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XEROX®, XEROX Europe®, and XEROX Canada Limited®, The Document
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Xerox products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of XEROX
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While the information in this Guide is correct at the time of this publication, Xerox
reserves the right at any time to change the information without notice. Changes are
made periodically to this document. Changes and technical updates will be added in
subsequent editions.
Table of Contents
Before you use this guide1-1
About XPPS1-1
XDS Plus1-2
Xerox custom drive rs1-2
Third party drivers and PPDs1-2
Web Interface1-3
Command line client1-3
About this guide1-3
Related documentation1-5
Customer Support1-5
2.Using XDS2-1
Accessing XDS from Macintosh OS X2-2
Overview of the printing process2-2
Macintosh printing process2-2
Using drag and drop to print one or more jobs2-3
Selecting a printer type and queue2-3
Selecting a file for printing2-4
Customizing the printer list2-5
Adding a printer2-5
Setting the default printer2-6
Modifying a print queue2-6
Deleting a printer2-7
Accessing printer information2-7
Checking the printer connections2-8
3.Using the XDS Plus software 3-1
Accessing the XDS Plus software3-2
Accessing XDS Plus from Windows3-2
Accessing XDS Plus from Solaris3-2
Accessing XDS Plus from the Internet3-3
XDS Plus printing process3-4
Printer and queue setup3-4
Selecting a printer and queue3-5
Change Printer window components3-5
Viewing printer and queue properties3-7
Selecting a printer and queue3-8
Selecting a printer and queue3-8
Change Printer window components3-8
Viewing printer and queue properties3-10
Selecting a printer and queue3-11
4.Printing a job using the DocuSP web interface4-1
Overview of the web interface printing process4-1
Setting up a print job4-2
Job tickets4-3
Specifying job ticket parameters for the current job4-3
Specifying the number of copies4-7
Specifying a page range for printing4-7
Specifying the main stock for the job4-8
Setting up stocks4-8
Displaying the stock window4-8
Stock window components4-9
Selecting a stock for the job4-10
Creating a new stock4-10
Stock selection buttons4-12
Additional stock sections4-12
Specifying the sides imaged4-12
Specifying colla tio n4-13
Specifying slip sh eets4-13
Specifying an Output locati on4-14
Specifying a finishing option 4-14
Specifying pages per subset4-14
Specifying offset4-14
Setting up Advanced Features4-15
Entering Job Information4-17
Setting user preferences4-19
Printing a document4-20
Selecting a print queue4-20
Selecting a file for printing4-20
Submitting a job for printing4-20
Checking job, printer, and queue status and messages4-21
Viewing messages4-22
Viewing properties4-22
5.Xerox PPDs and PlugIns5-1
PPDs and PlugIns using a Macintosh5-1
Guidelines for selecting printing requirements5-1
Selecting the printing options5-2
Using the Xerox PlugIn5-2
Using drag and drop to print one or more jobs5-2
Windows drivers5-3
Locating and Installing Printer Drivers5-3
Install Windows Printer Driver s5-4
6.Using Command Line Client5-1
Accessing the XDS Command Line software5-1
Accessing XDS Command Line from Solaris and Mac OS X5-1
XDS Command Line operating modes5-1
Using Print command mode5-2
Print command mode parameters5-2
Accessing XDS Command Line Help: -help and -\?5-2
Listing the printers: -ListP5-2
Listing printer status: -ListP <options>5-2
Selecting a file for printing: -f <file>5-3
Setting the job ticket: -jt <job>5-3
Setting the number of copies: -copies <#>5-3
Setting the number of sides5-4
Setting the finishing option5-4
Setting user name5-4
Display job status: -ListJob5-5
Setting the printer: -p <printer>5-6
Print queue status: -ListQ <options>5-6
Setting the RegFileLoc5-7
Printing in print command mode5-7
Command quick reference5-8
7.Job ticket options7-1
Setting up a print job7-1
Printer Limitations window7-1
The Printer Default option7-2
Setting job ticket options for XDS7-2
Accessing the Setup window7-3
XDS Plus job ticket options7-3
Creating a new job ticket7-3
Setting up a job ticket7-4
Files options7-5
Selecting a print queue7-21
