Wärtsilä JOVYSTAR COMPACT S BAX 5452 - 7 -
2 Description of the System
Ensuring a reliable power supply is one of many major issues when using electronic data processing and process
control systems. The main causes of many interruptions to power supply are:
Spikes produced by switching devices on the mains distribution
High frequency superposition caused by welding machines, fluorescent lights, photocopiers and more
Voltage variations due to fast load variations in big inductive consumers (lifts, transformers, machinery,
Voltage failures due to disturbances in the mains supply
Frequency variations caused by the use of separate power supply units
The range of disturbances extends from data corruption to memory leaks and from hardware failure to production
stoppages. Therefore, the quality of the power supply is key to the reliability of electronic data processing
equipment. The perfect solution for a secure, uninterrupted power supply for critical consumers is thus the UPS
(Uninterruptible Power Supply). The UPS:
Generates a constant supply voltage and frequency
Reduces mains disturbances and feedback
Guarantees an uninterruptible power supply to connected consumers for a specified period during a
mains failure
In comparison with conventional power sources such as the mains power supply or generators*, the cutting edge
technology featured in UPS systems in the JOVYSTAR series brings the following outstanding advantages:
Minimum mains feedback caused by active IGBT rectifiers
Three sources of intelligence through two DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) and µC (microprocessor)
Extended communication interfaces
RS232/USB serial interfaces for reading UPS data (standard)
SNMP adapter for remote monitoring, data exchange via a LAN connection (option)
MODBUS adapter for remote monitoring, data transfer using MODBUS protocol via RS485
interface (option)
Parallel slot for parallel redundancy systems, UPS systems communicate data with one another
via CAN bus protocol (option)
Relay card with alarm messages for industrial remote monitoring via floating contacts (option)
Operation of a UPS or other electronic consumers using a generator assumes that before installing
the complete system the planner has established whether the generator can be used in conjunction
with power electronics.
Some generators are designed such that operation with power electronics consumers is not
possible due to the additional loading with harmonics, power factor and commutation notches. In
some cases faults may occur such as voltage unbalance, a tendency to oscillate and the shutting
down of the generator. It may help to ask the generator manufacturer about this and, if necessary
change the regulator on the generator or incorporate damper windings in the generator from the