XAVi X8122r User Manual

X8122r User’s Manual Version 1.0
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X8122r User’s Manual Version 1.0
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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
CChhaapptteerr 11 –– GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
I. Overview……………………………………………………………………………………. 5
II. Features………………………………………………………………………………….….6
III. Packaging……………………………………………………………………………….….. 7
IV. Appearance…………………………………………………………………………….…... 8
Front Panel……………………………….…………………………………………….…... 8
Rear Panel………………………………………………….…………..…………….……. 9
V. Hardware Installation…………………….………………………………………….…… 10
VI. Management………………………………………………………………………….…... 11
VII. Default Values……………………………………………………………………….……. 12
VIII. Software Upgrade………………………………………………………………………... 13
IX. Console Setup……………………………………………………………………….…… 14
CChhaapptteerr 22 –– WWeebb IInntteerrffaaccee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt
I. Overview……………………………..…………………………………………...………. 15
II. Preparation…………………………………………..……………….…..…….………… 15
III. Login……..……………………………………………..…………...…...….………….… 16
A. Home………..…………………………………….…………..…….…………….… 17
B. LAN………………………………………….………………………………………. 18
C. WAN…………………………………………………………………………………. 21
D. Bridging……………………………………………………………………………… 29
E. Routing………………………………………………………………………………. 30
F. Services………………………………………………………………………………32
G. Admin………………………………………………………………………………... 41
CChhaapptteerr 33 –– QQuuiicckk PPrroottooccooll SSeettuupp
Overview………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 47
A. RFC 1483 Bridge………..………………………………………………….……… 48
B. PPPoE Route Configuration………………………………………….…………... 51
C. RFC 1483 + NAT.………………………………………………………….………. 52
D. PPPoA Route Configuration…………………………..………………….…….… 55
E. IPoA Route Configuration……….….…………………..………………….……... 58
F. DHCP Configuration…….………..……………………..…………………….…... 60
G. NAT Configuration..………………………………………..…………..………….. 62
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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
AAppppeennddiixx AA –– SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
A1. Hardware Specifications..…………………………………………………………….... 64
A2. Software Specifications……….………………………………………………………... 65
AAppppeennddiixx BB –– WWaarrrraannttiieess
B1. Product Warranty………………………………………………….…………………….. 66
B2. Warranty Repair……………………………………………………………………….… 67
B3. Out-of-Warranty Repair. ………………………….………………………………….… 67
AAppppeennddiixx CC –– RReegguullaattiioonnss
C1. FCC Part 15 Notice…………………………………………………….………..……… 68
C2. IC CS-03 Notice……….……………………………………………………………….…69
CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioon
……………………………………………………………………. 70
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RReevviissiioonn MMaarrkkss
Revision Date Notes
V 1.0
July 16, 2003
Software: 3.904CHTO.8122A
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Chapter 1
Getting Started
I. Overview
X8122r is multi-mode ADSL Router, compliant with ANSIT1.413 Issue 2, ITU G.992.1 (G.dmt) Annex A/B, G.992.2 (G.lite). X8122r provides high-speed Internet access via one WAN port over ATM over ADSL, and also connects to a corporate network via four-10/100BaseT Ethernet ports. Interchangeable between both routing and bridging, X8122r offers convenient configuration and management. X8122r allows service providers to deploy ADSL rapidly over existing wire infrastructure (POTS or ISDN line).
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II. Features
High Speed Asymmetrical Data Transmission on a Single
Twisted Copper Pair.
Full rate operations up to 8Mbps downstream and up to 1Mbps
upstream. G.lite operation up to 1.5Mbps downstream and 512Kbps upstream.
Four-10/100BaseT Ethernet Switch Hub for a PC or LAN
DHCP server support for easy LAN IP address management.
Supports PPPoE (RFC2516), PPP (RFC2364), and IP (RFC
2225/RFC1577) over ATM over ADSL.
Supports RFC2684 (RFC1483) Bridged/Routed for both
Allows LAN users to access the Internet through Network
Address Translation (NAT, IP sharing) simultaneously.
Local OAM&P through command line interface via RJ-45
Ethernet port or RS-232 Craft port (optional).
Configuration and management via local Telnet through the
four Ethernet port interfaces, and remote Telnet through the ADSL interface.
Supports applications such as TFTP, DHCP, Telnet, HTTP,
and FTP.
Firmware upgradeable through FTP.
Interoperability complies with TR-48, U-R2.
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III. Packaging
This package consists of the following items:
X8122r ADSL device unit
RJ-45 Cable
RJ-11 Cable
AC Adapter
User’s Manual Floppy Disk
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IV. Appearance
Front Panel
Label LED
Color Description
Blinking Green Training with DSLAM.
ON Green ADSL link is ready.
