Xerox FreeFlow VI Design Pro User Guide

Version December 2020 702P08480

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro

User Guide

© 2020 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and Xerox and Design®, FreeFlow®, FreeFlow Makeready®, FreeFlow Output Manager®, FreeFlow Process Manager®, VIPP®, and GlossMark® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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Produced in the United States of America.

Table of Contents

1 FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation ......................................................................................


Getting Started ......................................................................................................................


Program Download ..........................................................................................................


Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font Download ...............................................................


System Requirements.............................................................................................................


Proof Print .............................................................................................................................


Upgrade Information.............................................................................................................


VI Design Pro Installation ......................................................................................................


Licensing Requirements..........................................................................................................


Using the Load License Option .........................................................................................


Using the Activation Key option .......................................................................................


Uninstalling VI Design Pro .....................................................................................................


Adding PostScript Fonts .........................................................................................................


Customization .................................................................................................................


Kerning ............................................................................................................................


2 Program Overview...................................................................................................................


VI Suite Customer Forum .......................................................................................................


Using VI Design Pro ...............................................................................................................


Using Fonts............................................................................................................................


Using Multiple-Byte Fonts ................................................................................................


Job Data and Performance.....................................................................................................


Reconciliation and Graphic Element Restrictions.....................................................................


Crash Recovery ......................................................................................................................


3 VI Design Pro GUI ..................................................................................................................


Title, Menu and Tool Bars.......................................................................................................


Title Bar...........................................................................................................................


Activity Indicator .............................................................................................................


Menu Bar.........................................................................................................................


Edit Menu ........................................................................................................................


View Menu ......................................................................................................................


Debug Menu....................................................................................................................


Help Menu .......................................................................................................................


Primary Tool bars .............................................................................................................


Input Source Section..............................................................................................................


Resource Notebook Section....................................................................................................


Project Tab.......................................................................................................................


JDT Tabs ..........................................................................................................................


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Table of Contents



DBM Tabs ........................................................................................................................



Segment Tabs ..................................................................................................................



Form Tabs ........................................................................................................................



Image Tab .......................................................................................................................



XJT Tabs ..........................................................................................................................



Debug Session Section ...........................................................................................................



Graphical Display Section.......................................................................................................



Mouse Functions in the Graphic Display ...........................................................................



Graphic Display Tool Bar Buttons and List Boxes ..............................................................



Output Resource Section ........................................................................................................



Status Bar ..............................................................................................................................



Edit Modes of Operation ........................................................................................................



Text Editor Mode .............................................................................................................



Graphic Editor Mode ........................................................................................................



Smart Editor Mode...........................................................................................................



Syntax and Formatting Considerations...................................................................................



Control and Function Keys .....................................................................................................



Using the Smart Editor...........................................................................................................



Smart Editor Menu...........................................................................................................



Basic Command and Menu Control ..................................................................................



Variable Right Mouse Button Options...............................................................................



Using the Element Right Mouse Button Menu ........................................................................



Properties (element) ........................................................................................................



View Source .....................................................................................................................



Error Handling........................................................................................................................


4 Creating or Modifying Applications ....................................................................................



VIPP® Cold Start ..................................................................................................................



VI Design Pro Wizard Overview ............................................................................................



VI Project Wizard Windows ..................................................................................................



New VI Project Field Descriptions ...................................................................................



Optional Project Attributes Field Descriptions.................................................................



Create a VI Project from an Existing VIPP® Application........................................................



Resource Properties Entries ............................................................................................



Creating a Form Resource ....................................................................................................



Form Resource Wizard Field Descriptions........................................................................



Creating a DataBase Mode Project ......................................................................................



DataBase Mode Wizard Initial Field Descriptions ...........................................................



Sample Data File ...........................................................................................................



Generate a Sample Data File ...............................................................................................



Acquire Sample Data from a File..........................................................................................



Acquire Sample Data from a Database ................................................................................



Output Data Formatting ......................................................................................................



Creating a Line Mode Project ...............................................................................................



Generating a Sample Data File ......................................................................................



Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro



User Guide


Table of Contents

Acquiring Sample Data from a File.................................................................................


Using Wizard Classic ............................................................................................................


Using Wizard Classic to Create form Resource Templates ...............................................


Using Wizard Classic to Create Database Mode Jobs......................................................


Using Wizard Classic to Create Line Mode Applications ..................................................


