Xerox FreeFlow VI Design Express User Guide

Version December 2020 702P08489
User Guide
VI Design Express
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Table of Contents
1 Installing VI Design Express .................................................................................................11
Supported versions of Adobe InDesign................................................................................... 12
Program Download ................................................................................................................ 13
Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font download...................................................................... 14
Minimum System Requirements............................................................................................. 15
Installation Notes .................................................................................................................. 16
Windows installation.............................................................................................................. 17
Complete and Custom Windows installation .................................................................... 17
Mac OS X installation............................................................................................................. 18
Custom Install for Mac OS X ............................................................................................ 18
Licensing................................................................................................................................ 19
License file....................................................................................................................... 20
2 VI Design Express Overview..................................................................................................23
VI Suite Customer Forum ....................................................................................................... 25
Glossary of Terms................................................................................................................... 26
Documentation Overview....................................................................................................... 32
The InDesign Workspace........................................................................................................ 33
Supported Graphic Formats.................................................................................................... 35
Screen and Printer Fonts ........................................................................................................ 36
Overview of Specialty Imaging and VDE ................................................................................ 37
Limitations............................................................................................................................. 38
Sources of the Limitations................................................................................................ 39
Opening VDE Documents in Updated Versions of InDesign .................................................... 42
3 Using VDE ................................................................................................................................43
Setting VDE Preference Options ............................................................................................. 46
Interface tab ................................................................................................................... 46
Export Settings tab .......................................................................................................... 47
Font Export Options tab................................................................................................... 50
Batch Process PDF Files as Resources...................................................................................... 57
Modify PDF with Embedded EPS ...................................................................................... 57
Variable information and design layout.................................................................................. 58
Buttons, Check Boxes and Icons ............................................................................................. 60
Getting Started...................................................................................................................... 68
Opening the VDE panel.................................................................................................... 68
Preparing the workspace .................................................................................................. 69
Defining a Data File......................................................................................................... 70
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
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Defining the Delimited Data File...................................................................................... 70
Loading a subsidiary delimited data file........................................................................... 77
Defining an XML Data File ............................................................................................... 84
Selecting an asset folder ................................................................................................ 101
Defining VDE Data Object Types.................................................................................... 103
4 Rules ....................................................................................................................................... 107
Rule Term Definitions........................................................................................................... 108
Rule Creation....................................................................................................................... 111
LMOT Subset Retrieval Rule generation.......................................................................... 115
Rule Modification or Duplication .......................................................................................... 117
Rule Testing ......................................................................................................................... 118
Rule Deletion ....................................................................................................................... 119
Un-associate a visibility object from a layer.......................................................................... 120
Find a file with an unknown file extension............................................................................ 121
Importing and Exporting Rules and Transforms.................................................................... 123
Importing a New Data File and its Effect on Rules and Transforms................................. 123
5 VDE Design Elements ......................................................................................................... 125
Text ..................................................................................................................................... 126
Static Text ..................................................................................................................... 126
Variable Text.................................................................................................................. 126
Variable Text Files.......................................................................................................... 126
Text Fitting and Wrapping Options ................................................................................ 127
Variable Text On a Path ................................................................................................. 133
Variable Text around an Object ...................................................................................... 134
Distorted Text................................................................................................................ 136
Tabs............................................................................................................................... 138
Paragraph Indent........................................................................................................... 139
Create Outlines.............................................................................................................. 139
Suppress Blank Variable Text lines........................................................................................ 141
Tables Containing Variable Fields ......................................................................................... 143
Dynamic Character Styles .................................................................................................... 144
Basic Character Formats ................................................................................................ 144
Advanced Character Formats ......................................................................................... 145
Character Color.............................................................................................................. 146
Underline Options.......................................................................................................... 147
Using Dynamic Character Styles .................................................................................... 147
Mixing Static and Dynamic Text Styles........................................................................... 148
Graphics .............................................................................................................................. 151
Static Graphics............................................................................................................... 151
Variable Images............................................................................................................. 151
Barcodes.............................................................................................................................. 155
Aztec ............................................................................................................................. 157
Data Matrix................................................................................................................... 158
EAN-5............................................................................................................................ 159
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Table of Contents
EAN-8............................................................................................................................ 160
EAN-13.......................................................................................................................... 161
GS1 Databar.................................................................................................................. 163
MaxiCode ...................................................................................................................... 165
PDF417 ......................................................................................................................... 166
QR Code......................................................................................................................... 167
USPS 4-State Customer Barcode (IMB) .......................................................................... 173
UPC-A............................................................................................................................ 174
UPC-E ............................................................................................................................ 176
Barcode Fonts ...................................................................................................................... 178
Code 128 ....................................................................................................................... 179
Code 39 ......................................................................................................................... 180
EAN 128 ........................................................................................................................ 181
EAN (8-digit).................................................................................................................. 182
EAN (13-digit)................................................................................................................ 183
Interleaved 2 of 5 .......................................................................................................... 184
PostJPN ......................................................................................................................... 185
PostNet.......................................................................................................................... 186
UPC (Version A) ............................................................................................................. 187
OMR .............................................................................................................................. 189
Variable Layers .................................................................................................................... 192
PDF Fillable Form Fields ....................................................................................................... 193
6 VDE Text Pattern Swatches................................................................................................197
Creating a Text Pattern Swatch............................................................................................ 198
Using SI Effects in a Text Pattern Swatch ............................................................................. 201
Artistic Black VDE Text Pattern Swatch........................................................................... 201
Fluorescent VDE Text Pattern Swatch............................................................................. 202
Infrared VDE Text Pattern Swatch .................................................................................. 203
Micro Text VDE Text Pattern Swatch............................................................................... 204
GlossMark and Correlation Mark Text VDE Text Pattern Swatch...................................... 205
7 Xerox Specialty Inks............................................................................................................. 207
Static and Variable Text ....................................................................................................... 209
Text Limitations ............................................................................................................. 210
Static and Variable Images.................................................................................................. 211
Objects ................................................................................................................................ 213
Paths ................................................................................................................................... 214
The Completed Page Layout ................................................................................................ 215
8 Variable Color ....................................................................................................................... 217
Applying a Variable Color to a Frame Stroke or Frame Fill ..................................................... 218
Applying a variable color to a monochrome image............................................................... 221
9 VDE Business Charts ........................................................................................................... 223
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Table of Contents
Business Chart Options ........................................................................................................ 224
VI Design Express Chart Options .......................................................................................... 225
Selecting Input Data...................................................................................................... 226
Bar and Line Chart Options ............................................................................................ 227
Pie Chart Options........................................................................................................... 229
Preview.......................................................................................................................... 231
Margins ......................................................................................................................... 231
Advanced VIPP
DDG Parameters ................................................................................. 231
10 PIF Options......................................................................................................................... 235
Using VDE PIF Options......................................................................................................... 236