ON Green Ethernet transmitting/receiving.
3 LAN 1 ON Green Ethernet port 1X connected. 4 LAN 2 ON Green Ethernet port 2X connected. 5 LAN 3 ON Green Ethernet port 3X connected. 6 LAN 4 ON Green Ethernet port 4X connected. 7 PWR ON Green Power supply is connected.
Blinking Red Booting up.
ON Red Error.
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7
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Rear Panel
Label Description
1 ON/OFF Power switch. 2 PWR Power jack; connect to a power adapter.
Serial port; connect to an ASCII data terminal.
4 1X~4X RJ-45 port; connect to a PC or LAN. 5 RES
Reset the modem back to factory settings by holding down on this button.
RJ-11 port; connect to the ADSL outlet.
2 3 4 1 5 6
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V. Hardware Installation
1. Connect one end of the ADSL cable to the WAN port of
and the other end to the ADSL wall outlet.
2. Use a RJ-45 cable to connect one end to the Ethernet port of X8122r, and the other end to the LAN or a PC with an Ethernet adapter installed.
3. Use a 9-pin RS-232 cable to connect the Console port to a serial port of a terminal such as PC with data terminal emulation software (Hyper Terminal) installed, in order for local management.
4. Plug in the AC adapter to the AC power socket, and the other end into the PWR inlet of X8122r.
ADSL Outlet
Power Supply
Management Terminal
3 4
Be sure to use a RJ-45 crossover cable while connecting to a hub.
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VI. Management
X8122r supports simple, flexible, and easy-to-operate methods for management purposes. X8122r can be managed via the following paths:
Console port – use the RS-232 cable for connecting
X8122r to a console terminal or a PC running a terminal emulation program, such as Hyper Terminal. (For further
details, See Chapter 1: IX Console Setup)
Local Ethernet Port (Telnet) – connect the Ethernet port to
your local area network or to directly to a PC. “Telne t” X8122r from any workstation in the LAN. The default local Ethernet IP address is “”.
Local Ethernet Port (Web Browser) – connect the Ethernet
port to your local area network or directly to a PC. Launch your web browser and enter default local Ethernet IP address “” into the address bar.
ADSL Port from Remote Site – while the ADSL connection
is in service, you may remotely “Telnet” X8122r from a workstation connected to the CO equipment.
Note: As operating an ADSL device requires technical know-how and experience. It is recommended that only qualified technical staffs manage X8122r. Therefore, a password authentication is required when you enter the web interface. To obtain the password, see the Default Values section.
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VII. Default Values
X8122r is pre-configured with the following parameters; you may also re-load the default parameters by rebooting the router into the Default configuration from the web browser.
Default Mode: Bridge Login Name: admin
Password: admin
Bridge Mode Setting WAN and ADSL
Ethernet (local) IP: Local Line Code: Auto
Subnet Mask: Trellis Mode: Enable
Full Duplex: Auto FDM Mode: Fdm
Protocol: RFC1483, Bridge Mode Coding Gain: Auto
VPI/VCI: 8/35 Transmit Power Atten: 0dB
Class (QoS): UBR
Spanning Tree: Disable
Packet Filter: Any
Router Mode Setting DHCP Server: Disable
Ethernet (local) IP: DNS Relay: Disable
Subnet Mask:
Note: The User Name and Password are case-sensitive.
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VIII. Software Upgrade
You may easily upgrade X8122r embedded software by obtaining the compressed upgrade kit from the service provider then following the steps:
1. Extract the ZIP file for updated firmware.
2. Connect X8122r via one of the four local ports or remote ADSL link. Make sure that X8122r 4 port IP address and your terminal are properly configured, then you can successfully “ping” X8122r. The default local IP address is
3. Under DOS prompt, execute FTP command “open <IP address of X8122r>”, then input user name and password.
4. Execute upload command “put tepatch.bin“.
5. This upgrading process might last as long as 60 seconds.
6. Then reboot X8122r with new software.
Note 1: X8122r software may also be upgraded through the web interface. See Chapter 2: G. Admin, 3. Image Upgrade
Note 2: Strictly maintain stable power to X8122r while upgrading its software. If the power fails during the upgrading process, contents in the memory could be destroyed, and the system may hang. In such a case, you must call the dealer or system integrator for repairs.
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IX. Console Setup
Connect the RS-232 console port to an ASCII data terminal or a PC with Widows serial Terminal mode of VT-100 (Hyper Terminal). To Start the Hyper-terminal, follow the steps below.
1. Start "Hyper-terminal" program
On Windows 98/NT
Click on the Start button Programs Accessories Hyper Terminal Group Double Click Hypertrm.exe Enter Connection Name Select Icon Click OK.
