To make a call (Pre Dialling ):
1. Enter your destination number and press KE Y_T ALK.
If you make a mistake, press Clear (KEY_SOFT_2).
2. Press KEY_TALK to dial out.
To make a call (Manual Dialling):
1. Press KEY_TALK to get the dial ton e.
2. Enter your destination number.
Options Clear
Handset 1
Select Back
Send Message
Options Clear
Handset 1
Mute Contact
Handset 1
. . . 11455894460
Mute Contact
Handset 1
. . . 11455894460
Mute Contact
Handset 1
SunCorp UK
Mute Contact
Handset 1
- If KEY_TALK is not pressed to dial the digits and no further
digit is dialled - when the display timeouts it returns to idle
with no dialled digits.
- In both manual and preparat ory dialling , digits ar e dialled
as they are entered. No cursor is presented .
- To insert a pause in pre-dial mode, press and hold K E Y _ UP
and a P will appe ar on t he scr ee n.
- Recall, * and # can be entered with a short press on
relevant key.
- During preparatory d ialling, pr ess Optio ns (KEY _SOFT_1) -
user can choose to save t he number to phonebook , or, send
a text message to the number dialled (see screen D1).
- In preparatory dialling the numb er being entered for dialling
is presented over two lines. Once the in call screen is
presented, only one line is used to display the number, with
the three dots displayed at the beginning of the number t o
indicate more of the number scr olling off to the lef t (see
screen D5 and D 6).
- If the number dial led m atc hes an en tr y in t he p hone boo k
the name is displayed (see screen D2 ).
If there is no name ma tch , a s ingle lin e of dig its i s
displayed with three dots to the left of the number to
highlight there are more dig its at t he b egi nnin g of the
number .
- If entering digits takes the content up to the maximum of
32 allowed in the field, further CCITT button presses are
ignored, along with the e rro r t one.
- The call time r will be disp layed 2 second s a ft er KE Y_ TAL K
is pressed starting at 00:01 (see scr een D6 ).
- If the call timer is replaced by other screens during a call,
the t ime r will continue to c ount in t he b ackg ro und. When
the timer is displayed again, t he increme nted time is
To make a call in Handsfree Mo de:
1. Press KEY_TALK twice to get the dial tone.
2. Enter your destination number. Your call can be heard
over the handset's loudspeaker .
Note: A small spe aker icon will ap pear on dis play dashb oar d
(see screen D 3).
To make a call from local Contact List :
1. Pr ess KE Y _D OW N to enter your local contact.
2. Pr ess K EY _ UP or KEY _ DO WN to highlight the contact
you want to ca ll.
3. Press KE Y_T ALK to dial out.
To make a call fr om Calls Lis t:
1. Press Menu (KEY_SOFT_1) to enter the menu list.
Text Messaging is highlighted.
2. Press KEY_ DOW N to Calls List menu an d p res s Select
(KE Y _ S O F T _ 1 ).
3. Press KE Y_U P or KEY_D OWN to highlight the calls
list yo u want.
4. Press KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN to highlig ht t he e ntry
you want to ca ll.
5. Press KE Y_T ALK to dial out.
To answer an incoming call:
1. Press KE Y_T ALK to answer, or
2. If Auto Talk is set to ON you can simply pick up your
handset from the cradle to take the call.
Handset 1
External Call
Handset 1
External Call
SunCorp UK
Mute Contact
Handset 1
External Call
Mute Contact
Handset 1
SunCorp UK
- During the ringing of an in coming call - it is p ossible to
silent the ringer on your handset by pressing Quiet
(K E Y _ SO F T _1 ).
If Quiet (KE Y _S O FT _ 1) is selected on an incoming cal l
screen (see scr een D7 or D9) , th e ha nds et r ing er f or t hat
handset is temporar ily switched off and the Quiet
(KEY _ SO F T _1 ) label is removed . The call con tinues to b e
displayed on the sc reen and will still be announ ced
audibly at any other handsets and the base. Once the
handset reverts to idle, the r inger is s witched b ack on.