The humidity sensor is a 16-bit digital ultra-low-power and high-performance sensor with
digital output interface. It measures relative humidity from 0 to 100% rH with an output data
rate of 1 Hz, 7 Hz and 12.5 Hz. It is embedded with a temperature sensor for ambient temperature measurement. The sensor is fully calibrated and no further calibration is required.
The dimension of the sensor is 2.0 mm×2.0 mm×0.9 mm. It is available in land grid array
package (LGA).
1.2 Applications
• HVAC systems
• Home and building automation
• Goods and asset tracking
• Air conditioners
• Refrigerators
1.3 Sensor features
•Humidity measurement range :
•Humidity noise :
•Temperature measurement range :
•Temperature noise :
•Output data rate :
•Operating modes :
•Current consumption :
•Communication interface :
0 to 100 % rH
0.35 rH % RMS
-40 to +120 °C
0.03 °C RMS
1 Hz, 7 Hz and 12.5 Hz
Continuous mode and one-shot mode
The sensor is a MEMS based capacitive humidity sensor with an integrated ASIC. MEMS
sensing element is a planar fringed capacitor with a dielectric polymer which absorbs or releases water with proportional to the relative humidity in the environment. A silicon based
temperature sensor is integrated in the same package. ASIC comprises of multiplier, operational amplifier, analog-to-digital converter and other signal conditioning blocks like controller
logics and interrupts. ASIC converts the analog signal from the both humidity and temperature sensing element into a 16-bit digital humidity and temperature values. The sensor is
factory calibrated for both humidity and temperature measurements. The trimming parameters are stored in on-chip flash memory. When the sensor is powered on, these trimming
parameters are loaded from the flash memory to the registers. Hence, no further calibration
is required for humidity and temperature values.
The device is susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always
use proper ESD precautions when handling. Improper handling of the device
can cause performance degradation or permanent damage to the part
Table 6: General information
For better performance, the recommended storage condition for the humidity
sensor is 10°C to 40°C with 20% rH to 60% rH
A positive supply voltage is applied to the sensor through VDD pin and negative voltage to
GND. The decoupling capacitor of 100 nF in parallel is highly recommended to prevent the
voltage ripples on the VDD line. It should be placed as close as possible to the VDD pin.
The CS pin shall be connected to VDD_IO in order to enable the I2C communication interface. For SPI communication, the CS pin shall be connected to master side CS pin for active
start and stop SPI communication. The pull up resistors Rpfor I2C communication interface
should be connected parallel between supply voltage VDD and SCL and SDA pins.
Depending on the internal resistance of I2C pins at the master side, the pull up resistors
Rpcan be selected for proper rise and fall time of the digital signals. The 3-pin to 4-pin SPI
configuration can be configured as mentioned in the figure 3.
The humidity sensor supports standard I2C (Inter-IC) bus protocol. Further information of
the I2C interface can be found at .
I2C is a serial 8-bit protocol with two-wire interface, which supports communication between
different ICs. For example, between the microcontroller and other peripheral devices.
5.1 General characteristics
A serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) are required for the communication
between the devices connected via I2C bus. Both SDA and SCL lines are bidirectional. The
output stages of devices connected to the bus must have an open-drain or open-collector.
Hence, the SDA and SCL lines are connected to a positive supply voltage via pull-up resistors. In I2C protocol, the communication is realized through master-slave principle. The
master device generates the clock pulse, a start command and a stop command for the data
transfer. Each connected device on the bus is addressable via a unique address. Master
and slave can act as a transmitter or a receiver depending upon whether the data needs to
be transmitted or received.
The sensor behaves like a slave device on the I2C bus
The positive supply voltage to which SDA and SCL lines are pulled up (through pull-up
resistors), in turn determines the high level input for the slave devices. The sensor has
separate supply voltage VDD_IO for the SDA and SCL lines. The logic high ’1’ and logic low
’0’ levels for the SDA and SCL lines then depend on the VDD.
5.3 Communication phase
5.3.1 Idle state
During the idle state, the bus is free and both SDA and SCL lines are in logic high ’1’ state.
5.3.2 START(S) and STOP(P) condition
Data transfer on the bus starts with a START command, which is generated by the master.
A start condition is defined as a high-to-low transition on the SDA line while the SCL line is
held high. The bus is considered busy after the start condition.
Data transfer on the bus is terminated with a STOP command, which is also generated by
the master. A low-to-high transition on the SDA line, while the SCL line being high is defined
as a STOP condition. After the stop condition, the bus is again considered free and is in idle
state. Figure 5 shows the I2C bus START and STOP conditions.
Master can also send a REPEATED START (SR) command instead of STOP command.
REPEATED START condition is same as the START condition.
5.3.3 Data validity
After the start condition, one data bit is transmitted with each clock pulse. The transmitted
data is only valid when the SDA line data is stable (high or low) during the high period of the
clock pulse. High or low state of the data line can only change when the clock pulse is in low
Data transmission on the SDA line is always done in bytes, with each byte being 8-bits long.
Data is transmitted with the most significant bit (MSB) followed by other bits.
If the slave cannot receive or transmit another complete byte of data, it can force the master
into a wait state by holding SCL LOW. Data transfer continues when the slave is ready which
is indicated by releasing the SCL pin.
5.3.5 Acknowledge (ACK) and No-Acknowledge (NAACK)
Each byte transmitted on the data line must follow an Acknowledge bit. The receiver (master or slave) generates an Acknowledge signal to indicate that the data byte was received
successfully and ready to receive next data byte.
After one byte is transmitted, the master generates an additional Acknowledge clock pulse
to continue the data transfer. The transmitter releases the SDA line during this clock pulse
so that the receiver can pull the SDA line to low state in such a way that the SDA line
remains stable low during the entire high period of the clock pulse. It is considered as an
Acknowledge signal.
If the receiver does not want to receive any further byte, it will not pull down the SDA line
and it remains in stable high state during the entire clock pulse. It is considered as a NoAcknowledge signal and the master can generate either a stop condition to terminate the
data transfer or a repeated start condition to initiate a new data transfer.
5.3.6 Slave address for the sensor
The slave address is transmitted after sending the start condition. Each device on the I2C
bus has a unique address. Master selects the slave by sending corresponding slave address
after the start condition. A slave address is a 7 bits long followed by a Read/Write bit.
Figure 6: Slave address format
The 7-bit slave address of the humidity sensor is 1011111b. The R/W bit determines the
data direction. ’0’ indicates a write operation (transmission from master to slave) and a ’1’
indicates a read operation (data request from slave).