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Table of Contents
1 FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation.............................................................. 9
Compose license and software. These topics are discussed:
•Getting started
•VI Suite Customer Forum
•Demonstration and Production modes
•Installation overview
•Font installation
•VI Compose Installation on FreeFlow Print Server (Solaris) DFEs
•VI Compose Upgrade Instructions for Windows FreeFlow Print Server Devices
•VI Compose Installation on the EFI DFEs (Driving Xerox print engines)
•VI Compose / Makeready API Installation
•VI Compose Installation on DocuPrint NPS Devices
VI Compose Licensing and Installation provides information to begin installation of the VI
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
Getting Started
Before you begin, first download the software from the Xerox website. Download instructions are
provided here. After you have downloaded the appropriate files you can proceed to the installation
instructions that follow.
PPrrooggrraamm DDoowwnnllooaadd
VI Compose can be delivered pre-loaded on the device, or can be downloaded as outlined below.
Verify that VI Compose is loaded on the device by locating the xgf directory on the device hard drive.
When the xgf directory is not present VI Compose has not been loaded onto the device, download
the program, then refer to Installation overview to locate installation information for the device.
To download the VI Compose software electronically, go to www.xerox.com/support, search for VIPP,
then select Software. If necessary, set the Operating System type appropriate for your target
platform to display the correct installer file. Under Utilities & Applications, click FreeFlow VI Compose to download.
Note: Program delivery Programs are delivered in .iso or .exe format. These files can be
downloaded directly to the target device. When the device does not have Internet access, copy
the EXE file on the target device, or use the ISO file to burn a CD from which the program can
be installed.
To download Specialty Imaging and Barcode fonts, go to www.xerox .com/support, then search for
VIPP, select Software, and click on one of the Fonts to download..
Note: When downloading fonts, you will be directed to review an End User License Agreement.
In order to download the fonts you must review and accept the End User License Agreement. If
you do not accept the End User License Agreement, you will exit from the font download page.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
VI Suite Customer Forum
Xerox hosts a Community Support Forum. The VI Suite Customer forum is now part of this larger
support forum, allowing you to post and review information about Xerox products and services all
from one location. Refer to this customer forum community: http://VIPPsupport.xerox.com.
FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
Demonstration and Production Modes
You can install the VI Compose software in two modes, Demonstration and Production.
DDeemmoonnssttrraattiioonn MMooddee
When VI Compose is installed without a production license file, it is considered to be installed in
demonstration mode. Demonstration mode is a full-featured version of VI Compose with two
•Customer support is not available
•Page volume limitations are imposed
VI Compose limits the number of pages that can be printed when running in Demonstration mode.
The limit is device-dependant and varies between 10 and 200 pages. VIPP
page volume limit will abort with the following error message:
nis the page volume limit for that device.
This error message indicates that the demonstration page capacity for the device has been exceeded
On some DocuColor printers, the error does not appear. Instead, jobs stop when the demonstration
limit is reached. The limit is 10, 57, 150 or 200 pages and depends upon the device.
jobs that exceed this
PPrroodduuccttiioonn MMooddee
To enable the Production mode, install a valid VI Compose license on the device. In production mode
information about running VI Compose in Production mode.
jobs can be run without any page limitations. Contact a Xerox representative for more
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
Installation Overview
The following sections provide the general steps required to:
Use this table to locate the software installation instructions for the device.
Note: You cannot install VI Compose on a Virtual machine, no support is provided for the VM
When installing VI Compose on this device:Go to this Chapter:
DocuPrint NPS (monochrome and color)VI Compose Installation on DocuPrint NPS Devices
All FreeFlow Print Server-based controllers including
FreeFlow Print Server controllers for monochrome and
color devices (including iGen)
External EFI controllersVI Compose Installation on the EFI DFEs (Driving
FreeFlow MakereadyVI Compose / Makeready API Installation
VI Compose Installation on FreeFlow Print Server
(Solaris) DFEs
Xerox print engines)
OObbttaaiinn aa VVII CCoommppoossee LLiicceennssee
An existing license from an earlier version of the software will not enable this new version. A new
license is required for every major software release whether it is an upgrade or a new install.
Use the following instructions to request a new license.
