WÄRTSILÄ RT-flex50-D Maintenance Manual

Maintenance Manual
Engine No.:
Document ID: DBAC251330
Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd Tel. +41 52 262 49 22
E 2012-07 Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd, Printed in Switzerland
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General Information
Bedplate and Tie Rod
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Cover
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod and Piston
Driving Wheels and Shut-off Valve for Starting Air
Supply Unit, Injection and Exhaust Valve Control
Scavenge Air Receiver and Auxiliary Blower
Cylinder Lubrication
MM / RT−flex / Register
Crank Angle Sensor Unit, Tools
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General Information Group

For Particular Attention 0000−1/A1..................................................
Preface 0001−1/A1...............................................................
Table of Contents 0002−1/A1.......................................................
Engine Numbering and Designations 0008−1/A1......................................
o General Guidelines
− for Maintenance: Safety Measures and Warnings 0011−1/A1........................
− for Lifting Tools: Wire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc. 0012−1/A1.............
o Clearance Table 0330−1/A1....................................................................
− General Page 1...............................................................
− Crankshaft and Thrust Bearing 2, 3..............................................
− Crankshaft and Main Bearing 4, 5................................................
− Crosshead Guide 6, 7..........................................................
− Cylinder Liner 8, 9.............................................................
− Piston Rod Gland 10, 11........................................................
− Exhaust Valve 12, 13...........................................................
− Top and Bottom End Bearings to Connecting Rod 14, 15............................
− Piston Cooling and Crosshead Lubrication 16, 17..................................
− Piston and Piston Rings 18, 19..................................................
− Driving Wheels for Supply Unit 20, 21............................................
− Supply Unit 22, 23.............................................................
− Fuel Pump 24, 25..............................................................
o Tightening Values
− of Important Screwed Connections 0352−1/A1.....................................
− of Standard Screwed Connections 0352−2/A1.....................................
Masses (Weights): Individual Components per Piece in kg 0360−1/A1...................
o Dimensions
− O-rings and Round Rubber Rings 0370−1/A1......................................
− Piston and Rod Seal Rings 0370−2/A1............................................
− Un-slotted Back-up Rings Page 2................................................
Maintenance Schedule: Inspection and Overhaul Intervals (Guidelines) 0380−1/A1........
Engine Cross Section and Longitudinal Section 0803−1/A1.............................
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or Particular Attention
This manual is put at the disposal of the recipient solely for use in connection with the corresponding type of diesel engine. It has always to be treated as confidential.
The intellectual property regarding any and all of the contents of this manual, par­ticularly the copyright, remains with Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd. This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without their written permis­sion, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose.
Before the operator intends to use the engine or before maintenance work is un­dertaken, the Operating Instructions or the Maintenance Manual respectively is to be read carefully.
To ensure the best efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the engine and its compo­nents, only original spare parts should be used. It is to be ensured as well that all equipment and tools for maintenance are in good condition.
The extent of any supplies and services is determined exclusively by the relevant supply contract.
The data, instructions and graphical illustrations etc. in this manual are based on drawings made by Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd and correspond to the actual stan­dard at the time of printing (year of printing is indicated on title page). Those specifications and recommendations of the classification societies which are essential for the design have been considered therein. It must be recognized that such data, instructions and graphical illustrations may be subject to changes due to further development, widened experience or any other reason.
This manual is primarily intended for use by the engine operating and maintenance personnel. It must be ensured that it will always be at the disposal of such person­nel for the operation of the engines and/or for the required maintenance work.
This manual has been prepared on the assumption that operation and mainte­nance of the engines concerned will always be carried out by qualified personnel having the special knowledge, training and qualifications needed to handle in a workman-like manner diesel engines of the corresponding size, the associated auxiliary equipment, as well as fuel and other operating media.
Therefore, generally applicable rules, which may also concern such items as protection against danger, are specified in this manual in exceptional cases only. It must be made sure that the operating and maintenance personnel are familiar with the rules concerned.
This manual has been prepared to the best knowledge and ability of its au­thors. However, neither Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd nor their employees as­sume any liability − under any legal aspect whatsoever, including possible negligence − in connection with this manual, its contents, or modifications to it or in connection with its use. Claims relating to any damage whatsoever or claims of other nature such as, but not limited to, demands for additional spares supplies, service or others are expressly excluded.
Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd Winterthur Switzerland
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The instructions contained in this ”Maintenance Manual” are intended to help to ensure that the maintenance which must be carried out at specific intervals is cor­rectly carried out.
It is a precondition that the personnel charged with such important work possesses the necessary training and experience.
Information about the operation of the engine as well as descriptions of the func­tion of the various systems are part of a separate book, the ”Operating Manual” containing also under 0010−1 explanations of the layout and structure of the Oper­ating and Maintenance Manuals as well as of the used symbols, signs and special characters.
More detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of components from sub-suppliers can be gathered from the instruction leaflets of the respective manufacturers. Outside makes are, for example, such engine components, tools or devices which are not manufactured in accordance with production drawings from Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd.
The ”Maintenance Manual” is divided into the following main chapters:
General guidelines for maintenance
Clearance tables, tightening values of screwed connections, masses (weights), seal rings
Maintenance schedule
Design groups
Tool lists
A few explanations to the above:
The ’General Guidelines for Maintenance’ contain, in addition to recommen­dations on precautionary measures to be taken, also suggestions for carrying out the work.
The above mentioned tables inform about normal and maximum acceptable clearances, the tightening of important screwed connections, weights of indi­vidual engine components as well as the type and use of various sealing rings.
The ’Maintenance Schedule’ indicates nominal intervals in which various maintenance operations are to be carried out. Please note that the mainte­nance intervals are based on experience and are subject to operation of the engine under standard conditions.
Detailed instructions are given in the ’Design Groups’ on the procedure of maintenance work on certain engine parts.
Tools and devices necessary to carry out maintenance are described in the ’Tool Lists’, and are generally supplied with the engine.
All information contained in the text and illustrations of this manual are valid at the time of printing. Modifications will be incorporated in the next edition!
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
General Information Group 0
For Particular Attention 0000−1/A1..................................................
Preface 0001−1/A1...............................................................
Engine Numbering and Designations 0008−1/A1......................................
o General Guidelines
− for Maintenance: Safety Measures and Warnings 0011−1/A1........................
− for Lifting Tools: Wire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc. 0012−1/A1.............
o Clearance Table 0330−1/A1....................................................................
− General Page 1...............................................................
− Crankshaft and Thrust Bearing 2, 3..............................................
− Crankshaft and Main Bearing 4, 5................................................
− Crosshead Guide 6, 7..........................................................
− Cylinder Liner 8, 9.............................................................
− Piston Rod Gland 10, 11........................................................
− Exhaust Valve 12, 13...........................................................
− Top and Bottom End Bearings to Connecting Rod 14, 15............................
− Piston Cooling and Crosshead Lubrication 16, 17..................................
− Piston and Piston Rings 18, 19..................................................
− Driving Wheels for Supply Unit 20, 21............................................
− Supply Unit 22, 23.............................................................
− Fuel Pump 24, 25..............................................................
o Tightening Values
− of Important Screwed Connections 0352−1/A1.....................................
− of Standard Screwed Connections 0352−2/A1.....................................
Masses (Weights): Individual Components per Piece in kg 0360−1/A1...................
o Dimensions
− O-rings and Round Rubber Rings 0370−1/A1......................................
− Piston and Rod Seal Rings 0370−2/A1............................................
− Un-slotted Back-up Rings Page 2................................................
Maintenance Schedule: Inspection and Overhaul Intervals (Guidelines) 0380−1/A1........
Engine Cross Section and Longitudinal Section 0803−1/A1.............................
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Table of Contents
Bedplate and Tie Rod Group 1
Bedplate and Thrust Bearing: Checking the Foundation Bolts 1112−1/A1................
o Main Bearing
− Loosening and Tensioning of Waisted Studs 1132−1/A1.............................
− Removal and Fitting of a Main Bearing 1132−2/A1.................................
o Thrust Bearing
− Checking the Axial Clearance 1203−1/A1.........................................
− Removal and Fitting the Thrust Bearing Pads 1224−1/A1............................
Engine Stays with Friction Shims: Checking the Pre-tension 1715−1/A1..................
Tie Rod: Checking the Pre-tension and Tensioning the Tie Rods (M72x6) 1903−1/A2......