Add a Note .................................................................................................................... 237
Add a URI...................................................................................................................... 240
Delete a VDE PIF Option................................................................................................ 243
11 Advanced Functions.......................................................................................................... 245
Activating an Advanced Function......................................................................................... 246
Setting Up the BOOKMARK Advanced Function ................................................................... 249
Adding a New Advanced Function........................................................................................ 251
Exporting and Importing an Advanced Function .................................................................. 254
Tagging an Advanced Function to a Frame........................................................................... 256
Placing the VIPP
Saving Advanced Functions.................................................................................................. 260
Deleting Saved Advanced Functions............................................................................... 261
Setting the Path For Saving Advanced Functions............................................................ 262
code within the Job Structure ............................................................ 257
12 Data Transforms................................................................................................................ 265
Create Data Transform Panel ............................................................................................... 266
User Input Masks................................................................................................................. 273
Arithmetic Expressions ......................................................................................................... 275
Creating an Arithmetic Expression Data Transform .............................................................. 276
Creating A Data Transform Named Add Two Numbers................................................... 276
13 Export and Printing ........................................................................................................... 279
Export Options..................................................................................................................... 281
Create VI Project Container: Project Settings........................................................................ 283
Create VI Print Package: Print Package Settings ................................................................... 286
Create VI Design Express PDF: PDF Settings......................................................................... 289
Export and Print Panels ........................................................................................................ 293
Print settings.................................................................................................................. 293
Multi-Up ........................................................................................................................ 298
Flattening...................................................................................................................... 304
Page Boxes .................................................................................................................... 305
PDF Resources Cropping................................................................................................. 306
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Table of Contents
Media and Finishing ...................................................................................................... 306
Export Presets................................................................................................................ 319
Custom Export Presets ................................................................................................... 319
Printing the VPP, VPC, or PDF file ......................................................................................... 325
VI Print Package (.vpp)................................................................................................... 325
VI Project Container (.vpc) ............................................................................................. 326
14 Prefixed Delimited Transactional Data ......................................................................... 329
Page Layouts ....................................................................................................................... 331
Single Occurrence Field Master Page.............................................................................. 331
Multiple Occurrence Field Transaction Page ................................................................... 331
Transaction Continuation Page ...................................................................................... 331
Other Pages................................................................................................................... 332
Sample Test Files ................................................................................................................. 333
Transactional Workflow........................................................................................................ 334
Just Send the Data ........................................................................................................ 334
Test Environment ........................................................................................................... 335
InDesign Screen View and Actual Application Preview.......................................................... 336
Prefixed Delimited Transactional Data Formats.................................................................... 337
Header Record............................................................................................................... 337
Field Descriptor.............................................................................................................. 337
Prefix............................................................................................................................. 338
Customer Record Set...................................................................................................... 338
Root Prefix ..................................................................................................................... 338
SOF ............................................................................................................................... 338
MOF .............................................................................................................................. 339
First Multi-occurrence Prefix........................................................................................... 339
Prefix/Field .................................................................................................................... 339
Delimiter Character........................................................................................................ 339
Examples of Prefixed Delimited Transactional Data Files................................................ 340
Built-in Variables.................................................................................................................. 342
VPPpageCount (also shown in the Data Panel asVDE_PageNumber).............................. 342
VPPpageTotal (also shown in the Data Panel as VDE_PageTotal) ................................... 342
VPPpreviousValue .......................................................................................................... 342
VPPnextValue ................................................................................................................ 343
VPPfirstValue................................................................................................................. 343
VPPlastValue.................................................................................................................. 343
VPPspaceLeftInFrame.................................................................................................... 343
VPPprefixName ............................................................................................................. 343
VPPruntimeProductName............................................................................................... 343
Built-in Rules and Data Transforms....................................................................................... 344
Built-in Rules.................................................................................................................. 345
Built-in Data Transforms ................................................................................................ 346
Designing a Transactional Document................................................................................... 347
Creating a Transactional Document............................................................................... 348
Creating a Presorted Prefixed Delimited Transactional Data document .......................... 373
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Table of Contents
15 Using Specialty Imaging Effects.................................................................................... 397
Printer support restrictions ................................................................................................... 401
Limitations........................................................................................................................... 402
Important Printer Setup Information ................................................................................... 404
Purchase and install Specialty Imaging fonts ................................................................. 404
Set the Printer to Use Specialty Imaging........................................................................ 404
Installing Specialty Imaging support for VDE....................................................................... 408
Using a Specialty Imaging color swatch ......................................................................... 408
Specialty Imaging fonts for VDE .................................................................................... 409
Correlation Mark .................................................................................................................. 410
Single Layer Correlation Effect ....................................................................................... 410
Two Layer Correlation Effect.......................................................................................... 410
Correlation Mark font (deprecated)...................................................................................... 411
Single Layer Correlation Mark Effect Using Correlation Fonts (Deprecated) .................... 412
Two Layer Correlation Mark Effect Using Correlation Fonts (Deprecated) ....................... 413
Correlation Mark limitations and requirements............................................................... 413
Correlation Mark font table (deprecated) ....................................................................... 414
Correlation Mark Color Swatches.................................................................................... 415
Designing Documents with Correlation Mark.................................................................. 416
Fluorescent Mark Color ........................................................................................................ 417
Single Layer Effect ......................................................................................................... 417
Two Layer Fluorescent Effect ......................................................................................... 418
FluorescentMark color limitations and requirements....................................................... 418
FluorescentMark (UV) Color Swatches ............................................................................ 419
Designing Documents with FluorescentMark Colors........................................................ 422
GlossMark GlossMark
Void Pantograph.................................................................................................................. 429
Applying Specialty Imaging Effects to Monochrome TIFF images ........................................ 442
Infrared Color ...................................................................................................................... 443
MicroText Font..................................................................................................................... 448
SI Correlation Mark Effect CR Key Generation ...................................................................... 451
Text .................................................................................................................. 424
Text font (deprecated) ...................................................................................... 425
GlossMark Text Limitations and Requirements................................................................ 426
GlossMark Text font tables............................................................................................. 427
GlossMark Color Swatches.............................................................................................. 427
Designing Documents with GlossMark Text .................................................................... 427
How To Create Void Pantograph .................................................................................... 429
Applying a Void Pantograph to a Frame......................................................................... 431
Vector Pattern Design using VDE.................................................................................... 432
Infrared Color Swatches................................................................................................. 443
Designing documents with Infrared color....................................................................... 445
Use the Effect ................................................................................................................ 448
MicroText font limitations and requirements .................................................................. 449
MicroText font table....................................................................................................... 450
Designing documents with MicroText fonts .................................................................... 450
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Table of Contents
Generate CR Key............................................................................................................ 451
Applying a Key Swatch to a Frame................................................................................. 455
Deleting a CR Key .......................................................................................................... 456
Designing a Document with both SI Effect and Key ....................................................... 457
16 Hints and Tips.................................................................................................................... 461
Getting started .................................................................................................................... 462
Using Suppress Variable Blank Lines..................................................................................... 465
Using Data Transforms to correct case issues ....................................................................... 467
Using Data Transforms to sub-divide data base fields .......................................................... 470
UsingData Transforms to concatenate two strings ............................................................... 473
Using Data Transform to format numeric data..................................................................... 475
Create a Rule to Insert Text.................................................................................................. 477
Using Rules to control layer visibility .................................................................................... 479
Using VPPlayerName to Support Several Layers with a single Visibility Rule ................... 487
Page visibility................................................................................................................. 494
Adding Specialty Imaging.................................................................................................... 496
How to add MicroText.................................................................................................... 496
How to add FluorescentMark ......................................................................................... 497
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Table of Contents
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide

