Installation guide EN P04
Installationsvejledning DK P18
Asennusopas FIN P32
Installasjonsguide NOR P46
Monteringshandbok SV P60
In the box
MCharging base
4 Base fixing
9 Spare blades
(3 kits)
wire reel 180m
How to install your Landroid®M
The installation of the Landroid®M is easy. Depending on the size of your garden, the entire process only
takes a short amount of time. If your like us, you hate having to waste your precious free time mowing your
lawn. The Landroid
You can watch the installation demo video at
M will prove to be your best investment eliminating the need to mow your lawn ever
Wire pegs
Power Adaptor
Distance gauge
Owner’s manual
The Landroid®M loves to mow
It is designed to mow often, maintaining a healthier and better looking lawn than ever before. Depending on the
size of your lawn, the Landroid
is here to work for you.
M may be programmed to operate at any time or frequency with no restrictions. It
Operating costs
Worried about your electricity bill? Let’s do the math: if you let your Landroid®M work 12 hours a day, 3 days a
week, 25 weeks a year, your Landroid
what you would spend in petrol for your noisy, polluting petrol mower.
* Source:
M will cost you approximately £3 in electricity*. Yes, £3 a year. A fraction of
Hex key
From your shed
Programming and
trouble shooting
Landroid®M's new home - your garden
Let's start by having a closer look at Landroid®M's new home—your lawn—highlighting the areas where it
can safely go and areas it’s best for Landroid
M to avoid.
If there are roots emerging from the ground, this area should be
avoided in order not to damage the roots.
Obstacles that can be hit
When hitting any obstacle that’s rigid, stable and taller than
15cm—such as a wall or a fence—your Landroid
stop and re-direct away from the obstacle.
Stones that are heavy enough not to be moved by your
inclined surface that your Landroid
either remove it or exclude from the working area.
M can be safely hit. However, if any stone has an
M can climb, you should
M will simply
If your driveway is level with your lawn, without any protruding
surface, the Landroid
Boundary Wire and the driveway is needed.
If it’s covered with gravel, you should not allow the Landroid
to travel over it, using the distance gauge in this case, keeping a
35cm* space between the boundary wire and the driveway.
*This is the recommended distance, because the Landroid
cannot calculate the distance itself. Use the provided distance
gauge to ensure proper installation.
M to avoid it, then only a 10cm* space between the
M can freely run over it. If you'd like the
Flowerbeds, ponds, pools...
You certainly don’t want your Landroid®M to mow your flowers,
or fall into the water. These areas should be avoided.
Depressions and bumps
In the case of large bumps or dips, please consider if the blades
could touch the ground; if this is the case, either make the
inclines smoother or exclude those areas from your Landroid
35% (20°)
Your Landroid®M has the ability to safely climb slopes up to 35%
(20°), so just avoid anything steeper than this.
Marking out Landroid®M’s
territory within your garden
Your Landroid®M needs to know where to mow. This is why you have to mark its working area with a boundary wire
that will form an invisible fence. This wire will also guide your Landroid
If your neighbor also uses a Landroid
M, then you must keep a space of at least 3.5 metres between your Boundary
Wire and your neighbors.
Please be aware that your Landroid
M will not be able to
receive a signal from the Boundary Wire beyond the distance
of 18m.
First of all, locate the best spot for the charging base, taking
into account where your nearest outdoor electricity socket is.
The charging base has a 15m power cord.
NOTE: Make sure the transformer and the electrical socket are
kept in a dry area at all times.
M to its charging base.
If your lawn has two or more separate areas connected to each
other by means of a corridor, this should be at least 2 meters wide.
The charging base should be placed along a straight line-allow
2 meters at both the front and the back. If possible, place the
charging base in the shade-batteries are better recharged in a cool
If your lawns are not connected by a corridor that's wide enough,
then you'll have to pick your Landroid
lawn. Landroid
bring it back to the charging base when the battery runs out.
M will mow this lawn no problem, but you'll have to
M up and move it to the other
Make sure it is on a flat area, clear of any obstacles.
An island is an area that sits inside your lawn where you don't
want Landroid
mowing boundary, goes straight to the island, around it and
back to the boundary as shown by the arrows on the picture.
