18 PB(1) Input/Output/Analog
Input-Output-Analog of Port B/
PWM output
19 PB(2) Input/Output/Analog Input-Output-Analog of Port B
20 PB(3) SOU Input/Output/Analog
Input-Output-Analog of Port B,
Output pin of USRT
21 PB(4) SCL Input/Output/Analog
Input-Output-Analog of Port B/
Clock pin of USRT
22 PB(5) SIN Input/Output/Analog
Input-Output-Analog of Port B/
Data input or input-output pin of USRT
23 PB(6) Tx Input/Output/Analog
Input-Output-Analog of Port B/
Emission pin of UART
24 PB(7) Rx Input/Output/Analog
Input-Output-Analog of Port B/
Reception pin of UART
25 DAB_R_p Analog Positive reference of bias DAC
26 DAB_R_m Analog Negative reference of bias DAC
27 DAB_Out Analog Output of bias DAC
28 DAB_AO_p Analog Highest potential output of bias DAC buffer
29 DAB_AO_m Analog Lowest potential output of bias DAC buffer
30 DAB_AI_p Analog Positive input of bias DAC buffer
31 DAB_AI_m Analog Negative input of bias DAC buffer
32 Not connected Spare pins to be connected to negative power supply
33 TEST/Vhigh Vhigh Special Test mode/High voltage for MTP programming
34 Not connected Spare pins to be connected to negative power supply
35 AC_R(3) Analog Highest potential node for 2nd reference of ADC
36 AC_R(2) Analog Lowest potential node for 2nd reference of ADC
37 AC_A(7) Analog ADC input node
38 AC_A(6) Analog ADC input node
39 AC_A(5) Analog ADC input node
40 AC_A(4) Analog ADC input node
41 AC_A(3) Analog ADC input node
42 AC_A(2) Analog ADC input node
43 AC_A(1) Analog ADC input node
44 AC_A(0) Analog ADC input node
45 AC_R(1) Analog Highest potential node for 1st reference of ADC
46 AC_R(0) Analog Lowest potential node for 1st reference of ADC
47-50 Not connected Spare pins to be connected to negative power supply
51 DAS_Out Analog Output of signal DAC
52 DAS_AI_p Analog Positive input of signal DAC buffer
53 DAS_AI_m Analog Negative input of signal DAC buffer
54 DAS_AO Analog Output of signal DAC buffer
55 Vbat Power Positive power supply
56 Vss Power Negative power supply, connected to substrate
57 Vss_Reg Power Digital negative power supply, must be equal to Vss
58 Vreg Analog Regulated supply
59 Not connected Spare pins to be connected to negative power supply
60 Vmult Analog Pad for optional voltage multiplier capacitor
61 RESET Input Reset pin (active high)
62 OscOut ptck Analog/Input
Connection to Xtal/
Peripheral clock for test and MTP program min g
63 OscIn ck_cr Analog/Input
Connection to Xtal/
CoolRISC clock for test and MTP programming
64 - - Do not connect, or VSS
Second function
Table 1.2: Pin-out of the XE88LC05 in TQFP64