIeC, it is necessary to understand some of the basics of the VIPP® language and the FreeFlow Variable Information Suite. For training on the VIPP® Language, or any of the VI Suite applications, contact your local Xerox representative, who has information on the available training in your area.

VIeC uses an embedded VI Compose software to process any VIPP® application that VIeC receives. With the introduction of VIeC, this same workflow can be used to create Adobe PDF files. Those files can contain additional interactive features that can add value to the document produced, such as a URL link or a link to additional PDF documents.

VIPP® is a set of high-level PostScript macros that reside at the VIPP® device. The key advantage of VIPP® software for the enterprise is that the majority of the information required to format the data file is stored at the device. Only the unformatted variable data file with the initial VIPP® start command or nub file is required to process the data file, producing highly customized and personalized documents across the enterprise.

VIPP® applications can be sent to a variety of printers: desktop, office, production monochrome, highlight color, or full color printers. The same data file can be sent to VIeC to output PDF files, all with no changes required to the workflow or the data.

VIPP® Resources

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose


Workshop Guide


VIeC and VIeC Workshop Overview

VIeC and VIPP® Resources

The VIeC Server has the same VI Compose software that can be found on the printer. The VI Compose software processes the data file and builds the variable data pages on the VIeC Server in the same way as on a print device. The only difference is that the output consists of PDF files instead of paper documents.

As on a print device, the VIeC Server needs access to the same VIPP® user and template resources files. The resource files must be loaded to the standard customer VIPP® directories on the VIeC Server. VIeC supports both the legacy resource structure and the VI Project resource structure. For more information on the customer XGFC directory structure, review the FreeFlow VI Compose User Guide .

The data file is sent to the VIeC Server using one of three standard methods. The lpr command can be used to submit jobs from clients, including mainframe hosts. The data file can be deposited in a Watched Folder, typically using FTP software or copied using other networking methods. The PCbased Job Submission Client can be used to submit files for processing. In addition, the VIeC Web interface is capable of submitting and reviewing jobs submitted for processing.

VIeC can accept a VI Project Container as a job submission file. For more information on VI Project Containers, review the VI Project section of the FreeFlow VI eCompose User Guide or the FreeFlow VI Design Pro User Guide .

30Xerox® FreeFlow® VI eCompose Workshop Guide

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