Xerox FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 User Guide

User Guide
2.1.1 SP3 Update
701P39395 April 2003
Copyright © 1999-2003 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Publication number: 701P39395 Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of copyrightable materials
XEROX®, The Document Company®, X® (Stylized), DataGlyph, Document Centre, CentreWare, DocuShare®, FlowPortTM, DocuStamp, PaperWare and Document Token are trademarks of or licensed to Xerox Corporation.
Adobe® and Acrobat® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Lotus, Lotusphere, and Lotus Notes® are registered trademarks and Notes and DominoTM are trademarks of Lotus Corporation. Pagis® and TextBridge are registered trademarks of ScanSoft, Inc. Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft ExchangeTM, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Imaging for Windows, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape Navigator and Netscape Enterprise Server are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. HP, PCL, and HP Deskjet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Java, Java Runtime Environment, JRE, Java Archive, JAR, and Sun Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other product names are trademarks/ tradenames of their respective owners.
Specifications described in this publication are subject to change without notice. Use of some features may be limited by your hardware or software configuration. Contact your dealer or Xerox for details.
April 2003
FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 UpdateChapter1
This Update provides an overview of changes to FlowPort since the FlowPort Release 2.1 User Guide was released in November 2000. The User Guide is included at the end of this document.
This update contains the following updated information. The number in parentheses following the feature indicates the page number(s) in the User Guide that are affected.
New Features and Updated Information
Updated list of supported browsers
New User Account Parameter to enable/disable creation of document tokens
Updated list of supported repositories (1-2, 5-8, 5-15, 5-18, 5-19, 5-25, 5-37, 5-43, 5-46)
Updated FlowPort support web site (1-6)
Available Internet Fax file formats (5-50, 7-50)
Login Credentials feature for repository login
Clarification about the availability of a stored document’s URL (5-7)
Clarification of username and password required when supply­ing “other repository information” (5-9, 5-39)
Clarification of “remote printer” capability (5-12)
File Format for Scanned Documents (Chapter 5)
Ignore all references to the iManage Repository
Clarification of Public, Shared, and Private forms. (8-4)
Chapter1: FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 Update1
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
Since the FlowPort User Guide was released, Xerox has issued two maintenance releases of FlowPort. Each of these releases have added performance and functionality to FlowPort.
Updated Browser Requirements for
FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3
Create Document
Tokens User Account
FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 is best used with one of the following browsers. Using an unsupported browser may give you unpredictable results.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, version 4.72 to 5.5, or
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
Note: With this version of Netscape, you may need to refresh the screen occasionally.
Netscape Navigator, version 4.5.1 to 4.77.
You can now select whether or not a Document Token is created when you store a document to a repository. Note that this feature is only available to you if the FlowPort administrator has set the “Enable Document Tokens” system parameter.
2 Xerox FlowPort User Guide SP3 Update
New User Account Parameter
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
Updated list of
supported repositories
Updated FlowPort
support web site
Internet Fax file
format and OCR
The list of repositories that are supported by FlowPort has changed. The following repositories are supported by FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3:
Xerox DocuShare® Release 2.2 or DocuShare® Release
3.0.01 (store and retrieve)
FTP Directory (store and retrieve)
Documentum Version EDMS98, 4i (store and retrieve)
Domino.Doc™ Version 2.5 (store and retrieve)
Domino™ Version 5.0 (store and retrieve)
Lotus Notes® Version 4.6 (store via email)
Lotus Notes® Version 5.0 (store and retrieve)
Microsoft Exchange™ Public Folder (store via email)
Microsoft Exchange™ 2000 Web Folder (store and retrieve)
Microsoft Windows Shared Folder (store and retrieve)
Please ignore any reference to the iManage repository in the User Guide.
For additional information, visit the FlowPort Support web site at:
Previously, Internet Faxes could only be stored as TIFF files, and were not subject to OCR. With this release of FlowPort, Internet Faxes may be read and stored in one of more than 30 file formats. Please see your FlowPort Administrator for details about the format configured for your site.
Chapter1: FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 Update3
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
Login Credentials for
Document Repositories
FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 has a new security feature called “Login Credentials” that allows you to change a repository username and password, but still use existing forms that require a login.
