Subject to errors and modifications
5 The W&T USB Port Redirector .................................. 39
5.1 Overview ................................................................. 40
5.1.1 Port numbers ........................................................... 40
5.2 Installation/Deinstallation of the USB Redirector ......... 42
5.2.1 Installation from the product CD ............................... 42
5.2.2 Installation from download ....................................... 43
5.2.3 Uninstalling ............................................................. 43
5.3 The inventory list ..................................................... 44
5.3.1 Automatic inventory list creation ............................... 45
5.3.2 Manual entries in the configuration list ...................... 45
5.3.3 Saving and opening inventory lists ............................ 46
5.4 Using USB devices - Plug/Unplug .............................. 47
5.4.1 System response / conflict protection ....................... 47
5.4.2 Adding a USB device - Plug ....................................... 47
5.4.3 Closing a connection - Unplug .................................. 48
6 Web-Based-Management .......................................... 49
6.1 Starting and navigating the WBM ............................... 50
6.1.1 Navigation concept of the USB-Server ........................ 50
6.1.2 The Start page of the USB-Server ................................ 51
6.2 WBM - configuration sessions ................................... 52
6.3 WBM - Assigning passwords ...................................... 54
6.4 WBM - Network basic parameters ............................... 55
7 Appendix ................................................................ 59
7.1 Up- and downloading configuration data ................... 60
7.1.1 Up- and downloading the configuration using WBM .... 60
7.1.2 Up- and downloading using WuTility ......................... 61
7.2 Firmware update ...................................................... 62
7.2.1 Where is the current firmware available? ..................... 62
7.2.2 Firmware update under Windows ............................... 62
7.3 Resetting the USB-Server ........................................... 64
7.4 Reset to factory defaults ........................................... 65
7.4.1 Hardware reset to factory default settings .................. 65
7.4.2 Software reset to factory default settings ................... 65
7.5 Used ports and network security ............................... 66
7.6 Technical data ......................................................... 69
7.7 Licences .................................................................. 70
Index .......................................................................... 78