M to go. The boundary wire starts from the
In the case of two islands that are close to each other, it would be
convenient to lay out the wire as illustrated above.
The Landroid
between the islands and the mowing boundary.
M can travel freely over the boundary wire in
A forbidden area that's close to the mowing boundary should
be a part of the boundary itself, as shown in the picture.
Pegging your boundary wire
We recommend that you first mow the lawn where the wire is to be laid using a normal lawn mower or a
grass trimmer. This ensures that the wire is laid as close to the ground as possible so the Landroid
accidentally cut the wire. The boundary wire is powered with a very low voltage so that it is totally safe to human
beings and pets.
M does not
Place the Charging Base in its designated spot, without fixing it
permanently. The “IN” arrow should be oriented so that it indicates
the inside of your lawn.
When laying the boundary wire,
use the distance gauge to keep a
35cm* space between the wire
and the boundary. However, in
the case of an obstacle that is
level with ground and safe for the
driveway or sidewalk, then only a
10cm* space is needed.
Each wire peg should be placed
around 80cm apart
Knock the wire pegs tight to
the ground with the help of the
hammer, although avoid putting
too much pressure on the wire.
Keep the boundary wire straight
and tight between the pegs, there
should not be any slack wire.
* This is the recommended
distance. Use the provided
distance gauge to ensure proper
M to run over, such as a
Feed the boundary wire through the tunnel underneath the
charging base.
Ensure the Boundary Wire is perfectly straight in each corner.
Leaving about 1 meter in length of extra wire, start from the
rear of your charging base and begin pegging the wire along
the boundary. When you’ve finished laying the wire along the
boundary back to the charging base, leave another meter of
extra wire and then cut it.
When making an island with the boundary wire, follow the path as
shown. The wire should run from the perimeter to outline the defined
island and then return back to the perimeter. The boundary wire in
between the island and perimeter should be laid close together
and held in place by the same wire peg. During operation, the
M will be able to freely pass over this part of the wire.
Connect the base to the boundary wire
Cut the end of the wire to a length that’s appropriate convenient
for reaching the clamps.
Strip the two ends of the wire.
You can now permanently fix the charging base on the ground
by tightening the supplied Base Fixing Nails with the supplied
Hex key.
NOTE: Make sure the IN-wire is running straight through
the tunnel underneath the charging base.
Connect the power cord to the adaptor and then to the AC
electrical socket, the LED on the charging base will turn on. If
the LED is off, please refer to the Trouble shooting guide.When
connecting, align the notch on the power cord connector (a)
with the groove on the adaptor connector (b).
Make sure to only screw or unscrew the highlighted piece of
the connector.
If the green light does not come on, then check the power
In case the power cord is within the working area, you may bury
it as needed.
When connecting to the charging base there will be an IN-wire
and an OUT-wire, as shown.
Connect the IN-wire to the red clamp of the charging base and
the OUT-wire to the black clamp.
Then close the cover.
Turn on and test the installation
This is the exciting part where you can turn your Landroid®M on for the first time.
Place your Landroid®M inside the
working area, a few meters from
the back of the charging base.
M when you want it to go to work by using the keypad
Press and hold down the
Power ON/OFF
the Landroid
key until
M turns on.
Having finished the installation, it is now time to program the Landroid
display shown below. Please refer to the Programming and Troubleshooting Guide included in the packaging.
Wed. 6-8-2012
7:00am ~ 12:00am
Open the control panel cover,
press the key and close
the control panel cover: your
find its way to the charging base.
Watch the Landroid
M will now
M as
it returns to the charging
base and modify the
positioning of the boundary
wire if necessary. When the
M successfully
returns to the charging base,
this means the installation has
been successfully completed!
Now your Landroid
M will
start to fully charge.
Ready to go?
The Landroid®M is designed for maintaining your grass at a perfect length during the season, but is not designed for deforesting a jungle.
Before starting it for the first time,
1. You should mow your lawn to the desired height.
NOTE: If your Landroid
M is in the charging base during a time you have programmed it to mow, press STOP then simply
2. Make sure the operating area is clear from objects such as toys and branches...
press the Start button to proceed with mowing.