For example, to access a Docushare Collection, you must supply your DocuShare User Name and Password. In FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3, each user maintains a list of uniquely named login credentials, where each login credential contains credential information such as:
the name of the credential
the repository user name
the user’s password for the repository
A DocuShare login credential would appear as the following:
Name: joesmith Purchasing Server DocuShare User Name: joesmith DocuShare Password: *******
When you create a PaperWare form that requires repository information (such as a Document Token), you must specify the login credential you wish to use. You select a named credential (if you have created one), or you create a new login credential. In the example above, Joe Smith created a logon credential named “joesmith Purchasing Server.”
For any new forms that Joe creates that require access to the repository on the Purchasing Server, Joe simply needs to specify that credential by name, and not worry about the user name or password. In the future, if Joe’s DocuShare password changes, only the credential must be edited - not any of the forms using that credential. All existing forms could still be used without modification.
4 Xerox FlowPort User Guide SP3 Update
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
Managing Login Credentials
Login credentials can be created in a user’s profile (either by the Admin or the FlowPort user). Click “Credentials” under “Application Options.”
Chapter1: FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 Update5
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
You also use the Application Option “Credentials” to edit existing login credentials.
Name for these login credentials: the name you create should help you easily identify the DocuShare server and username.
DocuShare User Name: a valid DocuShare user name for the server.
DocuShare Password: the password for the user name entered above.
Server Domain: leave this field blank unless instructed otherwise by your FlowPort administrator.
Online help is available if you require additional assistance.
6 Xerox FlowPort User Guide SP3 Update
Updated or New Features in FlowPort
Or, users can create a login credential at the same time a form is created:
Chapter1: FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 Update7
Clarification of Various Sections of the User Guide
Clarification of Various Sections of the User Guide
Availability of a stored
document’s URL
Username and
password required
when supplying “other
repository information”
“Remote printer”
File Format For
Scanned Documents
One of the options you can choose when scanning a document to an email recipient is to “Send URL if available” (page 5-7 and 5-39). You must ensure that the recipient has sufficient privileges to access the URL in order to retrieve the document. This feature is only available for URLs for DocuShare, Exchange 2000 and Domino repositories.
When you are requested to enter “other repository information (for example, see step 16 of the procedure to email a stored document URL on page 5-8), make sure the username and password you enter are for the repository, and not FlowPort.
Remote printers on which you will print FlowPort forms must be lpr enabled. See page 5-12.
When you send a document to a remote printer, you can specify the fully qualified name of the remote printer, or the printer’s IP address. See page 5-15, Step 5.
Throughout Section 5 of the User Guide, there are several areas that describe “File Format for Scanned Documents.” See Step 8 on page 5-4 as an example. The Note under the bullet “Other” is incorrect, and should read:
Note: OCR is NOT performed if you select “TIFF” or “PDF Image Only.” OCR is performed if you select “PDF (searchable text)” or any of the other available file formats.
Public, Shared, and
Private forms
8 Xerox FlowPort User Guide SP3 Update
In order to help clarify the differences between Public, Shared, and Private forms and how they relate to host (portal) authentication, please reference the text on page 8-4 and see the figure on the following page.
Clarification of Various Sections of the User Guide
This figures shows the authentication required for public, shared and private forms for trusted/untrusted portals.
Chapter1: FlowPort 2.1.1 SP3 Update9
User Guide
Version 2.1
Copyright © 1999-2000 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Publication number: 613P08641 Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of
copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or her einaft er grante d, inclu ding with out lim itation , material generated fr om t he soft ware p rogram s which are displaye d on the s creen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, etc.
XEROX®, The Document Company®, the stylized X, DataGlyph, Document Centre, Cent reWare, DocuShare, P aperWare®, are re giste red trademarks and FlowPort, Document Token, and DocuStamp are trademarks of Xerox Corporation or its subsidiaries.
Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Lotus, Lotusphere, and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks an d Note s and Domino are trade mar k s of L otu s Corpo ra tion . Pagis and TextBridge are registered trademarks of ScanSoft, Inc. Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Internet Expl ore r, Microsoft Office, Im ag ing for W in dow s, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape Navigator and Netscape Enterprise Server are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. HP, PCL, and HP Deskjet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Java, Java Runtime Environment, JRE, Java Archive, JAR, and Sun Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other product names are trademarks/ tradenames of their respective owners.
