Wyred 4 Sound STI Series User Manual

Wyyrreedd 44 SSoouunndd
SStteerreeoo IInntteeggrraatteedd
Get Wired, WYRED 4 SOUND
WYRED 4 SOUND STI Integrated amplifier v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 1 of 12
Warranty Registration 3
Unpacking 3
Introduction 3
Design features 4
Front panel operation 4
Set-up menu 4-5
Powering your amplifier 5
DC Trigger 5
Getting connected 5-6
“Break-in”/ warming up Period 6
Troubleshooting 6-7
Got Hum 7
Amplifier Faults 7
Warranty coverage 8-9
Servicing your amplifier 9-11
Product Specifications 12
WYRED 4 SOUND STI Integrated amplifier v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 2 of 12
Waarrrraannttyy RReeggiissttrraattiioonn
PPlleeaassee ttaakkee aa mmoommeenntt ttoo ccoommpplleettee tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy rreeggiissttrraattiioonn ffoorrmm llooccaatteedd oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee.. YYoouu MMUUSSTT
ccoommpplleettee aanndd ssuubbmmiitt tthhiiss ffoorrmm wwiitthhiinn 3300 ddaayyss ooff ppuurrcchhaassee ttoo aaccttiivvaattee yyoouurr wwaarrrraannttyy..
The STI series packaging contains:
1 – Owners Manual 1 – 6’ AC Power Cable 1 – 6’ DC Trigger Cable 1 – STI stereo integrated amplifier 1 – Remote control 2 – AAA Batteries
Carefully inspect your new integrated amplifier for any shipping damage. Please contact your dealer or Wyred 4 Sound directly if you notice any shipping damage or for anything you suspect is missing from your shipment. All packaging cartons will easily fold flat for convenient storage, and should be stored for future use should there be one.
Wyred 4 Sound products are a perfect example of what is accomplished when practical engineering and knowledge are combined. All components are selected for the greatest possible functionality, durability, and most importantly quality. Wyred 4 Sounds’ excellence in engineering will provide you with first-class performance and years of satisfaction.
Wyred 4 Sound audio products are designed to bring you closer to the beauty of your music. Our goal is to bring the performance of the recording right into your home with as little change as possible. As you can identify, our drive is focused on the customer. We know what others have to offer, so you can be sure that our value will be substantially more than theirs to keep the American made products desirable. We greatly appreciate your purchase and expect your complete satisfaction. Wyred 4 Sound hopes that you will continue to grow with us as we continue to provide the quality and functionality that you can learn to depend on.
WYRED 4 SOUND STI Integrated amplifier v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
All rights reserved. Page 3 of 12
DDeessiiggnn ffeeaattuurreess
There are many reasons why the STI series integrated amplifiers are better than the competition. To start with, the volume control in the STI is a true-resistive ladder type that offers truer linearity, and supreme sonic quality. The line-stage within the integrated doubles as an unbalanced to balanced converter which provides a balanced signal from unbalanced inputs.
A loop in/out feature is also on hand with the STI integrated amplifiers. In the setup menu, you can select the loop feature to insert a digital crossover or similar devices into the audio path. When the loop feature is activated, Input 5 becomes loop in, and the AUX out becomes loop out.
With a set of balanced inputs, 4 sets of unbalanced inputs and a set of unbalanced outputs, connection possibilities are vast. Absolute phase and balance control are easily selected through the supplied remote for those out of phase recordings, and room adjustments.
User interface is made easy with the VFD display and optical rotary encoder. Allowing input naming and HT Bypass input selection, the setup menu is easily accessed for customization. Several display dimming steps including “off” are available through the remote for stealth operation. Powering up the STP can be done several ways, by pushing in on the volume knob, by pressing power on the remote, and by the remote DC trigger in when HT Bypass is selecting in the setup menu. When an input is selected to be used as the HT input, the DC trigger can be activated by a surround processor to power up the unit, and automatically set the volume to unity gain. This allows for all volume controls to be made through the surround processor. When the processor is shut down, so is the STI. When 2ch listening is desired, then manual operation can be executed from the front of the unit, or through the remote.
FFrroonntt ppaanneell ooppeerraattiioonn
The front of the STP offers several features, power on/off, input selection, volume control, muting, setup routine, and display for user feedback. For phase, balance, and dim control, the remote must be used. To enter the setup mode, input up and down must be pressed in while the power is turned on by pushing in the volume knob. Once in the setup menu, input up/down is used to scroll through the settings, mute is used to select the setting for adjustment, and the volume knob is used to adjust the setting. For input naming, the volume control will be used to select the character, and the mute button to move to the next character position for adjustment. Once all settings are made (automatically saved once changed), the setup menu can be closed by pressing the power button (volume knob) again at any time.
SSeett--uupp mmeennuu// iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss
To enter the set-up menu proceed with the following steps:
1. Make sure the unit is plugged in, power switch on rear is on, and the unit is off.
2. Push and hold in the Input up and down buttons while pressing the power button (knob) once.
WYRED 4 SOUND STI Integrated amplifier v2.2
4235 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
PH: 805-466-9973
FAX: 805-462-8962
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