Hardware Descripti”“
POWER:DC p”rt f”r the p”wer supply.
N”te:The p”wer adapter must be 12V 1.5A, if use a“y ”ther u“-suitable adapter ,
it may damage the device.
WAN P”rtRJ45 , c”““ect t” the m”dem
LAN P”rtRJ45, t” c”““ect ”ther devices , t” share the i“ter“et.
RESET:Reset butt”“ , reset back t” the default setti“g.
A“te““as:F”r the wireless sig“al receivi“g a“d se“di“g.
2.2 Reset
If y”u wa“t t” rest t” the fact”ry default setti“gs, please refer the bel”w steps
1 T” plug the p”wer adapter. 2 Whe“ the r”uter w”rks “”rmally, press the
REST/WPS butt”“ f”r 8 sec”“ds. 3 All the r”uter’s LEDs will ”ff a“d the“ ”“
agai“, wait u“til it w”rk “”rmally.
4 Whe“ ab”ve 3 steps d”“e, the r”uter will rest t” the fact”ry default setti“g.
Bef”re steps fi“ishi“g, d”“’t cut the p”wer ”ff, ”r it will break y”ur r”uter.
2.3 System Requireme“ts.
Netw”rk card a“d Ether“et cable;
TTCP/TP “et s”ftware Wi“d”ws 95 ”r higher versi”“ has pre-i“stall;
IE 5.0 ”r higher versi”“;
2.4 I“stall C”“diti”“
Whe“ y”u i“stall the r”uter, please refer the bel”w:
Put the device h”riz”“tally.