WWiinnddoowwss LLiicceennssiinngg
For either an UPGRADE to an existing installation or for a NEW installation:
1.Locate the Get Host ID utility, which can be found at Start Menu→All Programs→FreeFlow VICompose program group.
2.Click on the Get Host ID utility, this will open a Window displaying the HostID and Version
Number. You will need this information when talking to a Xerox representative.
1.Locate the ..\xgf directory on the hard drive where VI Compose was installed.
•When A4 paper size was selected during the software installation, print the vipplrfxe.ps file.
•When USLetter paper size was selected during the software installation, print the vipplrfus.ps
2.Contact a Xerox representative.
Note: When updating the FFPS, you can use the FFPS Update Manager to update the VI
Compose software.
CCoommpplleettee tthhee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Follow the instructions found in the device-specific chapters listed in Install the VI Compose software.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
Font Installation
During installation of VI Compose on VIPP®-enabled devices, and when installing VDP, VIE, and VIeC,
options for font installation is provided. Install only the fonts you use. When you avoid installing
unnecessary fonts, you save time and use less of the available memory on your VIPP
Specific information about Specialty Imaging fonts is located in Specialty Imaging with VIPP.
Support of OTF/TTF fonts is PostScript-interpreter dependant. Some PostScript interpreters support
OTF/TTF fonts. If the PostScript interpreter where VI Compose is installed supports OTF and TTF
fonts, you can use the fonts in VIPP
You can place an OTF or TTF font in the same directory where PostScript fonts usually reside. When
you copy the OTF or TTF files to the font directory, delete the .otf and .ttf file extensions. After you
copy the fonts to the font directory, the fonts can be referenced from within the VIPP
the font file name, not the internal PostScript font name (/FontName).
As an example, to use the font RosewoodStd-Regular.otf:
1.Copy C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/RosewoodStd-Regular.otf to:
•x:\vide\fonts\RosewoodStd-Regular for VDP
•x:\vviewer\fonts\RosewoodStd-Regular for VIE
•/opt/XRXnps/resources/ps/fonts/RosewoodStd-Regular for FFPS (UNIX
•x:\efi\server\adobe\fonts\RosewoodStd-Regular for EFI
VI Compose Installation on FreeFlow Print
Server (Solaris) DFEs
Use these instructions to install the VI Compose software and license on all devices driven by the
FreeFlow Print Server.
CCuussttoommiizzeedd FFiillee BBaacckkuupp
During an upgrade customized VIPP®files located in /usr/xgf/src and /usr/xgf/encoding,
are overwritten with new files of the same name. The system automatically copies and renames
those directories as a form of backup for customized files. The back up versions of the original
directories are /usr/xgf/ src.$OLDVER and /usr/xgf/encoding.$OLDVER, where
$OLDVER represents the previous version of VI Compose. When customized files exist in either of the
original directories, it is your responsibility to merge the customized contents of those files with the
new versions.
Xerox recommends that additional copies of all customized files be stored external to the system or
printed as hardcopy backup. This is extremely important if the customized file is not included in the
list below..
xgf/src/arb.defArabic configuration file
xgf/src/cjk.defAsian configuration file
xgf/src/xgfVI Compose startup file
xgf/src/xgf.batBackground attribute (bat) keys
xgf/src/xgf.defVI Compose system defaults
xgf/src/xgf.gepColor and graphical element property (gep) keys
xgf/encoding/fontlistGeneric format encoding font list
xgf/encoding/nullflNull encoding font list
Note: Any previous customization of the VI Compose environment will not be valid in a new
upgrade. Copying the old files has the potential of rendering the new functionality unusable.
Any customization will have to be repeated on the new files after a successful upgrade.
SSooffttwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This section contains software installation and upgrade instructions for VI Compose on FreeFlow Print
Server devices.
To install VI Compose software to FFPS systems supporting the FFPS Update Manager, use the
Update Manager to install the latest available VI Compose software. Refer to your FFPS
documentation for more information about the FFPS Update Manager. If not using the FFPS Update
Manager then follow the process below.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
IInnssttaallll VVII CCoommppoossee oonn aa FFrreeeeFFllooww PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr DDeevviiccee
To install VI Compose software on a FreeFlow Print Server device:
1.From www.xerox.com/support, download the FreeFlow VI Compose 16 software .iso file. For more
information, refer to Program download.
