Item Model
Suggestion for the rang e of
tire pressure. (kg/ cm2)
Rema rk
Home use car Seden/hatchback car 2.2-2.5
Home use car SUV 2.2-2.5
bicycle home use bicycle 3.5-5.0
bicycle Road cycling 5.6-9.1
Please follow the
air pressure
standard of car tire
Please follow the
air pressure
standard of tire
Warranty Card
This p roduct from sale or g earing of press contr act to
agre ement from day the free main tenance in term fix .
Belo ng to the one of the f ollowing circum stances,
prac tices to charge to fix, chan ge piece:
1. Ple ase charge po we r for the bat te r y before usin g.
2. In orde r to p ro tect and ex te nd the batter y a nd air pump l ife, we do
not reco mmend use t he air pump c onstant ly for long t ime. It sha ll be
stoppe d for 3 minutes and star t aga in afte r 8 minutes con tinuo us
3. Never e xpose the a ir pump or batt ery to wet cold en vironment like
water, rain, fros t, snow below -20℃ a nd hot loca tions abo ve 5 0℃.
As well as n ot charging t he batter y in hu mid and wet p laces.
4. Children are forbi dden from ope rating th e air pump an d playi ng the
air pump access ories in un attende d situati on. Pleas e store the air
pump awa y from chil dren when cha rg ing.
5. Ple ase remove the batt ery from the dev ice if non- use for l ong time.
Chargi ng the batter y at le ast one tim e per 3 mon ths.
1. Prote ct the product t hat fix t he period expires;
2. Did n ot press manua l request the op eration but damag e;
3. Bec ause accident fac tor or us ages are not appro priate but
dama ge;
4. Hav ing not yet my company ad mits, dismantli ng to unl oad
to fix to result in t he damage by onesel f ;
Produ ct
Date of
Purch as e
Numbe r
Selle r
Invoi ce
Numbe r
Suggestion for tire pressure