• If your Landroid®M
is outside its territory,
it will not move and
the display will indicate
”out of cutting area”
error. Just move it inside
its territory and repeat
step 2.
• If your
inside its territory but
the display says “out of
cutting area” and the
LED is on, it means you
clamped the boundary
wire ends incorrectly.
Just reverse them.
• Your Landroid®M should
always remain switched
on. If you ever need to
turn it off, then make sure
you place it within its
boundary area before you
switching it back on again.
NOTE: Please refer to the Programming and Troubleshooting Guide for more information.
• Should your
M stop
operating unexpectedly,
just press its ON/OFF
key to ON, correct the
problems, press Start
3. Adjust the cutting height to its maximum level for the first mow and then adjust to your preferred lawn grass height.
Next Spring, let your Landroid
M start mowing early, when the grass is still short, so that you can avoid a preliminary grass cut.
Keep it sharp
Always wear gloves when adjusting the blades.
The Landroid
spin in both directions for maximum cutting capacity. Each blade of your Landroid
edges. Depending on the frequency the Landroid
to be flipped/rotated periodically for a new cutting edge. If your Landroid
the lawn every day then the cutting blades will need to be rotated monthly for the best mowing
results. Each cutting blade will last up to 4 months when it is programmed to mow every day. When
the cutting blades are dull and worn out, they should be replaced with the spare blades provided with
your Landroid
M does not cut grass like other mowers. Its Blades are razor sharp on all 4 edges and
M has 4 cutting
M mows your lawn, the cutting blades will need
M is programmed to mow
M. Spare blades are also available at your nearest WORX retailer.
Your Landroid®M is engineered and built to stay outdoors regardless of adverse conditions. Just
periodically clean its deck from grass clipping build ups and your Landroid
trouble-free, year after year, season after season.
M will mow for you
Winter storage
Even though it is tough, we would recommend that you store your Landroid®M in your shed or garage
during the Winter. Before storing it, give your Landroid
from damage. You can then disconnect the plug of the charging base. A good tip to prolong the life of
the battery is to periodically re-charge it during the Winter. We'd also suggest that you cover the base
with a nylon sheet in Winter time.
M a full recharge that will preserve its battery
Your Landroid®M is safe to human beings and pets. First of all, there’s a large clearance between the
outer border of the machine and the blades. Moreover, the tilt sensors will instantly stop the blades if
the unit is lifted from the ground.
Your Landroid®M is protected by a PIN code. This PIN code prevents unauthorised people from being
able to use it. Once it’s taken outside its territory, it will not be possible to re-start it by anyone who
does not know the PIN code. This also means that you will not be able to start your Landroid
you forget your PIN code! We strongly recommend that you write your PIN code here for future
reference. Even better, register your Landroid
PIN code there. You'll be able to access your PIN code online any time.
M online at and record your
M if
Write your PIN code here:
I kassen
4 Pløkker til
9 Ekstra
klinger (3 sæt)
Rulle til grænsekabel
Sådan kommer du i gang med din
200 Pløkker til
Installationen af din Landroid®M er let. Afhængig af størrelsen af din have, tager hele processeen kun et kort stykke
tid. Hvis du ligesom os hader at spilde din kostbare tid med at slå græs. Vil Landroid
investering, der eliminerer behovet for at slå græsset igen.
Du kan seen demo video på
M vise sig at være din bedste
El-ledning med ac/
dc transformer
Afstandsmåler til
Landroid®M elsker at slå græs
Den er designet til at slå græs ofte, for at vedligeholde en sundere og bedre udseende plæne end nogensinde før.
Afhængig af størrelsen af din plæne, kan Landroid
nogen restiktioner. Den er her for at arbejde for dig.
M programmeres til at operere til enhver tid eller frekvens uden
Bekymrer du dig for elregningen? Lad os regne lidt på det: Hvis du lader din Landroid®M køre i 12 timer hver dag, 3
dage om ugen i 25 uger om året, så vil din Landroid
en brøkdel af, hvad du ville bruge på benzin til din larmende og forurenende benzingræsslåmaskine.