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Cover Group 2
o Cylinder Liner
− Measuring Bore Wear 2124−1/A1................................................
− Removal and Fitting of Cylinder Liner or Water Guide Jacket 2124−2/A1..............
− Removing the Wear Ridge, Re-dressing Lubricating Grooves
o Lubrication Quill
− with Pulse Feed Lubrication: Removal and Fitting 2138−1/A1........................
− with Pulse Jet Lubrication: Removal and Fitting 2138−1/A2..........................
Piston Rod Gland: Dismantling and Assembling, Measuring the Wear 2303−1/A1.........
o Cylinder Cover
− Removal and Fitting of Cylinder Cover and Water Guide Jacket 2708−1/A1............
− Loosening and Tensioning of Cylinder Cover Waisted Studs 2708−2/A1...............
− Machining of Sealing Face for Injection Valve 2708−3/A1............................
Injection Valve: Checking, Dismantling, Assembling and Adjusting 2722−1/A1............
Starting Valve: Removal, Fitting and Dismantling, Grinding-in & Assembling 2728−1/A1....
Relief Valve for Cylinder Cover 2745−1/A1...........................................
and Scavenge Ports 2124−3/A1..................................................
o Exhaust Valve
− Removal and Fitting of Exhaust Valve, Replacing of Waisted Studs 2751−1/A1.........
− Dismantling and Assembling 2751−2/A1..........................................
− Replacing and Grinding the Valve Seat 2751−3/A1.................................
− Grinding the Seating Surface on the Valve Head 2751−4/A1.........................
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Table of Contents
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod and Piston Group 3
Crankshaft: Measuring Crank Deflection 3103−1/A1..................................
o Vibration Damper
− Taking a Silicone Fluid Sample 3130−1/A1........................................
− Inspection (GEISLINGER Vibration Damper) 3130−2/A1............................
Axial Damper: Dismantling and Assembling 3146−1/A1................................
Turning Gear: Checking the Toothing 3206−1/A1......................................
Crankcase: Utilization of Working Platform 3301−1/A1................................
Upper Platform: Arrangement of Lifting Tools 3301−2/A1...............................
o Connecting Rod
− Loosening and Tensioning the Connecting Rod Studs 3303−1/A1....................
− Inspection, Removal and Fitting of Bottom End Bearing 3303−2/A1...................
− Inspection, Removal and Fitting of Top End Bearing 3303−3/A1......................
− Removal and Fitting 3303−4/A1..................................................
− Removal of Bearing Cover to Top End Bearing 3303−5/A1..........................
o Crosshead
− Checking the Clearances and Fitting the Guide Shoes 3326−1/A1....................
− Removal and Fitting of a Crosshead Pin 3326−2/A1................................
o Piston
− Removal and Fitting 3403−1/A1..................................................
− Changing the Compression Shims 3403−2/A1.....................................
− Dismantling and Assembling 3403−3/A1..........................................
− Checking Piston Top Surface 3403−4/A1..........................................
Piston Rings: Checking Piston Ring Wear 3425−1/A1..................................
Piston Cooling and Crosshead Lubrication:
Removal and Fitting of Inside Pipe 3603−1/A1........................................
Driving Wheels and Shut-off Valve for Starting Air Group 4
o Driving Wheels
− Checking the Running and Backlash Clearances and Condition of Teeth 4103−1/A1....
− Replacing the Gear Wheel on the Crankshaft 4103−3/A1............................
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Shut-off Valve for Starting Air: Cleaning and Function Check 4325−1/A1.................
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Table of Contents
Supply Unit, Injection and Exhaust Valve Control Group 5
o Supply Unit
− Removal and Fitting of Servo Oil Pump and Servo Oil Pump Drive 5552−1/A1.........
− Removal and Fitting of Camshaft and Bearing Shells 5552−2/A1.....................
− Removing and Fitting the Gear Wheel on Camshaft 5552−3/A1......................
− Removal and Fitting 5552−4/A1..................................................
− Lubrication of Supply Unit During Maintenance Works 5552−5/A1...................
Fuel Pump: Dismantling and Assembling 5556−1/A1..................................
Fuel Pressure Control Valve: Removal, Fitting, Dismantling and Assembling 5562−1/A1....
Fuel Overpressure Safety Valve: Checking and Setting 5562−2/A1......................