Installing VI Design Express

This chapter contains:
Supported versions of Adobe InDesign....................................................................................... 12
Program Download .................................................................................................................... 13
Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font download.......................................................................... 14
Minimum System Requirements................................................................................................. 15
Installation Notes ...................................................................................................................... 16
Windows installation.................................................................................................................. 17
Mac OS X installation ................................................................................................................. 18
Licensing.................................................................................................................................... 19
Installing VI Design Express describes system requirements, installation procedures, and licensing.
When first installed, VI Design Express (VDE) runs for 30 days without a license. After 30 days, a VDE license is required to operate. To obtain a license, contact a local Xerox representative for details.
System clock
Do not attempt to change the system clock to circumvent the license. If you attempt to change the system clock, VDE detects the change and fails to operate.
Updates are released as Full Installers.
You are able to install any FreeFlow VI Suite update over any prior release of the FreeFlow VI Suite. Installation of VI Suite components require Administrator privileges.
Active products must be stopped prior to update installation.
Any active product, such as FreeFlow VI eCompose or VI eCompose services must be stopped prior to any update installation.
Pre-requisite for installation
If you are using this release of the VI Design Express software, upgrade the VI Compose software on the printer to VI Compose If you are using VI eCompose software, upgrade the software version to VI eCompose
Support removed
Adobe InDesign CS5.5 and Adobe InDesign CS6 are no longer supported in this release. Adobe InDesign CC2019 and CC2020 are supported.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Supported versions of Adobe InDesign

VDE supports two versions of Adobe InDesign software, as documented in Minimum system
requirements. As VDE is updated to support newer versions of Adobe InDesign software, Xerox
reserves the right to drop support for earlier versions of Adobe InDesign software.
WARNING: Do not choose automatic Adobe InDesign or Creative Cloud updates without first
verifying that your version of VDE will run on that later version of the Adobe software. You may
need to disable this automatic update process.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Program Download

To download the VDE program electronically, go to, search for VIPP, then select Software. Set the Operating System type to Windows OS or Macintosh OS X, (depending on your target platform) to display the correct installer file. Click the FreeFlow VI Design Express installer file to download.
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font download