Selecting a file to print7-21
Reprinting a saved job7-22
Reprinting without changing the job ticket parameters7-23
Reprinting with different job ticket parameters7-23
Checking the status of a job7-24
Setting the XDS print options7-25
Setting up a printer capabilities file 7-26
File contents7-26
Sources for the printer capabilities file for Windows7-27
Generating a printer capabilities file on XDS Plus7-27
Exiting the XDS software7-28
Exiting the XDS Plus software7-28
Using a networked workstation and the Xerox Production Print
Services software, documents that have been created using a
publishing application can b e printed at a supported Xerox
Before you use this guide
This guide is intended for users of the following workstations:
•PCs running Windows 95, 98, Millennium, NT 4.0, 2000, or
•Sun workstations running Solaris 2.6 or higher
•Macintosh OS
About XPPS
To use the XPPS software to publish documents, your
workstation must be able to access the Xerox printer through a
Xerox supported network.
You should be familiar with the application you will be using, with
using a mouse, and with managing the dialog boxes and
The Xerox Production Print Services (XPPS) software, contains
a variety of applications which allow users to submit jobs for
printing to connected and suppo r ted Xero x printers.
IntroductionGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
Xerox Document Submission software application (XDS) is a
standalone appli catio n tha t is u sed to en ter job ticke t infor mation
for an existing PDL file and subm it the job to an av ail ab l e pr inte r
running DocuSP version 3.1 or higher software. This software
enables users of Xerox su pported n etworks to t ake a dvant age of
the many printing options that are offered by the supported
Xerox printing systems.
NOTE: Documents need to have been printed to file as .p s, .pcl,
.pdf, tiff, or ascii text.
XDS Plus
The Xerox Document Submission Plus (XDS Plus) software is a
standalone appli catio n tha t is u sed to en ter job ticke t infor mation
for an existing PDL file and subm it the job to an av ail ab l e pr inte r
running DocuSP version 3.1 or higher software. This software
enables users of Xerox su pported n etworks to t ake a dvant age of
the many printing options that are offered by the supported
Xerox printing systems. XDS Plus supp ort s the sa me featu re set
as XDS with the addition of printer status, Xerox Job Ticket
Converter, and Xerox Document Submission Command Line.
Xerox custom drivers
The Xerox Custom printer drivers are drivers that include Xerox
value added user interface controls to access the features
specific to the supported Xerox printers.
Third party drivers and PPDs
You can use a third party printer driver with a Xerox PPD file to
create a document and submit it for printing to the Xerox printer.
Third party d rivers and PPD s can be load ed and used in ad dition
to any Xerox custom drivers. Depending on the driv er installed,
different job ticket options will be available.
Third party driver s do not allow access at the workst ation to all of
the supported printer features.
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesIntroduction
Web Interface
With the web interface you use a browser to access windows th at
enables you to select a document file, set up a job ticket, and
submit your print job to the printer, all from the internet.
Command line client
If you use the print, listjob, listq or listp command for your
workflow, it is recommended that you use the new XD S
Command Line client included with the XDS Plus software.
About this guide
Before you perform any procedures in this guide, become
familiar with its contents and conventions.
The following list describes the contents of this guide:
•Chapter 1, “Introduction” contains an introduction to this
•Chapter 2, “Using XDS,” contains the information that y ou
need to access and understand to complete the printing
process when using XDS. Information about printer and
queue setup is also detailed in this chapter.
•Chapter 3, “Using the XDS Plus software,” contains the
information needed to access and use the XDS Plus softw are
application for submitting files for print.