Specifications de scrib ed in th is pub lication are su bject t o chang e without notice. Use of some features may be limited by your hardware or software configuration. Contact your dealer or Xerox for details.
November 2000
Contents i
Chapter 1 Welcome .................................................................. 1-1
About Flo w Port and Paper W a re ® ........ .. .............. .. .............. 1-2
Benefits of FlowPort.......................................................... 1-2
Applications included in this release..................................1-2
What’s in this guide............................................................ 1-4
Where to find more information................................. .......... 1-6
Online hel p.......... .............. .. ............................ .. .............. 1-6
Contacting your FlowPort administrator............................1-6
Going to the FlowPort web site......................................... 1-6
Chapter 2 Getting started ........................................................ 2-1
Login to the FlowPort Web Centre........................................ 2-2
About the Web Centre......................................................... 2-4
Taking the Quickstart tutorial.............................................. 2-5
Logout fr om FlowPort ... .. .............. .. .............. .. .............. .. ..... 2-5
Contents iii
Chapter 3 Quick look at using FlowPort .................................. 3-1
Introduction to FlowPort................... ......... ......... .................3-2
Documen t m a na g e m en t scenarios.......... ........................... .. 3-4
Scan to email................................................................... 3-5
Distribu ting document s multiple ways...............................3-6
Storing a docume nt with special information............. .......3-8
Accessin g do c u ments with Docu ment Tokens.............. .. .. 3-10
Retrieving document s w ith Document Catalogs. .............. 3-11
Distribu ting previously stored documents........................3-12
Distributing single stor ed d ocuments..................... ......3-13
Distributing mult i-stored documents ................... ......3-15
Copying a stored document to another repository...........3-17
Retrieving your documents wh en traveling..... .................3-18
Getting a form at anytime..... .............. .. .. .............. .. .......3-1 9
Getting Help about a form... ............. ... ........................... 3-20
Chapter 4 Using FlowPort forms .............................................. 4-1
Scanning in FlowPort forms............ ........................ ......... .....4-2
Scanning forms in the Xerox Docu ment Centre.................4-2
Scanning forms by Internet Fax ........................................4-3
Printing fo rm s with fax-size Dat a G ly p h s .... .............. .. ....4- 3
Sending the I nternet Fax job......... .................................4-5
Using Cover Sheets and other types of forms........................4-6
Cover Sh ee ts ............. ... ........................... ... ............. ... ......4-6
Access Sheets...................................................................4-7
Options Sheet........................................................... .......4-7
Login S h ee t........... ........................... ... ........................... .. 4-7
Tips abou t u si n g fo r ms ........... .. .............. .. .............. .. .. .........4-8
Marking a checkbox .........................................................4-8
Getting a new copy of a FlowPort form.............................4-8
iv Xerox FlowPort User Guide
Printing H el p for a Fl o w P or t fo rm.................... .. ... ............. 4-9
Chapter 5 FlowPort capabilities ............................................... 5-1
Distributing your documents to the digital world..................5-3
Emailing a document with FlowPort..................................5-3
Confirming your document was sent or received................5-6
What if th e em a il address was wr o n g? ...... .............. ......5-6
What abou t other mail serve r problems? .......... .. ...........5-6
Authentica tion problems............................ ...................5-6
Emailing a stored document URL ......................................5-7
Distributing a document by In te rn e t Fa x ..... .. ..................5-11
Sending a do cu m e n t to a remote printe r..... ............. ... ....5-12
Distributing a document in
multiple ways.................................................................5-14
Storing documen ts to a reposito ry..................... .................5-18
Repository Information...................................................5-21
Storing a document with docu ment management fields..5-25
Repository document management fields........................5-29
Creating a Document Options Sheet...............................5-33
Using the Document Options Sheet ................................5-36
Retrieving your stored documents from a repository............5-37
Retrieving and printing with a Document Token..............5-37
Emailing a stored document...........................................5-38
Distributi n g a stored document in oth er ways.................5-40
Creating a Document Token...................... ......... ......... ...5-43
Using a Document Token..... ......... .................................5-45
Creating a Document Catal o g..................... ................ ...5-46
Using a Document Catalog... ......................... ......... ........5-47
Receiving Internet Faxes through FlowPort..........................5-49
Your Internet Fax address....................................... ........5-51