5 Smart Editor ..........................................................................................................................


Command Dialogs ...............................................................................................................


Fonts, Colors, and Variables ..................................................................................................


Index Font .....................................................................................................................


Index Font Kerning ........................................................................................................


Index Color ....................................................................................................................


Index BAT Key ...............................................................................................................


Index Line Spacing ........................................................................................................


Index Sub/Superscript ....................................................................................................


Index Align ....................................................................................................................


Set Color Definition........................................................................................................


Set GEP Definition .........................................................................................................


Define Layout ................................................................................................................


Set Layout .....................................................................................................................


Set Font .........................................................................................................................


Set Font Kerning ............................................................................................................


Set Text Color ................................................................................................................


Set Text Bkgrd Attribute .................................................................................................


Set Sub/SuperScript .......................................................................................................


Set Variable ...................................................................................................................


Store Variable ................................................................................................................


Save Current Context .....................................................................................................


Reset Current Context ....................................................................................................


Set Date ........................................................................................................................


Page Layout.........................................................................................................................


Set Units........................................................................................................................


Set Coordinate Origin ....................................................................................................


Set Max Forms/BackForms .............................................................................................


Set Form/BackForm ........................................................................................................


Shift Page Origin............................................................................................................


Shift Form Origin ...........................................................................................................




Set Page Definitions ......................................................................................................


Set Page Size .................................................................................................................


Set Page Orientation......................................................................................................


Set Page Margins ...........................................................................................................


Set Page Frame..............................................................................................................


Set Page Grid .................................................................................................................


Set Page Numbering ......................................................................................................


Set LineFeed Increment .................................................................................................


Set LineSpacing Value....................................................................................................


Set Tab Spacing .............................................................................................................


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Table of Contents



Set Tab Positions............................................................................................................



Set Zebra Lines ..............................................................................................................



Set Column Width..........................................................................................................



Set Widow/Orphan Control ............................................................................................



Set Linked Frames Mode ................................................................................................



Go to Next Frame ..........................................................................................................



Go to Specified Frame....................................................................................................



Initialize OMR Code for Mailer .......................................................................................



Page Marking.......................................................................................................................



Insert Image..................................................................................................................



Insert Segment ..............................................................................................................



Insert Text .....................................................................................................................



Insert Text on Path ........................................................................................................



Insert Distorted Text ......................................................................................................



Insert Table....................................................................................................................



Insert Table Row ............................................................................................................



Insert Void Pantograph ..................................................................................................



Draw Box/Circle/Ellipse...................................................................................................



Draw Polygon ................................................................................................................



Draw DDG Charts (bar/curve/pie/Pareto/radar) ..............................................................



Draw Path......................................................................................................................



Draw Path (rounded corners)..........................................................................................



Draw PDF417 Barcode ...................................................................................................



Draw MaxiCode Barcode ................................................................................................



Draw DataMatrix Barcode..............................................................................................



Draw Aztec Barcode .......................................................................................................



Draw QRCode Barcode ...................................................................................................



Draw USPS 4-State Barcode ...........................................................................................



Draw Linear Numeric Barcode ........................................................................................



Fill OMR Grid..................................................................................................................



Draw Cut Marks .............................................................................................................



Set Params (DDG, FILLOMR, Format...) ...........................................................................



Move X and Y Position ...................................................................................................



Set Indentation (for SHP)...............................................................................................



Set Absolute Position Mode............................................................................................



Cancel Clipping Area......................................................................................................



Save Secondary Print Position ........................................................................................



Insert RUN (VIPP® or PostScript)....................................................................................



Insert RUNDD (Decomposed Docs) ................................................................................



Insert RUNTIF (Multi-page TIFF) ...................................................................................



Set Ignore BadTiffs Option ............................................................................................



Set Reverse Mode Option ...............................................................................................



Set TIFF Orientation Option ...........................................................................................



RPE Items ............................................................................................................................



New RPE Prefix Definition ..............................................................................................



New Page Criteria Definition (PCD) ................................................................................



New Record Criteria Definition (RCD) .............................................................................



New GETFIELD Command .............................................................................................



New BEGINRPE, FROMLINE, or RPEKEY Group................................................................



Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro



User Guide


Table of Contents

Output Device Control..........................................................................................................


Set Media Requirements ................................................................................................


Set Output Resolution ....................................................................................................


Mark End of Run ............................................................................................................