•Chapter 4, “Printing a Job using the DocuSP Web Interface,” contains information for using the online version
of XPPS. It includes setting up a job ticket as well as steps
needed to complete the printing of a job.
•Chapter 5, “Xerox PPDs and PlugIn,” contains guidelines
for selecting printing requirements and using Xerox PPDs
and PlugIns for both Macintosh and Windows applications.
IntroductionGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
•Chapter 6, “Using Command Line Client,” The Xerox
Document Submission Command Line software enables you
to set up and submit print jobs by entering commands in a
DOS or Unix window, from a PC or Sun workstation. This
chapter describes the procedure and syntax for entering the
print and job setup commands.
•Chapter 7, “Job ticket settings,” contains the procedures
for printing a document file using the Xerox Document
Submission and Xe ro x D o cum en t Sub mission Plus sof tware.
This guide includes the following conventions:
•Angle brackets: Variable information that is displayed on the
window or that can be entered as part of a command line is
enclosed within angle brackets. Examples include "Unable to
copy <filename>;" “set –p <printer>.”
•Square bra ckets: Square brackets are used fo r the following:
–Names of menu options that you select; for example,
[Printer Default]
–Names of buttons that you select; for examp le , [OK] and
–Names of text boxes, list boxes, and fields; for example,
"the [From] text box," "the [Directories] list box," “the
[Color Source] field”
•Bold: Boldface type is used for the following:
–Directory paths; for example, “Browse to the Win_nt40/
Xeroxdrv directory.”
–Text that you enter; for example, "Enter purple or XDS."
–Calling attention to text that is particularly important; for
example, “Select [Stop] on the user interface window. Do
not press the red stop button on the controller.”
–Introductory wor ds or phrases t hat begin items in a list; for
Hold job: The document is held at the printer...
Cancel job: The document is not printed...
•Note: Notes are hints that help you perform a task or
understand the text. Notes are presented in italics, in
separate paragraphs. Example:
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesIntroduction
NOTE: You cannot submit a job unless the printer is
connected to your workstation.
Related documentation
Further information on the specific Xerox printer and the print
server or controller that is part of your printing system may be
obtained by referring to the documentation that was delivered
with the elements of the system.
Customer Support
To place a customer service call, dial t he direct TTY number f or
assistance. The number in the US is 800-735-2988.
IntroductionGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
2.Using XDS
This chapter contains the procedures for accessing the XDS
software on a Xerox printing system f rom your c omputer running
a Sun workstation that is running Solaris 2.6 or 2.8, or from a
Macintosh that is running OS X. The Xerox Document
Submission (XDS) software provides you with windows you use
to select a document file, to set up the job ticket, and to submit
your print job to the printer.
When you run the XDS software, you must make your printer and
document selections from the XDS window before programming
the job ticket.
NOTE: If you created your PDL file using the print to disk or print
to file option, and any of the Xerox pri nter dr iver s, do not use the
XDS software to submi t the jo b. The j ob ti cket in for mation
included with the PDL file may conflict with the job ticket
information programmed in XDS. Use another submission
method to print the document.
You must satisfy the following prerequis i tes before you use the
XDS software:
•Make sure that the Sun Solaris, or Macintosh software is
installed on your workstation. If the software is installed as a
shared copy on your network ser ver, contact your system
•Know how to use the tools in Solaris, or Macintosh to connect
to the network disk drives or to disconnect from the drives to
which you are currently connected.
•Make sure that the XDS Plus software is installed on your
workstation. Refer to the “Installation Guide” for the
•Know how to save your document as a PDL format file by
using the print-to-file method; or know how to create a valid
TIFF, PDF, or ASCII file.
Using XDSGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
Accessing XDS from Macintosh OS X
When you run the Xerox Document Submission Client software,
you must make your printer and document selections from the
Document Submission window before programming the job
To run the Xerox Document Submission Client software, doubleclick the [XDS] icon.