Using Network Accounting with Flow Port.......... .................5-52
Printing with your Network Accounting ID......................5-52
Using a form to set Network Accounting IDs...................5-53
Setting your default Network Accounting ID.................... 5-55
Contents ❖ v
Chapter 6 Managing FlowPort forms ...................................... 6-1
Using the Forms and Applications page................................ 6-2
Creating a new form............................................................ 6-5
Pointers to information about creating forms.................... 6-6
Editing an existing form....................................................... 6-7
Previewing a fo rm.......................... ......................................6-8
Sorting your forms............ ......... ................ ......... ................ .6-9
Printing fo rm s ........................... .. .. .............. ... .. ..................6-10
Deleting a form .................................................................6-11
Using previous versions of a for m...................... .................6-11
Viewing and printing multiple page forms..........................6-13
Chapter 7 Specifying user preferences and printers .................. 7-1
Changin g y ou r account infor m a tion... ............................ .. ....7-2
Setting your application options........................................... 7-4
Setting your Internet Fax opt i ons.............. ........................7-4
Setting your Network Accounting o p tions ......................... 7-5
Specifying a printer..............................................................7-7
Printing to a Document Centre or other networked printer 7-7
Chapter 8 Using shared and private forms .............................. 8-1
vi Xerox FlowPort User Guide
Printing to a local printer ..................................................7-8
Printing to an In te rn et Fax device ........ .. .............. .. ...........7-9
Security and your FlowPort system.......................................8-2
Special secur ity policies defined by your administrator.......8-3
Public, sh a re d , a n d p ri va t e forms................... .. ....................8-4
Defining a sh a r ed o r pr ivate form . .. .............. .. .............. .. .. 8-5
Using a private or shared form............. ......... ...................8-5
Providing authentication when you use FlowPort forms.........8-6
Creating a Login Sheet.....................................................8-6
Using the Lo g in sh eet................................. .. ....................8-7
Protecti ng access to you r Lo g in Sh eet................... .........8-8
Login at the Document Centre..........................................8-9
Appendix A Viewing documents scanned by FlowPort ................A-1
Viewing scanned documents................................................A-2
Viewing PDF documents...................................................A-2
Viewing TIFF documents ............ ... .............. .. .. .............. .. .. A-2
Troubleshooting multi-page TIFF viewing problems...............A-3
Index ..................................................................................IX-1
Contents vii
viii Xerox FlowPort User Guide
Welcome Chapter1
Welcome to Xerox FlowPort. FlowPort enables you to transform your paper documents easily into electronic documents, so t hat you can share a nd access them in your digital workplace. It uses an innovative paper user interface called Pape rWare
This chapter provides an overview of FlowPort, contents of this guide, and where to find additional information about FlowPort.
This chapter contains the following :
About FlowPort and PaperWare® ....................................... 1-2
Benefits of FlowPort ........................................................ 1-2
Applications included in this release ................................ 1-2
Whats in this guide ........ ............. ... ........................... ... ..... 1-4
Where to find more information ....... ................ ......... ......... 1-6
Online hel p .............. ... .. .............. .. ............................ .. ... 1-6
Contacting your FlowPort administrator .......................... 1-6
Going to the FlowPort web site ............................ ......... .. 1-6
Chapter 1: Welcome ❖ 1-1
About FlowPort and PaperWare®
About FlowPort and PaperWare®
FlowPort provides an innovative paper user interface called Paper Ware. Using Flo wPo rt Pa perWare forms wit h a Xerox Document Centre or an Internet Fax device, you instruct your FlowPort server to distribute, store, and retrieve your paper and electronic documents.
Benefits of FlowPort
Applications included
in this release
FlowPort br ings you an intelligent and powerful way to integrate your paper documents into electronic workflow, with be nefits that include:
one touch distribution of a document to email
one touch storage of documents to a repository (such
as Xerox DocuShare, Microsoft Exchange Folder, and Lotus N otes)
easy retrieval o f stored documents using D ocument
Tokens an d Document Catalogs
output to a wide variety of recipients simultaneously
(by email, Internet Fax, remote printing, and storage)
FlowPort currently provides you with the following applications.
Distribute Document—Scans paper documents a nd distributes the resulting electr onic documents through email, Internet Fax, remote printing, or storage to a document repository. The application features a FlowPort form called a Distribute Doc ument Cover Sheet that you scan with your printed document to provide distribution instructi ons to a Xerox Document Centre or an Internet Fax machine.
