material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter
granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software
programs which are displayed on the screen, such as icons, screen displays,
looks, etc.
Printed in the United States of America.
Publication number: 721P90600
Xerox® and all Xerox products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of
Xerox Corporation. Products and trademarks of other companies are also
Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical
inaccuracies, and typographic errors will be corrected in subsequent editions.
#copies operator PD 1-9
%%DocumentMedia command, example PJ
Stop Virtual Printer PJ 2-7
access requirements, delivery IP 6-15
access to printer, remotely
telnet SJ 8-1
Web-based SJ 8-1
access, remote CM 1-4
Account information, Quick Print for
Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6- 24
account information, specifying PJ 1-8
accounting file versions CM 9-2
accounting files
copying to floppy CM 9-8
deleting CM 9-9
maintaining CM 9-1–CM 9-9
purging CM 9-7
accounting information, purging IP 4-10
Active List PJ 3-1
adding Job Ticket PJ 4-2
additional metrics entry PD 1-3
address data, merging DC G-1
addressing, relative PJ 6-1
administrative mode DC 7-9
accessing commands CM 1-2
changing password CM 1-3
Type Manager PD 1-6
Adobe fonts IP 2-6, SO 2-7
Adobe Photoshop DC 9-1
AdobePS drivers
selecting SJ 4-6
submitting print jobs SJ 4-22–SJ 4-38
Advanced Customer Training (ACT) IP B-3,
RM 8-2
Advanced Function Image and Graphics
(AFIG) SO 5-1
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
Master IndexINDEX-1
Advanced Function Presentation, see AFP
advanced PostScript options
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent)
compressing graphics SJ 5-72
overview SJ 5-71–SJ 5-76
printing error information SJ 5-73
printing graphics in color SJ 5-73
printing mirror images SJ 5-73
printing negative images SJ 5-73
printing with printer fonts SJ 5-74
specifying format SJ 5-76
specifying halftoning options SJ 5-75
specifying printing resolution SJ 5-75
using substitution tabl e SJ 5-74
using TrueType fonts SJ 5-76
data flows IS D-1–IS D-7
definition IS 2-1
overview IS 1-1
page origins, modifying IS 4-19
print flows IS D-1–IS D-7
resources IS 2-1–IS 2-3
summary IS 2-1
AFP environment IP 1-8, SO 5-5
AFP Font Coll ection IS 2-3, IS 4-2
AIX print flow IS D-6
APA (all-point s addressabili ty) IS 2-1
Apollo workstation SJ 2-15
AppleTalk PD 1-17
network IP 4-10
zone name, specifying IP 4-10
application examples DC 1-2
applications, customer responsibility IP 4-4
appName subdirectory PJ 6-2
architecture IS 3-4–IS 3-7
arc-to-bezier conversion PD 1-33
AFP data flow IS D-5
connections IS 2-11–IS 2-12
AS/400, parameters IP F-21–IP F-28
ASCII greeting message CM 12-4
ASCII input PD 1-22
ASCIIFontName attribute PJ 1-8
ASCIIFontSize attribute PJ 1-8
asynchronous communications PD 1-18
virtual printer PJ 2-1
attributes, overview SJ 1-2
.attrs file CM 2-3
automatic highlight color rende ring PJ 1-15
AutoTabShift attribute PJ 1-8
award certificate example DC 4-1, DC 4-7
back panel, S un workstati ons IP 2-3, SO 2-4
background form DC 7-2
Background Forms
creating DC 5-1–DC 5-4
cycling DC 5-5–DC 5-8
background menu CM 3-3
background printing, Macintosh
AdobePS driver SJ 4-26
LaserWriter driver ver sion 7.x SJ 4-2
LaserWriter version 8.x SJ 4-14
backing up
site files CM 2-9
virtual printers list CM 2-11
Xerox files CM 2-10
backing up forms DC F-1
Backup Site Files command CM 2-9
Backup Virtual Printers List command CM