2. Select COM port to communicate with the modem
Choose direct to COM1 or COM2 click OK.
3. Set Port Properties
Port Setting:
Bit per second: 38400
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 2
Parity bits: None
Flow Control: None
Function, arrow, and ctrl keys act as: Windows keys
Emulation: Auto-detect
Back-scroll buffer lines: 500
ASCII Setup:
Echo typed characters locally
Line delay: 0 milliseconds
Character line feeds incoming line ends: enable
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Chapter 2
Web Interface Management
I. Overview
The Web management is provided in order to manage the ADSL device as easily as possible. It provides a very user-friendly configuration and graphical interface through a Web based platform. You can configure a bridge or a router, as you feel appropriate. In the section below, each configuration item is described in detail.
II. Preparation
1) Please refer the hardware installation procedure to install modem.
2) You should configure the PC to the same IP subnet as the modem. For example: The modem:
Your PC: 192.168.1.x
3) Let your PC access the modem, and make sure that the PING function is working properly. The default IP address of this modem could be found in the default settings section.
4) Open the Web browser (Internet explorer or Netscape), enter the default IP address “” for the website address to access the web management page.
5) The Login dialog box will pop up first.
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III. Login
The window Enter Network Password will pop up while starting
the configuration. With the window open, type admin for both the Username and the Password. You can also edit the Username and Password or add new users. (For further details, see G. Admin: 1. User Config)
After you log into the web interface, you will notice that it is divided
into seven different sections, or tabs. From this point on, each tab is described in detail along with instructions for configuration. The seven tabs are:
A. Home B. LAN C. WAN D. Bridging E. Routing F. Services G. Admin
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After logging in, the first tab that will be displayed is the Home tab.
Under this tab, the System View page is displayed. This page displays a summary of the interfaces and their settings.
This page is divided into five sections. The table below describes
each section.
Section Name Description
Device Displays model name, hardware/software
version, device mode, uptime, current time, time zone, daylight savings time, and domain name.
DSL Displays operation status, last state, DSL
version, and DSL standard.
WAN Interface Displays the WAN interface name,
sulation type, IP address, subnet mask,
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lower interface, VPI/VCI values, and operational status.
LAN Interface Displays the LAN interface name, MAC
address, IP address, subnet mask, lower interface, transmission speed, duplex type and operational status.
Services Summary Displays the interface name, and
enabled/disabled features, such as: NAT, IP filter, RIP, DHCP relay, DHCP client, DHCP server, and IGMP.
To add, change, or remove any of the interface settings, click on
the interface name.
Click on the Modify button to set the device date, time, time zone,
and other related settings. Click on the Submit button when completed.
Click on the LAN tab to view its sub-menu’s and configure the LAN settings. The four sub-menu’s are: LAN Config, DHCP Mode, DHCP Server, and DHCP Relay. Each sub-menu is described below.
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1. LAN Config
Click on the LAN Config link to change the LAN IP address/ subnet mask, decide where the LAN is getting its IP address from, and enable or disable IGMP. Follow the steps below in order to set up the LAN.
I. Get LAN Address: Select Manual if you would like to enter
your own IP address. Select External DHCP Server if a DHCP server other than this device assigns the IP addresses. Select Internal DHCP Server if you would like this device to assign the IP addresses.
II. LAN IP Address: Enter the LAN IP address into these text
III. LAN Network Mask: Enter the subnet mask of the LAN IP
address into these text boxes.
IGMP: Depending on your ISP’s settings, choose to enable or disable IGMP.
V. Click on the Submit button when completed.
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2. DHCP Mode
Click on the DHCP Mode link to select a DHCP setting. From the drop down list, select DHCP Server, DHCP Relay, or None. Click on the Submit button when completed.
3. DHCP Server
Click on the DHCP Server link to view the DHCP Server settings. The table displays the DHCP server settings, this includes: start IP, end IP, domain name, gateway address, and status. Click on the Add button to enable a DHCP server and fill in the IP information based on your ISP settings.
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4. DHCP Relay
Click on the DHCP Relay link to view the DHCP Relay settings. Fill in the DHCP server IP address in the text boxes and select an interface name from the dorp down list, then click on the Add button to complete the DHCP Relay configuration.
Click on the WAN tab to view its sub-menu’s and configure the WAN settings. The five sub-menu’s are: DSL, ATM VC, PPP, EOA, and IPOA. Each sub-menu is described below.
1. DSL
Click on the DSL link to view the DSL status. Click on the DSL
Param button to view the DSL parameters and the Stats button to view the DSL statistics. Both the DSL Parameters and DSL Statistics are described below.
Click on the Clear button to clear and refresh the DSL status. You
may also change the page refresh rate by selecting a different time period from the Refresh Rate drop down list.
+ 49 hidden pages