1-2 Xerox FlowP ort User Guide
Document Token—Accesses a document stored in a repository using a Document Token form that represents the stored document. When you want to retrieve the stored document, you scan the one-page Document Token to print the original document, or scan a Document Token with a Distribute Document Cover Sheet to retrieve and distribute the stored document.
About Flow Port a nd Pap erWare®
Document CatalogAccesses the documents stored in a repository using a Document Catalog form, which is a printed list of the repositorys contents with a checkbox for each stored obj ect. To retrieve stored documents, mark the checkboxes for the documents you want and scan the form to print the original documents. When using a Document Catalog form with a Distribute Document Cover Sheet, you can distribute the retrieved d ocuments, regardless of their original format.
Internet Fax Mailbox—Receives Internet Faxes so that you can print, store, and access the faxes. When storing received faxes, the FlowPo rt server print s a one-page Document Token of the fax a nd em ails th e URL w her e the fax is stored.
Login Sheet—Specifies your personal identification number (PIN) on a Login Sheet form when submitting jobs that require authentication. You can use a Login Sheet at a Xerox D ocument Centre as an alternative to logging in at the device’s contr ol panel, or when submitting jobs to the FlowPort server from an Internet Fax machine.
PaperWare Co py —Prints copies of documents. As the default application, it makes a copy of yo ur document when you s can a Do cu ment Token, Document Ca tal og, o r documen t at a Xerox Document Centre without a Cover Sheet.
Document Options—Adds document management fields to a document when you store it to a repository, and charges print jobs t o your a ccount on a Documen t Centre network accounting system. The application uses a Document Options Sheet that you place after a Distribute Document Cover Sheet to add fields or account information to the document.
Network Accounting—Charges each printing job to an Account ID set up on a Document Centre network accounting system.
Chapter 1: Welcome ❖ 1-3
Whats in this guide
What’s in this guide
Chapter 2 Getting Started
This guide describes how you can use the basic FlowPort applications to s implify your work with paper.
Using FlowPort you can:
Share your paper documents with others through
email, Internet Fax, remote printing, or storage to a repository.
Access your stored documents and print them on a
networ k printer or distribute the documents.
Store a document and receive a Document Token, a
piece of paper that represents the sto red document, that you can later use to copy, Internet Fax, or email the actual document.
Receive and access Internet Faxes by printing the
entire fax, storing the fax and retrieving it later using a Document Token, or viewing the fax on the Web.
In addition to this chapter, this guide includes these chapters:
Chapter 3 Quick look at using FlowPort
Chapter 4 Using FlowPort forms
1-4 Xerox FlowP ort User Guide
Describes how to log on to the FlowPort Web Centre, use features of the Web Centre, open the online Quickstart tutoria l , and logout.
Introduces you to FlowPort, presents a number of quic k scenarios for using FlowPort to scan, store, and distribute paper documents, and to access stored documents seamlessly.
Provides procedures to sc an forms by a Xerox Document Centre or submit them by Internet Fax. Also describes how to get fresh copies of a form or get printed help.
Whats in this guide
Chapter 5 FlowPort capabilities
Provides a task-oriented approach to using your FlowPort applications. C ho ose a task and follow the specific steps required to create a form and use it for that task.
Chapter 6 Managing FlowPort forms
Describes how to crea te , view, print, a nd edit forms i n t he Web Centre.
Chapter 7 Specifying user preferences and printers
Provides details about setting your u ser account information and specifying printers.
Chapter 8 Using shared and private forms
Describes how to add security to your forms and stored documents, and how to authenticate yourself as a user when you use a secure form.
Appendix A Viewing documents scanned by FlowPort
Gives information and troubleshooting pointers about viewing m ulti-page TIFF do cuments that are emailed or stored by FlowPort.
Chapter 1: Welcome ❖ 1-5
Where to find more information
You can get more information in several places.
Online help
Contacting your
Y ou can access online help in the FlowPort Web Centre by clicking the help link in the upper right corner of the window. Refer to the “Getting started” chapter on page
2-2 for information about how to use the Web Centre
Your FlowPort administrator can provid e you with information about your local FlowPort system.