Overview of the printing process
The steps to print a document on a selected printer are listed
Macintosh printing process
The steps to print a document on a selected printer are listed
1. Set up a printer and select the printer icon on the desktop.
2. Launch the Xerox Document Submission software.
3. On the Document Submission window, select a printer type
from the Printer Type pop-up menu.
4. From the Printe r Que ue m enu , se lect [Use Default Printer]. If
you want to create Xerox job tickets without printing, select
5. Select a file for printing.
6. Select [Print...] to set up the print job.
7. On the job ticket dialog box that opens, specify the available
parameters. Depending on your printer, the following
parameter fields may be displayed:
•Page range ([To] and [From])
•[Job Type]
8. Enter the job notes.
9. Define the stocks that you will use for the print job.
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesUsing XDS
10.Select any special features for the job, such as covers, blank
inserts, or exception pages
11. Select [OK] to send the document file to the printer.
NOTE: When you are performing the procedures, if you press
the <RETURN> or <ENTER> key, the XDS software executes
the task that is initi ate d by the [Defau l t] bu tton in any dial og box.
If you press <Com mand(Apple) -Period> or <ESC>, the XDS
software executes [Cancel] when applicable.
Using drag and drop to print one or more jobs
Y ou can select one or more jobs, then drag and drop them on the
XDS icon to print.
Before dragging and dropping the job icon, highlight the
designated printer icon on the desktop.
NOTE: This should be the default printer.
After the jobs are dropped:
1. The printer type selection dialog box is displayed. Select the
printer type on which the jobs will be printed.
2. The Job Ticke t dialog box is displayed fo r the first job that was
dropped. Program the ticket for the job, then select [OK].
If more than one job was dropped at the same time, the first
job is sent to t he pr i nt er, and the job t icket dialog is displayed
for the next job. The job ti cket programming that was selected
for the first job is retained for the next job.
Saved job tickets may be accessed and opened for any job
that has been dragged and drop pe d us in g the proce du re s
that are described in this chapter. When a saved job ticket is
used for a job, the programming of the saved ticket is retained
for the next job.
A job may be cancelled prior to printing from XDS. The Job
Ticket dialog box then opens for the next job in line.
3. When all jobs that have been dropped on XDS have been
submitted or c ancelled, XDS cl oses automatically.
Selecting a printer type and queue
The Printer Type pop-up menu gives you a list of the available
printer types that you can use to print your document.
Using XDSGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
The Printer Queue pop -up menu deter mines whether th e job and
job ticket will be submitted to the selected printer queue ([Use
Default Printer]), or the job ticket will be created and save d for
future use ([None]).
1. From the Printer Type pop-up menu, select the appropriate
2. From the Printer Queue menu, select the desired queue.
•If you want to create and save the job ticket for later use
without printing now, select [None].
•To print to a printer that is on the desktop, select the
designated printer icon, then select [Use Default Printer].
If the Printer Type pop-up men u does not display the desired
printer , select [Produ ct Configuration] from the Options pull-down
menu on the works tation menu bar. In the product configuration
dialog box, select t he catego ries of prod ucts th at you want to use
to print documents from your workstation. Use the following
•[DocuTech Servers] for DocuTech 135
•[DocuPrint] and/or [DocuSP] for DocuTech 61xx, DocuTech/
DocuPrint 65/90, and DocuPrint 2000 Series EPS printers
•[DocuPrint] for DocuPrint NPS printers
•[DocuColor] for DocuColor 20xx, 6060, iGen3
Selecting a file for printing
Follow these steps to select a file for submission to print:
1. In the Document Submission dialog box, do one of the
•Select [Select File].
•Select [Select File] from the File pull-down menu.
•Press <Command-F> to choose the [Select File] option.
A directory dialog box is displayed. Se lecting [Show Text Files
Only] filters the directory display to show only text files.
2. Select the file tha t you want to print. The file must be in one o f
the supported formats: P ostScript, PDF, PCL, ASCII, or TIFF,
as supported by the printer.