Mark End of Set .............................................................................................................


Start a Booklet ...............................................................................................................


End a Booklet.................................................................................................................


Set Booklet Range to Print .............................................................................................


Set Page Range to Print .................................................................................................


Set Duplex Option..........................................................................................................


Set Finishing Options .....................................................................................................


Set Staple Option...........................................................................................................


Set Jog Option ...............................................................................................................


Set Offset Option...........................................................................................................


Set MSPP Option............................................................................................................


Set Binding Option.........................................................................................................


Set Staple Details...........................................................................................................


Mark Start of Set ...........................................................................................................


Print File Processing .............................................................................................................


Start LineMode Processing .............................................................................................


Start DataBaseMode Processing ....................................................................................


Start XML Mode Processing............................................................................................


Set Data File ..................................................................................................................


Set Distribution List........................................................................................................


Set Job Descriptor Ticket (JDT) .......................................................................................


Insert ZSORT Command.................................................................................................


Skip LineMode Data.......................................................................................................


Set Line Buffer Size ........................................................................................................


Set BackSpacing Option .................................................................................................


Set Field Separator ........................................................................................................


Set Blank Stripping Off ..................................................................................................


Set First - Last Character Stripping On ............................................................................


Set OverPrint On ............................................................................................................


Cyclecopy Control ................................................................................................................


Set Collation Option.......................................................................................................


Set Number of CycleCopies ............................................................................................


Set CheckPoint...............................................................................................................


Insert Repeat .................................................................................................................


Page Control ........................................................................................................................


Set Page Break...............................................................................................................


Skip Printing Current Page..............................................................................................


Print Current Page..........................................................................................................


Print Current Page, New Sheet .......................................................................................


Print Current Page, Back of New Sheet ...........................................................................


Print Current Page, Front of New Sheet ..........................................................................


Start a New Stack ..........................................................................................................


PDF Interactive Features ......................................................................................................


Set PIF...........................................................................................................................


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Table of Contents


Index PIF .......................................................................................................................


Create Bookmark ...........................................................................................................


Set PDF Destination.......................................................................................................


Set PDF Open Mode .......................................................................................................


Set PDF Info ..................................................................................................................


Set PDF Bound...............................................................................................................


Draw PDF Fillable Form ..................................................................................................


Job Data Capture.................................................................................................................


Custom Color Lists ...............................................................................................................


Dialog Cross Reference.........................................................................................................


8Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

This chapter contains:

Getting Started ..........................................................................................................................


System Requirements.................................................................................................................


Proof Print..................................................................................................................................


Upgrade Information .................................................................................................................


• VI Design Pro Installation ..........................................................................................................


Licensing Requirements..............................................................................................................


• Uninstalling VI Design Pro..........................................................................................................


Adding PostScript Fonts..............................................................................................................


FreeFlow® VI Design Pro installation provides the information needed to install VI Design Pro software on the workstation. You can find details about licensing and installation prerequisites, and installation instructions in these sections:

System requirements

Proof Print

Upgrade Information

VI Design Pro Installation

Licensing Requirements

Uninstalling VI Design Pro

Adding PostScript fonts

File backup

When you upgrade or uninstall this software, ensure that you back up any customized files that can be required later.

Virtual machine support

You can install VI Design Pro on a Virtual machine with a unique MAC address. However, no support is provided for the VM environment.

Updates are released as full installers

You can install any FreeFlow VI Suite update over any previous release of the FreeFlow VI Suite. Installation of VI Suite components requires Administrator privileges.

Stop active products before the installation of updates

Stop active products, such as FreeFlow VI eCompose or VI eCompose services, before the installation of any updates.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Getting Started

Before you begin, first download the software from the Xerox website. Download instructions are provided here. After you have downloaded the appropriate files you can proceed to the installation instructions that follow.

Program Download

To download VI Design Pro electronically, go to search for VIPP then select Software If required, set the Operating System. type appropriate for your target platform to display the correct installer file. Click on VI Design Pro's installer file to download.

Program Delivery Format

Programs are delivered in .iso or .exe format. These files can be downloaded directly to the target device. When the device does not have internet access, copy the EXE file on the target device, or use the ISO file to burn a CD from which the program can be installed.


