Xerox Fax Sharing User Manual

Fax Sharing User’s Guide
February 2000
WinFax PRO Fax Sharing User’s Guide
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Notice to WinFax PRO Users
It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States to use any computer or other electronic device to send any message via a facsimile machine unless such message clearly contains, in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business, other entity or individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual.
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About this Guide ....................................................................................6
Using the Online Help ....................................... .................................................. .............6
Getting Help in a Dialog ................................................. ................................................. 7
Documentation Feedback ............ ................................................. ....................................7
Introducing WinFax PRO Fax Sharing .................................................... 8
System Requirements ......................................................................................................10
The WinFax PRO Program Group ............................................... ..................................10
Starting and Exiting WinFax Programs ...................................................... ....................11
Installing WinFax for Fax Sharing
(Administrators Only) ...............................................................11
Setting Up a Fax Sharing Host Station ............................ ............................................... 11
Installing WinFax on a Host Computer .................................................................. 12
Enabling the Fax Sharing Host Feature .................................................................. 12
Installing the Fax Sharing Client Automatically ............................................................. 14
Copying the Installation Files to a Network Drive ................................................ 16
Creating an InstallShield Silent Response File .......................... .............................17
Creating an Installation Script ......................... ................................................. .......18
Starting the Scripted Installation ................ .............................................................19
Troubleshooting the Scripted Installation ..............................................................20
Installing the Fax Sharing Client Manually ....................................................................21
Modifying Fax Sharing Client Settings ......................................... ..................................22
Working With Faxes ............................................................................. 23
Sending Faxes ................................................................................................................. 23
How Faxes Are Sent ................................................................................ ................24
Monitoring Fax Status ........................ .................................................. ....................24
Receiving Faxes in Message Manager ............................................... .............................26
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................28

WinFax PRO Fax Sharing

If you do not have a modem installed on your computer, you can still use WinFax™ PRO to send and receive faxes. To do so, you must be attached to a network, and there must be at least one computer with a fax capable modem or similar communications device and WinFax installed. This modem sharing feature in WinFax is called Fax Sharing.
If you are sending and receiving messages using a modem on another computer, your computer is a Fax Sharing Client station. If you and others in your office are sending and receiving faxes using the modem or device on your computer, your computer is a Fax Sharing Host station.
This document describes how to use WinFax with the Fax Sharing feature. Topics in this document include:
information about using this document and the WinFax online help
understanding the Fax Sharing feature
installing WinFax PRO for Fax Sharing (administrators only)
sending and receiving faxes using the Fax Sharing feature
WinFax PRO Fax Sharing

About this Guide

While this guide contains instructions for the most basic Fax Sharing tasks, the online help covers all features. Additional information on using the Fax Sharing Host (that is, WinFax with a local modem or device) is provided in the WinFax PRO User’s Guide, available in Adobe Acrobat format on your WinFax installation CD.

Using the Online Help

The Help Topics dialog is the main entry into the WinFax online help and contains links to both feature overviews and instructions for the most commonly used features.
To open the Help Topics dialog:
In Message Manager, click WinFax PRO Help Topics on the Help menu. The Help Topics dialog appears.
Click a book and display the topics available
Use to quickly locate information
a standard index
Use to search for words in the online help
Select the help options you want to use.
Note: For more information about the Fax Sharing feature, look up “Fax Sharing” in the online help index.

Getting Help in a Dialog

Many WinFax dialogs and windows contain a help button (in the upper right corner) that you can use to display information about on-screen
Help button in upper ri corner of most WinFax dialo and windows
components, such as commands and individual fields in dialogs.
To view the pop-up help for an on-screen component:
In a dialog, click the What’s This? button in the upper right corner, then click any screen element. A pop-up appears over the element.
About this Guide
Help button
Help pop-up contains information about onscreen components

Documentation Feedback

Symantec is interested in your suggestions for improving both the print and the online documentation for WinFax. We are interested in knowing what works and what needs improvement. Did you find errors, omissions, or confusing information? Tell us if you found information too difficult to find. Tell us where you looked for information, and where you looked first. Your feedback will help shape future versions of the documentation for WinFax.
WinFax PRO Fax Sharing
To forward your feedback, use any of the following methods:
Fax – Fax your comments to 1-416-441-0333 to the attention of the Technical Publications Department.
Postal letter – Send a letter to:
Symantec Corporation Technical Publications Department 895 Don Mills Road, 500-2 Park Centre Toronto, Ontario M3C 1W3 (Canada)

Introducing WinFax PRO Fax Sharing

WinFax turns your computer into a full-featured fax messaging communications center. Using WinFax, you can send and receive fax documents from your computer at any time.
WinFax sends and receives messages using a modem or related communications device. For most WinFax users, the modem or device is installed locally on their computer. However, if you do not have a modem or device installed on your computer, you can still send and receive messages by setting up your computer as a Fax Sharing Client station and using the modem or device attached to the Fax Sharing Host station on your network.
The Fax Sharing Host station is the messaging center for all Fax Sharing Clients on your network. Using Fax Sharing Client, you can select the documents you want to fax on your computer, assemble your fax in the Send dialog, and then transfer the documents over the network to a Fax Sharing Host to be faxed—all with a single click. Similarly, the Fax Sharing Host receives messages for all users on your Fax Sharing network.
To retrieve faxes, you simply connect to the Fax Sharing Host Receive Log and select the faxes that belong to you.
The following diagrams illustrate how the Fax Sharing Host handles all sending and receiving activities for your Fax Sharing network.
Step 1:
Prepare your fax using Fax Sharin the Send button to send it to the Fax Sharin
Client, then click
Host’s Outbox.
Sending Faxes
Step 2:
Fax Sharing Client sends your fax files to the Fax Sharin
Host with modem or
Host’s Outbox.
Introducing WinFax PRO Fax Sharing
Step 4:
Your fax is received on the destination fax device.
Step 3:
The Fax Sharing Host sends your fax when the host modem or device is available. If you scheduled your fax, the Fax Sharin that time.
Host waits until
Step 1:
Someone sends
you a fax.
fax machine
Step 2:
The modem or device receives your fax and transfers it to the Fax
Sharin Receive Lo
Receiving Faxes (Receive Log)
Step 3:
When the Fax
Host receives
Sharin a fax, the pro displays a dialo Fax Sharin showin received. You can retrieve your fax at that time.
Host with modem or
to the
all the faxes
Step 4:
View and print your fax usin Client.
your Fax Sharing
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