Wuhan Guide Sensmart IR510 N1, IR510 N1 WIFI, IR510 N2, IR510 N2 WIFI Quick Start Manual

A video output port is provided next to the USB interface at the bottom of the thermal imager, and will output the image of the thermal imager to an external monitor for display through the supplied the video cable. Simultaneously press "Image Mode Button + Zoom Button" to turn on the video output; in the video output status, there is a video output icon.
Cursor switch
Simultaneously press the “Image Mode Button + Brightness Button” to switch on/off the cursor.
Ther mal image rs shall not be p ointed to h igh­stre ngth ener gy sources (i ncludin g the Sun, lase r tran smittin g equipment s and their r eflection sour ces), whi ch otherwis e will have a n egative influ ence on its a ccuracy and d amage or perm anently d amage infra red detec tor of it.
When t he therma l imager will b e not used fo r a long t ime, char ge the therma l imager at l east 2.5 hour s every two m onths durin g the stora ge, and stor e the therm al imager in a dr y and well­vent ilated en vironment .
Huma n eyes shal l not be irradi ated by the l aser desi gnator of t he thermal im ager.
Do not c harge the b attery in an en vironme nt over 40.
Our company shall not bea r any le ga l responsibility for any mistake and accident caused b y own rea so ns or rea so ns of any third party i n th e course of using this pr od uc t by the user or pro pe rt y l os s and personal i nj ur y c au se d by misjudgment against images. We prepare t hi s guide with t he purpose of fa ci li ta ti ng us er s to use and understand our products. We wil l try ou r b es t t o ensure t he acc ur ac y of contents o f th is gui de , but we st il l cannot ensure the completeness of con te nt s of i t. Since we have been c on ti nu ou sl y updating and u pg ra di ng our products, we reserve the r ig ht to modify this guide a t a ny time without prior notice.
Statement This guide is applicable to the IR510 Nano series products, including the following four models. The differences are as follows,please carefully read this guide before using the thermal imager.
IR510 N1
IR510 N1 WI FI
IR510 N2
IR510 N2 WI FI
√ √
25mm (supports
expansion lens)
× ×
√ √
WUHAN GUIDE SENSMART TECH CO.,LTD.http://www.guideir.com
The thermal imager has three power states: Power On, Standby and Power Off
Power On: Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds, so that the thermal imager is turned on, and the startup screen appears on the eyepiece;
Standby: Manual standby: Press the power button to enter the
standby mode in the power-on status; Automatic standby: In the power-on status, if there is no button operation within five minutes, the automatic standby prompt will pop up; The automatic standby will be cancelled by any button operation during the standby prompt display; Cancel Standby: In the standby mode, press any button to cancel standby.
Power Off: Manual power off: Press and hold the power button for 2
seconds so that the thermal imager is powered off; Auto power off: In the standby state, if there is no button operation within 30 minutes (default), the thermal imager will automatically shut down.
Click to set five brightness levels of the image;
Ligh t/laser indi cator
Noti ce:This m odel is equip ped with a 25 mm extended
lens w hich can bl ock the laser e mission .
Zoom button
Click this button to enlarge the image by 2x and 4x in turns Freeze: Press and hold the button to freeze the current screen with the Frz icon appearing at the left upper corner of the screen. Press any button to retrieve the real-time screen.
Image enhance: Press and hold the button to set 5 enhancement levels of image.
Pres s and hold th e button to swi tch on/o ff t he light/la ser indic ator.
Click this button to switch the white hot mode, black hot mode and red hot mode;
White Hot Mode
Black Hot Mode
Red Hot Mode
WIFI switch
WiFi Connection
The th ermal ima ger can be conn ected by WI FI and mobile phon e, and most a ll function sexcept St artup and Shut downof its b uttons bein g control led remotel y by APP on mob ile phone. User s need to sea rch and downl oad “Ther mal Vi ewer” APP from a m obile phone a pplicat ion market, t hen open the APP, find th e WIFI “Handh eld-TI” a nd enter the pass word "123 45678". Onc e the conne ction is succ essful, u sers can oper ate the the rmal imager remo tely.
Before using the thermal imager for the first time, be sure to charge the thermal imager for at least three hours with the matched USB charger. During charging, please pull out the USB cover at the bottom of the thermal imager, insert the supplied USB charging cable, and engage the power to charge the battery. (Charging voltage is 5V)
During normal charging, the charge indication light will turn red;
When the charging is completed, the charge indication light will turn green.
The object with higher temperature shows in white or light gray; The object with higher temperature shows in black or dark gray; The object with higher temperature shows in red; Press and hold the “Image Mode Button” to switch on/off WIFI.
Diopter adjustment
The di opter adj ustment kno b is used to ad just the eyep iece diop ter in order to s uit users o f diff erent­leve l myopia.
When the thermal imager is turned on, the battery power identification is shown at the lower left corner of the screen. The lighted battery power identification shows the remaining battery power.
WUHAN GUIDE SENSMART TECH CO.,LTD.http://www.guideir.com
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