Specifi cations
Xerox® 495® Continuous
Feed Duplex Printer
Print Engine: Single Printer Pinfed Duplex Engine
Tec hn olo gy : LED
Fusing Method: Flash Fusing
Input: 240 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi
Output: 240 x 240 dpi, 600 x 600 dpi
Print Speed: 115 ft/min (35.1 m/min)
Speed in Images per Minute:
US Letter (216 x 279 mm)
Simplex •
Portrait: 125 –
Portrait 2 up: 251 –
Duplex •
Portrait: 251 –
Portrait 2 up: 502 –
A4 (210 x 297 mm)
Simplex •
Portrait: 118 –
Portrait 2 up: 236 –
Duplex •
Portrait: 236 –
Portrait 2 up: 472 –
Paper handling
Print Width: 600 dpi (or 300 dpi):
17.6" = 447 mm max; 240 dpi: 16.7" = 424 mm max
Print Length:
Internal Stacker: • 7"–14" (177.8 mm–355.6 mm)
External Output: • Up to 28" (.166")
Paper Type: Pinfed, preprinted, plain, boxed fanfold
forms (up to 300 mm (11.8")) high, 3,000 sheets
(17 lbs/64 gsm) and roll-fed paper
Paper Weight*: 17 lbs–42 lbs/64 gsm–157 gsm
Paper Width: 6.5"–18" (165.1 mm–457.2 mm)
Paper Length
Internal Stacker: • 7"–14" (177.8 mm–355.6 mm) by
increment of 4.23 mm (.16")
External Output: • 3.5"–28" (88.9 mm–711.2 mm)
by increment of .16" (4.23 mm)
Pre- and Post-Processing:
Xerox Print Line Bus (PLB) •
Monitoring all devices along PLB via –
Stampa user-friendly touch-screen i/f
Up to 10 PLB interfaces per print line –
Enables mix and match of various –
pre/post vendor devices in same line
Support for 3rd-par ty unwinder and –
other fi nishing solutions available
Print engine controller
CPU: Intel® Double Xeon
Memory Capacity: 1GB RAM
Capacity: 40GB HDD
CD-ROM: Read Write
GUI: Stampa full-color touch screen GUI interface
Job setup and control while run
Interface: Up to 2 host connections per print engine
Connectivity: TCP/IP Ethernet Gigabit (Standard);
IBM® Channel S/370 Interface (optional);
Second TCP/IP Ethernet Gigabit (optional)
Data stream support
Native: IPDS (type 4) capabilities including
compressed images, IBM® Line Mode (IBM 3800-3),
Océ Enhanced Line Mode (with LIPS/OLGA)
OS/390® V2.0 or higher, Z9 Z/OS
TCP/IP™ for MVS™ 3.2 or higher
Xerox FreeFlow •
Emtex •
Print Server. Supports PostScript®,
VIP™. Supports LCDS/Metacode
Installation environment
Dimensions: 296.5 cm (L) x 89 cm (W) x 170 (H) cm
Weight: 1440 kg
Environments: IBM® AFPTM via PSF/MVS, PSF/VM,
PSF/VSE, PSF 400®, PSF/AIX®, PSF/OS/2® InfoPrint
Manager for AIX®, InfoPrint Manager for
Windows® NT®/2000
Temperature and sea level: 59°F–9.6°F/15°C–32°C
Relative Humidity: 40% RH–70% RH
(without condensation)
Heat Dissipation: 16.2 kW
Noise Level
Printing: • 72 dB maximum per engine
Standby: • 62 dB per engine
Electrical Requirements
350Hz/60Hz 3 phases: 200V–230V 10% •
via transformer input 380V/415V
Electrical Consumption
Printing: • 13 kVA average, 19 kVA maximum
Standby: • 4 kVA average
PLB: • 4 W per box
* Paper weights lighter than 17 lbs/64 gsm or heavier than
42 lbs/157 gsm may also be used subject to satisfactory
testing for suitability
Xerox 495 Continuous
Feed Duplex Printer
For more information on the Xerox 495 Continuous
Feed Duplex Printer call 1-800-ASK-XEROX or visit
us on the web at www.xerox.com
©2008 Xer ox Corpora tion. All r ights res erved. Xerox ® and the sph ere of connectivit y design, Fr eeFlow®, 495® and Print Line Bus™
are trad emarks o f Xerox Corpo ration in the Unite d States and/or other count ries. IBM® and OS/39 0® are registered trademark s
and TCP/I P and MVS are tr ademarks of Intern ational Business M achines in the United St ates. Océ is a trademark of Océ -Technologies
B.V. Emtex is a regi stered tr ademark and VIP is a trademark o f Emtex, Limited. Product ap pearance, confi guration availability, build
status and/or specifi catio ns are subject to change without noti ce. 10/08 .
Fast, fl exible, duplex in a fl ash
More substrates. Less space.