NOTE: Ensure that file names are fairly small in length. Long file
names are not displayed and a system generated name is
attached to the file.
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesUsing XDS
3. Select [Select] or double-click the file name or icon to open
the file. The name of the document file that you selected is
displayed in the Document Submission dialog box.
4. On the Document Submission dialog box, select [Print]. The
Job Ticket dialog box is displayed.
Customizing the printer list
You can set up a customized printer queue list that contains
those queues you us e most of ten. The queues in t he list must be
queues that are availabl e to you on the printer.
For each queue in the list, you can assign a unique name. The
printer queue name that you assign may indicate the location of
the printer that ser vi ces the queue, or may describe the pur pose
of the queue if special purp ose queues have been est ablished by
your print shop.
You may customize the queue in the following ways:
•Change the name of the printer queue
•Delete a queue from the list
•Reassign a queu e name to a different printer queue
•Set a default queue that is selected automatically when you
NOTE: Do not rename printers. If you need a printer renamed, it
can only be done immediately after the printer is installed.
Several unconnected queues are automatically added to the
printer queue list at installation. These queues are used when
you are not connected to a printer.
Adding a printer
You can set up a customized list of printers that you use
regularly. To start a printer list or add to an existing one, follow
these steps:
access the XDS software
1. Select [Connections] on the XDS window. The Printer
Connections window is displayed.
2. On the Printer Connections window, select [Add New...]. The
Add New Printer window is displayed.
Using XDSGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
3. On the Add New Printer window, select the appropriate
network type for your environment.
Select [No connection] if this printer connection will be used
only for creating or modifying job tickets. You will not be able
to print to this printer connection.
4. Continue following the instr uctio ns in the Add New Printer
wizard to add a new printer to t he Pri nte r Connections list.
NOTE: The network connection dialog that is displayed depends
on the type of network you selected. Refer to your network
documentation for further information.
NOTE: If a message appears informing you that the selected
queue is not a Xerox print queue, contact your system
Setting th e default printer
After you create a list of customized printer queues, you may
specify one of them as a default printer queue. The default
queue is then selected automatically whenever you enter the
XDS software.
1. On the XDS window, select [Connections]. The Printer
Connections window is displayed.
2. Select the name of the printer queue in the Printer list box.
3. Select [Set Default]. The defa ult printer q ueue n ame remains
selected when you enter the XDS software.
4. Select [OK] to return to the XDS window.
Modifying a print queue
The XDS software allows you to change a print queue name in
the Connected Printers list box, or to reassign the name to
another print queue.
1. Select [Connections] from the XDS window. The Printer
Connections window is displayed.
2. In the Printers list box, select the print queue that will be
changed, and select [Modify...].
3. Continue to follow the steps indicated by the Modify Printer
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesUsing XDS
4. Check the information on the Modify Printer – Review
•If the information displayed is correct, select [Finish] to
complete the modification and return to the Printer
Connections window.
•If the inform ation is not correct, continue selecting [Back]
until you reach the screen that you want to correct. After
making your correction s, repeat the previous steps to
return to this step.
5. After you have complete d all printer modifications, select [OK]
to return to the XDS window.
Deleting a printer
1. Select [Connections] from the XDS window. The Printer
Connections window is displayed.
2. In the [Printers] list box, select the printer queue that you
want to delete.
3. Select [Delete]. The Confirm This Option window is
4. Select [Yes] to delete the printer name.
If you want to cancel your choice and return to the Printers
and Connections window, select [No].
Accessing printer information
Y ou may access the following information about any printer in the
Connected Printers list box on the Printer Connections window:
•Printer model
•Server type
•Connection type
•Virtual Printer
Follow these steps to display the printer information:
1. Select [Connections ] on the XDS wind ow. The Printers and
Connections window is displayed.
Using XDSGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
2. Select the name of the printer in the [Printers] list box. The
printer information is displaye d in the sections below the
[Printers] list box.