To download Specialty Imaging and Barcode fonts, go to, then search for
VIPP, and select Software.
Note: When downloading fonts, you will be directed to review an End User License Agreement.
In order to download the fonts you must review and accept the End User License Agreement. If
you do not accept the End User License Agreement you will exit from the font download page.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Minimum System Requirements

VDE is supported on Windows 10, Mac OS X, and Intel Only systems. Windows support includes 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Note: Support for VDE on Windows 10 systems depends on Adobe support for that operating
VDE requires an installed version of VI Compose on the target printer. If VI eCompose is installed on the printer, it should be upgraded to version
The minimum requirements to run VDE are the same as the minimum requirements to run Adobe InDesign on a supported system. VDE is supported on these versions of InDesign:
Adobe InDesign 2019
Adobe InDesign 2020
It is required that Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud is installed prior to installing the VDE software. Refer to the Adobe InDesign or Adobe Creative Suite for OS support.
The requirements for Windows are:
Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 (including R2), Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server
2019. Service Pack Levels as required by Adobe InDesign
For processor and memory requirements, refer to the system requirements for installing the Windows operating system
4GB or better RAM
5GB or better available hard-drive space
1024x768 monitor
The requirements for Mac OS X are:
Mac OS X (Intel processor)
4GB or better RAM
5GB or better available hard-drive space
1024x768 monitor
VDE does not require that VI Compose is installed on the workstation. However, when you send the exported VI Project Contained (.vpc) file to the printer, it is required that VI compose is installed on the target print device. If using the Export option, VI Design Express PDF, then VI Compose is not needed, however, exporting to VI Design Express PDF is not as efficient as exporting and printing the .vpc file.
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Installation Notes

All Windows and Mac OS X:
Both the Windows and Mac OS X software installations must be done with the user logged in as an Administrator with administrator privileges.
It is recommended that you uninstall the current version of VDE prior to installing the new version.
Windows 10 and above:
When installing on a Windows 10 system, a Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) dialog can display the following message:
This program might not have installed correctly.
If no error messages were displayed by the VDE installer, the software was installed successfully and the PCA message can be disregarded. To complete the installation, click This program installed correctly.
Specialty Imaging effects:
Specialty Imaging effects are supported on FreeFlow Print Server (FFPS) and EFI devices that drive Xerox production print devices. Inkjet and Xerox Solid Ink technology and similar systems are not supported. Specialty Imaging effects are supported only when using .vpc or VIPP print device. Expor ting and/or printing Specialty Imaging effects from a PDF file is not supported.
code on the
Do not install Specialty Imaging fonts when Specialty Imaging features will not be used. To install the fonts later, run the Custom Install, then read and follow the onscreen instructions.
Specialty Imaging fonts are screen fonts intended to replicate the color and size of the Specialty Imaging font effect on the screen only. They cannot be used for printing. To print an application that uses these fonts, download the Specialty Imaging fonts used in the application. Refer to
Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font download for more information about downloads. Download
the printer fonts needed. Some of these font files can be large. Xerox recommends that you only install the fonts used in your application.
Barcode Fonts:
A zip file that contains printer barcode fonts ( is available for download. For more information, refer to Specialty Imaging and Barcode Font download. This file contains printer barcode fonts for use in VIPP printer fonts on the target print device.
The Windows Uninstaller removes the VDE package. The Mac uninstaller functions as before.
-based applications. These fonts need to be installed as
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Windows installation

Note: Prior to beginning this installation, refer to Installation notes for important background
Windows installation takes place via the zip file downloaded from the website. Refer to Program download for more information. The zip file contains the installer executable, the readme file, and a folder VIPP used for the examples located in Hints and Tips.
To install VDE, you must be logged on and have administrative rights.
When downloading the VDE installation application, VDE_Installer_xx.exe, place it in a temporary directory and extract the files into that directory. Where xx is the software version.
Double-click the extracted installer file to install the plug-ins.
Once the installer starts, select the appropriate language for the installer to use, then follow the on­screen instructions to read and confirm the End User License Agreement (EULA), and install the software.
Also, during the installation process, choose one of the following:
Example that contains files and resources that can be
Typical To install the VDE plug-in and related files. Use this option to install VDE when
Specialty Imaging features are not required.
Complete To install the VDE plug-in and all of the Specialty Imaging screen fonts.
Custom To select the features and fonts to install.
Other files installed with the Plug-Ins are a README file, the Xerox EULA, an Adobe EULA, and Legal Notices PDF files. The FreeFlow VI Design Express User Guide in the selected language is also installed.
When Installation is complete, restart the computer.
CCoommpplleettee aanndd CCuussttoomm WWiinnddoowwss iinnssttaallllaattiioonn
Note: Prior to beginning this installation, refer to Installation notes for important background
Use the Complete option during the initial installation process to install VDE and all of the Specialty Imaging fonts. The Custom option is used during the initial installation process, or at a later time, to install some or all of the Specialty Imaging fonts.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When Installation is complete restart the computer.
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Installing VI Design Express