* Kilde:
M koste ca. 3.7€ i elektricitet*. Ja, kun 3.7€ om året. Det er kun
Fra dit skur
En saksEn hammer
Programmering og
Din Landroid®M's nye hjem – din have
Lad os starte med et kik på din
s nye hjem – din have – her skal du finde de områder, hvor den
sikkert kan køre, og de områder, som helt skal undgås.
Men hvis træets rødder stikker op ad jorden, bedes du
undgå disse områder, da du ikke ønsker at ødelægge
Forhindringer som kan rammes
Hvis din Landroid®M rammer genstande, som er solide, stabile
og højere end 15cm - såsom en væg eller et hegn - vil den blot
stoppe og dreje væk fra genstanden.
Din Landroid®M kan sikker køre mod en sten, som er for stor til at
den kan flytte den. Men hvis stenen har en skrå overflade, som
din Landroid
den helt fra området.
M kan køre op ad, skal du flytte stenen eller fjerne
Hvis din indkørsel er plan med græsplænen, og der ikke stikker
noget op mellem dem, kan du Landroid
uden problemer. Hvis du ønsker at Landoid skal undgå det. Så
berhøves der kun 10cm* afstand imellem grænsekablet og
Hvis indkørslen er grusbelagt, må din Landroid
den, holdende en 35cm* afstand imellem grænsekablet og
* Dette er den anbefalede afstand. Brug afstandsmåleren, som
følger med, så du sikre en ordentlig opsætning.
M køre over den
M ikke køre over
Blomsterbed, kær, swimmingpools…
Du vil nok helst ikke have, at din Landroid®M køre over din
blomster eller køre i vandet. Så disse områder skal undgås.
Fordybninger og bump
Hvis der er større bump eller fordybninger, skal du vurdere om
klingerne kan nå jorden. Hvis dette ikke er tilfældet, skal du enten
udjævne overfladen eller udeluk området.
35% (20°)
Din Landroid®M er i stand til at køre op ad bakker op til 20°, så du
skal blot undgå stejlere bakker end disse.
Afmærkning af græsområdet,
som skal slås i din have
Din Landroid®M skal vide hvor den skal slå græsset. Det er derfor du skal afmærke dens arbejdsområde ved
brug af grænsekablet, som laver et form for usynligt hegn. Dette kabel leder også din Landroid
Hvis din nabo også bruger en Landroid
M, skal der være en afstand på mindst 3,5m mellem din nabos og dit
eget grænsekabel.
Du bedes venligst være opmærksom på, at din Landroid
ikke er i stand til at modtage et signal fra grænsekablet ud
over 18m.
Du skal først finde det bedste sted til opladestationen, og tag i
betragtning hvor din nærmeste stikkontakt er. Opladestationen
kommer med en 15m lang el-ledning.
BEMÆRK: Forvis dig om at transformeren og det elektriske
stik altid holdes på et tørt sted.
M til dens
Hvis din græsplæne flere separate områder, som er forbundet
med en gang, skal denne gang være mindst 2 meter bred.
Opladestationen skal være på en lige linje – sørg for, at der
er mindst 2 meter til hver sin side. Hvis muligt, skal du stille
opladestationen i skyggen – batterier oplades bedre, når de er
på et køligt sted.
Hvis gangen ikke er bred nok, så bliver du nød til, at flytte din
denne græsplane, men du skal flytte den tilbage til opladestationen
når batteriet er fladt.
M mellem græsplænerne. Din Landroid®M kan godt slå
Sørg for, at det er på et plan område, og fri for forhindringer.
En ø er et område på midten af din græsplæne, hvor du ikke
ønsker at din Landroid
slågrænsen, og går lige til ø’en, rundt om den og tilbage til
grænsen, som vist med pilene på billedet.
M skal køre. Grænsekablet starter fra
Hvis ud har to øer, som ligger tæt på hinanden, anbefaler vi at du
ligger kablet som vist nedenfor.
Din Landroid
M kan frit køre over grænsekablet mellem øerne og
Et forbudt område, der er tæt på slå grænsen skal være en del
af grænsen i sig selv, som vist på billedet.
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