Backup Xerox Files command CM 2-10
banking applic ations, example IS 1-7
banner page
job message
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ
6-13, SJ 6-14
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
sender name
Macintosh drivers (transparent) SJ
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-2Master Index
banner pages CM 4-1
banner pages, Novell PJ 3-18
bar compression CM 2-3, CM 2-5, CM 2-6
BARR/AFP connection IS 2-12
BARR/RJE connection IS 2-9
BCOCA (Bar code Object Content
Architecture) IP 1-8, SO 5-5
benefit book example DC 1-3
bezier PD 1-33
displaying CM 8-8
printing, data CM 8-11
report, printing CM 8-11
billing meter
reading IP 8-6
reporting IP 8-6
billing meters, reporting RM 8-3
binary input PD 1-22
bindery entry PJ 3-16
bitmaps PD 1-4, PD 1-14
BitsPerSample TIFF tag DC E-1
black areas , mapping PJ 1-16
black pixels
GetTiff macro DC 8-5
Blank Back Sides PJ 1-9
blank pages
XCat DC 6-10
XMerge DC 6-5, DC 6-7, DC 6-14, DC
booting the controller CM 3-2
borders, invisible frame DC 4-7
bounding box padding PD 1-32
break page PD 1-18
broadcast message
utility command CM 2-1
Broadcast Message to All Execs command
CM 2-1
Broadcast mess age to all execs command
CM 2-1
browser based access CM 1-5
BuildProfile option SJ 2-21
bus and tag
channel connection IP 1-5, SO 5-2
ByteCode files
files created DC A-2
proprietary compression DC 5-2
Tiff/G4 format compared DC 3-2
IBM channel IP 7-3
locations IP 7-2
calculating throughput DC D-2
evaluating output CM 15-2
when to perfor m CM 15-1
Cancel Documents command PJ 3-4
canceling commands CM 1-2
capabilities IS 3-8–IS 3-10
cartridge tap e
drive IP 5-6
printing speed PD 1-34–PD 1-35
specifications P D 1- 34
ejecting CM 2-2
installing CM 10-2
installing software updates from CM 2-7
listing files on CM 2-8
printing files from CM 2-8
central processing unit IP 2-3, SO 2-3
Change Administrator Password command
CM 1-3
Change Document Attributes com m and PJ
Change Imager Parameters command CM
Change PCL Imager Parameters command
CM 5-34
Change Virtual Printer command PJ 2-3–PJ
Change virtual printer command
CycleForms attribute DC 5-5–DC 5-8
disposition attribute
examples DC 3-7, DC 4-3
Mask, Form formats DC 3-3–DC 3-6
syntax DC 7-3
Tiff/G4, ByteCode formats DC 3-2
values DC 3-1
overview DC 7-2
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-3Master Index
changing imager parameters CM 5-30
changing password
administrator CM 1-3
operator CM 1-3
changing PCL imager parameters CM 5-34
switching online and offline PJ 3-15
channel attachment s IP E-1–IP E-3, IP E-6,
IP E-7
channel cable con ne ctor b ox IP 1-7, SO 5-4
channel extender IS 2-9
channel interface board IP 1-7, SO 5-4
channel switching PJ 3-15
cables IP 7-3
systems IP 1-7, SO 5-4
chapters, concatenating
DOS xcat DC 6-15
Sun OS/Solaris DC 6-19
Windows XCat DC 6-7–DC 6-12
full IS 5-2
lines and border s IS 5-8
mapping IS 5-3
overlays IS 5-7
shading IS 5-9
when to calibrate CM 15-1
color billing RM 8-5
color calibration SJ 2-21, TG 5-1
procedure CM 15-2
work flow CM 15-5
color driver, Macintosh LaserWriter driver
8.x SJ 4-40
Color images IS 2-5
color in forms DC 3-1, DC 3-6, DC 5-1
color limitations IS C-1
color models, using IS 5-3
color pages in copiers SO 1-7
accounting data to floppy CM 9-8
documents to floppy CM 2-3, CM 2-4,
CM 2-5
logs CM 9-11
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
accounting files CM 9-7, CM 9-9
fonts CM 10-4
forms CM 11-4
logs CM 9-12
Duplex, PCL PD 2-9
End, combining PJ 5-6
EndOfSet PJ 5-3–PJ 5-4
entering CM 1-1
font installation IP 2-6, SO 2-7