2.Burn the downloaded .iso file to a CD.
3.Open a terminal session on the workstation where VI Compose software is installed.
4.Log in as root.
5.Insert the CD that contains the .iso file into the Solaris drive.
6.To access the software directory, enter:
cd /cdrom/vippXX/Solaris/[X86|Sparc]
XXIs the software version
Note: If you are using a tar file, you can download the DSPVIPxx.i386.tar file or the sparc.
tar file. Move the tar file to the /var/tmp directory. At the root prompt, enter the following
text: tar -xvf DSPVIPxx.i386 (or sparc).tar
7.Execute the installation script command. Enter:
sh ./vippinstall
The installation script checks the environment setup and looks for an existing VI Compose
software package. When the system finds a software package, the following messages appear:
VIPxx package was found. Installation cannot continue unless this
existing package is removed first.
May I uninstall this existing package now?
8.To uninstall the existing software package, enter y.
Directories with customized files are backed up during this step. The installation script provides
the specifics of the backup.
Removal of <VIPxx> was successful.
Welcome to the VI Compose package installer for FreeFlow Print Server
This process installs the package for VI Compose xx s/w release.
Build VIPP xx: build date and time
This stage of the installation can be exited at any time by typing CTRL-C.
9.To continue, press Enter.
FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
10.Installation requires input for the Default Media setting.
•For A4 media, enter 1.
•For the default USLetter media, enter 2.
This message appears:
Default Media Setting: USLetter
Is this setting correct?
11.When the setting is correct, enter y. When the setting is incorrect, enter n.
12.When this message appears, to continue, press Enter.
WARNING: This stage of the installation must NOT be interrupted.
Otherwise, installation of VI Compose s/w is corrupted.
These system messages appear:
Processing package instance <VIPxx> from /cdrom/vipxx/Solaris/[X86|
Installing Xerox FreeFlow Print Server VIPP Update xx as <VIPxx>
Installation of <VIPxx> was successful.
Exiting vippinstall for package VIPxx with status 0.
13.Restart the FreeFlow Print Server.
14.Validate the installation.
VVIIPPPP®®GGoollddeenn JJoobb
To validate the installation or upgrade run the VIPP®Golden Job.
1.At the FreeFlow Print Server Print Services window, select Logon→Logon and log on as System
2.Program the paper trays with the paper stocks shown in the table in the next step.
Select the appropriate paper size in the Size area. When the A4 version of VI Compose was
selected during the software installation, select A4. When the USLetter version was selected
during installation, select USLetter.
Ensure that White is selected in the Color area.
In the Type area, select Custom, then enter the color name from the Type column of the
following Paper Tray Setup table.
3.Select OK.
Repeat the steps described in the previous step for each paper tray listed in this table:
Stock Name
1US Letter or A4WhiteYellowUnspecified
2US Letter or A4WhiteGreenUnspecified
3US Letter or A4WhitePlainUnspecified
4.Load paper trays 1, 2, and 3 with the paper stocks programmed in the previous step.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
5.From a terminal window, enter:
cd /usr/xgf/demo
6.To print the Golden Job, enter this command:
print -d <queue name> goljobv
Or, use the SUN CDE file manager to print the data file.
The completed job should consist of 43 single-sided pages. Pages 1 and 43 are printed on Tray 1
stock (yellow), pages 8, 10, and pages 25 through 27 are printed on Tray 2 stock (green). The
remaining pages are printed on Tray 3 stock (plain).
LLiicceennssee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
To run in production mode, ensure that VI Compose is fully licensed. Use these steps to determine
whether the license has been installed, and to install it when it has not been installed.
1.Determine whether a VI Compose license has been installed; at the UNIX workstation, enter:
pkginfo | grep vip
Look for package name XRXvipp. When the package is found a license has been installed and no
further action is necessary. When not, follow these steps to acquire a license:
•Obtain the Host ID number - At a UNIX command tool window enter hostid to display the
•Call a Xerox representative to obtain the license file.
