Wound Up™
Welcome to Wound Up™! ............................4
Rider Weight Limits ..................................5
Intended Use of Fork .................................6
Necessary Tools .....................................7
Wound Up
™ Steerer Tube Diameters Are As Follows ......8
Tips for Installation ..................................9
Schematic 1: Overview - Upper .......................10
Schematic 2: Overview - Lower .......................11
Step 1: Install Crown Race ...........................12
Step 2: Measure/Mark Steerer Tube ....................14
Step 3: Prepare the Steerer Tube .......................16
Step 4: Cut the Steerer Tube ..........................18
Step 5a: Install the Star-Nut ..........................20
Step 5b: Install a Compression Plug ....................22
Step 6: Installing the Fork ............................24
Step 7: Installing the Front Wheel .....................26
Step 8: Installing the Front Brake ......................28
Final Inspection ....................................28
Care and Maintenance ...............................30
Ongoing Inspections ................................32
Wound Up Composites Warranty .....................34
Professional Installation Rebate Oer ..................36