Forward Document PJ 3-5
Hold Documents PJ 3-6
fonts from disk CM 10-2
PCL fonts from disk CM 10-3
job submission IP 4-10
licensing CM 2-15–CM 2-18
List Documents PJ 3-7–PJ 3-10
List Virtual Printers PJ 2-5
listing CM 1-1
CDROM fonts CM 10-6
floppy fonts CM 10-6
fonts CM 10-6
logs CM 9-10
listjob SJ 3-13
listq SJ 3-16
lpc (UNIX) SJ 3-35
lpd IP 4-10
lpq (DOS) SJ 3-31
lpq (UNIX) SJ 3-32
lpr SJ 3-19, IP 4-10
lprm SJ 3-33
merge, inserting DC G-7
operator, accessing CM 1-2
PCL Copy PD 2-8–PD 2-9
PCL Paper Source PD 2-12
PJL PD 2-6
print SJ 3-2
font list CM 10-8
font sample CM 10-8
form samples CM 11-3
PCL font sample CM 10-9
Promote Document PJ 3-11
Release Document PJ 3-11
Set IPDS Virtual Printer PJ 2-10
Set Scheduling Policy PJ 3-12
sets, installing PD 3-4
shortcuts CM 1-1
Show Document Attributes PJ 1-30
Show IPDS Virtual Printer PJ 2-10
Show Scheduling Policy PJ 3-13
Start PJ 3-13
Start Virtual Printer PJ 2-7
status IP 4-10
Stop PJ 3-14
telnet CM 1-4
terminating CM 1-2
UNIX command tool IP 4-10
utility CM 2-1–CM 2-13
communications, asynchr ono us PD 1-18
Compatibility fonts IS 4-11
complete media match PJ 4-6
completed sheets PJ 1-21
hardware IP 5-6
printer IP 3-1, SO 3-1
printer controller IP 2-1, SO 2-2
printing system IP 1-9
components, curveto PD 1-33
bar CM 2-3, CM 2-5, CM 2-6
ByteCode files DC 3-3, DC 5- 2
quality PD 1-34
TIFF images PJ 6-4
compression tag, TIFF DC 8-5, DC E-1
concatenating chapters
DOS XCat DC 6-15
Sun OS/Solaris DC 6-19
Windows XCat DC 6-7–DC 6-12
conditional processing, adding color IS 5-5
conditioning paper IP A-6–IP A-7, SO A-6–
SO A-7
conditions, print queue PJ 3-1
choosing remote printer or print server
CM 4-1–CM 4-3
differences between RPRINTE R and
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-5Master Index
configuration reports
printing CM 2-23
configuration, network IP 1-11
Configure utility
changeable para me te rs CM 2-20
options CM 2-23
Configure utility commands CM 2-19–CM
NFS daemon CM 13-2
configuring as PSERVER CM 4-4
configuring as RPRINTER CM 4-5
AS/400 IS 2-11–IS 2-13
mainframes IS 2-7–IS 2-11
RS/6000 IS 2-13–IS 2-15
connections, Ethernet SO 4-4–SO 4-5
multiple SO 4-7
font PD 1-16
consumable supplies tables IP A-9, SO A-9
continuous form, converting IS 4-18
control-D command PD 1-17–PD 1-22
powering on CM 3-2
control-Z command PD 1-18–PD 1-22
arc-to-bezier PD 1-33
LCDS commands PD 3-2
conversion programs IS B-1–IS B-4
device PD 1-1–PD 1-2, PD 1-32
user PD 1-1–PD 1-2, PD 1-39–PD 1-41
Copies attribute PJ 5-11
copies, multiple PJ 5-11
Copy Accounting to Floppy command CM
copy count
Macintosh drivers
AdobePS SJ 4-24
LaserWriter 7.x SJ 4-9
LaserWriter 8.x SJ 4-13
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-11
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-57
documents to diskette CM 2-3
documents to DOS diskette CM 2-4
Documents to Floppy com mand CM 2-3,
CM 2-4, CM 2-5
logs CM 9-11
print-job data CM 9-8
to tape CM 2-4, CM 2-5
copying to diskette CM 2-3
copypage PD 1-16
core interchange fonts IS 4-11
correcting color calibration CM 15-9
Correcting stacking problems TG 7-1
corruption problems
Create Input Profile command CM 6-2
Create Output Profile command CM 6-2
Create Profiles command CM 6-2
Create Virtual Printer command DC 7-1, PJ
creating print queue, Novell PJ 3-16
creating profiles CM 6-2
current transformation matrix (CTM) PD 1-1
curves PD 1-25, PD 1-33
curveto components PD 1-33
custom fonts IS 4-12
customer responsibilities IP 1-12, IP 4-3–IP
4-5, IP 8-2–IP 8-3
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-6Master Index
