Wulfsberg Electronics Division 2000-UHF1, 2000-800, 2000-VHF, 2000-UHF2 Users Manual

Installation Manual
P-2000 and C-2000/RT-2000
Transceiver Systems
Part Number: 400-049200-11-xxx-xxxx-xxxx
Hardware Mod: 1
Hardware Mod: 1
Hardware Mod: 1
Installation Manual
RF Exposure Information
This radio is restricted to occupational/controlled applications where users have been made aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.
Antennas used for the radio must not exceed the antenna gain shown below for each transmit frequency range. The antenna must be installed at least or exceeding the minimum distance away from any person(s) depending on the transmit frequency.
Frequency Max Antenna Gain Min Distance
136 – 174 MHz 0 dBi 21 cm (8.3 in) 403 - 470 MHz 3 dBi 25 cm (9.9 in) 450 – 520 MHz 3 dBi 25 cm (9.9 in) 806 – 870 MHz 3 dBi 21 cm (8.3 in)
Transmit no more than 50 % of the time. Measurable RF energy exposure occurs only when transmitting.
Failure to observe these restrictions will result in exceeding the FCC RF exposure limits.
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1. Introduction
This section contains information relative to the physical, mechanical, and electrical characteristics of the Wulfsberg Electronics “2000” Family of Communications Systems.
2. Applicability
This manual applies only to the P-2000 panel mount transceiver, C-2000 control unit, and RT­2000 remote mount transceiver.
3. Equipment Description
The Wulfsberg “2000” family FM Communications System is a dual transceiver FM voice communications link between the aircraft and ground facilities. The system has not been designed by the manufacturer to be installed on Type Certificated aircraft. Installations on these type of aircraft are subject to applicable FAA regulations.
The “2000” family consists of the P-2000 panel mount transceiver and C-2000/RT-2000 control and remote mount transceiver.
A. P-2000 Panel Mount FM Communications Transceiver
The Wulfsberg P-2000 is a FM Tactical transceiver that incorporates one or two transceiver modules and control functions into a single panel mount unit. Part number variations of the unit exist for any combination of the following frequency bands: 138-174 MHz, 403-470 MHz, 450-520 MHz, and 806-870 MHz. Each transceiver module with the exception of the 806-870 MHz band can transmit with 1 or 10 Watts transmit power. The 800 MHz unit produces 1 and 3 watts transmit power. The P-2000 can operate by itself or in conjunction with the C-2000 control display acting as a remote slave control. Input voltage is 28 volts DC and the keypad is backlit from either 28VDC, 5 VDC or 5 VRMS AC.
The P-2000 transceiver is designed to be mounted in the instrument panel that will fit a standard DZUS mounting. Two connectors, a DB-25 and DB-15 accept all harness wiring on the rear of the P-2000, while two TNC type RF connector provides the antenna connection through conventional coaxial cables. For models containing one transceiver, only one antenna port is provided.
The P-2000 consists of functional subassemblies interconnected via standard connectors and ribbon cables. The case of the P-2000 is designed to be disassembled easily to expose most subassemblies or circuit modules for service. All adjustments to audio levels can be made via software and do not require the disassembly of the box. Internal test points are exposed and available to the service technician without having to remove circuit module subassemblies or use extender cables or cards.
The P-2000 is designed to be drop-in replacement for the C-962A/S Control unit for the Wulfsberg RT-9600/7200 transceiver systems also known as the ARC-513 with the exception of the 28 Volt input power. Due to increased 28 power requirements of the P-2000, wire size
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Installation Manual
on this input may need to be increased to 20 AWG. All other microphone inputs/headset outputs and backliting are compatible.
B. C-2000 Control Display Unit
The Wulfsberg C-2000 is a control display unit that can be used as a slave control head with a P-2000 panel mount transceiver, or as a primary or slave control head for the RT- 2000 remote transceiver. Versions of the C-2000 include black faceplate and options for either Standard or NVG compatible displays. Input voltage is 28 volts DC and the keypad is backlit from either 28 VDC, 5 VDC or 5 VRMS.
