XECOM (4) XE5620G
8 /TXD /TXD provides the path for transmitted data and modem commands to be passed from the host
terminal equipment to the modem.
9 /RI The /RI signal reports on the presence of an incoming ring signal. When a ring occurs across
Tip and Ring, the /RI output goes low and toggles with the cadence of the ring signal..
1 0 Ground Ground provides the reference voltage for all host interface signals.
11 SPKR SPKR allows connection of a speaker to monitor modem operations. SPKR cannot directly
drive a speaker. An amplifier with a minimum input impedance of 300 ohms is required. The
signal on SPKR is controlled by the ATL and ATM commands.
12-13 N/C No internal connection
1 4 VCC VCC provides 3.3 volt power to the modem.
1 5 N/C No Internal Connection
16-19 NP No Pin
20-21 N/C No Internal Connection
2 2 Tip The Ring and Tip signals provide modem the connection to the telephone line. FCC Part 68
Rules require a 1500 volt isolation barrier between the telephone line and all other circuits.
This isolation must be preserved throughout the system.
The telephone company places a DC “Battery” voltage across Tip and Ring on all public switched
telephone lines. The XE5620G will operate regardless of the polarity of this “Battery” voltage.
The “Battery” voltage drives up to 100 milliamps of DC loop current.
UL60950 requires minimum creepage and clearances distances be maintained between the
Tip and Ring traces and all other circuits. Clearance is the shortest distance between conductive
circuits; creepage is the distance between conductive surfaces along the surface
23 N/C No internal connection, To prevent damage in case of voltage surges on the telephone line, we
recommend that nothing be connected to this pin.
2 4 Ring The Ring and Tip signals provide modem the connection to the telephone line. FCC Part 68
Rules require a 1500 volt isolation barrier between the telephone line and all other circuits.
This isolation must be preserved throughout the system.
The telephone company places a DC “Battery” voltage across Tip and Ring on all public switched
telephone lines. The XE5620G will operate regardless of the polarity of this “Battery” voltage.
The “Battery” voltage drives up to 100 milliamps of DC loop current.
UL60950 requires minimum creepage and clearances distances be maintained between the
Tip and Ring traces and all other circuits. Clearance is the shortest distance between conductive
circuits; creepage is the distance between conductive surfaces along the surface.
XE5620G Pin Descriptions (continued)