WPI LWCC-M-10, LWCC-M-100, LWCC-M-50 Instruction Manual

Instrumenting scientific ideas
Measure low volume samples with UV/VIS absorbance spectroscopy
Serial No._____________________
World Precision Instruments i
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
General Warnings and Cautions ........................................................................................... 2
INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 2
Parts List ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Unpacking ................................................................................................................................... 2
Hardware Description .............................................................................................................. 3
Required But Not Provided (see Accessories) .............................................................. 3
Assembly ............................................................................................................................... 3
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................................................... 4
Transmission Verication ........................................................................................................ 4
Noise Determination ................................................................................................................ 4
Refractive Index ......................................................................................................................... 4
Measuring in a Continuous Flow ........................................................................................... 5
Measuring Discrete Samples with WPI’s Injection System .............................................. 5
INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................... 6
Standard Cleaning .................................................................................................................... 6
Advanced Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 6
Storage ........................................................................................................................................ 7
ACCESSORIES................................................................................................................................... 7
TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................... 8
Typical Contamination Eects ................................................................................................ 8
Additional Information on Contamination .......................................................................... 9
SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 10
Related Patents .......................................................................................................................10
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................... 11
WARRANTY .....................................................................................................................................12
Claims and Returns ................................................................................................................12
Copyright © 2017 by World Precision Instruments, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or translated into any language, in any form, without prior written permission of World Precision Instruments, Inc.
ii World Precision Instruments
World Precision Instruments 1
The following symbols are used in this guide:
This symbol indicates a CAUTION. Cautions warn against actions that can cause damage to equipment. Please read these carefully.
This symbol indicates a WARNING. Warnings alert you to actions that can cause personal injury or pose a physical threat. Please read these carefully.
NOTES and TIPS contain helpful information.
Fig. 1—The LWCC-M is available with 10, 50 and 100mm pathlengths.
The Micro Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cell (WPI #LWCC-M-xxx) is a ber optic, low volume ow cell for UV/VIS/NIR absorbance analysis; xxx represents the pathlength in mm. The LWCC-M is available with 10mm, 50mm and 100mm pathlengths. Based on WPI’s established liquid core waveguide technology, the analyte solution functions as the core of a uid-lled light waveguide. Wetted parts in the sample cell light path are PEEK, fused silica and Teon. Optical bers are used to transport light to and from the sample cell. The cell can be used in biochemistry for DNA, RNA and protein quantication, colorimetric nutrient and trace metal analysis, drug discovery and dissolution testing,
process control and HPLC analysis.
Similar to optical bers, light is conned within the (liquid) core of an LWCC-M by total internal reection at the core/wall interface. Ultra-sensitive absorbance measurements can be performed in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) to detect
low sample concentrations in a laboratory or process control environment.
2 World Precision Instruments
General Warnings and Cautions
NOTE: Fluid pressure uctuation, cross-contamination and the introduction of small air
bubbles can cause baseline variations and measurement inaccuracies. Use the optional Sample Injector Kit (WPI #58006) or the LWCC Injection System (WPI #89372) to minimize the development of small air bubbles.
NOTE: WPI’s Waveguide Cleaning Kit (WPI #501609) is recommended for cleaning the LWCC-M between uses and sample runs.
Parts List
After unpacking, verify that there is no visible damage to the instrument. Verify that all
items are included: (1) LWCC-M (1) Instruction Manual (1) Quality Control documentation
Upon receipt of this instrument, make a thorough inspection of the contents and check
for possible damage. Missing cartons or obvious damage to cartons should be noted on the delivery receipt before signing. Concealed damage should be reported at once to the carrier and an inspection requested. Please read the section entitled “Claims and Returns” on page 13 of this manual. Please contact WPI Customer Service if any parts are missing at 941.371.1003 or customerservice@wpiinc.com.
Returns: Do not return any goods to WPI without obtaining prior approval (RMA # required) and instructions from WPI’s Returns Department. Goods returned
(unauthorized) by collect freight may be refused. If a return shipment is necessary, use the original container, if possible. If the original container is not available, use a suitable
substitute that is rigid and of adequate size. Wrap the instrument in paper or plastic surrounded with at least 100mm (four inches) of shock absorbing material. For further
details, please read the section entitled “Claims and Returns” on page 13 of this manual.
+ 14 hidden pages