Pin Descriptions
13 N/C No Connection
14 T2 T2 in conjunction with T1 provides the differential input/output for the analog signal. T2 connects
directly to the secondary side of the miniature line transformer embedded into the XE014JS. To match
the impedance of the DAA to the 600 ohm telephone line, a 340 ohm resistor must be connected in
series with T1 or T2.
15 T1 T1 in conjunction with T2 provides the differential input/output for the analog signal. T1 connects
directly to the secondary side of the miniature line transformer embedded into the XE014JS. To match
the impedance of the DAA to the 600 ohm telephone line, a 340 ohm resistor must be connected in
series with T1 or T2.
16 OH(+) Switch-hook control to the modem. OH(+) provides an active high input for controlling the switch
hook. When pin 16 is active, the switch-hook closes and the XE014JS seizes the local telephone line.
OH(+) should remain open when using OH(-).
The host can pulse OH(+) line to perform rotary dialing. The normal pulse rate is ten pulses per second.
Closing the switch-hook creates these pulses. Dial one pulse for the digit one to ten pulses for the digit
zero. The pulses on OH(+) must be asymmetrical, active for thirty-one milliseconds, inactive for sixty-
nine milliseconds. An inter-digit delay of at least one hundred milliseconds is required.
17 RI(+) Ring Indicate output from the modem. RI(+) is an active high output. RI(+) provides a square wave
representation of the Ring signal present across Tip and Ring. This permits intelligent monitoring of
the incoming ring. The XE014JS recognizes ring voltages of thirty-eight to one hundred fifty volts
RMS in the frequency range of sixteen to sixty-eight Hertz. When using RI(+), a 20K pull-down
resistor is required on Pin 17 and Pin 18, RI(-), must be tied to ground.
18 RI(-) Ring Indicate output from the modem. RI(-) is an active low output. RI(-) provides a square wave
representation of the Ring signal present across Tip and Ring. This permits intelligent monitoring
of the incoming ring. The XE014JS recognizes ring voltages of thirty-eight to one hundred fifty
volts RMS in the frequency range of sixteen to sixty-eight Hertz. When using RI(-), a 20K pull-up
resistor is required on Pin 18 and Pin 17, RI(+), must be applied to VCC.