Some Variable Information programs, Specialty Imaging fonts, and Barcode fonts are available for purchase by customers in the United States that want to purchase those programs or fonts using a

credit card. These downloadable products can be found at the Xerox eStore (





Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font Download

To download Specialty Imaging and Barcode fonts, go to then search for

VIPP and select Software , .

Note: When downloading fonts, you will be directed to review an End User License Agreement In order to download the fonts you must review and accept the End User License Agreement If you do not accept the End User License Agreement you will exit from the font download page.

10Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

System Requirements

VI Design Pro (VDP) is an interactive design environment for VIPP® application programmers. It provides an interactive GUI that provides a text based code entry component, with smart editors with a WYSIWYG view of the variable application as it is being designed. As code is entered or an element on the screen moved, updates are made and when the screen is refreshed, the updated application is rendered on the screen. VI Design Pro utilizes the same VI Compose interpreter that the printer uses to render the VIPP® application on the screen, ensuring what you see on screen will match what you print at the target print device. For this reason it is highly recommended that when upgrading on component of the VI Suite of products, you upgrade all your components to the same version and patch / Service Pack level. VI Design Pro provides other features such as random access to pages in the job (browsing) and zoom adjustments, as well as smart editor, find and replace capabilities and other aids to assist in VIPP® application design.

VI Design Pro can be installed on a windows PC 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported as well as virtualization. If using virtualization each node must have its own unique MAC address to license the product. While Xerox will provide support for VI Design Pro software, it will not provide support for the configuration of the Virtual systems.

The minimum software and hardware requirements are:

Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 (including R2), Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019

Intel Pentium 4, Intel Centrino, Intel Xeon, Intel Dual Core (or better) processor


20GB Hard drive


Internet access (to activate the license)

Note: The GUI display is rendered using an internal PS engine, as such it cannot render correctly PDF files with transparency. PDF files will be converted internally to EPS for purposes of display in the GUI. Although the GUI is not able to render transparency correctly, if printing to an FFPS APPE engine, transparency will be honored at the device.

The following minimum screen resolution and color settings are recommended when editing any of the available DRAW commands on the Windows PC:

Set the desktop area to at least 1024 x 768

Set the color palette to 256 colors or better

Set the font size to Small Fonts or Large Fonts

Caution: Lower resolutions can cause unexpected results.

Lines or characters of less than 1 point

When using lines or characters of less than 1 pt, you may need to use the zoom options in VI Design Pro to see the actual lines or characters displayed on the screen.

Not all objects can be selected in the GUI windows

Some Hot Spots are not available, and thus cannot be selected.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Proof Print

VI Design Pro can use any PostScript print device available in the Windows Printer panel to proof print pages from the application. Without a license for that printer, you will be limited to under ten pages. If a license is available for that device then there is no limitation. To license such a device, contact your local Xerox sales representative.

The version of VIPP® resident on the printer MUST be of the same version or higher than the version of VI Compose shipped with VI Design Pro. To determine the version of VI Compose shipped with VI Design Pro, choose Help FreeFlow VI Design Pro from VI Design→Pro's main window About pulldown menu.

Proof Print uses the VIPP® rendering engine to create the proof pages.

The page range selection in Proof Print refers to logical pages, while the graphic display shows the current and total physical pages of the application. This means that for multi-up applications the Proof Print page range selection values may not correspond one to one with the actual number or position of logical pages. You should select the range of pages to be proof printed based on the desired logical page numbers, not the physical page numbers.

Note: Design Pro supports printing to PDF. For more information, refer to File Menu

12Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Upgrade Information

If you have a prior installation of VI Design Pro formerly known as VI Designer or IDE,and you have customized the installation files, for example, made changes to the, xgf.def file, and so on, you should print or copy those files so you can identify and put back the customized changes after the upgrade.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

VI Design Pro Installation

Refer to Program download for download instructions. VI Design Pro software is downloaded in an .iso file. You will need to burn the .iso file to a CD to install the software. Service Packs, when available, are zip files that can be downloaded from the same location. These Service Packs must be installed over the base software.

You must have administrator privileges to install the software. To do so, insert the CD and follow the on-screen prompts. The software must be installed locally on the device.

The installation will create a folder called VIDE on your C:\ drive (assuming this was the drive selection you made). This folder contains program files, help files, Wizard libraries and sample forms and images. A FreeFlow VI Design Pro entry is added to the Windows Start menu.

14Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Licensing Requirements

VI Design Pro software will install with a 60-day trial period (if it has not previously been installed on this device). To use the product after the 60 day trial period you must convert the trial to a fully licensed version of the product. To do this you need to purchase a production license. Without a valid license the software will not be usable.

The process to license VI Design Pro will depend on where and how VI Design Pro software was purchased. This is due to unique licensing requirements based on a geographical region. This information will be included in the kit you receive/download when you purchase VI Design Pro.

Do not attempt to change the system clock to circumvent the license

VDP will detect such a change and will fail to operate if this is attempted.

Manually loading a license

When using the manual process of the Load License option, you will be provided a license file. License files (*.dat) for all VI products are generated via an automatic process. The process saves the file as HardwareAddress.dat , where HardwareAddress is the address of the computer on which the product will be licensed. Therefore, it is possible to receive more than one product license file with identical file names. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not overwrite existing licenses when saving a new product license. When license files used on a single computer will expire at the same time it is possible to request one file that will activate all the VI products on that computer.

When you install an upgrade to an existing version of VDP with a valid license, the software will find and activate the previously installed license. No further action is required until such time as the license expires.

To manually load or activate your VDP license, select Help Software License from → the menu bar. (You can also use this option to view how many days remain in the trial or the status of

the license.)

Selecting the Install/Update Software License option will produce the FreeFlow VI Design Pro License panel. This panel provides access to information about the installed license and two unique licensing options. Use the panel to choose the option suited to your location.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

License Information

This panel includes:


License Type


Days Remaining

The number of days until the existing license will expire.

License Host ID

VDP finds and displays this information from your computer.


If a valid license file has been loaded, the Host ID used by the license


is shown.

Product Version

The installed version of the VDP software.

If you have obtained a license file...

Use this option when you have received a license file (*.dat) (usually via email). When the file is delivered be sure to store it in a safe and accessible place on your computer.

For further instruction, refer to Using the Load License option

16Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

If you have an activation key...

The information in this panel is designed for users who have received a software activation key as part of the software license kit for the VDP software.

If you do not have the license kit, and are in a location that requires this option, contact your Xerox sales representative to purchase the software license kit for VI Design Pro software. Once the order has been processed a ship kit containing the Software Activation Key and Serial Number (If provided) will be shipped to the customer location.

For further instruction, refer to Using the Activation Key option

Using the Load License Option

To activate the VI Design Pro license using a license file:


Select the Load License option.



Browse to the location of the license file, select it, then click OK



The license is installed. The new license information appears at the top of the license panel.



Select OK to activate the license.


Using the Activation Key option

Note: Retain the Software Activation Key and Serial Number, if provided, in a safe location as they may be required for future upgrades, support, and so on.

If you have the Software Activation key, you can use the automated license process outlined here:

1.Choose one of the available System Host IDs for the license HostID. (The default is recommended.)

Note: If the automated license process fails you will need to have the System Host ID string and the Software Activation Key available when you contact the Xerox hotline for assistance.

2.Enter the Serial Number of the device on which the software is installed.

3.Enter the Software Activation Key in the area provided and click the Activate... button.

4.The Xerox License Server may return a form requesting additional information. Fill in the form as requested and select OK when done.

5.This information and the Software Activation Key will be submitted to the Xerox License Server.

6.At this point the Xerox License Server should have all the information required to validate the license request. If additional information is required, a new screen requesting additional

information will be displayed. Fill in the required information and select OK


7.The Xerox License Server will validate the information and either enable the license or return an error code if the information supplied does not match our records. If an error code is generated, report the error code to your local Xerox representative so they can assist you further.

If the information entered is valid, a license file will be generated and loaded to you r system. Details of the license will be displayed in the License Information area of the License screen. To apply the license, click the OK button. When the OK button is selected, the license will be applied.

On occasion, the automated license activation may fail. When this happens, contact the Xerox hotline for assistance. Have the System Host ID of the workstation and the Software Activation Kit supplied

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

in the ship kit available. Further assistance may result in a license file being emailed to you.

Note: If you fail to connect to the license server using the method shown above, you can go to any Internet connected device and login to the portal using this URL: https://www.

Enter the Activation Key and follow the on screen prompts. You will need to know the System Host ID of the VDP system. A License file will be emailed to you. Move the license to a safe location on the VDP system and use the Load License option to install the license.

18Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Uninstalling VI Design Pro

Remove VI Design Pro by running the uninstall program. The uninstall program presents a series of windows that allow complete removal of VI Design Pro or to remove selected files and items.