Mac OS X installation

Note: Prior to beginning this installation, refer to Installation notes for important background
The Mac OS installation takes place via a .dmg file located in the downloaded zip file, downloaded from the website. Refer to Program download for more information. The zip file contains the installer .dmg file, the readme file and a folder (VIPP and resources that can be used for the examples located in Hints and Tips.
Place VDE_Install_x.x.dmg where x.x is the version number in a user-preferred location. Double-click the .dmg file to mount the VDE installation disk on the desktop. If the disk image does not open automatically, double-click it to open a new Finder window.
Double-click the installer application to install the pl. An Authorization dialog will appear on-screen if the logged on user has administrative privileges; enter the appropriate password. If the logged on user does not have administrative privileges, a nonPrivAuth dialog appears and the appropriate passwords must be entered.
When the Language dialog appears, click the drop-down menu to select the appropriate language for the installer to use. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Follow the on-screen instructions to read and confirm the End User License Agreement (EULA), and install the software.
Example) that contains files
During the installation process, choose one of the following:
Easy Install To install the VDE plug-in and related files. Use this option to install VDE
when Specialty Imaging features are not required.
Custom Install To select the VDE features and Specialty Imaging screen fonts to install.
Other files installed with the Plug-Ins are a README file, the Xerox EULA, an Adobe EULA, and Legal Notices PDF files. The VI Design Express User Guide in the selected language is also installed.
CCuussttoomm IInnssttaallll ffoorr MMaacc OOSS XX
Note: Prior to beginning this installation, refer to Installation notes for important background
Use this option to install the Plug-ins, and some or all of the Specialty Imaging fonts. This is the option used to install Specialty Imaging fonts when they were not included in the initial installation of VDE.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Installing VI Design Express


When your product is first installed, it will function for 30 days without a license. To use the product after the 30 day trial period you must convert the trial to a fully licensed version of the product. To do this you need to purchase a production license.
The process to license VDE will depend on where and how the VDE software was purchased. This is due to unique licensing requirements based on geographical regions. This information will be included in the kit you receive/download when you purchase VDE.
System clock
Do not attempt to change the system clock to circumvent the license. VDE will detect such a change and will fail to operate if this is attempted.
License file for manual load
When using the manual process of the Load License option, you will be provided a license file. License files (*.dat) for all VI products are generated via an automatic process. The process saves the file as HardwareAddress.dat, where HardwareAddress is the address of the computer on which the product will be licensed. Therefore, it is possible to receive more than one product license file with identical file names. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not overwrite existing licenses when saving a new product license. When license files used on a single computer will expire at the same time it is possible to request one file that will activate all the VI products on that computer.
To view how many days remain in the trial or the status of the license, select the VDE panel menu at the top right of the VDE panel shown below.
Selecting the VDE panel menu will produce a menu with these entries
This option is discussed in detail in the chapter you are now reading.
This option is discussed in Setting VDE Preference Options.
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Installing VI Design Express
VI Compose Printer License...
This option is discussed in the Prerequisites to Support Xerox Office Printers section.
Modify PDFs with Embedded EPS
This option is discussed in the Batch Process PDF files as resources section.
About FreeFlow VI Design Express
This option should be used when reporting a software problem to Xerox. This option will display the software version information that is critical in any troubleshooting activity. If possible always include a screen shot of error messages and a screen shot of the version information.
User Guide
This option will open the FreeFlow VI Design Express User Guide.
Frame Inspector
The Frame Inspector is used to list VDE-specific information about a Frame. To display the Frame Inspector, choose the Frame Inspector item from the drop down menu on the VDE panel. When the Frame Inspector is open and a graphic frame or text frame is selected in an InDesign document, the frame options for that frame are displayed in the Frame Inspector. Frame options include text-fitting, Xerox Specialty Inks, text distortion, variable frame color, and barcode information.
LLiicceennssee ffiillee
The License... option produces the FreeFlow VI Design Express License panel. This panel provides access to information about the installed license and three unique licensing options. Use the panel to choose the option suited to your location.
License panel options:
License Information
This panel includes:
License type
Days Remaining The number of days until the existing license expires.
License Host ID: VDE finds and displays this information from your computer. If a valid
license is loaded, the Host ID used by the license is shown.
Product Version The installed version of the VDE software.
If you have an activation key...
The information in this panel is designed for users who have received a software activation key as part of the software license kit for the VDE software.
If you do not have the license kit, and are in a location that requires this option, contact your Xerox sales representative to purchase the software license kit for the VDE software. Once the order has been processed a ship kit containing the Software Activation Key and Serial Number if provided will be shipped to the customer location.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
Installing VI Design Express
For further instruction, go to Using the Activation Key option.
If you have obtained a license file...
Use this option when you have received a license file (*.dat) usually via email. When the file is delivered be sure to store it in a safe and accessible place on your computer.
For further instruction, go to Using the Load License option.
UUssiinngg tthhee AAccttiivvaattiioonn KKeeyy ooppttiioonn
Note: Retain the Software Activation Key and Serial Number (if provided) in a safe location as
they may be required for future upgrades, support, etc.
If you have the Software Activation key, use the automated license process outlined here:
1. Choose one of the available System Host IDs for the license HostID. (The default is
Note: If the automated license process fails you need to have the System Host I D string
and the Software Activation Key available when you contact the Xerox hotline for
2. Enter the Serial Number of the device on which the software is installed.
3. Enter the Software Activation Key in the area provided and click the Activate... button.
4. The Xerox License Server may return a form requesting additional information. Fill in the form as
requested and select OK when done.
5. This information and the Software Activation Key will be submitted to the Xerox License Server.
6. At this point the Xerox License Server should have all the information required to validate the
license request. If additional information is required, a new screen requesting additional information will be displayed. Fill in the required information and select OK.
7. The Xerox License Server will validate the information and either enable the license or return an
error code if the information supplied does not match our records. If an error code is generated, report the error code to your local Xerox representative so they can assist you further.
If the information entered is valid, a license file will be generated and loaded to your system. Details of the license will be displayed in the License Information area of the License screen. To apply the license, click the OK button. When the OK button is selected, the license will be applied.
On occasion, the automated license activation may fail. When this happens, contact the Xerox hotline for assistance. Have the System Host ID of the workstation and the Software Activation Kit supplied in the ship kit available. Further assistance may result in a license file being emailed to you. If this happens, use the process below to manually activate the license.
Note: If you fail to connect to the license server using the method shown above, go to any
internet connected device and login to the portal using this URL: https://www.xeroxlicensing. the Activation Key and follow the on screen prompts. You will need
to know the System Host ID of the PC where VDE has been installed. A License file will be emailed to you. Move the license to a safe location on the VDE system and use the Load License option to install the license.
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
Installing VI Design Express
UUssiinngg tthhee LLooaadd LLiicceennssee ooppttiioonn
To activate the VDE license using a license file:
1. Select the Load License option.
2. Browse to the location of the license file, select it, then click OK.
3. The license will be installed. The new license information will be displayed at the top of the license panel.
4. Select OK to activate the license.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide

VI Design Express Overview

This chapter contains:
VI Suite Customer Forum ........................................................................................................... 25
Glossary of Terms....................................................................................................................... 26
Documentation Overview........................................................................................................... 32
The InDesign Workspace............................................................................................................ 33
Supported Graphic Formats........................................................................................................ 35
Screen and Printer Fonts............................................................................................................. 36
Overview of Specialty Imaging and VDE .................................................................................... 37
Limitations................................................................................................................................. 38
Opening VDE Documents in Updated Versions of InDesign ........................................................ 42
VI Design Express (VDE) is an application plug-in for use with Adobe allow a graphic artist to:
Create applications that contain variable information.
Export the variable data application. VI Design Express provides three export types.
VI Project Container Recommended for Xerox Print devices enabled with the VI
Compose software. This is the most efficient wa y to print
applications, taking full advantage of VIPP®Pro and
Dynamic Document Construction (DDC).
VI Print Package Targeted for office or non-Xerox devices enabled with VI
Compose. This takes advantage of the speed that DDC brings to printing variable data applications.
VI Design Express PDF This is the VIPP
This does not take advantage of VIPP take longer to print when the record counts exceed 1,000 or more. Do not use Specialty Imaging effects when exporting to a VDE PDF. Specialty Imaging is not supported when generating a PDF file.
Print the application at production speeds when exporting the job using the VI Project Container
format (.vpc).
Set in-line feeding and finishing for the application (device dependent).
InDesign. It is designed to
PDF emitter, recommended for small jobs.
Pro or DDC and can
Allow further advanced design modification using the code based FreeFlow VI Design Pro tool or
allow processing to PDF via VI eCompose.
In addition, VDE allows the graphic artist to do all of that without having to learn VIPP programming techniques or the VIPP®Pro language, while at the same time providing the benefits of
Pro, such as:
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
VI Design Express Overview
no chunking data files
no waiting for precomposition so .vpc and .vpp output only
easy reprint capabilities.
VDE is available on both Mac OS X and Windows platforms, and is designed to facilitate creation of variable data applications that take advantage of the speed VIPP
Pro software provides, from within
a familiar design environment.
With InDesign and VDE, the static and variable elements of the application are inserted or defined using the InDesign environment and VDE. Static elements of the design are created using InDesign tools and graphic resources. VDE is used to introduce the variable elements, such as database fields and conditional logic, all of which are controlled through a simple-to-use GUI interface. When ready to print, the InDesign Export option is used to output a .vpc, .vpp or a PDF file. The .vpc or .vpp file can be printed to any Xerox device that is VIPP
Pro-enabled has the VI Compose software installed and licensed at the rip to take advantage of Dynamic Document Construction, while the PDF file can print to any engine that supports PDF printing.
Both .vpc and .vpp packages take full advantage of dynamic document construction and both are the most efficient output formats to print large volume applications. Xerox recommends using these formats for applications with more than 1,000 records. For small jobs, the VDE PDF output option is also available. Because the PDF emitter has to compose the PDF, this output will take longer to print than the .vpc or .vpp option. However, the PDF option does not require that VI Compose be installed and licensed at the print engine.
VDE provides a simple and easy to use GUI interface while delivering speed and flexible output options. When InDesign and VDE are used together, the advantages are a familiar and powerful design tool for the layout, and speed and/or flexibility for the printed output. When using the power of the VI Compose engine on the printer, and the .vpc or .vpp output from the VDE Export menu, jobs can be printing in minutes, with no waiting to compose print ready files. Or, if flexibility is important, use the VDE PDF output option to print anywhere.
Intended audience
The VDE plug-in for InDesign, and this documentation, are intended for use by graphic designers with experience using Adobe InDesign. If InDesign related training is required, or to become familiar with InDesign, refer to the tutorials and documentation provided with that program.
This documentation describes the VDE plug-in as used on a Windows operating system. VDE functionality is identical on both Windows and Mac operating systems, however, Mac users will have to adjust for possible discrepancies between Windows and Mac mouse functions and key strokes. For example, when the instructions indicate a Right-click, Mac users should use the Mac shortcuts, mouse clicks, and so on. The VI Project Container, or .vpc, is referred to throughout this document. Unless noted, these terms are interchangeable with the VI Print Package, or .vpp file. Both are output formats supported by VDE.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
VI Design Express Overview

VI Suite Customer Forum

Xerox hosts a Community Support Forum. The VI Suite Customer forum is now part of this larger support forum, allowing you to post and review information about Xerox products and services, all from one location. Take a minute to log into this customer forum community: https://VIPPsupport.
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
VI Design Express Overview