customized forms DC 1-2
customized forms, forms
customized DC 1-3
cut sheet, converting IS 4-18
Cycle Exceptions DC 5-8
cycle up time DC D-2, DC D-7
CycleExceptions attribute PJ 1-9
CycleForm value DC 5-5
CycleForms attribute DC 5-5–DC 5-8, PJ 1-9
adding color IS 5-3
flushing PD 1-21
placement operators PD 3-2–PD 3-3
streams IS 2-5
towers IS 2-6
transfer protocol PJ 3-5
Data 1 fonts IS 4-12
data base mode PD 3-2
See also line mode
data cables IP 7-1
data flows
AS/400 IS D-5
MVS for remote printer IS D-2
PS/2 IS D-5
RS/6000 IS D-6
data streams IP 1-8, SO 5-1, SO 5-5
corruption CM 2-28
date, setting CM 7-1
DCF/Script IS 5-8
Decomp DC 1-3
Decomp Service Install Options screen DC
decomposed forms
directory location DC 4-3, DC 6-3
file formats DC A-1–DC A-4
decomposing Background Forms DC 5-3
decomposing time
reducing PJ 5-13
Decomposition Service
application examp les DC 1-2–DC 1-4
benefits DC 1-1, DC 1-6
examples DC G-1–DC G-7
DOS DC 2-2
overview DC 2-1
Windows DC 2-1
overview DC 1-1
Decomposition Service Tools, installin g SJ
2-6, SJ 2-15
font PD 1-3
user coordinate system PD 1-39–PD
default color rendering PJ 1-20
default Grayscale PJ 1-23
default router IP 4-9
default settings
resetting job ticket
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ
Windows NT 4.0 ( transparent SJ 5-55
Jog command PJ 5-10
media specifications PJ 4-2
media values PJ 4-2
media, setting CM 5-2
options, listing CM 5-28
scheduling policy PJ 3-12
defining forms, Novell PJ 2- 9
definitions, nonstanda rd PD 1-11–PD 1-12
definitions, see sample printer definitions
Delete Accounting command CM 9-9
Delete Color Calibration comm and CM
15-10, CM 15-11
Delete Fonts command CM 10-4
Delete Form command DC 7-4
Delete Forms command CM 11-4
Delete Logs command CM 9-12
delete output pro file command CM 6-3
Delete Virtual Printer command DC 7-4, PJ
accounting files CM 9-9
fonts CM 10-4
forms CM 11-4, DC 7-4
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-7Master Index
logs CM 9-12
virtual printers DC 7- 4
Deleting Input|Output profiles CM 6-3
delimiters, EOF PD 1-18–PD 1-20
delimiting PostScript jobs PD 1-17–PD 1-18
delivery instructions, print job SJ 6-14
delivery requirements IP 6-15
demo mode, VIPP PD 3-3
developer IP A-8, SO A-8
Device Control command set IS 3-6
device-dependent operators TG 5-2
coordinates PD 1-1–PD 1-2, PD 1-32
dependent features PD 1-29–PD 1-33
DFA group number PJ 1-10
DFA maximum set size PJ 1-10
DFA support IS 1-2, IS 5-14
diagnostic data, gathering CM 2-18
Diagnostic Lockout feature IS 6-2
diagnostic tools IP 1-13, SO 1-4
dialog box options, customizing Quick Print
for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-25
dictionary operators
Execution PD 1-11
IdleTime PD 1-10
Printer PD 1-10–PD 1-11
Server PD 1-9
Status PD 1-10
System PD 1-8
User PD 1-8–PD 1-9
Direct Bus and Tag IS 2-7
forms location
decomposed forms DC 4-3, DC 6-3
non-default DC B-1
Windows DC 2-2
Xcat jobs default DC 6-12
queue PJ 3-17
required, DocuPrint file system PJ 6-3
Disable Modem command CM 2-31
Disable Remote Shell command CM 2-32
disk space, installation requirements SJ 2-1
copying documents to CM 2-3
copying documents to DOS CM 2-4
ejecting CM 2-2
formatting CM 2-2
installing licenses from CM 2-17
installing software updates from CM 2-7
listing files on CM 2-3
printing documents from CM 2-9
diskettes IP A-8, SO A-8
contents, listing CM 2-3
ejecting CM 2-2
formatting CM 2-2
Display Billing Meters command CM 8-8
display monitor IP 5-6
date CM 7-1
logs CM 9-10
PDL code CM 2-6
time CM 7-1