Note: Selecting Cancel stops the uninstall program without completing the procedure. Run the uninstall program to fully uninstall VI Design Pro.

Caution: When you have an earlier version of VI Design Pro installed on the system you must use the uninstall program provided with that version of the software to remove those files.

To run the uninstall program:

1.Log on to the Windows workstation as Administrator or with a User Account with administrator privileges.

2.Launch VI Design Pro's uninstall program by using one of these methods:

• Select Start

Programs erox FreeFlow VI Design Pro xx →then right→ -click Uninstall, All X

Use the Add or Remove Programs option on the Control Panel.

Select Start to access the Run window. Then use Browse when→ necessary, verify thatRun the correct path name and uninstall.exe are listed in the Open field (for example, C:\vide

\uninstall.exe and click OK


Using Windows Explorer, access the vide directory on the workstation, or the alternate location. Locate and double-click uninstall.exe.

3.When the Uninstall VI Design Pro window appears, select the type of uninstall to perform, then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall process.

Performing an automatic uninstall:

An automatic uninstall, which is the default, removes all VI Design Pro software, files, and directories. In addition, it will remove VI Design Pro from the Programs Folder (Start Menu). Select Automatic on the Uninstall VI Design Pro window and then follow the on screen instructions. When the uninstall process is complete, reboot the workstation.

Performing a custom uninstall:

A custom uninstall allows you to specify which VI Design Pro directories, application files, system files or .ini files to remove. Use this option to control which items to delete rather than allow the uninstall program to operate automatically.

4.Reboot the workstation when the software has removed the selected VI Design Pro files, directories, and software from the system and restored the selected .ini files.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Adding PostScript Fonts

Order additional PostScript Type I and Type III fonts from the Xerox Font Library. These fonts can be used on the printer and with VI Design Pro.

The fonts must be in a PostScript format that is supported by the target printer. In general, Type 1 and 3 PostScript fonts are supported on all PostScript printers.

Note: When VI Design Pro is not installed on the C: drive, replace C: in the following description with the drive on which VI Design Pro is installed.

To import PFA and PFB type fonts into the VI Design Pro fonts directory, select the File menu on the top menu bar and one of theses options:

Import Roman PostScript Fonts

Import Special PostScript Fonts

Use Import Roman PostScript Fonts for fonts using the Standard Roman (or Latin) Character Set as defined in Adobe's PostScript Language Reference Manual. This is the option generally used for Latin Type 1 fonts delivered by font vendors.

Note: Use the Import Roman PostScript Fonts option to install Specialty Imaging fonts.

These fonts are suitable for re-encoding by VIPP®, using the default re-encoding table, and can be referenced in the xgf\encoding\fontlist file.

Use Import Special PostScript Fonts for fonts using any other character set (typically barcode fonts or fonts converted from other legacy formats).

These fonts must not be re-encoded and must be referenced in the xgf\encoding\nullfl file.

Using either option, one or more fonts can be selected. The fonts will be converted into regular PS fonts and placed in the C:\vide\fonts directory. Also, as part of the font conversion process, the file C:\vide\xgf\encoding\fontlist (for roman fonts) or C:\vide\xgf\encoding \nullfl (for special fonts) will be updated with the newly imported font names. By default, the VIPP® font names are of the incremental form /RFAAxxxx (in fontlist) or /SFAAxxxx (in nullfl) where xxxx is a number ranging from 0000 to 999999. The resulting fontlist or nullfl file can be edited to change these names or add font family information (refer to Customization below).

Within VI Design Pro, the font key names cannot be more than 10 characters long, not counting the backslash (e.g. /RFAA123456), due to current constraints in the GUI menu display width format; however, this limit should be sufficient for most purposes since VIPP® font key names are meant to be short names used as shortcuts for the long font names.

Important: These fonts are often subject to licensing agreements and must be used in accordance with the terms of the agreement. You are responsible for checking the licensing agreement for any fonts and complying with the terms before installation for use with VI Design Pro.

Once you complete these tasks you will be requested to restart VI Design Pro. Then the new fonts will appear in the font pull down menus and you could access them in the VIPP® code using the VIPP® short name.

20Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation


The files, C:\vide\xgf\encoding\fontlist or C:\vide\xgf\encoding\nullfl can be edited to change the VIPP® font names or to add font family information.