The C-2000 Control Display Unit is designed to be mounted in the instrument panel that will fit a standard DZUS mounting. Two connectors, a DB-25 and DB-15, accept all harness wiring on the rear of the P-2000.
Front panel controls establish and display the operating status of all RT-2000 or P-2000 functions when operating as a slave control unit.
C. RT-2000 Remote Mount FM Communications Transceiver
The Wulfsberg RT-2000 is a FM Tactical transceiver that incorporates one or two transceiver modules and control functions into a single panel mount unit. Part number variations of the unit exist for any combination of the following frequency bands: 138-174 MHz, 403-470 MHz, 450-520 MHz, and 806-870 MHz. Each transceiver module with the exception of the 806-870 MHz band can transmit with 1 or 10 Watts transmit power. The 800 MHz unit produces 1 and 3 watts transmit power. The RT-2000 is designed to be controlled by a C-2000 control display. Input voltage is 28 volts DC and the keypad is backlit from either 28VDC, 5 VDC or 5 VRMS AC.
The RT-2000 transceiver is designed to be mounted rack mounted. Two connectors, a DB­25 and DB-15 accept all harness wiring on the rear of the RT-2000, while two TNC type RF connector provides the antenna connection through conventional coaxial cables. For models containing one transceiver, only one antenna port is provided.
The RT-2000 consists of functional subassemblies interconnected via standard connectors and ribbon cables. The case of the RT-2000 is designed to be easily disassembled to expose most subassemblies or circuit modules for service. All adjustments to audio levels can be made via software and do not require the disassembly of the box. Internal test points are exposed and available to the service technician without having to remove circuit module subassemblies or use extender cables or cards.
The RT-2000 is designed to fit into a rack space equivalent with the Wulfsberg RT-9600 with exception of depth. The RT-2000 is only approximately 7 inches deep vs. the nearly 14 inch depth of the RT-9600.
Multiple C-2000’s can be used for multi-point control of the RT-2000.
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4. Technical Characteristics
A. P-2000 Panel Mount Transceiver
Certification FAA In Process (STC Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft) Software DO-170B Level D Environmental DO-160D
[(B4/F1)X]BAB[S/U]EXXXXXZZAZZ[J/F]M[XXC3]XXA FCC FRW-2000-(VHF,UHF-1,UHF-2, 800) Industry Canada TBD Emission Designator 156 – 158 MHz Part 80.379, 87.187(l), 16K0F3E 136 – 174 MHz Part 90.210, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1E, 8K0F1D 403 – 520 MHz Part 90.210, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E 806 – 870 MHz Part 90, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1E, 8K0F1D Altitude 51,000 feet ASL (15,545 meters) Temperature Range Operation Storage
-30°C to 60°C (-22°F to +140°F)
