User Manual
Version: 1.1
Page: 5 / 29
3 Safety Guide
The XBody Training Suit is intended as a training and exercise appliance for muscle
conditioning in conjunction with the XBody Training® functioning on the basis of electronic
stimulations applied to various muscle groups through the use of electrodes contained in the training
suit. Follow the instructions in this manual to assure proper training and safety operation to the user.
In addition if you connect the Training Suit to an EMS device all contraindications and safety regulations
of the EMS device shall be taken into account. Be aware that improper use of this equipment can cause
injury. XBody Hungary LLC does not take the responsibility where user negligence or improper use of
the equipment has occurred.
3.1 Where never to apply the electrodes
On the head or any area of the face. The effects of stimulation of the brain are unknown.
On the neck or any area of the throat. Severe spasm of the muscles may occur and the
contractions may be strong enough to close the airway or cause difficulty in breathing.
Electrodes used for electrical stimulation should not be applied near the thorax because the
introduction of electrical current on this part of the body increases the risk of cardiac
On, or in the vicinity of skin lesions or eruptions of any kind.
Over the abdominal region during menstruation periods.
On skin areas lacking of normal sensation.
It is not recommended to change the locations or modify the containment of the
electrodes within the training suit at all!
3.2 Safety regulations
Electrodes should be applied only to normal, intact, clean skin. Electrodes should not be
applied over open wounds or over swollen, infected, or inflamed areas or skin eruptions
(e.g., phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.).
The electrodes must be connected to the muscle groups in their original place in the training
suit and they must be fixed with Velcro straps.
Electrodes must be slicked to the body with their whole surface. A partial connection can
increase the current density and it can result in pain or skin irritation.
Only undamaged electrode cables are permitted to be connected to the training suit.
Do not unplug wires or cables during training. You must stop or pause the training if you
want to do so.
Do not connect or disconnect electrodes during the training. You must stop or pause the
training if you want to do so.
3.3 Precautions
Some persons may experience skin irritation or hypersensitivity due to the electrical
This device should only be used with the original accessories (cable whip, etc.) and together
with an XBody EMS machine to assure safe and efficient trainings.
Never set damaged suit in operation. In case you observe damage, unusual smell or fuming
immediately inform the helpdesk of XBody Hungary LLC.
Do not try to repair or manipulate the suit anyways because the warranty is left off in case of
unintended use.