Injection Control Unit: Removal and Fitting 5564−1/A1.................................
Pressure Reducing Valve 8.11−1: Checking the Gas Pre-charge Pressure 5610−1/A1.....
Exhaust Valve Control Unit:
Removal, Fitting, Dismantling and Assembling 5612−1/A1..............................
o Regulating Linkage
− Adjusting: with Heinzmann StG 10-01 Actuator 5801−1/A1..........................
− Adjusting
: with Woodward ProAct II − Analog Actuator 5801−1/A2....................
Scavenge Air Receiver and Auxiliary Blower Group 6
Scavenge Air Receiver:
Checking the Air Flaps and Cleaning the Scavenge Air Receiver 6420−1/A1..............
Auxiliary Blower: Maintenance 6545−1/A1............................................
Removal and Fitting of Scavenge Air Cooler 6606−1/A1...............................
Removal and Fitting of Water Separator 6708−1/A1...................................
Scavenge Air Waste Gate: Dismantling and Assembling 6735−1/A1.....................
Cylinder Lubrication Group 7
Lubrication Pump CLU4−C: Checking the Gas Pre-charge Pressure 7218−1/A2..........
Piping Group 8
Servo Oil Piping: Removing, Fitting and Regrinding 8447−1/A1......................
Hydraulic Piping for Exhaust Valve Drive: Removing, Fitting and Regrinding 8460−1/A1....
o Fuel Pressure Piping
− Removing, Fitting and Regrinding of Sealing Faces 8733−1/A1......................
− Removing, Fitting and Regrinding (5 and 6 Cylinder Engines) 8752−1/A1..............
− Removing, Fitting and Regrinding (7 and 8 Cylinder Engines) 8752−1/A2..............
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Table of Contents
Crank Angle Sensor Unit, Tools Group 9
Crank Angle Sensor Unit: Dismantling, Assembling and Adjusting 9223−1/A1.............
Tools: Explanation 9403−1/A1......................................................
Hydraulic Jacks and Pumps: Arrangement and Application 9403−2/A1...................
o Hydraulic Pre-tensioning Jacks
− Storing, Servicing and Maintenance 9403−3/A1....................................
− General Application Instructions 9403−4/A1.......................................
o Tool List 9403−5/A1...........................................................................
− Standard Tools Pages 1 to 33...................................................
− Recommended Special Tools Pages 34 to 36......................................
− Special Tools Obtainable on Loan Pages 37 and 38................................
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ngine Numbering and Designations
General Arrangement with One Turbocharger:
Auxiliary Blower 1
Thrust Bearing Pads
Rail Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6
Auxiliary Blower 2
Cylinder Numbering
Main Bearing Numbering
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Supply Unit
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Clockwise Rotation
ngine Numbering and Designations
General Arrangement with Two Turbochargers:
Maintenance0008−1/A1 RT-flex50-D
Turbocharger 1
Blower 1
Thrust Bearing Pads
1 2 3 4 5 6
Turbocharger 2
Auxiliary Blower 2
Cylinder Numbering
Main Bearing Numbering
Rail Unit
Supply Unit
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Clockwise Rotation
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ngine Numbering and Designations
flex Parts:
Fuel Pump Actuator 1 Fuel Pump Actuator 2 Fuel Pump Actuator 3
Fuel Pump 1 Fuel Pump 2 Fuel Pump 3
Supply Unit
Crank Angle Sensors
Sensor 2
Servo Oil Pump 2
Servo Oil Pump 1
Sensor 1 (GT5126C)
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eneral Guidelines for Maintenance
afety Measures and Warnings
1. General 1/4...............................................
2. General safety precautions 1/4.............................
3. Precautionary measures before beginning of
4. Special safety measures 3/4................................
5. Recommendations for performing work 3/4.................
1. General
The maintenance work which is required to be carried out on the engine at regular intervals is described in the Maintenance Schedule 0380−1 of this manual and is to be understood as a general guide. The maintenance intervals are dependent on the mode of operation, on the power as well as on the quality of the fuel used. Fur­ther details are set out in the maintenance schedule. Experience will show whether the intervals may be extended or need to be short­ened.
Strict compliance with the below mentioned recommendations regarding safety measures and maintenance work is mandatory; the recommenda­tions are not exhaustive.
maintenance work 2/4.....................................