The license will be issued in an email. Upon receipt of the license string, follow the steps outlined
2.Log on as the FreeFlow Print Server Administrator. In the System Administrator window select
Setup→<Feature Licenses>
3.In the License Manager Window select the Variable Information Production Printware option;
•Select the License pull-down menu option
•Select Load License File...
•Follow the GUI options to locate the license file
•Select <OK>
4.Verify that the license string has been correctly installed by entering:
cd /usr/xgf/demo
print -p <queuename> imgdemo.nm
5.When the PostScript Error Page option is enabled and the license string was not installed correctly
or has expired, the message "VIPP_license_failed" will appear on a PostScript error page. Restart
the system. From the FreeFlow Print Server Print Services window, select System→Restart.
FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
VI Compose Upgrade Instructions for Windows
FreeFlow Print Server Devices
Use these instructions to upgrade the VI Compose software on all devices driven by the Windows
FreeFlow Print Server (FFPS).
CCuussttoommiizzeedd FFiillee BBaacckkuupp
During an upgrade, customized VIPP®files located in % XPS_HOME2 %\resources\xgf\src and
%XPS_HOME2 %\resources\xgf\encoding are overwritten with new files of the same name. Toprevent the loss of data in those customized files, the installer automatically copies them to %XPS_
HOME2 %\resources\xgf_backup before the new files are installed. When customized files exist
in the xgf_backup directory, it is your responsibility to merge the customized contents of those files
with the new versions
Note: If the resources\xgf directory cannot be found at C:\Program Files (x86)
\Xerox-PS\, the current default setting for the environment variable XPS_HOME2, obtain
the value of XPS_HOME2 as follows: Click on the Windows Start icon, right click on Computer,
select Properties, click on Advanced system settings, select the Advanced tab, click on the
Environment Variables... button and scroll down in the System variables menu to locate XPS_
Typically, customization is done in one of the following files. Even though the following files will be
backed up during an upgrade installation, Xerox recommends that additional copies of all customized
files be stored external to the system or printed as hardcopy backup. This is extremely important if
the customized file is not included in the list below.
xgf\src\arb.defArabic configuration file
xgf\src\cjk.defAsian configuration file
xgf\src\xgfVI Compose startup file
xgf\src\xgf.batBackground attribute (BAT) keys
xgf\src\xgf.defVI Compose system defaults
xgf\src\xgf.gepColor and graphical element property (GEP) keys
This section contains software upgrade installation instructions for VI Compose on Windows FFPS
On Windows FFPS supporting the FFPS Update Manager, use the Update Manager to upgrade to the
latest available VI Compose software. Refer to your Windows FFPS documentation for additional
information. If not using the Update Manager then follow the process below:
1.Download the VI Compose .iso file to Windows FFPS and either burn the .iso to a CD or extract its
contents using a utility such as WinRAR.
2.Go to the Windows_FFPS folder. You see three files: updateVIPP.bat, XRXxgf.msi, and readme.txt
which is the most up-to-date copy of these instructions in text format.
3.Stop the Windows FFPS software if it is currently running.
FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
4.Execute the updateVIPP.bat installation script via a Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt
with administrative privileges:
The installation script will check the environment setup and look for an existing version of VI
Compose software. If the VI Compose software wasn't previously installed via the Windows FFPS
installer, the following message will be displayed and the upgrade installation process will
When VI Compose software is found, the upgrade installation will proceed and messages will be
displayed indicating that the above mentioned files in xgf\src and xgf\encoding are being
backed up.
When the back-up is complete, updateVIPP.bat will invoke XRXxgf.msi to replace/overwrite all of
the files in the xgf directory and subdirectories. Messages will be displayed during this process.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
Note: The Locale registry key is used for determining whether to install the US Letter or A4
version of the software.
5.Restart the Windows FFPS software and follow the steps in the next section to validate the VI
Compose software upgrade installation.
VVIIPPPP®®GGoollddeenn JJoobb
To validate the installation, run the VIPP®Golden Job. Note that some knowledge of Windows FFPS is
1.At the Xerox FFPS window, log on as System Administrator.
2.Program paper trays 1, 2, and 3 with the paper stocks shown in the table below.