3. When you are finished viewing the printer information, select
[OK] or [Close] to exit the window.
Checking the printer connections
When the XDS software is accessed, the system checks all
connected printers to ensure that the network connection is
enabled and active.
•A network icon in front of the printer name indicates that the
network connection to that printer is active.
•A circle with a slash in front of the printer name indicates that
the network connection to that printer is not active or there is
a problem connecting to the printer.
•No icon in front of the printer name indicates that the printer
is unconnected and has been selected for the customized
printer list.
The printer connections may be checked at any time as
necessary .
1. On the XDS window, select [Connections]. The Printers and
Connections window is displayed.
2. To check one printer, select its name and select [Check
Printer]. Whi l e the connection to the selected printer is being
checked, a window is displayed, showing the status of the
checking process.
To check all of the printers, select [Check All]. While all of the
printer connections are being checked, a window opens to
show the percentage of checking that has been completed.
NOTE: If an indication of a ne twork problem is displayed, notify
your System Administrator.
3.Using the XDS Plus software
This chapter contains the procedures for accessing the XDS
Plus software on a Xerox printing system from your computer
running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
2000, Windows Mill ennium, XP, a Sun workstation that is runnin g
Solaris 2.6 or 2.8, or from a Macintosh that is running OS X. The
Xerox Document Submi ssion Plus (X DS Plus) sof twar e provides
you with windows you use to select a document file, to set up the
job ticket, and to submit your print job to the printer.
You must satisfy the following prerequis i tes before you use the
XDS Plus software:
•Make sure that the Microsoft Windows, Sun So laris, or
Macintosh software is installed on your workstation. If the
software is in stalled as a shared copy on your network server,
contact your system administrator. The XDS Plus software
runs correctly only when installed on your workstation.
•Know how to use the tools in Windows, Solaris, or Macintosh
to connect to the network disk dr ives or to disconnect from
the drives to which you are currently connected.
•Make sure that the XDS Plus software is installed on your
workstation. Refer to the “Installation Guide” for the
•Know how to save your document as a PDL format file by
using the print-to-file method; or know how to create a valid
TIFF, PDF, or ASCII file.
Using the XDS Plus softwareGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
Accessing the XDS Plus software
The XDS Plus window gives you access to all job setup, printing,
and job management tasks that you can perform on your
Windows or Solaris or Macintosh client. You can access the XDS
Plus software either from files on your workstation, or over the
Internet using the XDS Plus Job Submission Applet.
For the procedure for printing a document using XDS Plus, refer
to “Printing a document,” later in this chapter.
NOTE: The XDS Plus Applet does not run on Internet Explorer
5.0 for Solaris. To run XDS Plus Applet on Solaris, you mu st use
Netscape 6.2.1 for Solari s.
NOTE: Netscape is not supported on Windows applications
Accessing XDS Plus from Windows
Follow these steps to open XDS Plus from Windows:
1. Log on to your network.
2. From your workstation Start menu, select the following
options in the order shown below.
a. [Programs]
b. [Xerox Applications]
c. [XDS Plus Tool Suite <version>]
d. [XDS Plus]
e. [XDS Plus]
Accessing XDS Plus from Solaris
Follow these steps to open XDS Plus from Solaris:
1. Log on to your network.
2. Using File Manager, double-click the [XDS Plus] application
icon, located in the following directory:
/<your home directory>/Xerox_Applications/
3. On the Action: Run window that opens, select [OK]. A Run
window opens.
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesUsing the XDS Plus software
4. Wait f or the XD S Plus window to o pen. Thi s may t ake severa l
Accessing XDS Plus from the Internet
You can open the XDS Plu s w i ndo w on yo ur W indo w s or S olar is
workstation by using the XDS Plus Job Submission Applet from
the Internet. The Applet opens the XDS Plus window and
displays it with your Internet browser. From this XDS Plus
window you perform all the same functions that are av ailable
when you access them from your workstation.
