3 RXD O Serial data output to the DTE (i.e. external UART). A logic "high represents
a "mark" and a logic "low" represents a "space", TTL.
9 \DTR I Data Terminal Ready, input, active Low, TTL. The function of this pin is set
by the &D command. Normally the modem ignores DTR.
11 \CTS O Clear to Send, output, active Low, TTL/CMOS. This pin regulates the flow
of data from the DTE during hardware flow control.
13 TXD I Serial data input from the DTE (i.e. external UART). A logic "high"
represents a "mark" and a low represents a"space", TTL.
14 \RTS I Request to Send, input, active Low, TTL. This signal regulates the flow of
data from the modem during hardware flow control.
16 \RI O Ring Indicator, output, active Low, TTL. When low indicates the modem is
receiving a ring signal.
19 TIP — Tip connection to the phone line(RJ11 pin3) from the internal DAA.
20 RING — Ring connection to the phone line(RJ11 pin4) from the internal DAA.
Caution: Observe design rules for Tip & Ring trace layout
21 GND — Ground (0 volts)
22 AMP O Audio output function is determined by L & M commands and the value in
register S22. This output can drive a 50Kohm load.
30 OH O DAA hookswitch relay is closed in the "off-hook" position connecting the
DAA to the telephone line.
36 RESET I Hardware reset pin, active High, TTL. Use of an external reset is not
recommended. Any signal applied to Pin 36 must remain high for a
minimum of 100 milliseconds.
38 \DCD O Data Carrier Detect, output, active Low, TTL/CMOS. Function is set by the
&C command and the value in register S21.
39 \DSR O Data Set Ready, output, active Low, TTL/CMOS. Function is set by the &S
command and the value in register S21.
40 Vcc — +5 Volts
XE2814 XECOM\3
Pin Descriptions