The Xerox 495® Continuous Feed Duplex Printer. Incorporating a suite of
high-performance features, this versatile printer provides invaluable support for
effi ciency and productivity in mission-critical operations with:
Continuous high-speed, high-resolution •
printing at 500 ipm (two-up duplex)
and 600 dpi, enabled with fl ash-fusing
IPDS compatibility to provide a seamless plug-•
compatible solution
Newly developed duplex printer features two •
print drums in one space-saving machine
PLB Interface allows fl exible connection of the •
pre- and post-processing equipment
Excellent image quality ensured by fl ash fusing •
and new small-particle toner
Steady, reliable paper transfer
Extremely reliable, high-precision pinfed paper
transfer minimizes the possibility of registration
problems during two-sided printing. Auto-loading
enables quick stock changes for box/stack input
or via roll unwinder.
Paper path
Paper transport section
With the straight, short paper path, changing
paper substrates and setting up the paper path
for duplex continuous-form printing becomes
easy and hassle-free.
1 3 6 9
Paper exit for
inline fi nishing and
Stacker section
Flash-fusing system
Side 1 imaging
Organic drum units
Side 2 imaging
Paper feeding
Hopper section
Feeding fl exibility—
choose stacked or
third-party roller-feeder
High-speed printing at 500 ipm
(two-up duplex) U.S. letter
Speeds up to 500 ipm enable the Xerox 495®
Continuous Feed Duplex Printer to process high
volumes consistently.
High productivity with long unattended runs
is possible using roll-feed unwinders and
automated post-processing fi nishing devices.
The results are improved turnaround time and
operational effi ciency.
Better image quality with
higher resolution—600 dpi
With the Xerox 495 Continuous Feed Duplex
Printer, high-density printing with 600 dpi
resolution allows photos, halftones, small
fonts, superscripts and fi ne lines to be printed
clearly, quickly. Superior image quality refl ects
the use of small-particle toner and the noncontact fl ash-fusing technology. This new,
cleaner technology ensures even the smallest
characters are always legible.
Refl ector
Flash emission
Small-particle toner delivers excellent legibility
and color quality.
Flash lamp
Improved performance with
fl ash-fusing technology
Flash-fusing technology reduces paper heat and
shrinkage and retains proper paper moisture.
High-intensity fl ash lamps heat the toner.
Because the toner is fi xed without the fuser
contacting the paper, wide varieties of papers
can be printed—from normal paper to specialty
substrates (plastic card and labels).
Other advantages:
Substrate technology enables printing •
on stocks with glues and adhesives
Media retains its moisture and electrostatic •
attributes better due to reduced exposure to
heat and no pressure contact
Reduced likelihood of media damage allows •
fi nishing equipment to work more reliably
Elimination of fuser oil allows output to •
be more compatible with a variety of
fi nishing applications
Touch-screen ease for
all operations
The built-in control panel uses a color touch
display to enhance visibility and operability.
Operations like start-up, setting input data,
logical page specifi cation and editing can
be performed. With our software, high-speed
RIP is achieved and print data format is
compatible with the industry-standard IPDS.
Simplex, duplex printing
with single printer
With the short paper path, duplex continuous
form printing has never been this easy. Using two
imaging drums in one machine, the reverse side
of the page is printed with the fi rst drum unit
while front-side imaging is performed with the
second drum. The image is fl ash fused and then
fi xed once for each side.
The short duplex paper path uses less paper
and minimizes set-up time when compared to
the traditional duplex approach, which uses
two separate print engines.
Multiple substrates
The Xerox 495 Continuous Feed Duplex Printer
handles a wide variety of applications—from
paper widths of 6.5" to 18" and paper weights
of 64 gsm to 157 gsm, to specialty papers like
labels, ID cards, RFID transponders and tags.
Flexible connection
with PLB Interface
The Print Line Bus™ (PLB) enables communication with up to 10 devices by connecting each
device in the print line. The PLB allows you to
monitor the pre- and post-processing equipment
and the printer through the GUI, providing an
end-to-end solution for improved productivity.
Small footprint
The Xerox 495 Continuous Feed Duplex Printer
requires half the space of traditional duplex
printing (using two simplex printers). This
provides customers who have limited space
with the ability to have complete duplex
redundancy and backup in the same footprint.
Workfl ow solutions to help
you build your business.
Xerox FreeFlow® solutions enable you to
connect with your customers, reduce costs
and make possible new applications. FreeFlow
streamlines and automates workfl ow
processes—saving time, labor and waste while
shifting quality, productivity and effi ciency into
overdrive. Built on industry standards, FreeFlow
integrates with and extends your existing
workfl ow to deliver measurable business benefi ts.
FreeFlow Print Server provides faster processing
and VI caching support for personalized text
and high quality graphics and images, so your
printer runs at rated speeds. FreeFlow Print Server
security features like Monochrome Specialty
Imaging Text provides MicroText and Correlation
Mark, making your application processing and
hard copy output secure. Easier to use GUI
makes integration into cut-sheet print shop
environments more fl exible and productive.
From proven success in production environments
to extensive support of nearly every major print
data stream, you can move beyond the native
IPDS of the printer to enable PostScript, PDF,
PCL and TIFF applications.