Performance at 28VDC & 25ºC (continued)
Parameter Symbol Min Nom Max Units
IMD Variation – 100 kHz to 25 MHz tone spacing
1.0 2.0 dB
2nd Harmonic at 60W P
(single tone)
3rd Harmonic at 60W P
(single tone)
Group (Signal) Delay
1.8 ns
Transmission Phase Flatness
0.6 1.0 degrees
Drain Efficiency at 12.5W W-CDMA Output
20 22 %
W-CDMA ACPR at 4.8W Pout (single channel) (1)
-46 dBc
W-CDMA ACPR at 7.6W Pout (single channel) (1)
-44 dBc
W-CDMA ACPR at 12.0W Pout (single channel) (1)
-39 dBc
W-CDMA A CPR at 2.4W Pout (2 channels at 10MHz) (1)
-45 dBc
W-CDMA ACPR at 3.8W Pout (2 channels at 10MHz) (1)
-44 dBc
W-CDMA ACPR at 6.0W Pout (2 channels at 10MHz) (1)
-42 dBc
W-CDMA Alt 1 at 2.4W Pout (2 channels at 10MHz) (1)
-43 dBc
W-CDMA Alt 1 at 3.8W Pout (2 channels at 10MHz) (1)
-39 dBc
W-CDMA Alt 1 at 6.0W Pout (2 channels at 10MHz) (1)
-37 dBc
(1) W-CDMA test waveform used is 3GPP Test Model 1, 64DHCP, 10.5dB Peak to Average ratio.
This QuikPAC module requires an externally supplied gate voltage (VGS) on the gate leads (pins 1 and 5) to set the
operating point (quiescent current - IDQ) of the power transistors. VGS may be safely set to any voltage in the range listed in
the table. The data provided in the Performance section of this data sheet was obtained with IDQ set to a value within the
range shown (a nominal value ±10%). Since the operating characteristics of the module will vary as IDQ changes, the bias
to be used will depend on the application.
Gate voltage must be applied coincident with or after application of the drain voltage to prevent potentially destructive
oscillations. Bias voltages should never be applied to a module without RF terminations on input and output.
The VGS corresponding to a specific IDQ will vary from module to module.. This is due to the normal die-to-die variation in
threshold voltage of LDMOS transistors.
Since the gate bias of an LDMOS transistor changes with device temperature, it may be necessary to use a VGS supply
with thermal compensation if operation over a wide temperature range is required.
Internal RF decoupling is included on all bias leads. No additional bypass elements are required, however some
applications may require energy storage on the drain leads to accommodate time -varying waveforms.
The RF leads are internally protected against DC voltages up to 100V. Care should be taken to avoid video transients that
may damage the active devices.