displaying PDL code CM 2-6
displaying virtual printers PJ 2-5
disposition attributes
examples DC 3-7, DC 4-3, DC 7-3
Mask, Form formats DC 3-3–DC 3-6
Tiff/G4, ByteCode formats DC 3-2
values DC 3-1, DC 7-3
dividing print jobs PJ 5-1
document attributes PJ 1-1
Document Feeding and Finishing
Architecture, see DFA
Document Structure Editor (DSE) DC 9-1
Document Structuring Conventions (DSC)
changing PJ 1-29
list PJ 1-2
see also attributes
showing PJ 1-30
cancelling PJ 3-3
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
5-71–SJ 5-76
copy count SJ 5-57
finishing features SJ 5-59
highlight color SJ 5-67–SJ 5-71
image shift SJ 5-58
job notes SJ 5-59–SJ 5-61
overview SJ 5-56
page orientation SJ 5-57
page range S J 5-57
paper stocks SJ 5-61–SJ 5-64
paper weight SJ 5-58
preferences SJ 5-76
programming, Main Stock SJ 5-58
sides to image SJ 5-57
special pages SJ 5-65–SJ 5-67
formmrg tool DC 6-13
getg4 tool DC 9-1–DC 9-2
installing Decomp Services DC 2-2
reprint tool DC 6-13
xcat tool DC 6-15
xmerge tool DC 6-14
DOS client software
installing SJ 2-2
removing SJ 2-6
double byte fonts PD 1-3
drilled paper
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-16
Windows NT 4.0 SJ 5- 64
drivers, PCL 5c PD 2-17
drivers, Xerox SJ 1-1
cartridge tap e IP 5-6
disk IP 2-3, SO 2-4
DVD-ROM IP 2-3, SO 2-4
dry ink cartridge, replacin g RM 4-2
dry ink distribution PD 1-14
DSE (Document St ructure Editor) DC 9-1
dual feeder IP 6-18
Dual Mode SO 5-1
Dump Accounting command CM 9-7
color SO 1-7
Duplex commands, PCL PD 2-9
duplex printing PJ 5-11, PD 2-8
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
duplexing with Mul ti Se t PJ 5- 11
DVD-ROM drive IP 2-3, SO 2-4
dynamic media, setting PJ 4-5–PJ 4-6
dynamic plex changes PJ 7-2
EarlyStaple option PJ 5-9
edge deletion SJ 4-40
eexec operator PD 1-8
Eject CD-ROM command CM 2-2
Eject CDROM command CM 2-2
Eject Floppy command CM 2-2
ejecting a CD-ROM CM 2-2
ejecting a diskette CM 2-2
specifications IP 5-1–IP 5-3, IP 6-1
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-9Master Index
elevator tray fault DC D-7
ElideHeader attr ibute PJ 1-11
Elixir products IS 4-3–IS 4-5
embedding imag es PD 1-34, PD 1-43
Enable Modem command CM 2-30
Enable Remote Shel l com m and CM 2-31
TG 2-2
error page DC 6-5 , DC 6-14, DC 6-18
ESCON connection IS 2-8
estimates, rough performance DC D-2
AS/400 IS 2-12
configurations using IP 1-5, SO 5-2
connections SO 4-4–SO 4-5
description SO 4-6
framing type IP 4-12
mainframes IS 2-10
requirements IP 4-15
RS/6000 IS 2-14
Examine Document com mand CM 2-6
Example DC 7-6
Excel, Microsoft DC 4-4
exception pages
fast scan direction PD 1-35, PD 1-38
fax resolution PD 1-34
features, device dependent PD 1-29–PD
feedback, job status SO 4-5–SO 4-6
feeder tray attributes, setting CM 5-4
feeder trays IP 3-14, SO 3-15
feeder, establishing PJ 4-1
feeding optio ns IS 5-14
specifications IS A-3
fields, form references DC 8-7–DC 8-9
name, static form DC G-7
PPD PD 1-28–PD 1-29
file formats, decomposed f orms DC A-1–DC
file locks
setting maximum CM 4-6
File of Files
different directories DC B-1
multiple print jobs (Windows XC at) DC
XCat DC 4-9–DC 4-11
XMerge DC 4-11 –DC 4-13, DC 6-5
file operator PJ 6-1, PD 1-31
file server IP D-13
file server support CM 4-6
filename extensions
.pg DC A-1
.tif DC A-1
filenames, File of Files
carriage returns DC 4-13
space character DC 4-11, DC 4-13
accounting, maintaining CM 9-1–CM 9-9
backing up CM 2-9
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
INDEX-10Master Index
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