You do not need to instal l XD S P lus on your wor kstation in order
to access it using the Internet.
NOTE: To ensure that you are running the latest version of the
XDS Plus software, you should bypass your Proxy Server, if a
Proxy Server is used) when accessing XDS Plus from the
Internet. See your system administrator for more information.
If the XDS Plus software has been upda ted, you should clear
your browser cache to ensure that the latest version of the XDS
Plus software is downloaded to your workstation. See your
system administrator for more information.
Follow these steps to access XDS Plus from the internet:
1. Open your Internet browser (NetScape or Internet Explorer
version 4 or hi gher).
2. In the address field, enter http://, followed by your printer
host address.
The printer web page opens.
3. On the printer web page, select [Job Submission Applet].
4. If this is the first time you are accessing XDS Plus from the
Internet, a window open s on wh ich yo u are aske d if yo u want
to download Java 2 Runtime Environm ent. Select [Yes].
5. A message window appears, asking you to wait while XDS
Plus loads a Java plu g-in enabled bro wser . Wai t until the XDS
Plus window opens.
From the XDS Plus w indow, you can perform al l the av ailable
job setup and submission functions.
Using the XDS Plus softwareGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
XDS Plus printing process
1. Open the XDS Plus window.
2. Select a printer and print queue from the [Printer] pull down
3. On the Files tab window, make file selections.
4. Set up the print job and jo b ticket paramete rs as required
using the tabs in the Job Settings window.
Select the following t abs to access a nd set up the various job
•Job Notes
•Job Setup
•Image Adjustment
•Image Qual ity
•Special Pages
5. Select [File: Submit] to submit the job.
NOTE: When you are performing the setup procedur es, you can
use <Tab> to move the cursor to the next button or text box in
every window. Holding down <Shift> while pressing <Tab>
causes the cursor to move backward through the items on the
While the job is printing, you can check the job status by
selecting the [Administration] button and view the information.
Refer to “Checking job, printer, and queue status,” later in this
Printer and queue setup
NOTE: The printer discovery file must be set up on your
workstation befo re set ting up the printe r an d queu e. If th e prin ter
discovery file was not added to your workstation during
installation, select the Preferences option from the Options menu
and add the printer discovery file.
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesUsing the XDS Plus software
Printers and their queues fo r XDS Plus printing are set up
automatically when XDS Plus is installed and run. XDS Plus
detects all printing systems with DocuSP controllers running
DocuSP 3.X that are connected to your workstation. You record
the network addresses of these printers in a file called
“printer.disc,” after you install XDS Plus on your workstation.
When you select [Change Printer...] on the XDS Plus window,
the names of the printers that are listed in the printer discovery
file are displayed in the [Printers] section of the Change Printer
window and on the Print Monitor tab.
Selecting a printer and queue
The Change Printer windo w enables you to select a prin ter and a
queue for the job that you want to print, and to view the printer
and queue properties .
Change Printer window components
Printers and
Queues sections
The Change Printer windo w contains two sections:
•Printer: The [Printers] section lists the printers that the
system detects in the printer discovery file when XDS Plus is
started. It al so lists an Unconnected printer and a queue for
supported printers . Refer to “Printer an d queue setup,” earl ier
in this chapter, for further information about this fil e.
The columns in the Printers table display the following
–Name: The name that was given to the printer when it
was installed at your site
–Type: The type or brand of prin ter, such as the Xerox
DocuColor 2060
–Jobs: The number of jobs that have been submitted to
the printer, based on the type of viewing filter that was
most recently selected on the Print Monitor window. For
example, if [Processing Jobs] was selected, the Jobs
number would reflect only the number of jobs that are
currently being processed.