2. General safety precautions
D It is the operator’s duty to assure that all personnel is familiar with all safety,
health as well as environment protection rules released for operating and maintaining a diesel engine plant. In particular greatest attention has to be giv­en to the functioning, handling and dangers of cranes and lifting devices.
D The safety officer has to make sure that all precautions have been taken in
order to avoid dangerous situations.
D The operator has to nominate a person responsible for assigning work tasks
to every person who is participating in maintenance work.
D Make sure that fluids or gases draining or escaping cannot cause accidents,
fires or explosions during maintenance work. Keep the engine and the sur­roundings clean. Cleanliness increases the quality of the work and helps to prevent accidents. Before beginning maintenance work on the diesel engine the corresponding systems which are influenced by the maintenance work must be relieved of pressure and/or drained if necessary. A protocol must be established evi­dencing these activities.
D Certain media, i.e. fuels etc., are highly inflammable, therefore all precaution-
ary measures have to be taken that they do not come into in contact with fires, glowing or hot parts. Smoking in the engine room is strictly forbidden. Special attention has to be paid to the rules of fire fighting. Make absolutely sure that in case of fire alarm no fire extinguishing gases can be released into the engine room while people are still inside. Emergency es­capes are to be marked and personnel is to be instructed of what to do in case of fire.
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D Oils and other media can cause slippery surfaces. In order to avoid injury all
surfaces which can be stepped on must be kept clean and dry.
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Maintenance0011−1/A1 RT-flex50-D
Safety Measures and Warnings
3. Precautionary measures before beginning of maintenance work
Before starting any maintenance work on the engine (particularly on the running gear), take the following precautionary measures:
Close the shut-off valves on the starting air bottles. Close all the shut-off valves in the control air supply unit, and open the drains
on both air bottles until it is depressurized.
Close by hand the (automatic) shut-off valve for starting air and open the vent
and drain valve to the main starting air piping on the engine as well as the vent valves on the shut-off valve for starting air , and leave them in this position until maintenance work is completed.
Open all indicator cocks on the cylinder covers and leave them in this position
until maintenance work is completed.
Engage turning gear (gear pinion must be in engaged position) and lock the
lever (see also 3206−1 and 0750−1 in the Operating Manual).
D Where the engine has been stopped due to overheated running gear or
bearings, wait at least 20 minutes before opening the crankcase doors.
D The crankcase doors must always be locked with all the clamps when-
ever the engine is running, even if this is only for a short time in order to
make temperature checks (e.g. after changing bearings during an overhaul, etc.).
D In the case of a fire in the engine having been extinguished by means of CO
the spaces affected must be well ventilated before work can be carried out within them.
Attention! When performing electric welding near or on the engine, electromag­netic fields or peak voltage may occur, which may damage the electronic compo­nents of the WECS (W
ärtsilä Engine Control System).
Therefore, prior to performing electric welding in the vicinity of the mentioned com­ponents, the following precautions must be taken:
D Stop the engine if it is in operation. D Power off the electronic system and wait one minute. D If the welding point is within a radius of two metres from an electronic module
and/or a sensor, disconnect the modules and/or sensors.
D Close the covers of all electric boxes and protect cables, sensors, etc. against
sparking and heat.
D Shield the check and control units with a conductive material and connect
them to earth.
D Run the welding cable from the welding apparatus directly to the welding point
without any unnecessary loops; also, avoid leading the welding cable parallel to cables of the electronic control unit.
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Safety Measures and Warnings
4. Special safety measures
D Prior to turning the crankshaft with the turning gear, make sure that no person
D At all times when somebody is inside the engine casing another person must
D The allowed load capacity of the engine room crane, the lifting tools, ropes
is inside the engine and no loose parts, tools or devices can get jammed. Also bear in mind that the coupled propeller turns too (danger in surroundings).
stand by in order that he can give the necessary aid if something unexpected happens to the person inside the engine. The person who is inside the engine casing must be equipped with all safety gears which are required to prevent suffocation within the limited space and atmospheric conditions. Moreover an antifall guard must be carried at dangerous places!
and chains must be sufficient for the parts to be lifted (see 0012−1 and
Pay also attention to the weight distribution and attachment of the lifting tackle in order that the part which must be lifted cannot tip over or crash down!