Glossary of Terms

VDE breaks down the wall between the world of creative document design and variable data applications. As such, there are terms used in this document that may not be familiar to graphic artists or to IT professionals. Because of the unique capability of the VDE product, descriptions of some of the graphic art and IT terms used in this document are included here.
Advanced Function
A unique type of VI Design Express Rule used to insert an Advanced Function into the document. Advanced Functions can be used to insert the VIPP is generated by VDE, or to insert custom VIPP BOOKMARK command is processed by FreeFlow VI eCompose to set a split point when generating PDF output.
Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE). VDE output can be printed to the APPE engine of the FreeFlow Print Server. The APPE supports advanced features such as PDF-referenced XObjects, transparencies, and so on.
Application, design, and layout
In the context of the VI Design Express, these terms are used to describe what appears in the InDesign Document Window. The words Design and Layout are used interchangeably to describe what appears onscreen. The word Application is used to describe the entire VDE job, including the way that the job looks and how the job works.
BOOKMARK command into the VPC file that
code at a particular location in the document. A
Artistic Black
A Xerox Specialty Imaging effect using patterned ink. For more information, refer to Specialty Imaging With VIC in the FreeFlow VI Compose User Guide.
Asset and Resource
Synonymous terms used to describe the files used in an InDesign or VI Project.
A graphic art term used to describe an area outside of the document page boundary. For example, a bleed of 3.175 mm (0.125 in.) adds a new bleed boundary around the document. Use this extended boundary to place objects. When the page is cut at the document page size and not at the bleed boundary, a clean cut through an area of color occurs. If the cut is not in absolute alignment, using the bleed boundary avoids the possibility of stray white areas. So, a bleed area adds area to a design, and the added area can be cut off later.
Chunk means to break apart a larger submission file into smaller chunks. Applications that pre­compose the print file outside of the printer output of VIPP chunked in an attempt to produce output quicker at the print device, and provide some level of reprint capability rather than processing the whole data file again.
Data object/Data Object List
In VI Design Express, the Data Object is a data field, rule, or transform imported into VDE or generated using an option within VDE, such as a Data Transform Object. These Data Objects are listed in the Data Object List in the VDE plug-in panel. A Data Object can be one of several different types.
SE typically require data files to be
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
VI Design Express Overview
Delimited Database File
A delimited data base file is used to drive the variable data application when designing applications in VDE. A delimited data file is typically an extraction from a larger database system. A Database Administrator is the typical contact for more information about delimited data files.
Duplex/Tumble Duplex
Duplex and Tumble Duplex are settings in the VDE Export menu, in the Print Settings panel. Selecting either of these options can result in content being printed on both sides of the sheet. The Duplex option prints on both sides of the sheet with the top of each page image at the top of the sheet. Tumble Duplex prints the front side with the top of the page image at the top of the page, while the back page image is flipped. The settings used for specific printers vary, according to how the paper is fed through the print device, and settings such as portrait, landscape, short­edge feed, long-edge feed, and other duplex options on the print device that can affect how pages are printed. Under normal operation, the start of a new record can be printed on the front of the next duplex sheet, if necessary, a blank back side sheet is forced. To disable printing a new record on the front of the next duplex sheet and forcing a blank back side sheet, select Duplex, Continuous or Tumble Duplex, or Continuous. Use caution when using this option because the start of a new record does not force printing on the front side of the next sheet. Instead, the start of a new record prints on the next available side. It is recommended that the options be tested on the target device. If output is not printed as required, re-export the job, then select the other duplex option.
In the context of the VI Design Express, elements are the various components of the InDesign layout that make up the basic design. Elements can include lines, boxes, or other graphics, files, variable information, layers, and any other component of the design. Elements used with VDE are either static or variable.
Static elements: In a VDE application, static elements are the parts of the design that do not change when the application changes from one record to the next.
Variable elements: In a VDE application, variable elements are the parts of the design that change when the application changes from one record to the next. Variable elements in the design can include text, text files, graphics, and layers. Variables are inserted in the application directly, or through the use of rules, which are based on conditions defined in VDE.
Static elements
In a VDE application, static elements are the parts of the design that do not change when the application changes from one record to the next.
Variable elements
In a VDE application, variable elements are the parts of the design that change when the application changes from one record to the next. Variable elements in the design can include text, text files, graphics, colors, and layers.
FreeFlow Print Server (FFPS)
A term used to describe the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server family of production print devices driven by the FreeFlow Print Server controller. The acronym, FFPS, is used in this document.
VI Compose (VIC)
Formerly called VI Interpreter. A PostScript output, device-resident software that provides the means to print complex documents at production speeds. Using VI Compose with the VIPP language provides enhanced variable data printing performance through the use of cached object
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
VI Design Express Overview
elements, dynamic text flow, data driven graphics, data formatting, conditional processing, and workflow improvements.
Variable Information Suite (VIS)
A suite of software programs designed to enhance the production of print jobs that contain variable information on VIPP
-enabled print devices. The suite consists of these applications:
FreeFlow VI Compose
FreeFlow VI Design Express
FreeFlow VI Design Pro
FreeFlow VI eCompose
FreeFlow VI Explorer
Init File
An init file is a set of VIPP
header instructions that can be prepended to a data file or, on some devices, added to a printer queue. These actions allow an application that is run multiple times using the same resources to be run independently from VDE. The new data file can be extracted from the database, and the init file can be prepended or set up in the printer queue.
