Wyyrreedd 44 SSoouunndd
SStteerreeoo PPrreeaam
Get Wired, WYRED 4 SOUND
WYRED 4 SOUND ST Preamp v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 1 of 12
Warranty Registration 3
Unpacking 3
Introduction 3
Design features 4-5
Front panel operation 5
Powering your preamplifier 5
DC Trigger 5-6
HT Bypass 6
Getting connected 6
“Break-in”/ warming up Period 7
Troubleshooting 7
Got Hum? 7-8
Warranty coverage 8-9
Servicing your preamplifier 10-11
Product Specifications 12
WYRED 4 SOUND ST Preamp v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 2 of 12
Waarrrraannttyy RReeggiissttrraattiioonn
PPlleeaassee ttaakkee aa mmoommeenntt ttoo ccoommpplleettee tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy rreeggiissttrraattiioonn ffoorrmm llooccaatteedd oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee.. YYoouu MMUUSSTT
ccoommpplleettee aanndd ssuubbmmiitt tthhiiss ffoorrmm wwiitthhiinn 3300 ddaayyss ooff ppuurrcchhaassee ttoo aaccttiivvaattee yyoouurr wwaarrrraannttyy..
The STP packaging contains:
1 – Owners Manual
1 – 6’ AC Power Cable
1 – 6’ DC Trigger Cable
1 – STP Stereo preamplifier
1 – Remote control
2 – AAA batteries
Carefully inspect your new preamplifier for any shipping damage. Please contact your dealer or Wyred 4 Sound
directly if you notice any shipping damage or for anything you suspect is missing from your shipment. All
packaging cartons will easily fold flat for convenient storage, and should be stored for future use should there be
Wyred 4 Sound products are a perfect example of what is accomplished when practical engineering and
knowledge are combined. All components are selected for the greatest possible functionality, durability, and most
importantly, the quality. Wyred 4 Sounds’ excellence in engineering will provide you with first-class performance
and years of satisfaction.
Wyred 4 Sound audio products are designed to bring you closer to the beauty of your music. Our goal is
to bring the performance of the recording right into your home with as little change as possible. As you can
identify, our drive is focused on the customer. We know what others have to offer, so you can be sure that our
value will be substantially more than theirs to keep the American made products desirable. We greatly appreciate
your purchase and expect your complete satisfaction. Wyred 4 Sound hopes that you will continue to grow with
us as we continue to provide the quality and functionality that you can learn to depend on.
WYRED 4 SOUND ST Preamp v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 3 of 12
DDeessiiggnn FFeeaattuurreess
There are so many particulars that make the STP superior to other preamps. The best possible preamp
would be one that didn’t exist! We have created the closest anyone has ever come to that while still offering a fully
functional preamp. For the cleanest sound, what goes in should come out, nothing less, nothing more. For this
we’ve made our preamp passive and active at the same time. To keep the signal path clean as possible, the line
stage is automatically switched in when needed, and left out when not. This offers the quietest operation for any
level up to unity gain. Noise in the passive mode is <6uV, and <18uV in the active mode which is still incredibly
good. And yes, this product is fully balanced input to output.
When we say passive, we mean as in no gain. We all know that all passive preamps have many issues
regarding input and output impedances. These issues are massive because of the lack of drive current the preamp
is able to produce. The result is a loose, floppy bottom end, and a constricted, dry top end. To solve this, we
inserted our Ultra-transparent discrete buffer stages to address this issue, which proved to give us remarkable
Like any audio electronic product, everything starts with a power supply. This is the first stage that gives
the STP unbelievably clean power. With a 25A Schottky bridge rectifier connected through 164,560+uF of
capacitance in our proprietary TRR (Triple-Ripple-Reduction) power supply circuit, the STP preamp has more
capacitance than some amplifiers! By the time power reserves supply the audio chain with power, there is no hint
of noise left to buzz through your speakers. Of course we left 2 stages of filtering up to nothing but the best; the
Nichicon Bi-polar MUSE audio grade capacitors do a fantastic job!
Our proprietary fully balanced dual FET unity gain buffers supply the meat behind the curtains. While
being sonically transparent, our buffers keep the input and output impedance right where we want them and don’t
allow for deviations like so many other passive preamps. Hand selected, matched and adjusted, each pair ensures
minimal DC offset, and maximum linearity.
Every preamp has to have a volume control. This is also a HUGE part in why our unit differs. The easy
route (practically everyone else takes) consists of putting audio in and out of a volume control chip. While being
cost effective and easy to design, the audio is left at the mercy the chip. The best possible electrical connection
that can be made and released on command is made by a switch. The best sounding switch is one that has the
least resistance and can maintain at all frequencies, for this we chose to use relays. While much more expensive,
slower and noisier when switching, they are far more sonically superior to any switcher chip on the market today.
The second part of our volume control is the resistors. That’s right, relays and resistors are the only
components interacting with the audio signal. Like all our other products, we use Dale rn55d copper leaded
precision resistors. Supplying exceedingly accurate channel to channel level matching (+/- 0.05db) and isolation
(>106db), our discrete volume control is the most transparent and spaciously sounding attenuator we’ve heard. A
maximum attenuation of 128db will quiet the loudest of sources, and as little as 0.5db steps allow for the finest
WYRED 4 SOUND ST Preamp v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 4 of 12