D Sharp edges, mating faces etc. as well as ropes are to be protected by wood-
en pieces, leather or special edge guards which are placed between the part and the rope or chain.
D Always use gloves, a face shield and wear safety goggles when working with
hydraulic tools.
D For your own safety keep away from under hanging loads, never undersling
hanging parts with your fingers or hands and never embrace lifting ropes with your hands.
D Removed parts must be secured in the engine room. D For reasons of safety, openings resulting from removed engine components
must be closed!
Remark: For further instructions see also Safety Precautions and Warnings (Gen­eral Information) 0210−1 in the Operating Manual.
5. Recommendations for performing work
D Pay attention to Utilization of Working Platform and Ladder 3301−1. D Carry out all work carefully, observing utmost cleanliness! D For maintenance work on the engine use the tools and devices intended for
the particular job, which, as a rule, are supplied with the engine (see tool list at the end of this manual).
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Tools and devices must be made ready prior to use, make sure they are in
perfect condition.
Calibrate gauge tools before using and at periodical intervals. Check hydraulic tools periodically for tightness and perfect functioning. Protect running faces and sealing faces of removed parts by suitable means
to prevent damages.
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Safety Measures and Warnings
Close all openings which form when certain parts are removed e.g. pipes, oil
Check all repaired, overhauled or replaced parts for perfect functioning before
Check all pipes which have been removed, for tightness after they are refitted. Clearances of moving parts must be checked periodically. Should the maxi-
Arrange to replace all parts taken from spares stock. When ordering new
D When tightening studs, nuts or screws, take the utmost care not to damage
D Adhere to tightening values wherever they are indicated. Use the specified
Maintenance0011−1/A1 RT-flex50-D
holes etc. to prevent dirt from entering the engine. (This includes also the pipes which are removed).
starting the engine.
mum permissible values (see Clearance Table 0330−1) have been reached or even exceeded, these parts must be replaced.
parts refer to the Code Book, mention code numbers and description.
their thread. They must be screwed in by hand until metal to metal contact is achieved. Always use the specified lubricants on the threads.
lubricant on the threads (see 0352−1 and 0352−2).
D Locking devices of bolts, nuts, etc. must be fitted correctly and secured prop-
erly. Use locking plates and locking wires only once.
D For threads of screws and studs which are getting very hot, (i.e. exhaust pipe
or turbocharger fastenings) apply a high temperature resistant lubricant be­fore assembly, to prevent a heat seizure.
D Used rubber rings must always be replaced by new ones when an overhaul of
any engine component takes place; they must conform in dimension and quality to the specifications in the 0370−1. The fitting of piston seal rings and rod seal rings requires the greatest of care to prevent damage, over expansion or deformation. Before fitting the rings heat them first in boiling water.
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eneral Guidelines for Lifting Tools
ire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc.
1. General
The permissible capacities of the engine crane, lifting tools, ropes, chains, lifting eye bolts, etc. must always correspond with the weights of the parts to be lifted (see also Masses (Weights) 0360−1).
Remark: The admissible lifting (max. loading) capacity in kg corresponds to the WLL = W
For fitting and removal of engine components or their transportation, only the tools which are in perfect condition and intended for this purpose may be used. Ropes which have begun tearing or otherwise are defective and tools which are damaged have to be exchanged.
For safe and proper handling of crane, suspension tools or transport of loads we recommend to proceed as follows for safety reasons:
D Determination of the weight of load D Determination of the suspension centres and weight distribution
orking Load Limit.
2. Attachment elements
2.1 Wire rope slings
2.2 Span-sets
2.3 Eye bolts and eye nuts
D Choice of attachment elements D Attaching and disconnecting
The lifting capacity of the wire rope slings is listed under their tool number in Tools List 9403−5.
Span-sets have the advantage of easy and simple handling. The code and the colour normally indicate the maximum admissible total load. Loops and knots in the span-sets reduce their lifting capacity by one third.
Only those eye bolts and eye nuts may be used which are in accordance with DIN 580 & 582:2003−08 or which fulfil or exceed these values, including the safety factor.
All calculations for components and tools where eye bolts and eye nuts are used are laid out accordingly and based on the mentioned standards.