LMOT is an acronym for Limited Multiple Occurrence Tag and is used to describe groups of data in an XML file that can be repeated a limited number of times. For example, a customer record can contain an LMOT group that contains information such as phone type, area code, phone number, and location. For any customer this information could be repeated for each phone type on record. Phone types could be home, work, or cell phone numbers. Each phone type has the same tags, but the data contained within the tags can be different. Using the phone type record example, the LMOT group would contain three phone iterations.
A term used to describe an area of the physical sheet of paper on which printing is not permitted. A margin, in effect, reduces the printable area of a physical sheet of paper.
Page Size
The physical size, in width and height dimensions, of a sheet of paper. Refer to Sheet Size.
Physical Page/Logical Page/Multi-Up
Used in the context of VI Design Express. InDesign creates a document layout consisting of pages, as defined under the Document Setup menu. During the export function, there is an option to select a page size. This option is defined as the Physical Page or sheet on which the printer can print the job. This size can be the same or bigger than the document size defined in InDesign. Often the intention is to print a document multiple times on the physical sheet. In an IT world, this is referred to printing many logical pages, or printing the original document onto the physical sheet used by the printer, which is also known as Multi-Up. The export function in InDesign handles these options for VDE.
Prefixed Transactional Delimited Data File
Prefixed Transactional data describes a data format supported by VI Design Express and used to generate transactional documents such as telephone bills, credit card statements, etc. The first field of each data record contains a prefix that is used to determine how that record will be placed
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
VI Design Express Overview
in the document.
Production speed
A term used to describe print speed. When a printer is printing at production speed, it is running as fast as the printer and application allow.
Used to control the logical flow in a variable data application. A rule is an IF or ELSE condition, which are decision points. If something is equal to x do y, otherwise do z. In VI Design Express, a rule can be used to test a database field or a value, and can be based on the result of an action such as placing text or an image. In addition, a VDE rule can turn on or turn off the visibility of an InDesign layer.
Sheet size
In the context of VI Design Express, this designation is used in the InDesign Export menu when the final output parameters are created. Sheet size refers to the size of the sheet of paper on which the application is printed. Refer to Page Size.
Slug/Crop Marks
Slug is a term used to specify a mark, normally a short thin line, that is printed on the final output of the page and used as a guide to finish the application. It is used typically to guide a cutting operation. A slug is printed typically at each corner of the document, just outside of the document area defined by the document size that is used in the Document setup menu. The term crop mark is used often to describe the same thing.
Specialty Imaging
A reference to the area of specialty printing in the offset industry that covers special printing effects. VI Compose includes support for MicroText Font, Correlation Mark and Fluorescent Mark. These unique printing capabilities can be used to deter fraud and add visual effects to documents.
TransPromo or TransPromotional is a mixing of promotional content with transactional type data. For example, a telephone statement is made up of transactions. By adding promotional material to the billing statement, such as advertisements for a new mobile telephone service, or coupons for store discounts, value can be added to the billing statement. TransPromo has been replaced by the
Prefixed Delimited Transactional Data feature, which VI Design Express now supports.
Variable Information
A term used as a generic description of the data that is used in VIPP
applications. The generic description refers to the many resources that can be inserted into an application, and to the way elements of the design can be placed conditionally into the application. The most recognizable Variable Information application is a mail-merge application, in which the variable data, name, address, and so on found in a data base file, are inserted into a letter.
Variable Information Production Printware (VIPP
A programming language used as a basis for VI Compose, and the software that is included in the FreeFlow VI Suite of applications. When a document is exported, VDE writes all the VIPP that is used at the print device to format the application. Learning to program VIPP
is not
Pro code
FreeFlow®VI Design Express
User Guide
VI Design Express Overview
VI Design Express PDF
VI Design Express PDF is an export option. When selected, VDE will process the variable data application on the PC or Mac, and generate a PDF file. .
VI Print Package (VPP)
A VPP is a print ready package output during the Export function of VI Design Express. The VI Print Package is designed for direct submission to an office device and is a self contained print file. VI Design Express software will package up all resources, control files, license files, if available, and so on into the .vpp file. Unlike the .vpc file (described next), the printer does not need to extract the files onto disk, however, system resources on the target device must be sufficient to allow the . vpp file to store all resources in memory. If there is not enough system resources, you need to review how to submit a .vpc file to an office device.
VI Project Container (VPC)
A VPC is the physical grouping of resources of the project. VPC is a compressed archive that contains all the resources of a VP plus the VPF file, and is used for transporting and archiving VPs.
VI Project Resource
A file that is part of a VI Project. Generally, VI Project resources are VIPP also be non-VIPP
files included in the project. The non-VIPP®files are not processed by VI
resources, but there can
Compose. A project resource can be part of a VI Project with a VPF, or a non-VPF project. The directories that contain project resources are determined by the value of the SETPPATH command in the or file, together with the SETPROJECT command in a VIPP job.
Pro describes the type of VIPP
Pro code that is processed directly by VI Compose at the device without the need to go through a costly pre-composition step. The data file is processed at run time on the device. A pre-composition VIPP composed print file is generated outside of the printer. With VIPP
workflow is referred to as VIPP®SE, in which a pre-
Pro, changes can be made right up to print time, the data files do not need to be chunked, and it is quick and easy to reprint one or more records. Total processing and print time is much faster with VIPP VDE outputs a VPC file, the type of VIPP
resource is a file that is used by a VIPP®job or VI Project. VIPP®resources include the
Pro code contained inside the VPC file is VIPP®Pro.
Text, data, and program files
PostScript files
Submission files
Describes a device on which VI Compose software resides. VIPP can be sent to a VIPP
Pro-enabled print device.
documents and VDE applications
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Design Express User Guide
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