-55°C to 85°C (-67°F to +185°F) Cooling Internal Electric Fan Weight P-2000 (Single Transceiver) 3.10 lbs. Max. P-2000 (Dual Transceiver) 3.70 lbs. Max. Mounting Dzus Height 3.0 Inches max. Width 5.75 inches max. Depth 6.40 Inches max. (Not Including Connectors) Input Power Requirements Normal Voltage Range 22.0 to 30.2 VDC Abnormal Voltage Range 20.5 to 32.2 VDC Emergency Operation 18.0 VDC P-2000 (Single Transceiver) Receive 0.5 Amp Nominal. .75 Amp Max Transmit 2.5 Amp Nominal. 3.0 Amp Max. P-2000 (Dual Transceiver) Receive 0.5 Amp nominal. 1.0 Amp Max Transmit 3.0 Amp nominal. 4.0 Amp Max. P-2000 Panel Lighting 5 VDC, 5 Vrms and 28 VDC (Voltage Sense Only) Faceplate Colors Black or Grey Channel Memory 240/255/510 Depending on options Frequency Band P-2000/RT-2000 Any combination of one or two bands listed below 136-174 MHz, 136-174 MHz (NTIA Compliant) 403-470 MHz, 380-470 MHz 450-520 MHz
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806-870 MHz Channel Spacing 12.5 kHz, 20 kHz, 25 kHz
Receiver Specifications
Modes FM, P-25, P-25 Trunking, Motorola 3600 Baud Trunking Sensitivity Analog (12 dB SINAD) Better than .4 uV (-115 dBm) Digital (5% BER) Better than .4 uV (-115 dBm) Quieting Analog (20 dB SINAD) .6 uV (-111.5 dBm) Digital Not Applicable Selectivity Analog (12.5 kHz) -65 dB (NTIA Version: -70 dB) Analog (25.0 kHz) -70 dB (NTIA Version: -80 dB) Intermod Rejection Analog (12.5) -70 dB Analog (25.0) -70 dB Spurious Rejection Analog (12.5 kHz) -65 dB (NTIA Version: -70 dB) Analog (25.0 kHz) -70 dB (NTIA Version: -85 dB) Digital (5% BER) -70 dB (NTIA Version: -85 dB) Unwanted Emissions Narrow Band -60 dBm Wide Band -60 dBm Frequency Stability ± 1.5 PPM Audio Output Headset Out 100 mW Maximum into 600 ohms Normalized Out 1.75 VRMS into 10k Load External Speaker Out .9 VRMS into 10k Load Audio Distortion < 2% at Maximum Audio Output Hum and Noise Unsquelched <-40 dB Squelched <-50 dB
Transmitter Specifications
Duty Cycle 25% at Full Power, Continuous at reduced power. RF Power Output 10 Watt Hi, 1 Watt Lo (3/1 Watt 800 MHz Band Only) Frequency Stability ± 1.5 PPM Modulation Limiting:
12.5 kHz Channels ±2.5 kHz
20.0 kHz Channels ±4.0 kHz
25.0 kHz Channels +5.0 kHz Unwanted Emissions < -70 dBc (-70 dBc Harmonics, -85 dBC Spurious) Hum and Noise Narrow Band -42 dB Wide Band -48 dB Audio Response Dual Microphone .25 VMRS into 150 ohm Carbon or Carbon Equivalent Transmit Distortion < 2%. @ 1 kHz Sidetone Fidelity 6 dB max variation, 350 Hz to 2500 Hz
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Sidetone Output Adjustable 0 to –30 dB below rated output.
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B. C-2000 Control Display Unit
CHARACTERISTICS DESCRIPTION Certification FAA In Process (PMA/STC Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft) Software DO-170B Level D Environmental DO-160D
[(B4/F1)X]BAB[S/U]EXXXXXZZAZZ[J/F]M[XXC3]XXA FCC Part 15 Industry Canada Pending Altitude 51,000 feet ASL (15,545 meters) Temperature Range Operation Storage
-30°C to 60°C (-22°F to +140°F)
-55°C to 85°C (-67°F to +185°F) Cooling Internal Electric Fan Weight 2.00 lbs. Max. Mounting Dzus Overall Dimensions Height 3.0 Inches max. Width 5.75 inches max. Depth 6.40 inches max. (without Connectors) Input Power Requirements Normal Voltage Range 22.0 to 30.2 VDC Abnormal Voltage Range 20.5 to 32.2 VDC Emergency Operation 18.0 VDC Input Current 0.5 Amp nominal. 1.0 Amp Max Panel Lighting 5 VDC, 5 Vrms and 28 VDC (Voltage Sense Only) Faceplate Colors Black or Grey Display Options LCD Color or LCD Color with NVG compatibility Channel Memory 240/255/510 Depending on options Data Bus CAN Serial with Wulfsberg Proprietary Protocol
C. RT-2000 Remote Mount Transceiver