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Maintenance0012−1/A1 RT-flex50-D
eneral Guidelines: Wire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc.
Lifting capacity (for information purposes only):
Eye bolts &
eye nuts,
single-strand double-strand (45°)
Lifting capacity [kg]
thread size
M8 140 100 M10 230 170 M12 340 240 M16 700 500 M20 1200 860 M24 1800 1290 M30 3200 2300 M36 4600 3300 M42 6300 4500 M48 8600 6100 M56 11 500 8300
Remarks: The details listed in the table above are based on DIN 580 & 582:2003−08, requiring that the eye bolt or the eye nut:
is completely turned in or screwed down;
lies flat and fully on the seating surface;
was checked for visible damages (
Full load is only permissible in the direction of the ring, therefore the eye bolts or eye nuts must be brought to the right position, if necessary by us­ing distance rings.
D If there are through holes, a washer should be placed from the opposite side
under the nut or screw head.
D Whenever possible, do not apply an angle of inclination bigger than 45° (in all
directions with regard to the ring level), and especially avoid lateral pulling!
D For varying use on different objects to be carried, eye nuts or eye bolts with
thread diameters one size higher should be used.
2.4 RUD-eye bolts and RUD-swivel lugs
Only those RUD-eye bolts & RUD-swivel lugs may be used with a safety factor 4.
RUD Ketten
Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co Friedensinsel D−73432 Aalen Germany http://www.rud.com
e.g. corrosion, deformation) before using it.
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eneral Guidelines: Wire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc.
2.4.1 Remarks on the use of RUD-eye bolts
they must be completely screwed down, lying fully on the seating surfaces.
they are hand-screwed with their own star-profile wrenches (do not use any extension).
D In order that after tightening the ring of the RUD-eye bolt is freely rotatable, the
star-profile wrench must be removed from the inner hexagon of the screw as shown in Fig. ’A’.
D Prior to loading the RUD-eye bolt adjust it in force direction (RUD-eye bolts
are not suitable to be turned under load).
D Lateral loading is permitted in no circumstances! (Fig. ’B’)
Ring Star-profile
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Maintenance0012−1/A1 RT-flex50-D
eneral Guidelines: Wire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc.
2.4.2 Remarks on the use of RUD-swivel lugs
they must be completely screwed down, lying fully on the seating surfaces.
they are hand-screwed with an open end wrench.
D Prior to loading the RUD-swivel lug adjust it in force direction (Fig. ’C’ and ’D’). D Loading as shown in Fig. ’E’ should be be avoided if possible!
2.5 Shackles
Only those shackles may be used which are in accordance with American Stan­dard RR−C−271A or which fulfil or exceed these values, including the safety factor .
All calculations for components and tools where shackles are used are laid out ac­cordingly and based on the mentioned standards.
Normally, the permissible lifting capacity of the shackles is specified for one single strand.
Attention! If tools are combined (e.g. beams with shackles, RUD-eye bolts or RUD-swivel lugs and ropes, etc.), it is always the weakest element which deter- mines the maximum lifting capacity (see details in Tools List 9403−5).
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Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd
eneral Guidelines: Wire Rope Slings, Span-sets, Eye Bolts, etc.
3. Attaching and disconnecting
The following must be observed:
D Distribution of load:
one strand carries the total of load weight
two strands carry each one half of the load weight
four strands carry each one quarter of the load weight if the load is distrib-
uted equally.
D Angle of strand:
the flatter the strand angle, the more the strand is stressed
the more acute the strand angle is, the less the strand is stressed.
D Place a soft-wood board between rope and engine component, because the
ropes tend to slide on smooth surfaces (e.g. tubes, shafts).
D Protect the ropes against damages by providing a wooden pallet or a rag.
Sharp edges may even cut steel cables!
D If possible always tie down the load. (danger of fall) D Wrapping the rope twice increases friction and adhesion in such a manner
that even a smooth, oily shaft is sliding less.
D Hemp rope strands, wrapped around the hook, prevent sliding. Do not wrap
steel cables, but cross them instead.
Danger of injuries! For your own safety never stand beneath loads!
Hold the ropes in the flat of your hands and keep your fingers stretched out. Never seize the load at the bottom, but always lead it laterally. Always put down the loads on a perfect ground, and use sufficiently sized bases.
Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd
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