For example, your administrator can assist you with using your Xerox Document Centre with FlowPort. Your administrator can also help you if you forget your FlowPort password, or tell you how to locate document repositories on your network such as Xerox DocuShare, Microsoft Exchange, or Lotus Notes/Domino, for scanning and storing documents.
Contact your FlowPort administrator with questions about using yo ur local version of FlowPort.
To obtain your FlowPort administrators e-mail address:
In your Web browser, go to the FlowPort Login/Welcome
In the Login box, clic k the link "Contact your
administrator...." A help window is opened, displaying
the email address for your FlowPort administrator.
Going to the
FlowPort web site
1-6 Xerox FlowPort User G uide
To get more information about F lowPort, visit the following web site:
Getting started Chapter2
This chapter describes how to login to the FlowPort Web Centre, use features of the Web Centre, open the online Quickstart Tutorial, and logout.
This chapter contains the following :
Login to the FlowPort Web Centre ...................................... 2-2
About the Web Cent re . ............................ .. ... ............. ... .. ... 2-4
Taking the Quickstart tutorial ............................................ 2-5
Logout fr om FlowPort ....................... .. . .. .. .............. ............ 2-5
Chapter 2: Getting started ❖ 2-1
Login to the FlowPort Web Centre
Login to the FlowPort Web Centre
As a FlowPort user, you use paper forms to distribute, store, and retrieve your documents directly from a digital copier or Internet Fax device. In the FlowPort Web Centre, you can customize and print your own forms to carry out these tasks.
To login to the FlowPort Web Centre:
You are sent a Welc ome to FlowP ort email message when
your FlowP ort a dmi nist rat or add s you a s a us er. The email message contai n s th e Flo wPo rt Welcome page URL, your user name and password to log in, an d if re qui re d , you r personal identification number (PIN, see page 8-6 for information about using the PIN).
The URL consists of “http://” followed by the name of the FlowPort server. For example, if the servers name is fish, the URL will be http://fish.
Enter the FlowPort URL in the Location or Address line of
your Web browser.
2-2 Xerox FlowP ort User Guide
The FlowPort Welcome page is displayed.
Note: Create a bookmark for the FlowPort Welcome page. In Netscape, click Bookmarks and select Add Bookmark. In Internet Explorer, open the Favorites menu and select Add to Favorites. The bookm ark ‘Welcome to FlowPort’ is added to your Bookmarks or Favorites list. You can select it any time to access the FlowPort page.
Login to the Flow Port Web Centre
In the Login box, enter your user name and password.
Click Login.
The Web Centre opens to your use r pag e .
Chapter 2: Getting started ❖ 2-3
About the Web Centre
About the Web Centre
The FlowPort Web Centre window is shown in the following diagram.
Click the Forms button to view, print, and create forms
Click to open help window
Links to the Web Centre pages
Click to sta rt QuickStar t tu torial
Click to logout
The links to the Web Centre pages allow you to do the following:
See an introduction to the Web Centre and
open a Quicks tart tuto rial . Clic k the link a t the b ottom of the page if you do not want this page displayed each time you login.
2-4 Xerox FlowP ort User Guide
delete your existing forms.
including user name, password, email add ress, personal identification number (PIN) used by your Login Sheet, and default printer.
options for receiving Internet faxes.
Create new forms, and view, print, edit, or
Change your account information,
Specify application options, including
Taking the Quickstart tutorial
A brief “Quickstart online tuto rial introduces you to FlowPort and gets you started with printing and using a FlowPort PaperWare form.
The Quickstart instructs you to do the following:
Print your first Cover Sheet.
Process the Cover Sheet in a Xerox Document Centre,
to scan and email a document to yourself in just one step.
Receive and view the scanned document on your
Look at other tasks you can perform with FlowPort
To open the Quickstart tutorial:
Click the blue gr aph i c th at say s step me through the
Quick Start.
Taking the Quickstart tutorial
Logout from FlowPort
To logout from the FlowPort Web C entre:
The Quickstar t online help window op ens. Use the green back and forward arrows to navigate through the pages.
When you are f inis hed, cl ick the upper right corn er of t he window to close it.
Click the logout link in the upper right corner of the Web Centre inter face. You are returned to the Welc ome page
Note: Closing your Web browser or going to another Web site does not log you out of FlowPort. You should always click the logout link to logout.
Chapter 2: Getting started ❖ 2-5
+ 129 hidden pages