World Precision Instruments PUL-1000 Instruction Manual

Instrumenting scientific ideas
Microprocessor-controlled 4-Step Micropipette Puller
Serial No._____________________
World Precision Instruments iii
QUICK START .................................................................................................................................. IV
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
Features....................................................................................................................................... 2
Parts List ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Unpacking ................................................................................................................................... 3
INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 3
Program Sequence ................................................................................................................... 5
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................................................... 5
Load the Glass in the Carriages ....................................................................................... 5
Program Run Sequence ..................................................................................................... 6
Programs ............................................................................................................................... 6
Program Parameters .......................................................................................................... 7
Glass Capillary Softening Test ................................................................................................ 8
MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................ 9
Replacing a Filament ................................................................................................................ 9
Choosing a Filament ............................................................................................................... 10
SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 10
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................11
APPENDIX A: EXAMPLE SEQUENCES ......................................................................................12
My Sequences ..........................................................................................................................12
WARRANTY .....................................................................................................................................15
Claims and Returns ................................................................................................................15
Repairs ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Copyright © 2018 by World Precision Instruments. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or translated into any language, in any form, without prior written permission of World Precision Instruments, Inc.
iv World Precision Instruments
1. Push the carriages together toward the center.
2. Mount the glass capillary onto the carriage, and secure it with the glass
3. On the LCD display, choose the correct sequence. If you do not have a
sequence yet, choose one from the program storage.
NOTE: Program sequence 00 is designed for OD 1.0mm borosilicate
capillary glass (WPI# 1B100-4), and sequence 01 is designed for OD 1.14mm
borosilicate capillary glass (WPI# 4878).
4. Close the cover.
5. Press START, and the puller will do the rest. Each pull results in two
identical micropipettes.
World Precision Instruments 1
The following symbols are used in this guide:
This symbol indicates a CAUTION. Cautions warn against actions that can cause damage to equipment. Please read these carefully.
This symbol indicates a WARNING. Warnings alert you to actions that can cause personal injury or pose a physical threat. Please read these carefully.
NOTES and TIPS contain helpful information.
Fig. 1 The PUL-1000 is programmable.
PUL-1000 is a microprocessor controlled, four-stage, horizontal puller for making glass micropipettes or microelectrodes used in intracellular recording, patch clamp, microperfusion and microinjection. The puller was designed with tight mechanical
specications and precision electronics for complete control of the pulling process and accurate reproducibility. It oers programmable sequences of up to four steps
with heating, force, movement and cooling time. This allows graduated cycles for a variety of applications.
NOTE: This is not a production puller designed for continual Use. If the puller stops in the middle of a pull, allow time for it to cool down.
2 World Precision Instruments
When pulling glass tips ner that 1 um, you should rst wash the glass capillaries in ltered acetone (or ltered distilled water and ltered 95% alcohol) then allow the uids to evaporate in a clean dust free environment. This assures that submicron
tips are not immediately clogged with glass particles from the manufacturing of the capillaries.
A glass capillary is heated by a platinum/iridium lament and pulled by a controlled
force. The PUL-1000 is capable of producing a vast array of pipette shapes.
Pipettes–PUL-1000 can produce pipettes with tip diameters from less than 0.1µm to 10+ µm. Microprocessor settings control the pulling automatically.
Pulling pipettes is an art, and reliable results depend on factors like the operating environment, the type of glass used and your technique. Understanding how the puller works is critical to manufacturing the pipettes you want. Glass capillaries
can even be slightly dierent for every lot. Each time you open a new vial of glass
capillaries, recalibrate the puller heat parameters for the new glass.
Programming–The settings for a 4-stage pull may be stored in memory. Up to 95 user-selectable programs can be permanently be stored in memory for later recall. The instrument contains two factory installed and tested programs. Choose from the factory installed programs or create your own.
Construction–The cover of the pulling chamber is made with tempered glass to
minimize the eects of humidity and air currents on the reproducibility of pulled
Power Supply–PUL-1000 has a switching power supply for use anywhere in the
world without worry about the line voltage dierences. Pulling reproducibility is unaected by line voltage uctuation. Heating voltage can be controlled to within 0.1% accuracy even when line voltage uctuates from 100–240VAC.
Microprocessor controlled
Program sequences up to four pulling steps
Produce micropipettes with a tip diameter less than 0.1µm or greater than 10µm
Store up to 95 programs in memory
Two factory programs installed
Tempered glass cover reduces the eects of humidity and air currents on puller reproducibility
Switchable power supply for any line voltage 100–240VAC ensures that line
voltage uctuations don’t aect reproducibility
Parts List
After unpacking, verify that there is no visible damage to the instrument. Verify that all items are included: (1) PUL-1000 Puller (1) TW100-4 - Thin Wall Glass Capillaries, 4 in., 1 / 0.75 OD/ID, package of 500 (1) MF34G-5 package of MicroFil (1) Instruction Manual
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