Certification FAA In Process (PMA/STC Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft) Software DO-170B Level D Environmental DO-160D
[(B4/F1)X]BAB[S/U]EXXXXXZZAZZ[J/F]M[XXC3]XXA FCC Pending FRW-2000-(VHF,UHF-1,UHF-2, 800) Industry Canada Pending Emission Designator 156 – 158 MHz Part 80.379, 87.187(l), 16K0F3E 136 – 174 MHz Part 90.210, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1E, 8K0F1D 403 – 520 MHz Part 90.210, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E 806 – 870 MHz Part 90, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1E, 8K0F1D Altitude 51,000 feet ASL (15,545 meters)
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Temperature Range Operation Storage
-30°C to 60°C (-22°F to +140°F)
-55°C to 85°C (-67°F to +185°F) Cooling Free air circulation Weight RT-2000 (Single Transceiver) 2.50 lbs. Max. RT-2000 (Dual Transceiver) 3.50 lbs. Max. Mounting Mounting Tray Overall Dimensions Height 3.0 inches max. Width 5.75 inches max. Length 7.49 inches max (without Connectors) Input Power Requirements Normal Voltage Range 22.0 to 30.2 VDC Abnormal Voltage Range 20.5 to 32.2 VDC Emergency Operation 18.0 VDC RT-2000 (Single Transceiver) Receive 0.5 Amp nominal. .75 Amp Max Transmit 2.5 Amp nominal. 3.0 Amp Max. RT-2000 (Dual Transceiver) Receive 0.5 Amp nominal. .75 Amp Max Transmit 3.0 Amp nominal. 4.0 Amp Max. Frequency Band P-2000/RT-2000 Any combination of one or bands listed below 136-174 MHz, 136-174 MHz (NTIA Compliant) 403-470 MHz, 380-470 MHz 450-520 MHz 806-870 MHz Data Bus CAN Serial with Wulfsberg Proprietary Protocol Encryption Options DES/DES-XL/DES-OFB/AES/DVP/DVI OTAR Options MDC1200 OTAR, P25 OTAR Trunking Options Smartzone, P25
Receiver Specifications
Modes FM, P-25, P-25 Trunking, Motorola 3600 Baud Trunking Sensitivity Analog (12 dB SINAD) Better than .4 uV (-115 dBm) Digital (5% BER) Better than .4 uV (-115 dBm) Quieting Analog (20 dB SINAD) .6 uV (-111.5 dBm) Digital Not Applicable Selectivity Analog (12.5 kHz) -65 dB (NTIA Version: -70 dB) Analog (25.0 kHz) -70 dB (NTIA Version: -80 dB) Intermod Rejection Analog (12.5) -70 dB Analog (25.0) -70 dB
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Spurious Rejection Analog (12.5 kHz) -65 dB (NTIA Version: -70 dB) Analog (25.0 kHz) -70 dB (NTIA Version: -85 dB) Digital (5% BER) -70 dB (NTIA Version: -85 dB) Unwanted Emissions Narrow Band -60 dBm Wide Band -60 dBm Frequency Stability ± 1.5 PPM Audio Output Headset Out 100 mW Maximum into 600 ohms Normalized Out 1.75 VRMS into 10k Load External Speaker Out .9 VRMS into 10k Load Audio Distortion < 2% at Maximum Audio Output Hum and Noise Unsquelched <-40 dB Squelched <-50 dB
Transmitter Specifications
Duty Cycle 25% at Full Power, Continuous at reduced power. RF Power Output 10 Watt Hi, 1 Watt Lo (3/1 Watt 800 MHz Band Only) Frequency Stability ± 1.5 PPM Modulation Limiting:
12.5 kHz Channels ±2.5 kHz
20.0 kHz Channels ±4.0 kHz
25.0 kHz Channels +5.0 kHz Unwanted Emissions < -70 dBc (-70 dBc Harmonics, -85 dBC Spurious) Hum and Noise Narrow Band -42 dB Wide Band -48 dB Audio Response Dual Microphone .25 VMRS into 150 ohm Carbon or Carbon Equivalent Transmit Distortion < 2%. @ 1 kHz Sidetone Fidelity 6 dB max variation, 350 Hz to 2500 Hz Sidetone Output Adjustable 0 to –30 dB below rated output.