The syntax for each entry in these lists is:

/VIPP_Shortname /PSFontname /substitute_fontname SUBSTFONT



is a unique user-defined identifier for this font (max 10 characters long).


is the name of the PostScript font as it appears inside the file under the /FontName key.


SUBSTFONT (optional) is any font name that will be substituted when the font referenced by /PSFontname is not available.

This example shows part of the C:\vide\xgf\encoding\fontlist file.

The /STARTFF and /ENDFF markers are optional and can be used to delimit a font family. Refer to the

VIPP® Language Reference Manual for more details.


Kerning information for a PostScript font is available in an Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) file. AFM files are generally supplied with the font kit when the font is purchased. Specifications for the AFM file can be obtained from Adobe, Inc.

Kerning can be enabled for VIPP® SHx commands using:

Extended syntax on the entry in the font lists


Use this syntax in fontlist to establish the link between a given font and an AFM file:

/VIPP_Shortname [ /PSFontname (AFM_filename) ]



This is the name of the AFM file containing kerning information for the associated font.

The AFM file must be located in one of the libraries referenced by SETMPATH or SETEPATH (or SETPPATH in project mode).

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation

Kerning is disabled by default.

22Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide




Program Overview


This chapter contains:


• VI Suite Customer Forum ...........................................................................................................


• Using VI Design Pro ...................................................................................................................


Using Fonts ................................................................................................................................


• Job Data and Performance.........................................................................................................


• Reconciliation and Graphic Element Restrictions.........................................................................


Crash Recovery...........................................................................................................................


VI Design Pro is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) program, designed to simplify the creation of VIPP® applications. VI Design Pro can be used to create new VIPP® applications, or to view or modify existing VIPP® applications. VI Design Pro is the only GUI-based product that can use all the capabilities provided by FreeFlow Variable Information Suite (VIS) applications to process data-driven graphics, data-driven conditional processing, transactional printing, and database publishing.

VI Design Pro can save your application in legacy or VI Project Container format for fast printing to your VIPP®-enabled print device or to the VI eCompose system, which converts VIPP® to PDF, using the power of Dynamic Document Construction. Additionally, you can output your application as a PDF, using the File menu option Export Job as PDF For large print volumes of records, this option. can take longer. This option cannot use the full power of Dynamic Document Construction available when printing the legacy or VI Project Container formats to a VIPP®-enabled printer. Additionally, the size of the PDF file can be very large, based on the options used to create the PDF file.

Note: The GUI display is rendered using an internal PS engine, and therefore cannot render correctly PDF files with transparency. PDF files are converted internally to EPS for display purposes in the GUI. Although the GUI cannot render transparency correctly, if you print to an FFPS APPE engine, transparency is honored at the device.

In addition to the GUI, VI Design Pro provides the following:

Application templates

Smart Editor features to simplify the creation or modification of VIPP® applications

Full support of the VIPP® command set

What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) representation of the VIPP® application.

The GUI and WYSIWYG provide an interactive environment in which to create the VIPP® applications, and represent how the application prints on the device.

License required

To use VI Design Pro, a license is required. For more information, refer to FreeFlow VI Design Pro Installation .

Without the license, the program runs in Demonstration mode for a 60-day period, after which VI Design Pro exists when it is invoked.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Program Overview

Unsupported software

Operation of the VDP software on a computer with VMWare as the base operating system, and the use of Remote Desktop or other sharing software, is not tested, and is not supported.


When the program runs in Demonstration mode, the following watermark is produced on every page of the VIPP® job:

Unlicensed FreeFlow VI Design Pro. Please contact a Xerox Sales representative for more details.

24Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

Program Overview


VI Suite Customer Forum


Xerox hosts a Community Support Forum. The VI Suite Customer forum is now part of the larger


support forum, allowing you to post and review information about Xerox products and services all


from one location. Take a minute to log in to this customer forum community: http://VIPPsupport.


Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Program Overview

Using VI Design Pro

To use VI Design Pro you must be familiar with the VIPP® programming language and how VIPP® applications are created. If you are not familiar with VIPP®, there are other third-party GUI design tools that can be used by non-programmers, which provide VIPP® design capabilities using a drag- and-drop interface.

