XMC™ digital power explorer kit
with XMC4200 and XMC1300
Quick Start Guide
The XMC™ digital power explorer kit is an evaluation board that introduces the user into digital power
control with Infineon’s XMC4000 and XMC1000 families of ARM® Cortex®-M microcontrollers. It is comprised
of a power board featuring a synchronous buck converter. Two dierent control cards can be connected to
the power board:
XMC4200 control card with HRPWM peripheral and ARM® Cortex®-M4 core for high performance
XMC1300 control card with XMC™ peripherals and ARM® Cortex®-M0 core for cost optimized solution
Both control cards contain an isolated On-Board Debugger (OBD), so no external debugger is needed to
flash and debug the main controller on the control card.
XMC™ digital power explorer kit is designed to support voltage control mode and current control mode
(peak current control with slope compensation). By using the master and slave connectors, it is also possi-
ble to control a second XMC™ digital power explorer with a single control card.
High resolution PWM (150 ps PWM resolution) peripheral in XMC4200 MCU series is a dedicated peripheral to
cover the most demanding requirements in digital power control applications. Additionally, this series inte-
grates 3 analog comparators with automatic slope generation (10-bits resolution) and smart post-process-
ing that permits extremely accurate and flexible control with minimum CPU load and lowest system cost.
XMC1300 MCU features most of the peripherals included in XMC4200 like CCU timers, ADC and serial commu-
nication, and also adds analog comparators and a MATH co-processor unit which are tailored to fulfill more
cost sensitive applications.
Soware examples for this kit are available for download on DAVE™ website (www.infineon.com/dave).
These examples demonstrate the capabilities of XMC4000 and XMC1000 MCU series in digital power control
applications and ease-of-use and flexibility of DAVE™ soware.
User Manuals including detailed hardware description and schematics for all 3 boards and their design files
can be found on www.infineon.com/xmc_dp_exp

Step by step installation guide for XMC™ digital power explorer kit
Install DAVE™
DAVE™ is a free and powerful eclipse-based development platform for XMC™ soware development.
DAVE™ includes GCC compiler from GNU, DAVE™ code engine for automatic code generation and GDB
debugger from GNU. DAVE™ oers pre-defined and tested SW components -DAVE™ APPs- and XMC™
Lib - Low Level Drivers (LLDs)- that accelerate the application soware creation.
To install DAVE™ follow these steps:
Download and execute the latest version of DAVE™ installation file from www.infineon.com/DAVE
Follow the installation guidelines that are included in the download package
Plug in a control card
Plug one of the control cards into the power board in such way that the control card "noses" goes
through the drillings on the power board (see Figure 1)
Load banks
Figure 1
IMPORTANT NOTE: The power board contains resistive load banks (Figure 1).
These loads are purely resistive and during operation may become hot. To prevent
injuries, special care is advised when touching the on-board resistor banks during
the operation. Any other kind of load, including other resistors, can be connected to the connector "V
the purpose of further test or evaluation (blue connector). Using this kit without taking necessary measures
for cooling and isolating external loads may cause personal injuries. This evaluation board is intended for
use only by qualified and skilled technical sta for laboratory usage. Please read disclaimer page carefully
before using this kit.
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