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5. Available Configuration Variations
A. P-2000 Part Number Matrix
A: Major Hardware Version 1 = Initial Release B: Major Software Version 1 = Initial Release C: Reserved for future use (Always marked "0") D: Faceplate Option
1 = Black Face Plate 2 = Grey Face Plate E: Display Option
1 = Standard Display 2 = NVG Compatible Display
WWWW: ITM #1 Options
W W W W | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------Encryption | | |--Trunking 0 = none | | 1 = None 1 = DES(XL)/DES-OFB | | 2 = Motorola Smartnet(3600 Baud) 2 = DVP-XL | | 3 = Motorola SmartZone(3600 Baud) 3 = DVI-XL | | 4 = P25 4 = AES | | 5 = P25 and Motorola SmartZone
| |----Frequency Band | 1 = 136 - 174 MHz | 2 = 403 - 470 MHz | 3 = 450 - 520 MHz | 4 = 806 - 870 MHz | 5 = 136 - 174 MHz (NTIA Compliant) | 6 = 380 - 470 MHz |-----Reserved (Always marked "0")
XXXX: ITM #2 Options
X X X X | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------Encryption | | |--Trunking 0 = none | | 1 = None 1 = DES(XL)/DES-OFB | | 2 = Motorola Smartnet(3600 Baud) 2 = DVP-XL | | 3 = Motorola SmartZone(3600 Baud) 3 = DVI-XL | | 4 = P25 4 = AES | |----Frequency Band | 0 = None
| 1 = 136 - 174 MHz | 2 = 403 - 470 MHz | 3 = 450 - 520 MHz | 4 = 806 - 870 MHz | 5 = 136 - 174 MHz (NTIA Compliant)
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| 6 = 380 - 470 MHz |-----Reserved (Always marked "0")
B. C-2000 Part Number Matrix
A: Major Hardware Version
1 = Initial Release
B: Major Software Version
1 = Initial Release
C: Reserved for future use (Always marked "0") D: Faceplate Option
1 = Black Face Plate
2 = Grey Face Plate
E: Display Option
1 = Standard Display
2 = NVG Compatible Display
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C. RT-2000 Part Number Matrix
A: Major Hardware Version 1 = Initial Release B: Major Software Version 1 = Initial Release C: Reserved for future use (Always marked "0") D: Reserved for future use (Always marked “0”) E: Reserved for future use (Always marked “0”_ WWWW: ITM #1 Options W W W W | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------Encryption | | |--Trunking 0 = none | | 1 = None 1 = DES(XL)/DES-OFB | | 2 = Motorola Smartnet(3600 Baud) 2 = DVP-XL | | 3 = Motorola SmartZone(3600 Baud) 3 = DVI-XL | | 4 = P25 4 = AES | | 5 = P25 and Motorola SmartZone
| |----Frequency Band | 1 = 136 - 174 MHz | 2 = 403 - 470 MHz | 3 = 450 - 520 MHz | 4 = 806 - 870 MHz | 5 = 136 - 174 MHz (NTIA Compliant) | 6 = 380 - 470 MHz |-----Reserved (Always marked "0")
XXXX: ITM #2 Options
X X X X | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------Encryption | | |--Trunking 0 = none | | 1 = None 1 = DES(XL)/DES-OFB | | 2 = Motorola Smartnet(3600 Baud) 2 = DVP-XL | | 3 = Motorola SmartZone(3600 Baud) 3 = DVI-XL | | 4 = P25 4 = AES | |----Frequency Band | 0 = None
| 1 = 136 - 174 MHz | 2 = 403 - 470 MHz | 3 = 450 - 520 MHz | 4 = 806 - 870 MHz | 5 = 136 - 174 MHz (NTIA Compliant) | 6 = 380 - 470 MHz |-----Reserved (Always marked "0")
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