For a review of the basic information about the VIPP® program, refer to the following sections of the FreeFlow Variable Information Suite documentation:

VIPP® and VI Compose Overview: This chapter in the FreeFlow VI Compose User Guide provides some of the background information needed to understand what is involved in VIPP® applications. The chapter contains information about the following subjects:

VIPP® and PostScript

VIPP®-enabled devices


VI Projects

VIPP® core functionality

VIPP® Data Streams: This chapter in the FreeFlow VI Compose User Guide describes the various modes in which VIPP® applications are used: Native mode, Line mode, Database mode, and XML mode. Other information in this chapter includes:

Linking the data with the JDT, DBM, or XJT

Record structures

Record structures and the mode and presentation relationship


Conditional processing

Dynamic boxes

Data-Driven Graphics (DDG)

VIPP® Resources: This chapter in the FreeFlow VI Compose User Guide describes the files stored in the VIPP® libraries that are used for accessing and processing VIPP® jobs. The chapter includes information about the different types of resources, the different ways in which VIPP® can access those resources, and the mechanism and syntax used to embed resources in the data stream. VIPP®-supported resource types include:

VI Project

VI Compose and setup files





Job Descriptor Tickets

XML Job Tickets

Data Base Masters

26Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

Program Overview

Distribution lists

Text files

VIPP® Commands: This chapter in the VIPP® Language Reference Manual provides detailed information about each of the VIPP® commands. VIPP® commands are included as a separate part of VI Design Pro Help.

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Program Overview

Using Fonts

To read a discussion of how to install PostScript fonts and customize fontlist or nullfl refer to Adding PostScript fonts You can edit the files to change the VIPP®. font names or to add font family information.

Using Multiple-Byte Fonts

The VIPP® and VI Design Pro software support the use of multiple-byte fonts, including fonts designed for vertical printing. The term multiple-byte or multi-byte font is used to describe fonts that require more characters than can be specified in an 8-bit byte. VIPP® specifications include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) fonts. For more information about how the SHx commands have been modified for use with these fonts, refer to the FreeFlow VI Compose User Guide and VIPP® Language Reference Manual .

To meet the requirements for vertical printing with CJK fonts:

The command syntax for SHP and SHMF has been extended with selectable options for behaviors related to Asian languages.

Encoding and special character lists are defined in the xgf/src/cjk.def file.

The commands SETCJKENCMAP, SETCJKRULES, SETV2HCONV, and SETV2HTABLE have been added to the VIPP® programming language.

Commands such as FROMLINE, RPEKEY, GETFIELD, SETRCD, SETPCD, and GETINTV have been adapted to work on character boundaries instead of byte boundaries when a multi-byte font is selected.

Vertical Writing

When using vertical multiple-byte fonts with SHx commands, all horizontal behaviors become vertical behaviors:

Left alignment becomes top alignment.

Right alignment becomes bottom alignment.

Horizontal centering becomes vertical centering.

Horizontal justification becomes vertical justification.

Column width becomes column height.

Line spacing is applied horizontally instead of vertically.

The secondary horizontal position becomes the secondary vertical position.

Instead of increasing the vertical print position, the horizontal print position is decreased so that vertical text is forwarded from right to left.

Encoding Multiple-Byte Fonts

To change the encoding used by VI Design Pro software to interpret a resource, select Edit

Resource Encoding or press Ctrl+E Select from the available encoding until the multiple.-byte text in , the dialog window appears correct.

28Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

Xerox FreeFlow VI Design Pro User Guide

Program Overview

Note: Invoking the Choose Encoding to Use for Resource Display does not change the encoding of the resource, only the encoding used for the display.

The dialog is available for use in case VI Design Pro software cannot guess the encoding, or guesses incorrectly. After the encoding is chosen with the dialog, a tag can be added to the top of the resource file, so that VI Design Pro can guess correctly next time.

When no tag is present, VI Design Pro looks at the fonts specified in the SETFONT and INDEXFONT commands and guesses the encoding from the font name.

The encoding options available on this dialog depend upon the settings on the workstation, usually Control Panel > Regional and Language Options. When no Japanese code page support has been set, the following options are available:

Western Europe and Latin Languages, ISO-8859-1

Unicode UTF-8

When the Japanese code page support has been set, the following options are available:

Western Europe and Latin Languages, ISO-8859-1

Unicode UTF-8

Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro


User Guide


Program Overview

Japanese, Shift-JIS

Japanese, EUC-JP

30Xerox® FreeFlow® VI Design Pro User Guide

+ 382 hidden pages