7 No Connection
8 DC1 DC1 and DC2 control the performance of the loop current holding circuit. A jumper between
DC1 and DC2 limits the DC loop current to 60 milliamps as required for CTR21. An open
circuit between DC1 and DC2 allows loop currents up to 100 milliamps as required for North
America and Japan. A resistor may be placed between DC1 and DC2 to adjust DC off-hook
impedance to meet unique country requirements.
9: DC2 DC1 and DC2 control the performance of the loop current holding circuit. A jumper between
DC1 and DC2 limits the DC loop current to 60 milliamps as required CTR21. An open circuit
between DC1 and DC2 allows loop currents up to 100 milliamps.
10 Ground Ground provides the reference voltage for all host interface signals.
11 VCC VCC provides operating power to the XEV90C. VCC must equal five volts plus or minus 10
12 OH(-) OH(-) controls the switch-hook within the XEV90C with an active low input. If the user wishes
to use an active high device to drive the switch-hook, Pin 16 provides the active high switch-
hook control. Activating OH(-) closes the internal switch-hook and seizes the local telephone
line. OH(+) must remain open when OH(-) is in use.
13 Mute(-) Mute(-) provides an active low input for low impedance pulse dialing or for meeting the
minimum transitional impedance required by CTR21. Presenting a low impedance while pulse
dialing is a requirement of several European countries including, Germany, France and Italy.
CTR21 does not regulate pulse dialing. European pulse dialing requirements continue to be set
by the individual countries.
14 T2 T2 in conjunction with T1 provides the differential input/output for the analog signal.
15 T1 T1 in conjunction with T2 provides the differential input/output for the analog signal.
16 OH(+) OH(+) controls the switch-hook within the XEV90C with an active high input. If the user
wishes to use an active low device to drive the switch-hook, Pin 12 provides the active low
switch-hook control. Activating OH(+) closes the internal switch-hook and seizes the local tele-
phone line. OH(-) must remain open when (OH+) is in use.
17 No connection
18 RI(-) RI(-) indicates the presence of an incoming ring (Ring Indication) or a drop in the Battery
Voltage on the local telephone line (Connect Detection). RI(-) is an active low signal. RI(-)
provides a square wave representation of the ring signal present on the telephone line. This
permits the host to intelligently monitor the local telephone line.
RI(-) also communicates the availability of the local telephone line with the Connect Detect
Feature. When the Battery Voltage on T ip and Ring drops below twenty volts, RI(-) switches to
high level to indicate the local telephone line is not available for use.
XEV90C Pin Descriptions (continued)