1US Letter or A4WhiteYellowUnspecified
2US Letter or A4WhiteGreenUnspecified
3US Letter or A4WhitePlainUnspecified
3.Load paper trays 1, 2, and 3 with the paper stocks programmed in the previous steps.
4.Submit the demo job ..\xgf\demo\goljobv
Ensure that the completed job is consist of 43 single-sided pages. Pages 1 and 43 are printed on
Tray 1 stock (yellow); pages 8, 10, and 25 through 27 are printed on Tray 2 stock (green), and the
remaining pages are printed on Tray 3 stock (plain).
Stock Name
FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
VI Compose Installation on the EFI DFEs
Driving Xerox Print Engines
Use these instructions to install the VI Compose software and license on a EFI DFE.
Note: When you upgrade or uninstall this software, ensure that you take back up of any
customized files that can be required at a later date.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
SSooffttwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This section contains instructions for installing VI Compose software on the EFI DFEs. Refer to
Possible warning and error dialogs for more information.
To install VI Compose software to FFPS systems supporting the FFPS Update Manager, use the
Update Manager to install the latest available VI Compose software. Refer to your FFPS
documentation for additional information about the FFPS Update Manager. If not using the FFPS
Update Manager then follow the process below.
The VI Compose software can be downloaded, refer to Program download for more information. Once
downloaded, the VI Compose .iso file must be burnt to a CD to install to the EFI system.
To install VI Compose software on the EFI DFE for DocuColor systems:
1.Insert the VI Compose CD. When not auto launched, launch the VI Compose Setup Program
using one of these methods:
•The Run window:
Select Start→Run to access the Run window, then click Browse to make sure that the CD
drive, or alternate network location, and setup.exe are listed in the Open field (for example,
E:\windows\setup.exe). When the correct drive and file name are selected, click OK.
•Windows Explorer:
Access root on the VI Compose CD or the alternate location when the distribution CD was
copied to a network server for network installation. Locate and click the windows\setup
executable file.
Note: Exit all other Windows programs prior to running the Setup Program.
2.Read the Welcome to FreeFlow VI Compose window, then click Next. Different levels of software
will display different Welcome messages.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
3.Read the Software License Required window. A new license is required to run this version of VI
Compose, existing licences will not work. The System Host ID and Product Version are produced
on this screen, record this information, it is required to obtain a new license. Click Yes to continue
with the installation.
4.Read the Software License Agreement window, then click Yes to accept the License Agreement
and continue with the installation.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
5.From the Choose Destination Drive For FreeFlow VI Compose window, make sure that the correct
drive displays in the Drive field, or use the drop-down list box to select the correct drive in the
Drive field, then click Next.
Note: DO NOT use the C: drive on the DocuColor Series DFEs. For more information, refer to
the Customer Expectations Document (CED) supplied with the device.
6.From the Choose Destination Drive For Customer Directory window, make sure that the correct
drive displays in the Drive field, when not, use the drop-down list box to select the correct drive in
the Drive field, then click Next.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
7.When a previous version of the software has been detected a Warning screen appears. Select the
Next option to continue the installation (a backup copy of the xgf directory (xgf_bak). Select
Back to enter a different drive, or, select Cancel to exit the installation process.
8.When a previous version of the xgfc directory exists, a screen is produced to notify you of the
directory's existence. No customer files will be overwritten.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
9.From the Select Default Media window, click the button that represents the default paper size to
use in VIPP
applications, then click Next.
Default media choices are:
•A4 - specifies use of A4 size paper (8.25 by 11.75 inches or 210 by 297 mm) as the default
•USLetter - specifies use of USLetter size paper (8.5 by 11 inches or 216 by 279 mm) as the
default media.
FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
FreeFlow VI Compose Licensing and Installation
10.Use the Select Program Folder window to select the program folder from which to launch VIPP®related items. Use the default program folder that appears in the selection window, or scroll
through the list box to select a different folder. Once the folder is selected, click Next.
Caution: Do not select StartUp as the VI Compose program folder.
11.When the Start Copying Files window is displayed, verify the settings specified in the previous
steps, then click Next to install the software using the settings specified in the previous steps.
Xerox®FreeFlow®VI Compose
User Guide
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