Using the XDS Plus softwareGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
•Queue: The [Queues] section lists the print queues that
have been set up at the printer contro ll er for your sel ecte d
printer . The colum ns in the Queues t able display the following
–Name: Name that was specified for the queue at the
printer controller
–Printer: Name of the printer that is associated with the
–Accept Jobs: Indicates whether or not the queue is
currently accepting jobs
–Release Jobs: Indicates whether or not the queue is
currently set up to release jobs
–Status: What the printer is currently doing, such as
“Printing,” “Stopped,” etc.
NOTE: You are not able to add printers or queues to these lists
at the Change Printer window.
The title of each section is preceded by a number that indicates
how many items are on the list that is displayed there. However, if
you select an ite m in one of the tables, the number chan ges to
reflect the number of that item. For example, if you select a
queue from the Queues list, the number changes to the number
of jobs in that queue.
Resizing the
The [Printers] and [Queues] sections are separated by a splitter
bar. You can drag this bar up and down to increase or decrease
the height of the sections relative to each other.
You can also expand either section to fill the work space of the
Change Printer window by selecting the small, triangular buttons
near the left edge of the splitter bar.
ButtonsThe Change Printer window contains the following buttons:
•Show All Printers: Displays in the Printers section all the
printers that have been specified in the printer discovery file
(printer.disc) and are currently available.
•Show All Queues: Displays in the [Queues] section all
queues that have been created at the controller, for all
printers that have been specified in the printer discovery file
and are currently available.
Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print ServicesUsing the XDS Plus software
•Set Print Path: Confirms your queue selection and closes
the Change Printer window. This button is grayed out unless
a queue is selected.
•Refresh: Updates and redisplays the Printers and Queues
Viewing printer and queue properties
You can view information about printers and queues in the
following ways:
•Select the printer or queue name on the Change Printer
–If you select a printer name, the [Queues] section of the
Change Printer window displays the queues that are
enabled for that printer only.
–If you select a queue name, the [Printers] section of the
Change Printer window displays only the printer that
contains that queue.
You can select multiple printer or queue names by holding
down the <Control> or <Shift> key while selecting the items.
If you select more than one printer or queue, the other
window displays the queues or printers for all the items that
you selected.
•Open the Properties window for the desired queue or printer
by following these steps:
1. Select [Change Printer] on the XDS Plus window. The
Change Printer window opens.
2. In the [Printers] or [Queues] section on the Change
Printer window, double-select the name of the printer or
queue. Or, right-select on a printer or queue and select
[Properties]. The read-only Properties window opens for
the selected queue or printer.
3. When you are finished viewing the information, select
[Close] to clo se the Properties window.
NOTE: You can also access individual printer and queue
information from the Printers and Queues lists on the Print
Monitor tab window, which you display by selecting
[Administratio n] on the XDS Plus window.
Using the XDS Plus softwareGuide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
Selecting a printer and queue
Follow these steps to select a printer and print queue for your
1. On the XDS Plus window, select [Change Printe r] to open the
Change Printer window.
2. If the queue that you want is not displayed in the [Queue]
section, select [Show All Queues].
3. In the [Queue] section, select the name o f the queue to which
you want to send the job.
The Printers section displays the name of the printer that is
associated with the queu e that you selected.
4. Select [Set Print Path] to con firm your selectio n and close the
Change Printer window.
NOTE: This can also be performed using the Printer menu and
select [Change Queue].
Selecting a printer and queue
The Change Printer windo w enables you to select a prin ter and a
queue for the job that you want to print, and to view the printer
and queue properties .
Change Printer window components
Printers and
Queues sections
The Change Printer windo w contains two sections:
•Printers: The [Printers] section lists the printers that the
system detects in the printer discovery file when XDS Plus is
started. It al so lists an Unconnected printer and a queue for
supported printers . Refer to “Printer an d queue setup,” earl ier
in this chapter, for further information about this fil e.
The columns in the Printers table display the following
–Name: The name that was given to the printer when it
was installed at your site
–Type: The type or brand of prin ter, such as the Xerox
DocuColor 2060
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